CAlpgenPar | |
CAlphaEM | |
CAlphaStrong | |
CAlphaSUN | |
CAmpCalculator | Calculator class for amplitudes, antennae, and Breit-Wigners |
CAmpWrapper | Class to contain an amplitude and two outgoing polarizations |
►CAntennaFunction | |
►CAntennaFunctionIX | |
►CAntennaFunctionIF | |
►CAntGGEmitIF | Class AntGGEmitIF, initial-final antenna function |
CAntGGEmitIFsec | Class AntGGEmitIFsec, sector initial-final antenna function |
CAntGQEmitIF | Class AntGQEmitIF, initial-final antenna function |
CAntGXConvIF | |
►CAntQGEmitIF | Class AntQGEmitIF, initial-final antenna function |
►CAntQGEmitIFsec | |
CAntQGEmitRFsec | Class AntQGEmitRF, resonance-final antenna function |
CAntQGEmitRF | Class AntQGEmitRF, resonance-final antenna function |
►CAntQQEmitIF | Class AntQQEmitIF, initial-final antenna function |
CAntQQEmitRF | Class AntQQEmitRF, resonance-final antenna function |
CAntQXConvIF | |
►CAntXGSplitIF | |
►CAntXGSplitIFsec | |
CAntXGSplitRFsec | Class AntXGSplitRF, resonance-final antenna function |
CAntXGSplitRF | Class AntXGSplitRF, resonance-final antenna function |
CAntGGEmitII | Class AntGGEmitII, initial-initial antenna function |
CAntGQEmitII | Class AntGQEmitII, initial-initial antenna function |
CAntGXConvII | |
CAntQQEmitII | Class AntQQEmitII, initial-initial antenna function |
CAntQXConvII | |
►CAntGGEmitFF | Class AntGQEmitFF, final-final antenna function |
CAntGGEmitFFsec | |
►CAntGXSplitFF | Class AntGXSplitFF, final-final antenna function |
CAntGXSplitFFsec | |
►CAntQGEmitFF | Class AntQGEmitFF, final-final antenna function |
CAntGQEmitFF | Class AntGQEmitFF, final-final antenna function |
►CAntQGEmitFFsec | |
CAntGQEmitFFsec | |
►CAntQQEmitFF | Class AntQQEmitFF, final-final antenna function |
CAntQQEmitFFsec | |
CAntennaSetFSR | The AntennaSetFSR class. Simple container of FF and RF antenna functions |
CAntennaSetISR | The AntennaSetISR class. Simple container of II and IF antenna functions |
CAntWrapper | Class to contain an antenna function and two outgoing polarizations |
CBeamDipole | Purely internal to reconnectMPIs |
CBeamShape | Base class to set beam momentum and interaction spot spread |
CBoseEinsteinHadron | Simple container for studied hadrons |
CBranchElementalISR | The BranchElementalISR class, container for 2 -> 3 trial branchings |
►CBrancher | |
CBrancherEmitFF | Class BrancherEmitFF, branch elemental for 2->3 gluon emissions |
►CBrancherRF | BrancherRF base class for resonance-final antennae |
CBrancherEmitRF | |
CBrancherSplitRF | |
CBrancherSplitFF | Class BrancherSplitFF, branch elemental for 2->3 gluon splittings |
CCellJet | |
CClustering | |
CClusterJet | |
CColConfig | Describes the colour configuration of the whole event |
CColourDipole | |
CColourFlow | |
CColourStructure | Storage device for containing colour structure of hard process |
CColourTracing | ColourTracing class. It is used to trace colours within the event record |
CColSinglet | |
CColState | The ColState class |
CCombineMatchingInput | |
CCoupSM | |
CCoupSUSY | |
Ccreate_unordered_map< T, U > | |
Ccreatemap< T, U > | |
Ccreatevector< T > | |
CDecayChannel | This class holds info on a single decay channel |
CDecayHandler | |
CDGLAP | A class containing DGLAP splitting functions for limit checking |
CDireClustering | |
CDireColChains | Container for multiple color chains |
CDireDebugInfo | |
CDireEventInfo | |
►CDireFunction | |
CDireCouplFunction | Helper class for setEffectiveScales |
CDireHistory | |
CDireHooks | Hooks is base class for user access to program execution |
CDireInfo | |
CDirePSWeight | Container for a single weight with auxiliary information |
CDireRootFinder | |
CDireSingleColChain | Definition of color chains |
CDireSpaceEnd | Data on radiating dipole ends, only used inside DireSpace |
CDireSplitInfo | |
CDireSplitKinematics | |
CDireSplitParticle | |
►CDireSplitting | |
►CDireSplittingQCD | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2GG1 | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2GG2 | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2GG_notPartial | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2GGG | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2Gqqbar | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ1 | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ2 | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ_notPartial | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_Q2GQ | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_Q2QbarQQId | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_Q2QG | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_Q2QG_notPartial | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_Q2QGG | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_Q2Qqqbar | |
CDire_fsr_qcd_Q2qQqbarDist | |
CDire_isr_qcd_G2GG1 | |
CDire_isr_qcd_G2GG2 | |
CDire_isr_qcd_G2QQ | |
CDire_isr_qcd_Q2GQ | |
CDire_isr_qcd_Q2QbarQQId | |
CDire_isr_qcd_Q2QG | |
CDire_isr_qcd_Q2qQqbarDist | Class inheriting from SplittingQCD class |
►CDireSplittingEW | |
CDire_fsr_ew_H2AA | |
CDire_fsr_ew_H2GG | |
CDire_fsr_ew_H2WW | |
CDire_fsr_ew_Q2QZ | |
CDire_fsr_ew_Q2ZQ | |
CDire_fsr_ew_W2QQ1 | |
CDire_fsr_ew_W2QQ2 | |
CDire_fsr_ew_W2WA | |
CDire_fsr_ew_Z2QQ1 | |
CDire_fsr_ew_Z2QQ2 | |
CDire_isr_ew_Q2QZ | |
►CDireSplittingQED | |
CDire_fsr_qed_A2FF | |
CDire_fsr_qed_L2AL | |
CDire_fsr_qed_L2LA | |
CDire_fsr_qed_L2LA_notPartial | |
CDire_fsr_qed_Q2AQ | |
CDire_fsr_qed_Q2QA | |
CDire_fsr_qed_Q2QA_notPartial | |
CDire_isr_qed_A2LL | |
CDire_isr_qed_A2QQ | |
CDire_isr_qed_L2AL | |
CDire_isr_qed_L2LA | |
CDire_isr_qed_Q2AQ | |
CDire_isr_qed_Q2QA | |
►CDireSplittingU1new | |
►CDire_fsr_u1new_A2FF | |
CDire_fsr_u1new_A2SS | |
CDire_fsr_u1new_L2AL | |
CDire_fsr_u1new_L2LA | |
CDire_fsr_u1new_Q2AQ | |
CDire_fsr_u1new_Q2QA | |
CDire_isr_u1new_A2LL | |
CDire_isr_u1new_A2QQ | |
CDire_isr_u1new_L2AL | |
CDire_isr_u1new_L2LA | |
CDire_isr_u1new_Q2AQ | |
CDire_isr_u1new_Q2QA | |
CDireSplittingLibrary | |
CDireTimesEnd | Data on radiating dipole ends; only used inside DireTimes class |
CDireWeightContainer | Container for all shower weights, including handling |
CDummyForStreams | Dummy to avoid harmless compiler warning that Streams.o has no symbols |
CSusyLesHouches::Entry | Class for SLHA data entry |
CEvent | Holds all info on the generated event |
CEventHeader | Event header struct |
CEventInfo | Class for storing Events and Info objects |
CEvents | Old event struct |
CEvents2 | New events struct |
CEvolutionWindow | Helper struct for passing trial-alphaS information |
CEvtGenDecays | |
►CEvtRandomEngine | |
CEvtGenRandom | A class to wrap the Pythia random number generator for use by EvtGen |
►CEWAntenna | Base class for an electroweak antenna |
►CEWAntennaFF | Final-final electroweak antenna |
CEWAntennaFFres | Final-final electroweak resonance antenna |
CEWAntennaII | Initial-initial electroweak antenna |
CEWBranching | Class that contains an electroweak branching |
CEWParticle | Simple class to save information about particles |
CEWParticleData | Locally saved particle data in glorified map |
CEWSystem | Class that performs electroweak showers in a single parton system |
CExc | |
►Cexception | |
►CPythia8ToHepMCException | Base exception for all exceptions that Pythia8ToHepMC might throw |
CPartonEndVertexException | Exception thrown when an undecayed parton is written into the record |
►CExternalMEs | Base class for external matrix-element interfaces |
CExternalMEsMadgraph | External matrix element class specifically for MadGraph |
CFlag | Class for bool flags |
CFlavContainer | |
CFVec | Class for vector of bool flags |
CGammaMatrix | |
►CHardProcess | |
CDireHardProcess | |
CVinciaHardProcess | Container for the hard process used in Vincia merging |
CHardProcessParticle | |
CHardProcessParticleList | List of hard particles |
Chash< pair< T1, T2 > > | |
►CHelicityMatrixElement | The helicity matrix element class |
CHMEHiggs2TwoFermions | Helicity matrix element for the decay of a Higgs -> two fermions |
►CHMETauDecay | Base class for all tau decay helicity matrix elements |
CHMETau2FivePions | Helicity matrix element for a tau decaying into five pions |
CHMETau2FourPions | Helicity matrix element for a tau decay into four pions |
CHMETau2Meson | Helicity matrix element for a tau decaying into a single scalar meson |
CHMETau2PhaseSpace | Helicity matrix element for a tau decay into flat phase space |
►CHMETau2ThreeMesons | Helicity matrix element for a tau decay into three mesons (base class) |
CHMETau2ThreeMesonsGeneric | Helicity matrix element for a tau decay into generic three mesons |
CHMETau2ThreeMesonsWithKaons | Helicity matrix element for a tau decay into three mesons with kaons |
CHMETau2ThreePions | Helicity matrix element for a tau decay into three pions |
CHMETau2TwoLeptons | Helicity matrix element for a tau decaying into two leptons |
CHMETau2TwoMesonsViaVector | |
CHMETau2TwoMesonsViaVectorScalar | |
CHMETau2TwoPionsGamma | Helicity matrix element for a tau decay into two pions and a photon |
CHMETwoFermions2GammaZ2TwoFermions | |
CHMETwoFermions2W2TwoFermions | |
CHMETwoGammas2TwoFermions | |
►CHMEX2TwoFermions | Helicity matrix element for the hard process of X -> two fermions |
CHMEGamma2TwoFermions | Helicity matrix element for the hard process of photon -> two fermions |
CHMEW2TwoFermions | Helicity matrix element for the hard process of W/W' -> two fermions |
CHMEZ2TwoFermions | Helicity matrix element for the hard process of Z/Z' -> two fermions |
CHelicitySampler | A helicity sampler using external matrix elements |
CHIInfo | |
CHist | |
CHistory | |
CHistoryNode | Class for a single step in the history of a process |
CHistPlot | |
CHIUserHooks | |
CHungarianAlgorithm | |
CHVcols | Stores Hidden Valley colours for HV-coloured particles |
CImpactParameterGenerator | |
CInBeam | InBeam is a simple helper class for partons and their flux in a beam |
CMergingHooks::IndividualWeights | Struct to save individual weights |
CInfo | |
CInfoGluonMove | Purely internal to reconnectMove |
CInPair | InPair is a simple helper class for colliding parton pairs and their flux |
►CIO_BaseClass | |
►CPythia8ToHepMC | The Pythia8ToHepMC class |
CPythia8ToHepMC | |
►CJunction | |
CColourJunction | |
CLHAgenerator | Collect generator information for an event file |
CLHAinitrwgt | The LHAinitrwgt assigns a group-name to a set of LHAweightgroup objects |
CLHAParticle | A class for the particles stored in LHAup |
CLHAPDFInfo | Simple structure to hold LHAPDF set information |
CLHAProcess | A class for the processes stored in LHAup |
CLHArwgt | The LHArwgt assigns a group-name to a set of LHAwgt objects |
CLHAscales | Collect different scales relevant for an event |
►CLHAup | |
CLHAupAlpgen | |
►CLHAupFortran | |
CLHAupPowheg | |
CLHAupFromPYTHIA8 | A derived class with information read from PYTHIA 8 itself, for output |
CLHAupH5 | |
CLHAupH5v2 | |
CLHAupHelaconia | A derived class from LHAup which generates events with HelacOnia |
CLHAupLHEF | A derived class with information read from a Les Houches Event File |
CLHAupMadgraph | A derived class from LHAup which generates events with MadGraph 5 |
CLHEF3FromPythia8 | |
CLHAweight | Collect the wgt information |
CLHAweightgroup | The LHAweightgroup assigns a group-name to a set of LHAweight objects |
CLHAweights | The LHAweights struct represents the information in a weights tag |
CLHAwgt | Collect the wgt information |
CLHblock< T > | ************************* SLHA AUX CLASSES *****************************/// |
CLHblock< double > | |
CLHblock< int > | |
►CLHblock< string > | |
CLHgenericBlock | Derived class for generic blocks containing vectors of strings |
CLHdecayChannel | *************************** DECAY TABLES ***************************/// |
CLHdecayTable | |
CLHEFile | LHEFile class |
CLHmatrixBlock< size > | |
CLHmatrixBlock< 2 > | |
CLHmatrixBlock< 3 > | |
CLHmatrixBlock< 4 > | |
CLHmatrixBlock< 5 > | |
CLHmatrixBlock< 6 > | |
CLHmatrixBlock< 7 > | |
CLHmatrixBlock< 8 > | |
CLHtensor3Block< size > | |
CLHtensor3Block< 3 > | |
CLinearInterpolator | |
CLogInterpolator | |
CMadgraphPar | |
CMECs | |
CMode | Class for integer modes |
CMultiParticle | Storage device for multiparticle |
CMVec | Class for vector of integers |
CNucleon | |
CNucleus | |
►CNucleusModel | |
CExternalNucleusModel | |
►CHardCoreModel | |
CClusterModel | A model for nuclei clustered in smaller nuclei |
CGaussianModel | A Gaussian distribution for light nuclei |
CHOShellModel | A Harmonic-Oscillator Shell model for light nuclei |
►CWoodsSaxonModel | A general Woods-Saxon distributed nucleus |
CHulthenModel | The Hulthen potential for deuterons |
►COniaSetup | |
CSigmaOniaSetup | A helper class used to setup the onia processes |
CSplitOniaSetup | |
COverheadInfo | |
COverlappingRopeDipole | |
CParm | Class for double parms (where parm is shorthand for parameter) |
CParticle | Particle struct |
►CParticle | |
CPy8Particle | Also gives PseudoJet & JetDefinition |
CColourParticle | ColourParticle class |
CHelicityParticle | |
CParticleData | This class holds a map of all ParticleDataEntries |
CParticleDataEntry | This class holds info on a single particle species |
CParticleLocator | |
CPartonSystem | |
CPartonSystems | Describes the whole set of subcollisions |
►CPDF | Base class for parton distribution functions |
CCTEQ6pdf | |
CEPAexternal | Equivalent photon approximation for sampling with external photon flux |
CGammaPoint | Gives photon parton distribution when unresolved |
CGRSpiL | |
CGRV94L | |
CGRVpiL | |
CLepton | Gives electron (or muon, or tau) parton distribution |
CLepton2gamma | |
CLeptonPoint | Gives electron (or other lepton) parton distribution when unresolved |
CLHAGrid1 | |
CLHAPDF5 | Plugin interface to the LHAPDF5 library |
CLHAPDF6 | Provide interface to the LHAPDF6 library of parton densities |
CMSTWpdf | |
CNeutrinoPoint | |
►CnPDF | A derived class for nuclear PDFs. Needs a pointer for (free) proton PDFs |
CEPPS16 | Nuclear modifications from EPPS16 fit |
CEPS09 | Nuclear modifications from EPS09 fit |
CIsospin | |
CNucleus2gamma | |
CPomFix | Gives generic Q2-independent Pomeron PDF |
CPomH1FitAB | |
CPomH1Jets | |
CPomHISASD | A proton masked as a Pomeron for use within the Heavy Ion machinery |
CProton2gammaDZ | |
CProtonPoint | |
CPDF::PDFEnvelope | Error envelope from PDF uncertainty |
CPdfSets | Containers for PDF sets |
►CPhysicsBase | |
CBeamParticle | |
CBeamRemnants | |
CBeamSetup | |
CBoseEinstein | |
►CColourReconnectionBase | |
CColourReconnection | Handles the colour reconnection |
CDeuteronProduction | The DeuteronProduction class |
CDipoleSwingBase | |
►CFragmentationModifierBase | |
CFlavourRope | |
CGammaKinematics | Class to sample the virtuality and transverse momentum of emitted photons |
CHadronLevel | |
CHadronWidths | |
CHardDiffraction | |
►CHeavyIons | |
CAngantyr | The default HeavyIon model in Pythia |
CHiddenValleyFragmentation | |
CJunctionSplitting | |
CLowEnergyProcess | |
►CMerging | |
CDireMerging | |
CVinciaMerging | Merging wrapper class for Vincia |
►CMergingHooks | MergingHooks is base class for user input to the merging procedure |
CDireMergingHooks | DireMergingHooks is base class for user input to the merging procedure |
CVinciaMergingHooks | Class for Vincia to perform merging |
CMiniStringFragmentation | |
CMultipartonInteractions | |
CNucleonExcitations | |
CParticleDecays | Routines to decay a particle |
CPartonLevel | |
CPartonVertex | Sets parton-level vertex information |
►CPhaseSpace | |
CPhaseSpace2to1tauy | A derived class with 2 -> 1 kinematics set up in tau, y |
CPhaseSpace2to2diffractive | A derived class with 2 -> 2 kinematics set up for diffractive scattering |
CPhaseSpace2to2elastic | A derived class with 2 -> 2 kinematics set up for elastic scattering |
CPhaseSpace2to2nondiffractive | |
CPhaseSpace2to2tauyz | A derived class with 2 -> 2 kinematics set up in tau, y, z = cos(theta) |
CPhaseSpace2to3diffractive | |
CPhaseSpace2to3tauycyl | |
CPhaseSpace2to3yyycyl | |
CPhaseSpaceLHA | A derived class for Les Houches events |
CProcessContainer | |
CProcessLevel | |
CResonanceDecays | |
CRHadrons | |
CRopeFragPars | |
►CShowerModel | |
CDire | |
CSimpleShowerModel | |
CVincia | |
CSigmaCombined | |
CSigmaLowEnergy | Gets cross sections for hadron-hadron collisions at low energies |
►CSigmaProcess | SigmaProcess is the base class for cross section calculations |
►CSigma0Process | |
CSigma0AB2AB | A derived class for elastic scattering A B -> A B |
CSigma0AB2AX | A derived class for single diffractive scattering A B -> A X |
CSigma0AB2AXB | A derived class for central diffractive scattering A B -> A X B |
CSigma0AB2XB | A derived class for single diffractive scattering A B -> X B |
CSigma0AB2XX | A derived class for double diffractive scattering A B -> X X |
CSigma0nonDiffractive | A derived class for minimum-bias (inelastic, nondiffractive) events |
►CSigma1Process | |
CSigma1ffbar2gmZ | A derived class for f fbar -> gamma*/Z0 |
CSigma1ffbar2GravitonStar | A derived class for f fbar -> G^* (excited graviton state) |
CSigma1ffbar2H | A derived class for f fbar -> H0 (SM), H1, H2 or A3 (BSM) |
CSigma1ffbar2Hchg | A derived class for f fbar' -> H+- |
CSigma1ffbar2Rhorizontal | A derived class for f fbar' -> R^0 (horizontal gauge boson) |
CSigma1ffbar2W | A derived class for f fbar' -> W+- |
CSigma1ffbar2WRight | A derived class for f fbar' -> W_R^+- (righthanded gauge boson) |
CSigma1ffbar2Zp2XX | A derived class for f fbar' -> Zprime -> X X. (Zprime a.k.a. DMmed(s=1).) |
CSigma1ffbar2ZRight | A derived class for f fbar -> Z_R^0 (righthanded gauge boson) |
CSigma1ffbar2Zv | |
►CSigma1ffbarZprimeWprime | |
CSigma1ffbar2gmZZprime | A derived class for f fbar -> gamma*/Z0/Z'0 |
CSigma1ffbar2Wprime | A derived class for f fbar' -> W'+- |
CSigma1gg2GravitonStar | A derived class for g g -> G^* (excited graviton state) |
CSigma1gg2H | A derived class for g g -> H0 (SM), H1, H2 or A3 (BSM) |
CSigma1gg2S2XX | |
CSigma1gmgm2H | A derived class for gamma gamma -> H0 (SM Higgs), H1, H2 or A3 (BSM Higgs) |
CSigma1lgm2lStar | A derived class for l gamma -> l^* (excited lepton state) |
CSigma1ll2Hchgchg | A derived class for l l -> H_L^++– or H_R^++– (doubly charged Higgs) |
CSigma1qg2qStar | A derived class for q g -> q^* (excited quark state) |
CSigma1ql2LeptoQuark | A derived class for q l -> LQ (leptoquark) |
CSigma1qq2antisquark | |
CSigma1qqbar2KKgluonStar | A derived class for q qbar -> g^*/KK-gluon^* (excited kk-gluon state) |
►CSigma2Process | |
CSigma2ff2fftgmZ | A derived class for f f' -> f f' via t-channel gamma*/Z0 exchange |
CSigma2ff2fftW | A derived class for f_1 f_2 -> f_3 f_4 via t-channel W+- exchange |
CSigma2ffbar2A3H12 | A derived class for f fbar -> A0(H_3) h0(H_1) or A0(H_3) H0(H_2) |
CSigma2ffbar2ffbarsgm | |
CSigma2ffbar2ffbarsgmZ | A derived class for f fbar -> gamma*/Z0 -> f' fbar', summed over light f |
CSigma2ffbar2FFbarsgmZ | |
CSigma2ffbar2ffbarsW | A derived class for f_1 fbar_2 -> W+- -> f_3 fbar_4, summed over light f |
CSigma2ffbar2FfbarsW | |
CSigma2ffbar2fGfGbar | |
CSigma2ffbar2gammagamma | A derived class for f fbar -> gamma gamma |
CSigma2ffbar2HchgchgHchgchg | A derived class for f fbar -> H_(L/R)^++ H_(L/R)^– (doubly charged Higgs) |
CSigma2ffbar2HchgH12 | A derived class for f fbar -> H+- h0(H_1) or H+- H0(H_2) |
CSigma2ffbar2HposHneg | A derived class for f fbar -> H+ H- |
CSigma2ffbar2HW | |
CSigma2ffbar2HZ | |
CSigma2ffbar2LEDgammagamma | |
CSigma2ffbar2LEDllbar | |
CSigma2ffbar2LEDUnparticlegamma | |
CSigma2ffbar2LEDUnparticleZ | |
CSigma2ffbar2TEVffbar | |
CSigma2ffbar2ZpH | A derived class for f fbar' -> Zprime H, Zprime -> X X |
►CSigma2ffbargmZggm | An intermediate class for f fbar -> gamma*/Z0 g/gamma and permutations |
CSigma2ffbar2gmZgm | A derived class for f fbar' -> gamma*/Z0 gamma |
CSigma2fgm2gmZf | A derived class for f gamma -> gamma*/Z0 f |
CSigma2qg2gmZq | A derived class for q g -> gamma*/Z0 q |
CSigma2qqbar2gmZg | A derived class for q qbar -> gamma*/Z0 g |
►CSigma2ffbargmZWgmZW | An intermediate class for f fbar -> gamma*/Z0/W+- gamma*/Z0/W-+ |
CSigma2ffbar2gmZgmZ | A derived class for f fbar -> gamma*/Z0 gamma*/Z0 |
CSigma2ffbar2WW | A derived class for f fbar -> W+ W- |
CSigma2ffbar2ZW | A derived class for f fbar' -> Z0 W+-. (Here pure Z0, unfortunately.) |
►CSigma2ffbarWggm | An intermediate class for f fbar -> W+- g/gamma and permutations |
CSigma2ffbar2Wgm | A derived class for f fbar' -> W+- gamma |
CSigma2fgm2Wf | A derived class for f gamma -> W+- f' |
CSigma2qg2Wq | A derived class for q g -> W+- q' |
CSigma2qqbar2Wg | A derived class for q qbar' -> W+- g |
CSigma2gg2gammagamma | A derived class for g g -> gamma gamma |
CSigma2gg2gg | A derived class for g g -> g g |
CSigma2gg2ggamma | A derived class for g g -> g gamma |
CSigma2gg2GravitonStarg | A derived class for g g -> G^* g (excited graviton state) |
CSigma2gg2Hglt | |
CSigma2gg2LEDgammagamma | |
CSigma2gg2LEDgg | A derived class for g g -> (LED G*) -> g g |
CSigma2gg2LEDllbar | |
CSigma2gg2LEDqqbar | A derived class for g g -> (LED G*) -> q qbar |
CSigma2gg2LEDUnparticleg | |
CSigma2gg2LQLQbar | A derived class for g g -> LQ LQbar (leptoquark) |
CSigma2gg2qGqGbar | A derived class for g g -> qG qGbar (generic quark of spin 0, 1/2 or 1) |
CSigma2gg2QQbar | A derived class for g g -> Q Qbar (Q = c, b or t) |
CSigma2gg2qqbar | A derived class for g g -> q qbar (q = u, d, s, i.e. almost massless) |
►CSigma2gg2QQbar3PJ1g | A derived class for g g -> QQbar[3PJ(1)] g (Q = c or b, J = 0, 1 or 2) |
CSigma2gg2QQbar3DJ1g | A derived class for g g -> QQbar[3DJ(1)] g (Q = c or b) |
CSigma2qg2QQbar3PJ1q | A derived class for q g -> QQbar[3PJ(1)] q (Q = c or b, J = 0, 1 or 2) |
CSigma2qqbar2QQbar3PJ1g | A derived class for q qbar -> QQbar[3PJ(1)] g (Q = c or b, J = 0, 1 or 2) |
CSigma2gg2QQbar3S11g | A derived class for g g -> QQbar[3S1(1)] g (Q = c or b) |
CSigma2gg2QQbar3S11gm | A derived class for g g -> QQbar[3S1(1)] gamma (Q = c or b) |
CSigma2gg2QQbar3S11QQbar3S11 | A derived class for g g -> QQbar[3S1(1)] QQbar[3S1(1)] (Q = c or b) |
►CSigma2gg2QQbarX8g | A derived class for g g -> QQbar[X(8)] g (Q = c or b, X = 3S1, 1S0 or 3PJ) |
CSigma2qg2QQbarX8q | A derived class for q g -> QQbar[X(8)] q (Q = c or b, X = 3S1, 1S0 or 3PJ) |
CSigma2qqbar2QQbarX8g | |
►CSigma2gg2Sg2XXj | |
CSigma2qg2Sq2XXj | |
CSigma2ggm2qqbar | A derived class for g gamma -> q qbar (q = u, d, s, c, b) |
CSigma2gmgm2ffbar | A derived class for gamma gamma -> f fbar |
CSigma2lgm2Hchgchgl | A derived class for l- gamma -> H_(L/R)^– l+ (doubly charged Higgs) |
CSigma2QCffbar2llbar | |
CSigma2QCqq2qq | |
CSigma2QCqqbar2qqbar | |
CSigma2qg2GravitonStarq | A derived class for q g -> G^* q (excited graviton state) |
CSigma2qg2Hchgq | A derived class for q g -> H+- q' |
CSigma2qg2Hq | |
CSigma2qg2Hqlt | |
CSigma2qg2LEDqg | |
CSigma2qg2LEDUnparticleq | |
CSigma2qg2LeptoQuarkl | A derived class for q g -> LQ l (leptoquark) |
CSigma2qg2qg | |
CSigma2qg2qgamma | |
CSigma2qgm2qg | |
CSigma2qgm2qgm | |
CSigma2qq2LEDqq | A derived class for q q(bar)' -> (LED G*) -> q q(bar)' |
CSigma2qq2qq | |
CSigma2qq2QqtW | |
CSigma2qq2qStarq | A derived class for q q' -> q^* q' (excited quark state) |
CSigma2qqbar2DY | |
CSigma2qqbar2gg | A derived class for q qbar -> g g |
CSigma2qqbar2ggamma | A derived class for q qbar -> g gamma |
CSigma2qqbar2GravitonStarg | A derived class for q qbar -> G^* g (excited graviton state) |
CSigma2qqbar2Hglt | |
CSigma2qqbar2LEDgg | A derived class for q qbar -> (LED G*) -> g g |
CSigma2qqbar2LEDqqbarNew | A derived class for q qbar -> (LED G*) -> q' qbar' |
CSigma2qqbar2LEDUnparticleg | |
CSigma2qqbar2LQLQbar | A derived class for q qbar -> LQ LQbar (leptoquark) |
CSigma2qqbar2lStarlbar | A derived class for q qbar -> l^* lbar (excited lepton state) |
CSigma2qqbar2lStarlStarBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2qGqGbar | A derived class for q qbar -> qG qGbar (generic quark of spin 0, 1/2 or 1) |
CSigma2qqbar2QQbar | A derived class for q qbar -> Q Qbar (Q = c, b or t) |
CSigma2qqbar2QQbar3S11QQbar3S11 | A derived class for q qbar -> QQbar[3S1(1)] QQbar[3S1(1)] (Q = c or b) |
CSigma2qqbar2qqbarNew | A derived class for q qbar -> q' qbar' |
►CSigma2qqbar2Zpg2XXj | |
CSigma2qg2Zpq2XXj | |
►CSigma2SUSY | An intermediate class for SUSY 2 -> 2 with nontrivial decay angles |
CSigma2gg2gluinogluino | A derived class for g g -> gluino gluino |
CSigma2gg2squarkantisquark | A derived class for g g -> ~q ~q* |
►CSigma2qg2chi0squark | A derived class for q g -> neutralino_i squark_j (and cc) |
CSigma2qg2charsquark | A derived class for q g -> chargino_i squark_j (incl cc) |
CSigma2qg2squarkgluino | A derived class for q g -> ~q ~g |
CSigma2qq2squarksquark | A derived class for q q' -> ~q_i ~q_j |
►CSigma2qqbar2chi0chi0 | A derived class for q qbar -> neutralino_i neutralino_j |
CSigma2qqbar2charchar | A derived class for q qbar -> chargino+_i chargino-_j |
CSigma2qqbar2charchi0 | A derived class for q qbar -> neutralino_i chargino_j |
►CSigma2qqbar2chi0gluino | A derived class for q qbar -> neutralino_i gluino |
CSigma2qqbar2chargluino | A derived class for q qbar -> neutralino_i chargino_j |
CSigma2qqbar2gluinogluino | A derived class for q qbar -> gluino gluino |
►CSigma2qqbar2squarkantisquark | A derived class for q qbar' -> ~q_i ~q*_j |
CSigma2qqbar2sleptonantislepton | A derived class for q qbar' -> ~q_i ~q*_j |
►CSigma3Process | |
CSigma3ff2HchgchgfftWW | A derived class for f_1 f_2 -> H_(L/R)^++– f_3 f_4 (W+- W+- fusion) |
CSigma3ff2HfftWW | |
CSigma3ff2HfftZZ | |
CSigma3gg2ggg | A derived class for g g -> g g g |
CSigma3gg2HQQbar | |
►CSigma3qq2qqgDiff | A derived class for q q' -> q q' g |
CSigma3qg2qqqbarDiff | |
CSigma3qqbar2qqbargDiff | |
►CSigma3qq2qqgSame | A derived class for q q -> q q g |
CSigma3qg2qqqbarSame | |
CSigma3qqbar2qqbargSame | |
►CSigma3qqbar2ggg | A derived class for q qbar -> g g g |
CSigma3gg2qqbarg | |
CSigma3qg2qgg | |
CSigma3qqbar2HQQbar | |
CSigmaLHAProcess | |
CSigmaTotal | |
►CSpaceShower | Does spacelike showers |
CDireSpace | Does spacelike showers |
CSimpleSpaceShower | Does spacelike showers |
CVinciaISR | |
►CStringFlav | Used to select quark and hadron flavours |
CHVStringFlav | Used to select HV-quark and HV-hadron flavours |
CStringFragmentation | |
►CStringInteractions | |
CRopewalk | |
►CStringPT | Used to select select transverse momenta |
CHVStringPT | Used to select select HV transverse momenta |
►CStringRepulsionBase | |
CRopewalkShover | Interface to RopeWalk via an ShoverBase object |
►CStringZ | Used to sample the fragmentation function f(z) |
CHVStringZ | Used to sample the HV fragmentation function f(z) |
CTauDecays | |
►CTimeShower | Does timelike showers |
CDireTimes | Does timelike showers |
CSimpleTimeShower | Does timelike showers |
CVinciaFSR | |
►CUserHooks | UserHooks is base class for user access to program execution |
►CAlpgenHooks | |
CJetMatchingAlpgenInputAlpgen | |
CJetMatchingMadgraphInputAlpgen | |
Camcnlo_unitarised_interface | |
CHeavyIons::InfoGrabber | |
►CJetMatching | |
►CJetMatchingAlpgen | Declaration of main UserHooks class to perform Alpgen matching |
CJetMatchingAlpgenInputAlpgen | |
►CJetMatchingMadgraph | Declaration of main UserHooks class to perform Madgraph matching |
CJetMatchingMadgraphInputAlpgen | |
CMBReconUserHooks | Class for colour reconnection models of general validity |
CMergeResScaleHook | |
CPowhegHooks | Use userhooks to veto PYTHIA emissions above the POWHEG scale |
CResonanceDecayFilterHook | |
CSetLHEDecayProductHook | |
CSuppressSmallPT | |
CTopReconUserHooks | Class for colour reconnection models specifically aimed at top decays |
CUserHooksVector | UserHooksVector implements a vector of UserHooks and is itself a UserHooks |
CVinciaDiagnostics | Vincia diagnostics |
CVinciaEWVetoHook | Class to do the veto for overlapping QCD/EW shower phase space |
CHadronLevel::PriorityNode | |
CProcInfo | Process info struct |
CProgressLog | |
CPseudoChain | Convenient shorthand for storing ordered list of chains |
CPVec | Class for vector of doubles |
CPythia | Top-level routines to generate an event |
CPythia8Rivet | |
►CPythia8ToHepMC3 | |
CPythia8ToHepMC | |
CPythiaCascade | Intended flow: |
CPythiaParallel | Class for doing Pythia runs in parallel |
CQEDemitElemental | Class for QED emissions |
CQEDsplitElemental | Class for trial QED splittings |
►CQEDsystem | Base class for QED systems |
CQEDconvSystem | Class for a QED conversion system |
CQEDemitSystem | Class for a QED emission system |
CQEDsplitSystem | Class for a QED splitting system |
CRambo | Rambo flat phase-space generator |
CReader | |
CResJunctionInfo | |
CResolution | A simple class for containing evolution variable definitions |
CResolvedParton | |
►CResonanceWidths | The ResonanceWidths is the base class. Also used for generic resonaces |
►CResonanceCha | Charged partner of DM (PDG id 57.) |
CResonanceChaD | Doubly Charged partner of DM (PDG id 59.) |
CResonanceDM2 | |
CResonanceExcited | Handles excited-fermion resonances |
CResonanceFour | Handles fourth-generation resonances |
CResonanceGeneric | |
CResonanceGmZ | Handles the gamma*/Z0 resonance |
CResonanceGraviton | Handles the excited Graviton resonance |
CResonanceH | |
CResonanceHchg | Handles the H+- resonance |
CResonanceHchgchgLeft | Handles the H++/H– (left) resonance |
CResonanceHchgchgRight | Handles the H++/H– (right) resonance |
CResonanceKKgluon | Handles the g^*/KK-gluon^* resonance |
CResonanceLeptoquark | Handles the LQ/LQbar resonance |
CResonanceNuRight | Handles righthanded Majorana neutrinos |
CResonanceRhorizontal | Handles the R^0 resonance |
CResonanceS | The ResonanceS class. (S a.k.a. DMmed(s=0), PDG id 54.) |
CResonanceSl | Charged scalar partner of DM (PDG id 56.) |
CResonanceTop | Handles the top/antitop resonance |
CResonanceW | Handles the W+- resonance |
CResonanceWprime | Handles the W'+- resonance |
CResonanceWRight | Handles the W_R+- resonance |
CResonanceZp | The ResonanceZp class. (Zp a.k.a. DMmed(s=1), PDG id 55.) |
CResonanceZprime | Handles the gamma*/Z0 /Z'^0 resonance |
CResonanceZRight | Handles the Z_R^0 resonance |
►CSUSYResonanceWidths | |
CResonanceChar | Handles the Chargino resonances |
CResonanceGluino | Handles the Gluino resonances |
CResonanceNeut | Handles the Neutralino resonances |
CResonanceSlepton | Handles the Slepton/Sneutrino resonances |
CResonanceSquark | Handles the Squark resonances |
CRndm | |
►CRndmEngine | |
CMixMaxRndm | A derived class to generate random numbers using the MixMax algorithm |
CRndmState | |
CRopeDipole | |
CRopeDipoleEnd | |
CRotBstMatrix | |
►CSelectorWorker | |
CSelectorWorkerPy8< T > | |
CSettings | |
CSetupContainers | |
CSubCollisionModel::SigEst | Internal class to report cross section estimates |
CSigmaMultiparton | |
►CSigmaTotAux | |
CSigmaABMST | |
CSigmaMBR | |
CSigmaRPP | |
CSigmaSaSDL | |
CSigmaTotOwn | |
CEvtGenDecays::Signal | Map of signal particle info |
CSimpleWeakShowerMEs | |
CSingleCell | |
CSingleCellJet | |
CSingleClusterJet | |
CSingleSlowJet | |
CSLHAinterface | |
►CSlowJet | |
CHJSlowJet | |
CSlowJetHook | |
CSpaceDipoleEnd | Data on radiating dipole ends, only used inside SimpleSpaceShower |
CSphericity | |
►CSplitOnia | |
CSplit2g2QQbar1S01g | |
CSplit2g2QQbar3PJ1g | |
CSplit2g2QQbar3S11gg | |
CSplit2g2QQbarX8 | Splitting class for g -> QQbar[X(8)] (Q = c or b) |
CSplit2Q2QQbar1P11Q | |
CSplit2Q2QQbar1S01Q | |
CSplit2Q2QQbar3PJ1Q | |
CSplit2Q2QQbar3PJ8Q | |
CSplit2Q2QQbar3S11Q | |
►CSplit2QQbarXq82QQbarX8g | |
CSplit2QQbarXg82QQbarX8g | |
CStringBreaks | |
CStringEnd | |
CStringLength | StringLength class. It is used to calculate the lambda measure |
CStringRegion | |
CStringSystem | |
CStringVertex | |
CSubCollision | |
►CSubCollisionModel | |
CBlackSubCollisionModel | |
►CFluctuatingSubCollisionModel | |
CDoubleStrikmanSubCollisionModel | |
CLogNormalSubCollisionModel | |
CNaiveSubCollisionModel | |
CSubCollisionSet | The SubCollisionSet gives a set of subcollisions between two nuclei |
CSusyLesHouches | |
CThrust | |
CTimeDipoleEnd | Data on radiating dipole ends; only used inside SimpleTimeShower class |
►CTrialGenerator | Base class for trial generators |
CTrialGeneratorFF | Trial generator for final-final branchings |
CTrialGeneratorIF | Trial generator for initial-final branchings |
CTrialGeneratorII | Trial generator for initial-initial branchings |
CTrialGeneratorRF | Trial generator for resonance-final branchings |
►CTrialGeneratorISR | |
CTrialIFConvA | A conversion trial function for initial-final, g -> qqbar |
CTrialIFGCollA | A gluon collinear trial function for initial-final |
CTrialIFGCollK | K gluon collinear trial function for initial-final sector shower |
►CTrialIFSoft | Soft-eikonal trial function for initial-final |
CTrialVFSoft | |
CTrialIFSplitA | A splitting trial function for initial-final, q -> gqbar |
CTrialIFSplitK | K splitting trial function for initial-final, g -> qqbar |
►CTrialIIConvA | A conversion trial function for initial-initial, g -> qqbar |
CTrialIIConvB | B conversion trial function for initial-initial, g -> qqbar |
►CTrialIIGCollA | A collinear trial function for initial-initial |
CTrialIIGCollB | B collinear trial function for initial-initial |
CTrialIISoft | |
►CTrialIISplitA | A splitting trial function for initial-initial, q -> gqbar |
CTrialIISplitB | B splitting trial function for initial-initial, q -> gqbar |
CTrialReconnection | TrialReconnection class |
►CUserInfoBase | |
CPy8Particle | Also gives PseudoJet & JetDefinition |
CVec4 | |
►Cvector | |
CEvent | Event struct |
CVinciaClustering | Simple struct to store information about a 3 -> 2 clustering |
CVinciaColour | |
CVinciaCommon | |
CVinciaHistory | History class for the Vincia shower |
►CVinciaModule | Base class for Vincia's QED and EW shower modules |
CVinciaEW | Top-level class for the electroweak shower module |
CVinciaQED | Class for performing QED showers |
CWave4 | |
CWeightContainer | |
►CWeightsBase | |
CWeightsFragmentation | |
CWeightsLHEF | |
CWeightsMerging | |
►CWeightsShower | Purely virtual base class for shower weights |
CVinciaWeights | Class for storing Vincia weights |
CWeightsSimpleShower | This shows a WeightsShower example implementation for SimpleShower |
►CWidthFunction | |
CStauWidths | Class StauWidths |
CWord | Class for string words |
CWriter | |
CWVec | Class for vector of strings |
CxfModPrepData | |
CXMLTag | |
►CZetaGenerator | Base class for zeta trial generators |
CZGenFFEmitColI | The final-final ColI sector emission generator |
CZGenFFEmitColK | The final-final ColK sector emission generator |
CZGenFFEmitSoft | Final-final trial generators |
CZGenFFSplit | The final-final default sector splitting generator |
CZGenIFConv | The initial-final splitting generator |
CZGenIFEmitColA | The initial-final ColI sector generator |
CZGenIFEmitColK | The initial-final ColK sector generator |
CZGenIFEmitSoft | Intial-final trial generators |
CZGenIFSplitA | The initial-final initial antenna splitting generator |
CZGenIFSplitK | The initial-final final antenna splitting generator |
CZGenIIConv | The initial-initial splitting generator |
CZGenIIEmitCol | The initial-initial ColI sector generator |
CZGenIIEmitSoft | The initial-initial trial generators |
CZGenIISplit | The initial-initial initial splitting generator |
CZGenRFEmitColK | The resonance-final ColK sector generator |
CZGenRFEmitSoft | Resonance-final trial generators |
CZGenRFEmitSoftAlt | The resonance-final default sector alternate generator |
CZGenRFSplit | The resonance-final default sector splitting generator |
CZetaGeneratorSet | |
►Costream | |
CLogger | |
►Cstreambuf | |
CLogger | |