14 #ifndef Pythia8_HINucleusModel_H 15 #define Pythia8_HINucleusModel_H 17 #include "Pythia8/HIBasics.h" 46 : idSave(idIn), indexSave(indexIn), nPosSave(pos), bPosSave(pos),
47 statusSave(UNWOUNDED), eventp(0), isDone(0) {}
52 int id()
const {
return idSave; }
55 int index()
const {
return indexSave; }
70 bool done()
const {
return isDone; }
76 const State &
const {
return stateSave; }
80 static State nullstate;
81 return i < int(altStatesSave.size())? altStatesSave[i]: nullstate;
90 void state(State s) { stateSave = s; }
110 statusSave = UNWOUNDED;
111 altStatesSave.clear();
139 vector<State> altStatesSave;
161 nucleonsSave = make_shared<vector<Nucleon>>(nucleons);
162 for (
Nucleon& nucleon : *nucleonsSave) {
164 nucleon.bShift(bPos);
169 vector<Nucleon>::iterator
begin() {
return nucleonsSave->begin(); }
170 vector<Nucleon>::iterator end() {
return nucleonsSave->end(); }
171 vector<Nucleon>::const_iterator begin()
const {
return nucleonsSave->begin();}
172 vector<Nucleon>::const_iterator end()
const {
return nucleonsSave->end();}
177 shared_ptr<vector<Nucleon>> nucleonsSave;
194 ZSave(0), LSave(0), RSave(0.0), settingsPtr(0),
200 static shared_ptr<NucleusModel> create(
int model);
203 void initPtr(
int idIn,
bool isProjIn,
Info& infoIn);
204 virtual bool init() {
return true; }
205 virtual bool initGeometry() {
return false; }
208 void setParticle(
int idIn);
211 virtual void setPN(
const Vec4 & pNIn) { pNSave = pNIn; }
214 virtual void setMN(
double mNIn) { mNSave = mNIn; }
221 virtual vector<Nucleon> generate()
const = 0;
224 int id()
const {
return idSave; }
225 int I()
const {
return ISave; }
226 int A()
const {
return ASave; }
227 int Z()
const {
return ZSave; }
228 int L()
const {
return LSave; }
229 double R()
const {
return RSave; }
231 int idN()
const {
return idNSave; }
232 const Vec4 & pN()
const {
return pNSave; }
233 double mN()
const {
return mNSave; }
281 bool init()
285 vector<Nucleon> generate()
const override;
296 mutable vector<vector<Vec4> > nucleonPositions;
299 mutable size_t nUsed;
326 if (gaussHardCore)
return hardCoreRadius * abs(rndmPtr->gauss());
327 return hardCoreRadius;}
356 inthi0(0.0), inthi1(0.0), inthi2(0.0) {}
359 bool init()
360 bool initGeometry()
363 vector<Nucleon> generate()
const override;
366 double a()
const {
return aSave; }
372 Vec4 generateNucleon()
376 intlo = R()*R()*R()/3.0;
377 inthi0 = a()*R()*R();
378 inthi1 = 2.0*a()*a()*R();
379 inthi2 = 2.0*a()*a()*a();
391 double intlo, inthi0, inthi1, inthi2;
412 bool init()
413 bool initGeometry()
432 virtual bool init()
436 virtual vector<Nucleon> generate()
const override;
442 virtual Vec4 generateNucleon()
445 double rho(
double r)
const {
446 double pref = 4./(pow(sqrt(M_PI * C2),3)) * (1 + (A() - 4.)/6. * r*r/C2);
447 return pref * exp(-r*r / C2);
478 virtual bool init()
481 virtual vector<Nucleon> generate()
const override;
486 double rho(
double r)
const {
487 double pref = (2*hA*hB*(hA + hB))/
pow2(hA - hB);
488 double exps = exp(-2.*hA*r) + exp(-2.*hB*r) - 2.*exp(-(hA+hB)*r);
512 virtual bool init()
516 virtual vector<Nucleon> generate()
const override;
522 virtual Vec4 generateNucleon()
544 virtual bool init()
548 virtual vector<Nucleon> generate()
const override;
553 unique_ptr<NucleusModel> nModelPtr;
Z0 Z(f is quark or lepton).*/ void Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime
Initialize process.
Definition: SigmaNewGaugeBosons.cc:110
constexpr double pow2(const double &x)
Powers of small integers - for balance speed/code clarity.
Definition: PythiaStdlib.h:182
double rho(double r) const
The (normalized) density function.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:486
Default constructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:406
double nucleusChR
Nucleus charge radius.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:448
double a() const
Accessor functions.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:366
bool done() const
Check if nucleon has been assigned.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:70
virtual ~HardCoreModel()
Virtual destructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:317
void reset()
Reset the states and status.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:109
A general Woods-Saxon distributed nucleus.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:346
double hA
Parameters of the Hulthen model.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:490
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:152
double RSave
The estimate of the nucleus radius.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:247
void overestimates()
Calculate overestimates for sampling.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:375
vector< Nucleon >::iterator begin()
Iterate over nucleons.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:169
The Hulthen potential for deuterons.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:468
Default constructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:314
vector< double > State
The state of a nucleon is a general vector of doubles.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:41
bool gaussHardCore
Use a Gaussian hard core.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:335
virtual ~HOShellModel()
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:429
const Vec4 & bPos() const
The absolute position in impact parameter space.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:61
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:28
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:187
const Vec4 & nPos() const
The position of this nucleon relative to the nucleus center.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:58
Default constructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:507
int index() const
The index of the nucleon in the nucleus.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:55
double protonChR
Nucleon charge radius.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:454
virtual void setPN(const Vec4 &pNIn)
Set (new) nucleon momentum.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:211
const State & altState(int i=0)
Return an alternative state.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:79
EventInfo * event() const
The event this nucleon is assigned to.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:73
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:401
Nucleus(vector< Nucleon > nucleons, Vec4 bPos)
Constructor with nucleons and impact parameter.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:160
Default constructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:426
bool useHardCore
Use the hard core or not.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:332
A Gaussian distribution for light nuclei.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:502
The nucleon is not wounded.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:35
bool isProj
Projectile or target.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:238
A Harmonic-Oscillator Shell model for light nuclei.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:421
double rho(double r) const
The density function.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:445
The nucleon is diffractively wounded.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:37
double aSave
The nucleus radius, skin depth parameter, and hard core nucleon radius.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:385
virtual void setMN(double mNIn)
Set (new) effective nucleon mass.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:214
The nucleon is elastically scattered.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:36
double hardCoreRadius
The radius or width of the hard core.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:338
Info * infoPtr
Pointers to useful objects.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:261
int idSave
The nucleus.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:241
int id() const
Accessor functions:
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:52
Default constructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:278
void debug()
Print out debugging information.
Definition: HINucleusModel.cc:23
int ISave
Cache information about the nucleus.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:244
void state(State s)
Set the physical state.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:90
virtual ~GaussianModel()
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:510
void select()
Select this nucleon to be assigned to an event.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:103
Enum for specifying the status of a nucleon.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:33
Class for storing Events and Info objects.
Definition: HIBasics.h:25
int id() const
Accessor functions.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:224
void select(EventInfo &evp, Nucleon::Status s)
Select an event for this nucleon.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:96
virtual ~NucleusModel()
Virtual destructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:198
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:273
double rSample() const
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:325
void addAltState(State s)
Add an alternative state.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:93
Nucleon::Status status() const
The status of the nucleon.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:67
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:355
void bShift(const Vec4 &bvec)
Shift the absolute position in impact parameter space.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:64
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:193
Default constructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:473
double rhoMax
Maximum rho for these parameters.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:460
Header for classes to set beam momentum and interaction vertex spread.
Definition: Analysis.h:20
const State & state() const
The physical state of the incoming nucleon.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:76
void status(Nucleon::Status s)
Manipulating functions:
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:87
Nucleon(int idIn=0, int indexIn=0, const Vec4 &pos=Vec4())
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:45
virtual ~HulthenModel()
Virtual destructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:476
double nucleusChR
Nucleus charge radius.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:525
A model for nuclei clustered in smaller nuclei.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:533
double C2
C2 parameter.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:457
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:309
virtual ~GLISSANDOModel()
Virtual destructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:409
virtual ~WoodsSaxonModel()
Virtual destructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:351
virtual ~ClusterModel()
Virtual destructor.
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:541
Definition: Settings.h:196
Definition: HINucleusModel.h:538