Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼ include | |
► Pythia8 | |
Analysis.h | |
Basics.h | |
BeamParticle.h | |
BeamRemnants.h | |
BeamSetup.h | |
BeamShape.h | |
BoseEinstein.h | |
ColourReconnection.h | |
ColourTracing.h | |
DeuteronProduction.h | |
Dire.h | |
DireBasics.h | |
DireHistory.h | |
DireHooks.h | |
DireMerging.h | |
DireMergingHooks.h | |
DireSpace.h | |
DireSplitInfo.h | |
DireSplittingLibrary.h | |
DireSplittings.h | |
DireSplittingsEW.h | |
DireSplittingsQCD.h | |
DireSplittingsQED.h | |
DireSplittingsU1new.h | |
DireTimes.h | |
DireWeightContainer.h | |
Event.h | |
ExternalMEs.h | |
FragmentationFlavZpT.h | |
FragmentationModel.h | |
FragmentationSystems.h | |
GammaKinematics.h | |
HadronLevel.h | |
HadronWidths.h | |
HardDiffraction.h | |
HeavyIons.h | |
HelicityBasics.h | |
HelicityMatrixElements.h | |
HIBasics.h | |
HiddenValleyFragmentation.h | |
HIInfo.h | |
HINucleusModel.h | |
History.h | |
HISubCollisionModel.h | |
Info.h | |
JunctionSplitting.h | |
LesHouches.h | |
LHEF3.h | |
Logger.h | |
LowEnergyProcess.h | |
MathTools.h | |
Merging.h | |
MergingHooks.h | |
MiniStringFragmentation.h | |
MultipartonInteractions.h | |
NucleonExcitations.h | |
ParticleData.h | |
ParticleDecays.h | |
PartonDistributions.h | |
PartonLevel.h | |
PartonSystems.h | |
PartonVertex.h | |
PhaseSpace.h | |
PhysicsBase.h | |
Plugins.h | |
ProcessContainer.h | |
ProcessLevel.h | |
Pythia.h | |
PythiaComplex.h | |
PythiaParallel.h | |
PythiaStdlib.h | |
ResonanceDecays.h | |
ResonanceWidths.h | |
ResonanceWidthsDM.h | |
RHadrons.h | |
RngDebug.h | |
Ropewalk.h | |
Settings.h | |
SharedPointers.h | |
ShowerModel.h | |
SigmaCompositeness.h | |
SigmaDM.h | |
SigmaEW.h | |
SigmaExtraDim.h | |
SigmaGeneric.h | |
SigmaHiggs.h | |
SigmaLeftRightSym.h | |
SigmaLeptoquark.h | |
SigmaLowEnergy.h | |
SigmaNewGaugeBosons.h | |
SigmaOnia.h | |
SigmaProcess.h | |
SigmaQCD.h | |
SigmaSUSY.h | |
SigmaTotal.h | |
SimpleSpaceShower.h | |
SimpleTimeShower.h | |
SimpleWeakShowerMEs.h | |
SLHAinterface.h | |
SpaceShower.h | |
SplittingsOnia.h | |
StandardModel.h | |
Streams.h | |
StringFragmentation.h | |
StringInteractions.h | |
StringLength.h | |
SusyCouplings.h | |
SusyLesHouches.h | |
SusyResonanceWidths.h | |
SusyWidthFunctions.h | |
TauDecays.h | |
TimeShower.h | |
UserHooks.h | |
Vincia.h | |
VinciaAntennaFunctions.h | |
VinciaCommon.h | |
VinciaDiagnostics.h | |
VinciaEW.h | |
VinciaFSR.h | |
VinciaHistory.h | |
VinciaISR.h | |
VinciaMerging.h | |
VinciaMergingHooks.h | |
VinciaQED.h | |
VinciaTrialGenerators.h | |
VinciaWeights.h | |
Weights.h | |
► Pythia8Plugins | |
aMCatNLOHooks.h | |
ColourReconnectionHooks.h | |
CombineMatchingInput.h | |
EvtGen.h | |
execinfo.h | |
ExternalMEsMadgraph.h | |
FastJet3.h | |
FlavorVariations.h | |
GeneratorInput.h | |
HepMC2.h | |
HepMC3.h | |
InputParser.h | |
JetMatching.h | |
LHAFortran.h | |
LHAHDF5.h | |
LHAHDF5v2.h | |
LHAHelaconia.h | |
LHAMadgraph.h | |
LHAPDF5.h | |
LHAPDF6.h | |
LHAPowheg.h | |
LHEH5.h | |
LHEH5v2.h | |
MixMax.h | |
PowhegHooks.h | |
ProgressLog.h | |
Pythia8Rivet.h | |
Pythia8Yoda.h | |
PythiaCascade.h | |
ResonanceDecayFilterHook.h | |
SetLHEDecayProductHook.h | |
Visualisation.h | |