PYTHIA  8.313
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
EWAntenna Class Referenceabstract

Base class for an electroweak antenna. More...

#include <VinciaEW.h>

Inheritance diagram for EWAntenna:
EWAntennaFF EWAntennaII EWAntennaFFres

Public Member Functions

 EWAntenna ()
 Constructor and destructor.
void print ()
 Print, must be implemented by base classes.
void initPtr (Info *infoPtrIn, VinciaCommon *vinComPtrIn, AlphaEM *alphaPtrIn, AmpCalculator *ampCalcPtrIn)
 Initialize pointers.
virtual bool init (Event &event, int iMotIn, int iRecIn, int iSysIn, vector< EWBranching > &branchings, Settings *settingsPtr)=0
 Initialize, must be implemented by base classes.
void setVerbose (int verboseIn)
 Set verbosity level.
virtual double generateTrial (double q2Start, double q2End, double alphaIn)=0
 Generate a trial scale to be compared against other QCD and EW trials.
virtual bool acceptTrial (Event &event)=0
 Accept/reject step to accept a trial.
virtual void updateEvent (Event &event)=0
 Update an event and parton system.
virtual void updatePartonSystems (Event &event)
 Base class for an electroweak antenna. More...
int getIndexMot ()
 Return index.
int getIndexRec ()
bool isSplitToFermions ()
 Check if splitting to fermions, inital, or resoance.
virtual bool isInitial ()
virtual bool isResonanceDecay ()
bool selectChannel (int idx, const double &cSum, const map< double, int > &cSumSoFar, int &idi, int &idj, double &mi2, double &mj2)
 Select a channel.

Protected Attributes

int iMot
 Indices, PID, and polarization of I, K in Pythia event record.
int iRec
int idMot
int idRec
int polMot
Vec4 pMot
 Momenta of antenna constituents.
Vec4 pRec
double sAnt
 Masses and invariants of antenna constituents.
double mMot
double mMot2
double mRec
double mRec2
double alpha
 Overestimate of QED coupling.
int iSys
 Parton system this antenna is part of.
vector< EWBranchingbrVec
 EW branchings.
bool hasTrial
 Trial variables.
double q2Trial
double sijTrial
double sjkTrial
int poliTrial
int poljTrial
vector< Vec4pNew
 Outgoing momenta after branching.
double c0Sum
 Info on coefficents.
double c1Sum
double c2Sum
double c3Sum
map< double, int > c0SumSoFar
map< double, int > c1SumSoFar
map< double, int > c2SumSoFar
map< double, int > c3SumSoFar
double q2Match
 Matching scale.
int jNew
 Information for partonSystems.
unordered_map< int, int > iReplace
double shat
EWBranchingbrTrial {}
InfoinfoPtr {}
RndmrndmPtr {}
LoggerloggerPtr {}
PartonSystemspartonSystemsPtr {}
VinciaCommonvinComPtr {}
AlphaEMalphaPtr {}
AmpCalculatorampCalcPtr {}
bool doBosonInterference
int verbose

Detailed Description

Base class for an electroweak antenna.

Member Function Documentation

void updatePartonSystems ( Event event)

Base class for an electroweak antenna.

Update a parton system.

Replace old IDs.

Add new.

Save sHat if we set it.

Reimplemented in EWAntennaII.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: