The StringFlav class is used to select quark and hadron flavours. More...
#include <FragmentationFlavZpT.h>
Public Member Functions | |
StringFlav () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~StringFlav () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | init () |
Initialize data members. More... | |
virtual void | init (double kappaModifier, double strangeJunc, double probQQmod) |
Initialise parameters when using close packing. More... | |
int | pickLightQ () |
Pick a light d, u or s quark according to fixed ratios. | |
virtual FlavContainer | pick (FlavContainer &flavOld, double pT=-1.0, double kappaModifier=-1.0, bool allowPop=true) |
virtual FlavContainer | pickGauss (FlavContainer &flavOld, bool allowPop=true) |
virtual FlavContainer | pickThermal (FlavContainer &flavOld, double pT, double kappaModifier) |
virtual int | combine (FlavContainer &flav1, FlavContainer &flav2) |
Combine two flavours (including diquarks) to produce a hadron. More... | |
virtual int | combineId (int id1, int id2, bool keepTrying=true) |
Ditto, simplified input argument for simple configurations. | |
virtual pair< int, int > | combineDiquarkJunction (int id1, int id2, int id3) |
Combine three (di-) quark flavours into two hadrons. More... | |
virtual int | combineToLightest (int id1, int id2) |
Combine two flavours to produce a hadron with lowest possible mass. More... | |
virtual int | idLightestNeutralMeson () |
Lightest flavour-neutral meson. | |
virtual int | getHadronIDwin () |
Return chosen hadron in case of thermal model. | |
virtual int | combineLastThermal (FlavContainer &flav1, FlavContainer &flav2, double pT, double kappaModifier) |
virtual int | getHadronID (FlavContainer &flav1, FlavContainer &flav2, double pT=-1.0, double kappaModifier=-1.0, bool finalTwo=false) |
virtual double | getHadronMassWin (int idHad) |
Return hadron mass. Used one if present, pick otherwise. | |
void | assignPopQ (FlavContainer &flav) |
Assign popcorn quark inside an original (= rank 0) diquark. More... | |
int | makeDiquark (int id1, int id2, int idHad=0) |
Combine two quarks to produce a diquark. More... | |
void | addQuarkDiquark (vector< pair< int, int > > &quarkCombis, int qID, int diqID, int hadronID) |
Check if quark-diquark combination should be added. If so add. | |
int | getMesonSpinCounter (int hadronID) |
Get spin counter for mesons. | |
double | getFlavourSpinRatios (int i, int j) |
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void | initInfoPtr (Info &infoPtrIn) |
This function is called from above for physics objects used in a run. More... | |
virtual | ~PhysicsBase () |
Empty virtual destructor. | |
bool | flag (string key) const |
Shorthand to read settings values. | |
int | mode (string key) const |
double | parm (string key) const |
string | word (string key) const |
vector< bool > | fvec (string key) const |
vector< int > | mvec (string key) const |
vector< double > | pvec (string key) const |
vector< string > | wvec (string key) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | initDerived () |
Initialise derived parameters. More... | |
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PhysicsBase () | |
Default constructor. | |
virtual void | onInitInfoPtr () |
virtual void | onBeginEvent () |
This function is called in the very beginning of each Pythia::next call. | |
virtual void | onEndEvent (Status) |
virtual void | onStat () |
This function is called from the Pythia::stat() call. | |
void | registerSubObject (PhysicsBase &pb) |
Register a sub object that should have its information in sync with this. | |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | suppressLeadingB |
Settings for Gaussian model. | |
bool | mT2suppression |
bool | useWidthPre |
double | probQQtoQ |
double | probStoUD |
double | probSQtoQQ |
double | probQQ1toQQ0 |
double | probQandQQ |
double | probQandS |
double | probQandSinQQ |
double | probQQ1corr |
double | probQQ1corrInv |
double | probQQ1norm |
double | probQQ1join [4] |
double | mesonRate [4][6] |
double | mesonRateSum [4] |
double | mesonMix1 [2][6] |
double | mesonMix2 [2][6] |
double | etaSup |
double | etaPrimeSup |
double | decupletSup |
double | baryonCGSum [6] |
double | baryonCGMax [6] |
double | popcornRate |
double | popcornSpair |
double | popcornSmeson |
double | barCGMax [8] |
double | scbBM [3] |
double | popFrac |
double | popS [3] |
double | dWT [3][7] |
double | lightLeadingBSup |
double | heavyLeadingBSup |
bool | qqKappa |
double | probStoUDSav |
double | probQQtoQSav |
double | probSQtoQQSav |
double | probQQ1toQQ0Sav |
double | alphaQQSav |
double | sigmaHad |
double | widthPreStrange |
double | widthPreDiquark |
bool | thermalModel |
Settings for thermal model. | |
bool | mesonNonetL1 |
double | temperature |
double | tempPreFactor |
int | nNewQuark |
double | mesMixRate1 [2][6] |
double | mesMixRate2 [2][6] |
double | mesMixRate3 [2][6] |
double | baryonOctWeight [6][6][6][2] |
double | baryonDecWeight [6][6][6][2] |
bool | closePacking |
Settings used by both models. | |
bool | doEnhanceDiquark |
double | enhanceStrange |
double | enhancePT |
double | enhanceDiquark |
double | exponentMPI |
double | exponentNSP |
map< int, vector< pair< int, int > > > | hadronConstIDs |
Key = hadron id, value = list of constituent ids. | |
map< int, vector< pair< int, int > > > | possibleHadrons |
map< int, vector< double > > | possibleRatePrefacs |
Key = initial (di)quark id, value = prefactor to multiply rate. | |
map< pair< int, int >, vector< pair< int, int > > > | possibleHadronsLast |
Similar, but for combining the last two (di)quarks. Key = (di)quark pair. | |
map< pair< int, int >, vector< double > > | possibleRatePrefacsLast |
int | hadronIDwin |
Selection in thermal model. | |
int | idNewWin |
double | hadronMassWin |
WeightsFragmentation * | wgtsPtr {} |
Fragmentation weights container. | |
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Info * | infoPtr = {} |
Settings * | settingsPtr = {} |
Pointer to the settings database. | |
ParticleData * | particleDataPtr = {} |
Pointer to the particle data table. | |
Logger * | loggerPtr = {} |
Pointer to logger. | |
HadronWidths * | hadronWidthsPtr = {} |
Pointer to the hadron widths data table. | |
Rndm * | rndmPtr = {} |
Pointer to the random number generator. | |
CoupSM * | coupSMPtr = {} |
Pointers to SM and SUSY couplings. | |
CoupSUSY * | coupSUSYPtr = {} |
BeamSetup * | beamSetupPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamBPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamPomAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamPomBPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamGamAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamGamBPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamVMDAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamVMDBPtr = {} |
PartonSystems * | partonSystemsPtr = {} |
Pointer to information on subcollision parton locations. | |
SigmaTotal * | sigmaTotPtr = {} |
Pointers to the total/elastic/diffractive cross sections. | |
SigmaCombined * | sigmaCmbPtr = {} |
set< PhysicsBase * > | subObjects |
UserHooksPtr | userHooksPtr |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static const int | mesonMultipletCode [6] = { 1, 3, 10003, 10001, 20003, 5} |
Constants: could only be changed in the code itself. More... | |
static const double | baryonCGOct [6] = { 0.75, 0.5, 0., 0.1667, 0.0833, 0.1667} |
static const double | baryonCGDec [6] = { 0., 0., 1., 0.3333, 0.6667, 0.3333} |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
Enumerate the different status codes the event generation can have. | |
The StringFlav class is used to select quark and hadron flavours.
void assignPopQ | ( | FlavContainer & | flav | ) |
Assign popcorn quark inside an original (= rank 0) diquark.
Safety check that intended to do something.
Make choice of popcorn quark.
Agrees with Patrik code, but opposite to intention??
Also determine if to produce popcorn meson.
virtual |
Combine two flavours (including diquarks) to produce a hadron.
Combine two flavours (including diquarks) to produce a hadron. The weighting of the combination may fail, giving output 0.
Recognize largest and smallest flavour.
Construct a meson.
Popcorn meson: use only vertex quarks. Fail if none.
Pick spin state and preliminary code.
For nondiagonal mesons distinguish particle/antiparticle.
For light diagonal mesons include uubar - ddbar - ssbar mixing.
Additional suppression of eta and eta' may give failure.
Finished for mesons.
SU(6) factors for baryon production may give failure.
Order quarks to form baryon. Pick spin.
Distinguish Lambda- and Sigma-like.
Form baryon code and return with sign.
Reimplemented in HVStringFlav.
virtual |
Combine three (di-) quark flavours into two hadrons.
Combine three (di-)quark flavours into two hadrons. Note that at least one of the id's must be a diquark.
Order the junction ends in an increasing |id| sequence.
If the first is a diquark then all are diquarks. Then split the first. Combine its two quarks with the other diquarks into two baryons.
Otherwise the first is an antiquark. If the second is a diquark, also the third is it. Then split the second. Let one of its quarks form a meson with the first antiquark, and the other a baryon with the third diquark.
Finally, if the first two are antiquarks, then split the third diquark and form two mesons.
If there was no diquark to split something is wrong.
Randomize the flavours of the split diquark and return the two hadrons.
virtual |
Combine two flavours into hadron for last two remaining flavours for thermal model.
Combine two flavours (including diquarks) to produce a hadron. Function called in case of combining the two remaining flavours into last hadron.
Determine close-packing scaling.
Decide randomly on whether to treat flav1 or flav2 as incoming.
Temperature increase to work against asymmetry. Apply for s/c/b and diquarks.
Enhanced-rate prefactor for MPIs and/or nearby string pieces.
Get Gaussian width in case of mT2 suppression.
Prefactor for strange quarks and diquarks.
Enhanced-rate prefactor for MPIs and/or nearby string pieces.
Get the list of allowed hadrons and constituents for that combination of (di)quarks. First parameter of pair is hadron ID, second is nr of hadron constituents in the list.
Vector with hadron masses. Is -1.0 if m0 is use for calculating the suppression rate and mSel if mSel is used.
Calculate rates/suppression factors for given pT.
Pick mass and calculate suppression factor.
mT2 suppression with Gaussian pT?
Multiply rate with prefactor.
Save rate and add to sum
Normalize rates
Get accumulated rates
Random number to decide which hadron to pick
Save hadron.
virtual |
Combine two flavours to produce a hadron with lowest possible mass.
Combine two flavours (including diquarks) to produce the lightest hadron allowed for that flavour content. No popcorn flavours.
Recognize largest and smallest flavour.
Quark-antiquark to meson.
For nondiagonal mesons distinguish particle/antiparticle.
For light diagonal mesons pick pi0 or eta.
Finished for mesons.
Quark-diquark to baryon
Create baryon. Special cases with spin 3/2 and lambdalike.
Finished for baryons.
inline |
Get the flavour and spin ratios calculated from the diquark weights. i: (0) q -> B B, (1) q -> B M B, (2) qq -> M B j: (0) s/u popcorn ratio, (1/2) s/u ratio for vertex quark if popcorn quark is u/d or s, (3) q/q' vertex quark ratio if popcorn quark is light and = q, (4/5/6) (spin 1)/(spin 0) ratio for su, us and ud
inlinevirtual |
General function, decides whether to just return the hadron id if thermal model was use or whether to combine the two flavours.
virtual |
Initialize data members.
Initialize data members of the flavour generation.
Set the fragmentation weights container.
Basic parameters for generation of new flavour.
Spin parameters for combining two quarks to a diquark.
Parameters for normal meson production.
Parameters for L=1 excited-meson production.
Store sum over multiplets for Monte Carlo generation.
Parameters for uubar - ddbar - ssbar meson mixing.
Fill in (flavour, spin)-dependent probability of producing the lightest or the lightest two mesons of the nonet.
Fill in rates for multiplication.
Additional suppression of eta and etaPrime.
Sum of baryon octet and decuplet weights.
Maximum SU(6) weight for ud0, ud1, uu1 types.
Popcorn baryon parameters.
Suppression of leading (= first-rank) baryons.
Use Gaussian model but with mT2 suppression?
Enhanced-rate prefactor for MPIs and/or nearby string pieces.
Save "vacuum" parameters for closepacking init() function.
Calculate derived parameters.
Use thermal model?
Temperature parameters for thermal model.
Hadron multiplets in thermal model.
Fill list of possible hadrons that are allowed to be produced. Also include a list of "emergency" hadrons that are needed to get rid of all possible endpoint (di)quarks.
Baryon octet and decuplet.
Check how many heavy baryons to include.
Only include lightest combinations.
Only include lightest combinations.
Mesons nonets. Take pseudoscalar PDG codes as basis.
Check how many heavy mesons to include. If not included in ordinary production, fill minimal list with "emergency" hadrons
Include all possible combinations, only pseudoscalar as they are the lightest ones.
Include all possible combinations, only pseudoscalar as they are the lightest ones.
Pseudoscalar nonet J=0, S=0, L=0.
Vector nonet J=1, S=1, L=0.
Include L=1 nonets?
Pseudovector nonet J=1, S=0, L=1.
Scalar nonet J=0, S=1, L=1.
Pseudovector nonet J=1, S=1, L=1.
Tensor nonet J=2, S=1, L=1.
Fill list of all hadrons ids (ordinary and "emergency").
Fill map with IDs of hadron constituents for all hadrons.
Baryon can be split into q + qq in several different ways.
Baryon octet J=1/2.
Add (q2+q3)_0/1 + q1. if (q2 < q3) (q2+q3)_0 and if (q2 > q3) (q2+q3)_1.
Add other combinations. Can be both, J=0 or J=1.
(q1+q3)j + q2
(q1+q2)j + q3
Quarks with the same flavour form J=1, all other combinations can be both, J=0 or J=1.
(q1+q2)1 + q3
(q1+q3)1 + q2
(q2+q3)1 + q1
Baryon decuplet J=3/2.
All quark pairs form diquarks with J=1. (q1+q2)1 + q3
(q1+q3)1 + q2
(q2+q3)1 + q1
Mesons usually have a trivial subdivision into quark + antiquark. Mixing of diagonal mesons is taken into account later.
id > 0: downtype+uptype: up = quark, down = antiquark (default) id > 0: same type -> larger id decides
Copy into smaller versions (one for ordinary production, two for "emergency")
List with all possible initial (di)quarks we could get.
If we include heavy quark hadrons we include the following diquarks in addition.
Loop over list with all possible initial (di)quarks. Fill map possibleHadrons with key = initial (di)quark id, value = list of possible hadron ids
For heavy quarks add "emergency" list, if needed.
Fill list: first parameter of pair is hadron ID, second is nr of hadron constituents in the list.
Loop through list with hadrons and their (di)quark content, check if possible to produce given the choice of initial (di)quark.
Loop over constituent IDs.
To include uubar-ddbar-ssbar mixing include all diagonal mesons.
Calculate baryon octet and decuplet weighting factors based on Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and spin counting. Parameters: qDi1 qDi2 q3 spin. Zero for flavour=0 and same flavour diquarks with J=0.
qq0 + r
qq0 + r
Clebsch-Gordon for the rest.
qq1 + q
qq1 + r
qr0 + q
rq0 + q
qr1 + q
rq1 + q
qr0 + s
qr1 + s
Spin 1 diquarks get extra factor of 3. And all factors get relative baryon-to-meson ratio.
Go through the list of possible hadrons and calculate the prefactor that will multiply the rate.
Get hadron and constituents.
Extra suppression factor for s/c/b quarks.
Extra factor according to last digit for spin counting.
Include correct uubar-ddbar-ssbar mixing factor;
Get spin used as counter for the different multiplets
Check if baryon is octet or decuplet.
Make sure ID2 is diquark.
Extract quark flavours and spin from diquark.
Single quark.
Find Clebsch-Gordan: q1 in DQ | q2 in DQ | q3 | S of DQ
Special cases for Lamda (312) and Sigma (321) or the like.
Extract the two lightest quarks from hadron.
Extract the two quarks from the diquark.
Don't do anything if (12) or (21) is diquark.
Sigma (321)
Lamda (312)
Save prefactor.
Now the same again for joining the last two (di)quarks into hadron.
Loop over possible partners, start with next quark.
Skip all combinations with two diquarks.
Skip all combinations with two quarks or two antiquarks.
Skip all combinations with quark-antidiquark and antiquark-diquark. (1 = diquark, 2 = quark not possible).
If we are not including heavy quarks skip combinations of heavy quark - diquark with heavy quark.
Now decide which list of possible hadrons to use. As we might have to use the special list for heavy quarks we use the maximum of the absolute ids in case of two quarks and check the maximum flavour in case of quark - diquark pair.
quark - quark
quark - diquark
Check if diquark contains a heavier flavour than the quark.
New list to fill.
Now loop over possible hadrons and check if other (di)quark in constituents matches idIn2.
Get constituents.
Can take this combination.
Initialize winning parameters.
Reimplemented in HVStringFlav.
virtual |
Initialise parameters when using close packing.
Altered probabilities with close packing.
If allowing effective kappa to enhance baryon production, do this.
Diquark scaling power controlled by enhanceDiquark.
Probability of a diquark being formed can scale with the probability of a fluctuation on a string to not connect (and break) a nearby string. for x probability of reconnection, probability of diquark survival scales with 1/2 * [(1-x)^nG + (1-x)^nB]
Make sure probability is sensible.
Calculate derived parameters.
protectedvirtual |
Initialise derived parameters.
Initialise the derived parameters.
Parameters derived from init calls.
Enumerate distinguishable diquark types (in diquark first is popcorn q).
Maximum SU(6) weight by diquark type.
Diquark SU(6) survival = Sum_quark (quark tunnel weight) * SU(6).
Tunneling factors for diquark production; only half a pair = sqrt.
spin * (vertex factor) * (half-tunneling factor above).
Combine above two into total diquark weight for q -> B Bbar.
Suppression from having strange popcorn meson.
Suppression for a heavy quark of a diquark to fit into a baryon on the other side of popcorn meson: (0) s/u for q -> B M; (1) s/u for rank 0 diquark su -> M B; (2) ditto for s -> c/b.
Include maximum of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
Popcorn fraction for normal diquark production.
Popcorn fraction for rank 0 diquarks, depending on number of s quarks.
Recombine diquark weights to flavour and spin ratios. Second index: 0 = s/u popcorn quark ratio. 1, 2 = s/u ratio for vertex quark if popcorn quark is u/d or s. 3 = q/q' vertex quark ratio if popcorn quark is light and = q. 4, 5, 6 = (spin 1)/(spin 0) ratio for su, us and ud.
Case 0: q -> B B.
Case 1: q -> B M B.
Case 2: qq -> M B; diquark inside chain.
int makeDiquark | ( | int | id1, |
int | id2, | ||
int | idHad = 0 |
) |
Combine two quarks to produce a diquark.
Combine two quarks to produce a diquark. Normally according to production composition, but nonvanishing idHad means diquark from known hadron content, so use SU(6) wave function.
Initial values.
Select spin of diquark formed from two valence quarks in proton. (More hadron cases??)
Else select spin of diquark according to assumed spin-1 suppression.
Combined diquark code.
inlinevirtual |
Pick a new flavour (including diquarks) given an incoming one, either by old standard Gaussian or new alternative exponential.
Reimplemented in HVStringFlav.
virtual |
Pick a new flavour (including diquarks) given an incoming one for Gaussian pTq^2 distribution.
Initial values for new flavour.
For original diquark assign popcorn quark and whether popcorn meson.
Diquark exists, to be forced into baryon now.
Diquark exists, but do meson now.
Newly created diquark gives baryon now, antibaryon later.
Choose whether to generate a new meson or a new baryon.
Optional suppression of first-rank baryon.
Single quark for new meson or for baryon where diquark already exists.
Count breaks for variations, then done for simple-quark case.
Case: 0 = q -> B B, 1 = q -> B M B, 2 = qq -> M B.
Flavour of popcorn quark (= q shared between B and Bbar).
Flavour of vertex quark.
Special case for light flavours, possibly identical.
Pick 2 * spin + 1.
Form outgoing diquark. Count breaks for variations. Done.
virtual |
Pick a hadron, based on generated pT value and initial (di)quark. Check all possible hadrons and calculate their relative suppression based on exp(-mThadron/T), possibly multiplied by spin counting, meson mixing or baryon weighting factors. First return value is hadron ID, second new (di)quark ID.
Determine close-packing scaling.
Initial values for new flavour.
Temperature increase to work against asymmetry. Apply for s/c/b and diquarks.
Enhanced-rate prefactor for MPIs and/or nearby string pieces.
Get Gaussian width in case of mT2 suppression.
Prefactor for strange quarks and diquarks.
Enhanced-rate prefactor for MPIs and/or nearby string pieces.
Get the list of allowed hadrons and constituents for that initial (di)quark. First parameter of pair is hadron ID, second is nr of hadron constituents in the list.
Vector with hadron masses. Is -1.0 if m0 is use for calculating the suppression rate and mSel if mSel is used.
Calculate rates/suppression factors for given pT.
Pick mass and calculate suppression factor.
mT2 suppression with Gaussian pT?
Multiply rate with prefactor.
Save rate and add to sum
Normalize rates
Get accumulated rates
Random number to decide which hadron to pick
Get flavour of (di)quark to use next time.
Special case for diagonal meson, flavour remains
Save new flavour and hadron.
id used to build hadron
id used in next step
staticprotected |
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for baryon octet and decuplet are fixed once and for all, so only weighted sum needs to be edited. Order: ud0 + u, ud0 + s, uu1 + u, uu1 + d, ud1 + u, ud1 + s.
staticprotected |
Constants: could only be changed in the code itself.
The StringFlav class.
Constants: could be changed here if desired, but normally should not. These are of technical nature, as described for each. Offset for different meson multiplet id values.
protected |
Key = initial (di)quark id, value = list of possible hadron ids