9 #ifndef Pythia8_HadronLevel_H 10 #define Pythia8_HadronLevel_H 12 #include "Pythia8/Basics.h" 13 #include "Pythia8/BoseEinstein.h" 14 #include "Pythia8/ColourTracing.h" 15 #include "Pythia8/DeuteronProduction.h" 16 #include "Pythia8/Event.h" 17 #include "Pythia8/FragmentationFlavZpT.h" 18 #include "Pythia8/FragmentationSystems.h" 19 #include "Pythia8/HadronWidths.h" 20 #include "Pythia8/HiddenValleyFragmentation.h" 21 #include "Pythia8/Info.h" 22 #include "Pythia8/JunctionSplitting.h" 23 #include "Pythia8/LowEnergyProcess.h" 24 #include "Pythia8/SigmaLowEnergy.h" 25 #include "Pythia8/NucleonExcitations.h" 26 #include "Pythia8/ParticleData.h" 27 #include "Pythia8/ParticleDecays.h" 28 #include "Pythia8/PartonVertex.h" 29 #include "Pythia8/PhysicsBase.h" 30 #include "Pythia8/PythiaStdlib.h" 31 #include "Pythia8/RHadrons.h" 32 #include "Pythia8/Settings.h" 33 #include "Pythia8/StringFragmentation.h" 34 #include "Pythia8/TimeShower.h" 35 #include "Pythia8/UserHooks.h" 52 bool init( TimeShowerPtr timesDecPtrIn, RHadronsPtr rHadronsPtrIn,
53 LundFragmentationPtr fragPtrIn, vector<FragmentationModelPtr>* fragPtrsIn,
54 DecayHandlerPtr decayHandlePtr, vector<int> handledParticles,
55 StringIntPtr stringInteractionsPtrIn, PartonVertexPtr partonVertexPtrIn,
67 (event[iDec].isFinal() && event[iDec].canDecay() && event[iDec].mayDecay())
68 ? decays.
decay( iDec, event) :
82 if (!lowEnergyProcess.
collide( i1, i2, procTypeIn, event)) {
83 loggerPtr->ERROR_MSG(
"low energy collision failed");
108 static const double MTINY;
111 bool doHadronize{}, doDecay{}, doPartonVertex{}, doBoseEinstein{},
112 doDeuteronProd{}, allowRH{}, closePacking{}, doNonPertAll{},
114 double pNormJunction{}, widthSepBE{}, widthSepRescatter{};
115 vector<int> nonPertProc{};
121 vector<int> iParton{}, iJunLegA{}, iJunLegB{}, iJunLegC{},
122 iAntiLegA{}, iAntiLegB{}, iAntiLegC{}, iGluLeg{};
123 vector<double> m2Pair{};
129 TimeShowerPtr timesDecPtr;
149 RHadronsPtr rHadronsPtr{};
153 LundFragmentationPtr fragPtr{};
157 vector<FragmentationModelPtr>* fragPtrs{};
160 bool decayOctetOnia(
Event& event);
164 bool findSinglets(
Event& event,
bool keepJunctions =
167 PartonVertexPtr partonVertexPtr;
171 bool doRescatter{}, scatterManyTimes{}, scatterQuickCheck{},
172 scatterNeighbours{}, delayRegeneration{};
173 double b2Max, tauRegeneration{};
174 void queueDecResc(
Event& event,
int iStart,
175 priority_queue<HadronLevel::PriorityNode>& queue);
179 bool useVelocityFrame;
182 bool doHadronizeVeto;
187 double impactOpacity{};
196 StringRepPtr stringRepulsionPtr;
197 FragModPtr fragmentationModifierPtr;
200 vector< vector< pair<double,double> > > rapidityPairs(
Event& event);
203 double yMax(
Particle pIn,
double mTiny) {
204 double temp = log( ( pIn.e() + abs(pIn.pz()) ) / max( mTiny, pIn.mT()) );
205 return (pIn.pz() > 0) ? temp : -temp; }
206 double yMax(
Vec4 pIn,
double mTiny) {
207 double mTemp = pIn.m2Calc() + pIn.pT2();
208 mTemp = (mTemp >= 0.) ? sqrt(mTemp) : -sqrt(-mTemp);
209 double temp = log( ( pIn.e() + abs(pIn.pz()) ) / max( mTiny, mTemp) );
210 return (pIn.pz() > 0) ? temp : -temp; }
Definition: LowEnergyProcess.h:28
bool collide(int i1, int i2, int typeIn, Event &event, Vec4 vtx=Vec4(), Vec4 vtx1=Vec4(), Vec4 vtx2=Vec4())
Produce outgoing primary hadrons from collision of incoming pair.
Definition: LowEnergyProcess.cc:105
bool moreDecays(Event &event)
Special routine to allow more decays if on/off switches changed.
Definition: HadronLevel.cc:339
Definition: NucleonExcitations.h:23
Definition: PhysicsBase.h:27
void registerSubObject(PhysicsBase &pb)
Register a sub object that should have its information in sync with this.
Definition: PhysicsBase.cc:56
The ParticleDecays class contains the routines to decay a particle.
Definition: ParticleDecays.h:57
The Event class holds all info on the generated event.
Definition: Event.h:408
Definition: HadronLevel.cc:20
Definition: JunctionSplitting.h:30
The StringPT class is used to select select transverse momenta.
Definition: FragmentationFlavZpT.h:326
Gets cross sections for hadron-hadron collisions at low energies.
Definition: SigmaLowEnergy.h:22
StringFlav * getStringFlavPtr()
Get pointer to StringFlav instance (needed by BeamParticle).
Definition: HadronLevel.h:60
int pickLowEnergyProcess(int idA, int idB, double eCM, double mA, double mB)
Pick process for a low-energy hadron-hadron scattering.
Definition: HadronLevel.cc:383
The StringZ class is used to sample the fragmentation function f(z).
Definition: FragmentationFlavZpT.h:265
Definition: HadronLevel.h:44
bool next(Event &event)
Generate the next event.
Definition: HadronLevel.cc:175
bool rescatter(Event &event)
Perform rescattering. Return true if new strings must be hadronized.
Definition: HadronLevel.cc:620
bool doLowEnergyProcess(int i1, int i2, int procTypeIn, Event &event)
Special routine to do a low-energy hadron-hadron scattering.
Definition: HadronLevel.h:81
bool hasVetoedHadronize() const
Tell if we did an early user-defined veto of the event.
Definition: HadronLevel.h:90
ColourTracing class. It is used to trace colours within the event record.
Definition: ColourTracing.h:22
bool initLowEnergyProcesses()
Prepare and pick process for a low-energy hadron-hadron scattering.
Definition: HadronLevel.cc:359
The ColConfig class describes the colour configuration of the whole event.
Definition: FragmentationSystems.h:60
Definition: BoseEinstein.h:48
bool init(TimeShowerPtr timesDecPtrIn, RHadronsPtr rHadronsPtrIn, LundFragmentationPtr fragPtrIn, vector< FragmentationModelPtr > *fragPtrsIn, DecayHandlerPtr decayHandlePtr, vector< int > handledParticles, StringIntPtr stringInteractionsPtrIn, PartonVertexPtr partonVertexPtrIn, SigmaLowEnergy &sigmaLowEnergyIn, NucleonExcitations &nucleonExcitationsIn)
Initialize HadronLevel classes as required.
Definition: HadronLevel.cc:58
Logger * loggerPtr
Pointer to logger.
Definition: PhysicsBase.h:87
bool decay(int iDec, Event &event)
Perform a decay of a single particle.
Definition: ParticleDecays.cc:118
virtual void onInitInfoPtr() override
Definition: HadronLevel.h:94
Definition: Weights.h:354
Header for classes to set beam momentum and interaction vertex spread.
Definition: Analysis.h:20
The StringFlav class is used to select quark and hadron flavours.
Definition: FragmentationFlavZpT.h:84
The DeuteronProduction class.
Definition: DeuteronProduction.h:22
bool decay(int iDec, Event &event)
Try to decay the specified particle. Returns false if decay failed.
Definition: HadronLevel.h:66