#include <Info.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Info ()=default | |
Constructors. | |
Info (bool) | |
~Info () | |
Destructor for clean-up. | |
Info & | operator= (const Info &)=default |
void | setPtrs (Settings *settingsPtrIn, ParticleData *particleDataPtrIn, Logger *loggerPtrIn, Rndm *rndmPtrIn, BeamSetup *beamSetupIn, CoupSM *coupSMPtrIn, CoupSUSY *coupSUSYPtrIn, PartonSystems *partonSystemsPtrIn, SigmaTotal *sigmaTotPtrIn, SigmaCombined *sigmaCmbPtrIn, HadronWidths *hadronWidthsPtrIn, WeightContainer *weightContainerPtrIn) |
Pointers to other class objects, carried piggyback by Info. More... | |
void | list () const |
Listing of most available information on current event. More... | |
int | idA () const |
Beam particles (in rest frame). CM energy of event. | |
int | idB () const |
double | pzA () const |
double | pzB () const |
double | eA () const |
double | eB () const |
double | mA () const |
double | mB () const |
double | eCM () const |
double | s () const |
bool | tooLowPTmin () const |
Warnings from initialization. | |
string | name () const |
Process name and code, and the number of final-state particles. | |
int | code () const |
int | nFinal () const |
bool | isResolved () const |
Are beam particles resolved, with pdf's? Are they diffractive? | |
bool | isDiffractiveA () const |
bool | isDiffractiveB () const |
bool | isDiffractiveC () const |
bool | isNonDiffractive () const |
bool | isElastic () const |
bool | isMinBias () const |
Retained for backwards compatibility. | |
bool | isLHA () const |
Information for Les Houches Accord and reading files. | |
bool | atEndOfFile () const |
bool | hasSub (int i=0) const |
For nondiffractive and Les Houches Accord identify hardest subprocess. | |
string | nameSub (int i=0) const |
int | codeSub (int i=0) const |
int | nFinalSub (int i=0) const |
int | id1 (int i=0) const |
Incoming parton flavours and x values. | |
int | id2 (int i=0) const |
double | x1 (int i=0) const |
double | x2 (int i=0) const |
double | y (int i=0) const |
double | tau (int i=0) const |
int | id1pdf (int i=0) const |
Hard process flavours, x values, parton densities, couplings, Q2 scales. | |
int | id2pdf (int i=0) const |
double | x1pdf (int i=0) const |
double | x2pdf (int i=0) const |
double | pdf1 (int i=0) const |
double | pdf2 (int i=0) const |
double | QFac (int i=0) const |
double | Q2Fac (int i=0) const |
bool | isValence1 () const |
bool | isValence2 () const |
double | alphaS (int i=0) const |
double | alphaEM (int i=0) const |
double | QRen (int i=0) const |
double | Q2Ren (int i=0) const |
double | scalup (int i=0) const |
double | Q2DIS () const |
DIS-specific kinematic variables. | |
double | WDIS () const |
double | xDIS () const |
double | yDIS () const |
double | xGammaA () const |
Kinematics of photons from lepton beams. | |
double | xGammaB () const |
double | Q2GammaA () const |
double | Q2GammaB () const |
double | eCMsub () const |
double | thetaScatLepA () const |
double | thetaScatLepB () const |
double | sHatNew () const |
int | photonMode () const |
bool | isVMDstateA () const |
Information on VMD state inside a photon. | |
bool | isVMDstateB () const |
int | idVMDA () const |
int | idVMDB () const |
double | mVMDA () const |
double | mVMDB () const |
double | scaleVMDA () const |
double | scaleVMDB () const |
double | mHat (int i=0) const |
Mandelstam variables (notation as if subcollision). | |
double | sHat (int i=0) const |
double | tHat (int i=0) const |
double | uHat (int i=0) const |
double | pTHat (int i=0) const |
double | pT2Hat (int i=0) const |
double | m3Hat (int i=0) const |
double | m4Hat (int i=0) const |
double | thetaHat (int i=0) const |
double | phiHat (int i=0) const |
double | weight (int i=0) const |
Event weights and accumulated weight. More... | |
double | weightSum () const |
double | lhaStrategy () const |
int | nWeights () const |
Further access to uncertainty weights: number and labels. | |
string | weightLabel (int iWgt) const |
int | nWeightGroups () const |
string | getGroupName (int iGN) const |
double | getGroupWeight (int iGW) const |
int | nISR () const |
Number of times other steps have been carried out. | |
int | nFSRinProc () const |
int | nFSRinRes () const |
double | pTmaxMPI () const |
Maximum pT scales for MPI, ISR and FSR (in hard process). | |
double | pTmaxISR () const |
double | pTmaxFSR () const |
double | pTnow () const |
Current evolution scale (for UserHooks). | |
double | a0MPI () const |
Impact parameter picture, global information. | |
double | bMPI () const |
Impact parameter picture, as set by hardest interaction. | |
double | enhanceMPI () const |
double | enhanceMPIavg () const |
double | eMPI (int i) const |
double | bMPIold () const |
double | enhanceMPIold () const |
double | enhanceMPIoldavg () const |
int | nMPI () const |
Number of multiparton interactions, with code and pT for them. | |
int | codeMPI (int i) const |
double | pTMPI (int i) const |
int | iAMPI (int i) const |
int | iBMPI (int i) const |
vector< int > | codesHard () |
Cross section estimate, optionally process by process. More... | |
string | nameProc (int i=0) const |
Name of the specified process. | |
long | nTried (int i=0) const |
The number of phase-space points tried. | |
long | nSelected (int i=0) const |
The number of selected hard processes. | |
long | nAccepted (int i=0) const |
The number of accepted events. | |
double | sigmaGen (int i=0) const |
The estimated cross-section in units of mb. | |
double | sigmaErr (int i=0) const |
The uncertainty on the estimated cross-section in units of mb. More... | |
int | getCounter (int i) const |
Counters for number of loops in various places. | |
void | setCounter (int i, int value=0) |
Set or increase the value stored in a counter. | |
void | addCounter (int i, int value=1) |
void | setTooLowPTmin (bool lowPTminIn) |
Set initialization warning flag when too low pTmin in ISR/FSR/MPI. | |
void | setValence (bool isVal1In, bool isVal2In) |
Set info on valence character of hard collision partons. | |
void | hasHistory (bool hasHistoryIn) |
bool | hasHistory () |
void | zNowISR (double zNowIn) |
double | zNowISR () |
void | pT2NowISR (double pT2NowIn) |
double | pT2NowISR () |
double | mergingWeight (int i=0) const |
Return merging weight. | |
double | mergingWeightNLO (int i=0) const |
Return the complete NLO weight. | |
string | header (const string &key) const |
Return an LHEF header. | |
vector< string > | headerKeys () const |
Return a list of all header key names. | |
int | nProcessesLHEF () const |
Return the number of processes in the LHEF. | |
double | sigmaLHEF (int iProcess) const |
Return the cross section information read from LHEF. | |
void | setLHEF3InitInfo () |
Set the LHEF3 objects read from the init and header blocks. More... | |
void | setLHEF3InitInfo (int LHEFversionIn, LHAinitrwgt *initrwgtIn, vector< LHAgenerator > *generatorsIn, map< string, LHAweightgroup > *weightgroupsIn, map< string, LHAweight > *init_weightsIn, string headerBlockIn) |
Set the LHEF3 objects read from the init and header blocks. | |
void | setLHEF3EventInfo () |
Set the LHEF3 objects read from the event block. More... | |
void | setLHEF3EventInfo (map< string, string > *eventAttributesIn, map< string, double > *weights_detailedIn, vector< double > *weights_compressedIn, LHAscales *scalesIn, LHAweights *weightsIn, LHArwgt *rwgtIn, vector< double > weights_detailed_vecIn, vector< string > weights_detailed_name_vecIn, string eventCommentsIn, double eventWeightLHEFIn) |
Set the LHEF3 objects read from the event block. | |
string | getEventAttribute (string key, bool doRemoveWhitespace=false) const |
Retrieve events tag information. | |
void | setEventAttribute (string key, string value, bool doOverwrite=true) |
Externally set event tag auxiliary information. | |
int | LHEFversion () const |
Retrieve LHEF version. | |
unsigned int | getInitrwgtSize () const |
Retrieve initrwgt tag information. | |
unsigned int | getGeneratorSize () const |
Retrieve generator tag information. | |
string | getGeneratorValue (unsigned int n=0) const |
string | getGeneratorAttribute (unsigned int n, string key, bool doRemoveWhitespace=false) const |
unsigned int | getWeightsDetailedSize () const |
Retrieve rwgt tag information. | |
double | getWeightsDetailedValue (string n) const |
string | getWeightsDetailedAttribute (string n, string key, bool doRemoveWhitespace=false) const |
unsigned int | getWeightsCompressedSize () const |
Retrieve weights tag information. | |
double | getWeightsCompressedValue (unsigned int n) const |
string | getWeightsCompressedAttribute (string key, bool doRemoveWhitespace=false) const |
string | getScalesValue (bool doRemoveWhitespace=false) const |
Retrieve scales tag information. | |
double | getScalesAttribute (string key) const |
string | getHeaderBlock () const |
string | getEventComments () const |
void | setHeader (const string &key, const string &val) |
Set LHEF headers. | |
void | setAbortPartonLevel (bool abortIn) |
Set abort in parton level. | |
bool | getAbortPartonLevel () const |
bool | hasUnresolvedBeams () const |
Get information on hard diffractive events. | |
bool | hasPomPsystem () const |
bool | isHardDiffractive () const |
bool | isHardDiffractiveA () const |
bool | isHardDiffractiveB () const |
double | xPomeronA () const |
double | xPomeronB () const |
double | tPomeronA () const |
double | tPomeronB () const |
vector< int > | getWeakModes () const |
History information needed to setup the weak shower for 2 -> n. | |
vector< pair< int, int > > | getWeakDipoles () const |
vector< Vec4 > | getWeakMomenta () const |
vector< int > | getWeak2to2lines () const |
void | setWeakModes (vector< int > weakModesIn) |
void | setWeakDipoles (vector< pair< int, int > > weakDipolesIn) |
void | setWeakMomenta (vector< Vec4 > weakMomentaIn) |
void | setWeak2to2lines (vector< int > weak2to2linesIn) |
void | setOniumShower (bool oniumShowerIn) |
Check if onia is included in showers (used for MPI process setup). | |
bool | getOniumShower () const |
void | setBeamIDs (int idAin, int idBin) |
Set info on the two incoming beams: only from Pythia class. | |
void | setBeamA (int idAin, double pzAin, double eAin, double mAin) |
void | setBeamB (int idBin, double pzBin, double eBin, double mBin) |
void | setECM (double eCMin) |
void | setDISKinematics (double Q2In, double WIn, double xIn, double yIn) |
Set info on DIS-specific kinematic variables. | |
void | setX1Gamma (double x1GammaIn) |
Set info related to gamma+gamma subcollision. | |
void | setX2Gamma (double x2GammaIn) |
void | setQ2Gamma1 (double Q2gammaIn) |
void | setQ2Gamma2 (double Q2gammaIn) |
void | setTheta1 (double theta1In) |
void | setTheta2 (double theta2In) |
void | setECMsub (double eCMsubIn) |
void | setsHatNew (double sHatNewIn) |
void | setGammaMode (double gammaModeIn) |
void | setVMDstateA (bool isVMDAIn, int idAIn, double mAIn, double scaleAIn) |
Set info on VMD state. | |
void | setVMDstateB (bool isVMDBIn, int idBIn, double mBIn, double scaleBIn) |
void | clear () |
Reset info for current event: only from Pythia class. | |
int | sizeMPIarrays () const |
Reset info arrays only for parton and hadron level. | |
void | resizeMPIarrays (int newSize) |
void | setType (string nameIn, int codeIn, int nFinalIn, bool isNonDiffIn=false, bool isResolvedIn=true, bool isDiffractiveAin=false, bool isDiffractiveBin=false, bool isDiffractiveCin=false, bool isLHAin=false) |
void | setSubType (int iDS, string nameSubIn, int codeSubIn, int nFinalSubIn) |
void | setPDFalpha (int iDS, int id1pdfIn, int id2pdfIn, double x1pdfIn, double x2pdfIn, double pdf1In, double pdf2In, double Q2FacIn, double alphaEMIn, double alphaSIn, double Q2RenIn, double scalupIn) |
void | setScalup (int iDS, double scalupIn) |
void | setKin (int iDS, int id1In, int id2In, double x1In, double x2In, double sHatIn, double tHatIn, double uHatIn, double pTHatIn, double m3HatIn, double m4HatIn, double thetaHatIn, double phiHatIn) |
void | setTypeMPI (int codeMPIIn, double pTMPIIn, int iAMPIIn=0, int iBMPIIn=0, double eMPIIn=1.) |
void | sigmaReset () |
Set info on cross section: from ProcessLevel (reset in Pythia). | |
void | setSigma (int i, string procNameIn, long nTryIn, long nSelIn, long nAccIn, double sigGenIn, double sigErrIn, double wtAccSumIn) |
void | addSigma (int i, long nTryIn, long nSelIn, long nAccIn, double sigGenIn, double sigErrIn) |
void | setImpact (double bMPIIn, double enhanceMPIIn, double enhanceMPIavgIn, bool bIsSetIn=true, bool pushBack=false) |
Set info on impact parameter: from PartonLevel. | |
void | setPartEvolved (int nMPIIn, int nISRIn) |
Set info on pTmax scales and number of evolution steps: from PartonLevel. | |
void | setEvolution (double pTmaxMPIIn, double pTmaxISRIn, double pTmaxFSRIn, int nMPIIn, int nISRIn, int nFSRinProcIn, int nFSRinResIn) |
void | setPTnow (double pTnowIn) |
Set current pT evolution scale for MPI/ISR/FSR; from PartonLevel. | |
void | seta0MPI (double a0MPIin) |
Set a0 from MultipartonInteractions. | |
void | setEndOfFile (bool atEOFin) |
Set info whether reading of Les Houches Accord file at end. | |
void | setWeight (double weightIn, int lhaStrategyIn) |
void | setIsResolved (bool isResIn) |
Set info on resolved processes. | |
void | setHardDiff (bool hasUnresBeamsIn=false, bool hasPomPsysIn=false, bool isHardDiffAIn=false, bool isHardDiffBIn=false, double xPomAIn=0., double xPomBIn=0., double tPomAIn=0., double tPomBIn=0.) |
Set info on hard diffraction. | |
void | reassignDiffSystem (int iDSold, int iDSnew) |
Move process information to an another diffractive system. | |
void | setHasUnresolvedBeams (bool hasUnresBeamsIn) |
Set information in hard diffractive events. | |
void | setHasPomPsystem (bool hasPomPsysIn) |
int | numberOfWeights () const |
double | weightValueByIndex (int key=0) const |
string | weightNameByIndex (int key=0) const |
vector< double > | weightValueVector () const |
vector< string > | weightNameVector () const |
Public Attributes | |
Settings * | settingsPtr {} |
Pointer to the settings database. | |
ParticleData * | particleDataPtr {} |
Pointer to the particle data table. | |
Logger * | loggerPtr {} |
Pointer to the logger. | |
Rndm * | rndmPtr {} |
Pointer to the random number generator. | |
BeamSetup * | beamSetupPtr {} |
Pointers to beam configuration. | |
CoupSM * | coupSMPtr {} |
Pointers to Standard Model and Beyond SM couplings. | |
CoupSUSY * | coupSUSYPtr {} |
PartonSystems * | partonSystemsPtr {} |
Pointer to information on subcollision parton locations. | |
SigmaTotal * | sigmaTotPtr {} |
Pointers to the total/elastic/diffractive cross sections. | |
SigmaCombined * | sigmaCmbPtr {} |
HadronWidths * | hadronWidthsPtr |
Pointer to the hadron widths data table. | |
UserHooksPtr | userHooksPtr {} |
Pointer to the UserHooks object set for the run. | |
HIInfo * | hiInfo {} |
WeightContainer * | weightContainerPtr {} |
int | LHEFversionSave |
LHEF3 information: Public for easy access. | |
vector< double > | sigmaLHEFSave |
Save process information as read from init block of LHEF. | |
LHAinitrwgt * | initrwgt {} |
Contents of the LHAinitrwgt tag. | |
vector< LHAgenerator > * | generators {} |
Contents of the LHAgenerator tags. | |
map< string, LHAweightgroup > * | weightgroups {} |
A map of the LHAweightgroup tags, indexed by name. | |
map< string, LHAweight > * | init_weights {} |
A map of the LHAweight tags, indexed by name. | |
bool | hasOwnEventAttributes {} |
Store current-event Les Houches event tags. | |
map< string, string > * | eventAttributes {} |
map< string, double > * | weights_detailed {} |
The weights associated with this event, as given by the LHAwgt tags. | |
vector< double > * | weights_compressed {} |
The weights associated with this event, as given by the LHAweights tags. | |
LHAscales * | scales {} |
Contents of the LHAscales tag. | |
LHAweights * | weights {} |
Contents of the LHAweights tag (compressed format) | |
LHArwgt * | rwgt {} |
Contents of the LHArwgt tag (detailed format) | |
vector< double > | weights_detailed_vector |
Vectorized version of LHArwgt tag, for easy and ordered access. | |
double | eventWeightLHEF = {} |
int | idASave {} |
Store common beam quantities. | |
int | idBSave {} |
double | pzASave {} |
double | eASave {} |
double | mASave {} |
double | pzBSave {} |
double | eBSave {} |
double | mBSave {} |
double | eCMSave {} |
double | sSave {} |
bool | lowPTmin |
Store initialization information. | |
long | nTry {} |
Store common integrated cross section quantities. | |
long | nSel {} |
long | nAcc {} |
double | sigGen {} |
double | sigErr {} |
double | wtAccSum {} |
map< int, string > | procNameM |
map< int, long > | nTryM |
map< int, long > | nSelM |
map< int, long > | nAccM |
map< int, double > | sigGenM |
map< int, double > | sigErrM |
int | lhaStrategySave {} |
double | a0MPISave |
Store common MPI information. | |
bool | isRes {} |
Store current-event quantities. | |
bool | isDiffA {} |
bool | isDiffB {} |
bool | isDiffC {} |
bool | isND {} |
bool | isLH {} |
bool | hasSubSave [4] |
bool | bIsSet {} |
bool | evolIsSet {} |
bool | atEOF {} |
bool | isVal1 {} |
bool | isVal2 {} |
bool | hasHistorySave {} |
bool | abortPartonLevel {} |
bool | isHardDiffA {} |
bool | isHardDiffB {} |
bool | hasUnresBeams {} |
bool | hasPomPsys {} |
int | codeSave {} |
int | codeSubSave [4] |
int | nFinalSave {} |
int | nFinalSubSave [4] |
int | nTotal {} |
int | id1Save [4] |
int | id2Save [4] |
int | id1pdfSave [4] |
int | id2pdfSave [4] |
int | nMPISave {} |
int | nISRSave {} |
int | nFSRinProcSave {} |
int | nFSRinResSave {} |
double | x1Save [4] |
double | x2Save [4] |
double | x1pdfSave [4] |
double | x2pdfSave [4] |
double | pdf1Save [4] |
double | pdf2Save [4] |
double | Q2FacSave [4] |
double | alphaEMSave [4] |
double | alphaSSave [4] |
double | Q2RenSave [4] |
double | scalupSave [4] |
double | sH [4] |
double | tH [4] |
double | uH [4] |
double | pTH [4] |
double | m3H [4] |
double | m4H [4] |
double | thetaH [4] |
double | phiH [4] |
double | bMPISave {} |
double | enhanceMPISave {} |
double | enhanceMPIavgSave {} |
double | bMPIoldSave {} |
double | enhanceMPIoldSave {} |
double | enhanceMPIoldavgSave {} |
double | pTmaxMPISave {} |
double | pTmaxISRSave {} |
double | pTmaxFSRSave {} |
double | pTnowSave {} |
double | zNowISRSave {} |
double | pT2NowISRSave {} |
double | xPomA {} |
double | xPomB {} |
double | tPomA {} |
double | tPomB {} |
string | nameSave {} |
string | nameSubSave [4] |
vector< int > | codeMPISave |
vector< int > | iAMPISave |
vector< int > | iBMPISave |
vector< double > | pTMPISave |
vector< double > | eMPISave |
double | Q2DISSave {} |
DIS-specific kinematic variables. | |
double | WDISSave {} |
double | xDISSave {} |
double | yDISSave {} |
bool | isVMDstateAEvent {} |
Variables related to photon kinematics. | |
bool | isVMDstateBEvent {} |
int | gammaModeEvent {} |
int | idVMDASave {} |
int | idVMDBSave {} |
double | x1GammaSave {} |
double | x2GammaSave {} |
double | Q2Gamma1Save {} |
double | Q2Gamma2Save {} |
double | eCMsubSave {} |
double | thetaLepton1 {} |
double | thetaLepton2 {} |
double | sHatNewSave {} |
double | mVMDASave {} |
double | mVMDBSave {} |
double | scaleVMDASave {} |
double | scaleVMDBSave {} |
int | counters [50] |
Vector of various loop counters. | |
map< string, string > | headers |
Map for LHEF headers. | |
string | headerBlock {} |
Strings for complete header block and event comments. | |
string | eventComments {} |
vector< int > | weakModes |
Variables for weak and onia shower setup. | |
vector< int > | weak2to2lines |
vector< Vec4 > | weakMomenta |
vector< pair< int, int > > | weakDipoles |
bool | oniumShower {false} |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const double | CONVERTMB2PB = 1e9 |
From here on what used to be the private part of the class. More... | |
The Info class contains a mixed bag of information on the event generation activity, especially on the current subprocess properties, and on the number of errors encountered. This is used by the generation machinery.
vector< int > codesHard | ( | ) |
Cross section estimate, optionally process by process.
List of all hard processes switched on.
inline |
Retrieve complete header block and event comments Retrieve scales tag information.
inline |
Set and get some MPI/ISR/FSR properties needed for matching, i.e. mainly of internal relevance.
void list | ( | ) | const |
Listing of most available information on current event.
List (almost) all information currently set.
Header and beam info.
Done if no subprocess has been defined.
Colliding parton info.
Process name and code.
Subprocess name and code for nondiffractive processes.
Process-type-specific kinematics information.
Diffractive subsystems.
Impact parameter.
Multiparton interactions and shower evolution.
Listing finished.
Assignment operator gives a shallow copy; no objects pointed to are copied.
void setLHEF3EventInfo | ( | ) |
Set the LHEF3 objects read from the event block.
Reset the LHEF3 objects read from the event block.
void setLHEF3InitInfo | ( | ) |
Set the LHEF3 objects read from the init and header blocks.
Reset the LHEF3 objects read from the init and header blocks.
inline |
Pointers to other class objects, carried piggyback by Info.
Set pointers to other class objects.
inline |
Set info on the (sub)process: from ProcessLevel, ProcessContainer or MultipartonInteractions classes.
inline |
Set event weight, either for LHEF3 or for uncertainty bands. If weight has units (lhaStrategy 4 or -4), input in mb
Nominal weight in weightContainer saved in pb for lhaStrategy +-4
inline |
The uncertainty on the estimated cross-section in units of mb.
loggerPtr->ERROR_MSG("process code not found", to_string(code));
double weight | ( | int | i = 0 | ) | const |
Event weights and accumulated weight.
Weight of current event; normally 1, but used for Les Houches events or when reweighting phase space selection. Conversion from mb to pb for LHA strategy +-4. Uncertainty variations can be accessed by providing an index >= 1 (0 = no variations). Also cumulative sum.
static |
From here on what used to be the private part of the class.
LHA convention with cross section in pb may require conversion from mb.
Allow conversion from mb to pb.
Info class. This class contains a mixed bag of information on the event generation activity, especially on the current subprocess properties. Constants: could be changed here if desired, but normally should not. These are of technical nature, as described for each.
double eventWeightLHEF = {} |
Value of the unit event weight read from a Les Houches event, necessary if additional weights in an otherwise unweighted input file are in relation to this number.
HIInfo* hiInfo {} |