PYTHIA  8.312
1 // Event.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
2 // Copyright (C) 2024 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
3 // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
4 // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
6 // Header file for the Particle and Event classes.
7 // Particle: information on an instance of a particle.
8 // Junction: information on a junction between three colours.
9 // Event: list of particles in the current event.
11 #ifndef Pythia8_Event_H
12 #define Pythia8_Event_H
14 #include "Pythia8/Basics.h"
15 #include "Pythia8/ParticleData.h"
16 #include "Pythia8/PythiaStdlib.h"
18 namespace Pythia8 {
20 //==========================================================================
22 // Forward references to ParticleDataEntry and ResonanceWidths classes.
23 class ParticleDataEntry;
24 class ResonanceWidths;
25 class Event;
27 //==========================================================================
29 // Particle class.
30 // This class holds info on a particle in general.
32 class Particle {
34 public:
36  // Constructors.
37  Particle() : idSave(0), statusSave(0), mother1Save(0), mother2Save(0),
38  daughter1Save(0), daughter2Save(0), colSave(0), acolSave(0),
39  pSave(Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.)), mSave(0.), scaleSave(0.), polSave(9.),
40  hasVertexSave(false), vProdSave(Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.)), tauSave(0.),
41  pdePtr(0), evtPtr(0) { }
42  Particle(int idIn, int statusIn = 0, int mother1In = 0,
43  int mother2In = 0, int daughter1In = 0, int daughter2In = 0,
44  int colIn = 0, int acolIn = 0, double pxIn = 0., double pyIn = 0.,
45  double pzIn = 0., double eIn = 0., double mIn = 0.,
46  double scaleIn = 0., double polIn = 9.)
47  : idSave(idIn), statusSave(statusIn), mother1Save(mother1In),
48  mother2Save(mother2In), daughter1Save(daughter1In),
49  daughter2Save(daughter2In), colSave(colIn), acolSave(acolIn),
50  pSave(Vec4(pxIn, pyIn, pzIn, eIn)), mSave(mIn), scaleSave(scaleIn),
51  polSave(polIn), hasVertexSave(false), vProdSave(Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.)),
52  tauSave(0.), pdePtr(0), evtPtr(0) { }
53  Particle(int idIn, int statusIn, int mother1In, int mother2In,
54  int daughter1In, int daughter2In, int colIn, int acolIn,
55  Vec4 pIn, double mIn = 0., double scaleIn = 0., double polIn = 9.)
56  : idSave(idIn), statusSave(statusIn), mother1Save(mother1In),
57  mother2Save(mother2In), daughter1Save(daughter1In),
58  daughter2Save(daughter2In), colSave(colIn), acolSave(acolIn),
59  pSave(pIn), mSave(mIn), scaleSave(scaleIn), polSave(polIn),
60  hasVertexSave(false), vProdSave(Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.)), tauSave(0.),
61  pdePtr(0), evtPtr(0) { }
62  Particle(const Particle& pt) : idSave(pt.idSave),
63  statusSave(pt.statusSave), mother1Save(pt.mother1Save),
64  mother2Save(pt.mother2Save), daughter1Save(pt.daughter1Save),
65  daughter2Save(pt.daughter2Save), colSave(pt.colSave),
66  acolSave(pt.acolSave), pSave(pt.pSave), mSave(pt.mSave),
67  scaleSave(pt.scaleSave), polSave(pt.polSave),
68  hasVertexSave(pt.hasVertexSave), vProdSave(pt.vProdSave),
69  tauSave(pt.tauSave), pdePtr(pt.pdePtr), evtPtr(pt.evtPtr) { }
70  Particle& operator=(const Particle& pt) {if (this != &pt) {
71  idSave = pt.idSave; statusSave = pt.statusSave;
72  mother1Save = pt.mother1Save; mother2Save = pt.mother2Save;
73  daughter1Save = pt.daughter1Save; daughter2Save = pt.daughter2Save;
74  colSave = pt.colSave; acolSave = pt.acolSave; pSave = pt.pSave;
75  mSave = pt.mSave; scaleSave = pt.scaleSave; polSave = pt.polSave;
76  hasVertexSave = pt.hasVertexSave; vProdSave = pt.vProdSave;
77  tauSave = pt.tauSave; pdePtr = pt.pdePtr; evtPtr = pt.evtPtr; }
78  return *this; }
80  // Destructor.
81  virtual ~Particle() {}
83  // Member functions to set the Event and ParticleDataEntry pointers.
84  void setEvtPtr(Event* evtPtrIn) { evtPtr = evtPtrIn; setPDEPtr();}
85  void setPDEPtr(ParticleDataEntryPtr pdePtrIn = nullptr);
87  // Member functions for input.
88  void id(int idIn) {idSave = idIn; setPDEPtr();}
89  void status(int statusIn) {statusSave = statusIn;}
90  void statusPos() {statusSave = abs(statusSave);}
91  void statusNeg() {statusSave = -abs(statusSave);}
92  void statusCode(int statusIn) {statusSave =
93  (statusSave > 0) ? abs(statusIn) : -abs(statusIn);}
94  void mother1(int mother1In) {mother1Save = mother1In;}
95  void mother2(int mother2In) {mother2Save = mother2In;}
96  void mothers(int mother1In = 0, int mother2In = 0)
97  {mother1Save = mother1In; mother2Save = mother2In;}
98  void daughter1(int daughter1In) {daughter1Save = daughter1In;}
99  void daughter2(int daughter2In) {daughter2Save = daughter2In;}
100  void daughters(int daughter1In = 0, int daughter2In = 0)
101  {daughter1Save = daughter1In; daughter2Save = daughter2In;}
102  void col(int colIn) {colSave = colIn;}
103  void acol(int acolIn) {acolSave = acolIn;}
104  void cols(int colIn = 0,int acolIn = 0) {colSave = colIn;
105  acolSave = acolIn;}
106  void p(Vec4 pIn) {pSave = pIn;}
107  void p(double pxIn, double pyIn, double pzIn, double eIn)
108  {pSave.p(pxIn, pyIn, pzIn, eIn);}
109  void px(double pxIn) {pSave.px(pxIn);}
110  void py(double pyIn) {;}
111  void pz(double pzIn) {pSave.pz(pzIn);}
112  void e(double eIn) {pSave.e(eIn);}
113  void m(double mIn) {mSave = mIn;}
114  void scale(double scaleIn) {scaleSave = scaleIn;}
115  void pol(double polIn) {polSave = polIn;}
116  void vProd(Vec4 vProdIn) {vProdSave = vProdIn; hasVertexSave = true;}
117  void vProd(double xProdIn, double yProdIn, double zProdIn, double tProdIn)
118  {vProdSave.p(xProdIn, yProdIn, zProdIn, tProdIn); hasVertexSave = true;}
119  void xProd(double xProdIn) {vProdSave.px(xProdIn); hasVertexSave = true;}
120  void yProd(double yProdIn) {; hasVertexSave = true;}
121  void zProd(double zProdIn) {vProdSave.pz(zProdIn); hasVertexSave = true;}
122  void tProd(double tProdIn) {vProdSave.e(tProdIn); hasVertexSave = true;}
123  void vProdAdd(Vec4 vProdIn) {vProdSave += vProdIn; hasVertexSave = true;}
124  void tau(double tauIn) {tauSave = tauIn;}
126  // Member functions for output.
127  int id() const {return idSave;}
128  int status() const {return statusSave;}
129  int mother1() const {return mother1Save;}
130  int mother2() const {return mother2Save;}
131  int daughter1() const {return daughter1Save;}
132  int daughter2() const {return daughter2Save;}
133  int col() const {return colSave;}
134  int acol() const {return acolSave;}
135  Vec4 p() const {return pSave;}
136  double px() const {return pSave.px();}
137  double py() const {return;}
138  double pz() const {return pSave.pz();}
139  double e() const {return pSave.e();}
140  double m() const {return mSave;}
141  double scale() const {return scaleSave;}
142  double pol() const {return polSave;}
143  bool hasVertex() const {return hasVertexSave;}
144  Vec4 vProd() const {return vProdSave;}
145  double xProd() const {return vProdSave.px();}
146  double yProd() const {return;}
147  double zProd() const {return vProdSave.pz();}
148  double tProd() const {return vProdSave.e();}
149  double tau() const {return tauSave;}
151  // Member functions for output; derived int and bool quantities.
152  int idAbs() const {return abs(idSave);}
153  int statusAbs() const {return abs(statusSave);}
154  bool isFinal() const {return (statusSave > 0);}
155  int intPol() const;
156  bool isRescatteredIncoming() const {return
157  (statusSave == -34 || statusSave == -45 ||
158  statusSave == -46 || statusSave == -54);}
160  // Member functions for output; derived double quantities.
161  double m2() const {return (mSave >= 0.) ? mSave*mSave
162  : -mSave*mSave;}
163  double mCalc() const {return pSave.mCalc();}
164  double m2Calc() const {return pSave.m2Calc();}
165  double eCalc() const {return sqrt(abs(m2() + pSave.pAbs2()));}
166  double pT() const {return pSave.pT();}
167  double pT2() const {return pSave.pT2();}
168  double mT() const {double temp = m2() + pSave.pT2();
169  return (temp >= 0.) ? sqrt(temp) : -sqrt(-temp);}
170  double mT2() const {return m2() + pSave.pT2();}
171  double pAbs() const {return pSave.pAbs();}
172  double pAbs2() const {return pSave.pAbs2();}
173  double eT() const {return pSave.eT();}
174  double eT2() const {return pSave.eT2();}
175  double theta() const {return pSave.theta();}
176  double phi() const {return pSave.phi();}
177  double thetaXZ() const {return pSave.thetaXZ();}
178  double pPos() const {return pSave.pPos();}
179  double pNeg() const {return pSave.pNeg();}
180  double y() const;
181  double eta() const;
182  double y(double mCut) const;
183  double y(double mCut, RotBstMatrix& M) const;
184  Vec4 vDec() const {return (tauSave > 0. && mSave > 0.)
185  ? vProdSave + tauSave * pSave / mSave : vProdSave;}
186  double xDec() const {return (tauSave > 0. && mSave > 0.)
187  ? vProdSave.px() + tauSave * pSave.px() / mSave : vProdSave.px();}
188  double yDec() const {return (tauSave > 0. && mSave > 0.)
189  ? + tauSave * / mSave :;}
190  double zDec() const {return (tauSave > 0. && mSave > 0.)
191  ? vProdSave.pz() + tauSave * pSave.pz() / mSave : vProdSave.pz();}
192  double tDec() const {return (tauSave > 0. && mSave > 0.)
193  ? vProdSave.e() + tauSave * pSave.e() / mSave : vProdSave.e();}
195  // Methods that can refer back to the event the particle belongs to.
196  virtual int index() const;
197  int iTopCopy() const;
198  int iBotCopy() const;
199  int iTopCopyId(bool simplify = false) const;
200  int iBotCopyId(bool simplify = false) const;
201  vector<int> motherList() const;
202  vector<int> daughterList() const;
203  vector<int> daughterListRecursive() const;
204  vector<int> sisterList(bool traceTopBot = false) const;
205  bool isAncestor(int iAncestor) const;
206  int statusHepMC() const;
207  bool isFinalPartonLevel() const;
208  bool undoDecay();
210  // Get and set Hidden Valley colours, referring back to the event.
211  int colHV() const;
212  int acolHV() const;
213  void colHV(int colHVin);
214  void acolHV(int acolHVin);
215  void colsHV(int colHVin, int acolHVin);
217  // Further output, based on a pointer to a ParticleDataEntry object.
218  string name() const {
219  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->name(idSave) : " ";}
220  string nameWithStatus(int maxLen = 20) const;
221  int spinType() const {
222  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->spinType() : 0;}
223  int chargeType() const {
224  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->chargeType(idSave) : 0;}
225  double charge() const {
226  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->charge(idSave) : 0;}
227  bool isCharged() const {
228  return (pdePtr != 0) ? (pdePtr->chargeType(idSave) != 0) : false;}
229  bool isNeutral() const {
230  return (pdePtr != 0) ? (pdePtr->chargeType(idSave) == 0) : false;}
231  int colType() const {
232  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->colType(idSave) : 0;}
233  double m0() const {
234  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->m0() : 0.;}
235  double mWidth() const {
236  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->mWidth() : 0.;}
237  double mMin() const {
238  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->mMin() : 0.;}
239  double mMax() const {
240  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->mMax() : 0.;}
241  double mSel() const {
242  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->mSel() : 0.;}
243  double constituentMass() const {
244  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->constituentMass() : 0.;}
245  double tau0() const {
246  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->tau0() : 0.;}
247  bool mayDecay() const {
248  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->mayDecay() : false;}
249  bool canDecay() const {
250  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->canDecay() : false;}
251  bool doExternalDecay() const {
252  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->doExternalDecay() : false;}
253  bool isResonance() const {
254  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isResonance() : false;}
255  bool isVisible() const {
256  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isVisible() : false;}
257  bool isLepton() const {
258  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isLepton() : false;}
259  bool isQuark() const {
260  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isQuark() : false;}
261  bool isGluon() const {
262  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isGluon() : false;}
263  bool isDiquark() const {
264  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isDiquark() : false;}
265  bool isParton() const {
266  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isParton() : false;}
267  bool isHadron() const {
268  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isHadron() : false;}
269  bool isExotic() const {
270  return (pdePtr != 0) ? pdePtr->isExotic() : false;}
271  ParticleDataEntry& particleDataEntry() const {return *pdePtr;}
273  // Member functions that perform operations.
274  void rescale3(double fac) {pSave.rescale3(fac);}
275  void rescale4(double fac) {pSave.rescale4(fac);}
276  void rescale5(double fac) {pSave.rescale4(fac); mSave *= fac;}
277  void rot(double thetaIn, double phiIn) {pSave.rot(thetaIn, phiIn);
278  if (hasVertexSave) vProdSave.rot(thetaIn, phiIn);}
279  void bst(double betaX, double betaY, double betaZ) {
280  pSave.bst(betaX, betaY, betaZ);
281  if (hasVertexSave) vProdSave.bst(betaX, betaY, betaZ);}
282  void bst(double betaX, double betaY, double betaZ, double gamma) {
283  pSave.bst(betaX, betaY, betaZ, gamma);
284  if (hasVertexSave) vProdSave.bst(betaX, betaY, betaZ, gamma);}
285  void bst(const Vec4& pBst) {pSave.bst(pBst);
286  if (hasVertexSave) vProdSave.bst(pBst);}
287  void bst(const Vec4& pBst, double mBst) {pSave.bst(pBst, mBst);
288  if (hasVertexSave) vProdSave.bst(pBst, mBst);}
289  void bstback(const Vec4& pBst) {pSave.bstback(pBst);
290  if (hasVertexSave) vProdSave.bstback(pBst);}
291  void bstback(const Vec4& pBst, double mBst) {pSave.bstback(pBst, mBst);
292  if (hasVertexSave) vProdSave.bstback(pBst, mBst);}
293  void rotbst(const RotBstMatrix& M, bool boostVertex = true) {pSave.rotbst(M);
294  if (hasVertexSave && boostVertex) vProdSave.rotbst(M);}
295  void offsetHistory( int minMother, int addMother, int minDaughter,
296  int addDaughter);
297  void offsetCol( int addCol);
299 protected:
301  // Constants: could only be changed in the code itself.
302  static const double TINY;
304  // Properties of the current particle.
305  int idSave, statusSave, mother1Save, mother2Save, daughter1Save,
306  daughter2Save, colSave, acolSave;
307  Vec4 pSave;
308  double mSave, scaleSave, polSave;
309  bool hasVertexSave;
310  Vec4 vProdSave;
311  double tauSave;
313  // Pointer to properties of the particle species.
314  // Should no be saved in a persistent copy of the event record.
315  // The //! below is ROOT notation that this member should not be saved.
316  // Event::restorePtrs() can be called to restore the missing information.
317  ParticleDataEntryPtr pdePtr; //!
319  // Pointer to the whole event record to which the particle belongs (if any).
320  // As above it should not be saved.
321  Event* evtPtr; //!
323 };
325 // Particles invariant mass, mass squared, and momentum dot product.
326 // (Not part of class proper, but tightly linked.)
327 double m(const Particle& pp1, const Particle& pp2);
328 double m2(const Particle& pp1, const Particle& pp2);
329 double m2(const Particle& pp1, const Particle& pp2, const Particle& pp3);
330 double dot4(const Particle& pp1, const Particle& pp2);
332 //==========================================================================
334 // The junction class stores what kind of junction it is, the colour indices
335 // of the legs at the junction and as far out as legs have been traced,
336 // and the status codes assigned for fragmentation of each leg.
338 class Junction {
340 public:
342  // Constructors.
343  Junction() : remainsSave(true), kindSave(0), colSave(), endColSave(),
344  statusSave() { }
346  Junction( int kindIn, int col0In, int col1In, int col2In)
347  : remainsSave(true), kindSave(kindIn), colSave(), endColSave(),
348  statusSave() {
349  colSave[0] = col0In; colSave[1] = col1In; colSave[2] = col2In;
350  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
351  endColSave[j] = colSave[j]; } }
352  Junction(const Junction& ju) : remainsSave(ju.remainsSave),
353  kindSave(ju.kindSave), colSave(), endColSave(), statusSave() {
354  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
355  colSave[j] = ju.colSave[j]; endColSave[j] = ju.endColSave[j];
356  statusSave[j] = ju.statusSave[j]; } }
357  Junction& operator=(const Junction& ju) {if (this != &ju) {
358  remainsSave = ju.remainsSave; kindSave = ju.kindSave;
359  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { colSave[j] = ju.colSave[j];
360  endColSave[j] = ju.endColSave[j]; statusSave[j] = ju.statusSave[j]; } }
361  return *this; }
363  // Set values.
364  void remains(bool remainsIn) {remainsSave = remainsIn;}
365  void col(int j, int colIn) {colSave[j] = colIn; endColSave[j] = colIn;}
366  void cols(int j, int colIn, int endColIn) {colSave[j] = colIn;
367  endColSave[j] = endColIn;}
368  void endCol(int j, int endColIn) {endColSave[j] = endColIn;}
369  void status(int j, int statusIn) {statusSave[j] = statusIn;}
371  // Read out value.
372  bool remains() const {return remainsSave;}
373  int kind() const {return kindSave;}
374  int col(int j) const {return colSave[j];}
375  int endCol(int j) const {return endColSave[j];}
376  int status(int j) const {return statusSave[j];}
378 private:
380  // Kind, positions of the three ends and their status codes.
381  bool remainsSave;
382  int kindSave, colSave[3], endColSave[3], statusSave[3];
384 };
386 //==========================================================================
388 // The HVcols class stores Hidden Valley colours for HV-coloured particles.
390 class HVcols {
392 public:
394  // Default constructor and constructor with standard input.
395  HVcols() : iHV(0), colHV(0), acolHV(0) { }
396  HVcols( int iHVin, int colHVin, int acolHVin) : iHV(iHVin),
397  colHV(colHVin), acolHV(acolHVin) {}
399  // Index of HV-particle and its HV-colour and HV-anticolour.
400  int iHV, colHV, acolHV;
402 };
404 //==========================================================================
406 // The StringBreaks class stores information about how a single string has
407 // been broken up into quark/antiquark and diquark/anti-diquark pairs.
411 public:
413  // Set and get string end indices.
414  void setEnds(int iPosIn, int iNegIn) {iPos = iPosIn; iNeg = iNegIn;}
415  int posEnd() {return iPos;}
416  int negEnd() {return iNeg;}
418  // Clear the breaks.
419  void clear() {breaks.clear();}
421  // Add a string break by particle ID.
422  void add(int id) {breaks[abs(id)] += 1;}
424  // Returns the number of breaks for a given particle ID, or the the sum of
425  // all, light quark, or diquark breaks.
426  const map<int, int>& nId() {return breaks;}
427  int nId(int id) const {
428  auto itr = breaks.find(abs(id));
429  return itr == breaks.end() ? 0 : itr->second;}
430  int nAll() const {int nSum = 0; for (auto &id : breaks) nSum += id.second;
431  return nSum;}
432  int nQuark() const {return nId(1) + nId(2) + nId(3) + nId(4);}
433  int nDiquark() const {int nSum = 0;
434  for (const auto &id : breaks)
435  if (id.first > 1000 && id.first < 10000 && (id.first/10)%10 == 0)
436  nSum += id.second;
437  return nSum;}
439 private:
441  // Index of string end partons and sums of all, quark, and diquark breaks.
442  int iPos{0}, iNeg{0};
444  // Number of breaks mapped by particle ID.
445  map<int, int> breaks{};
447 };
449 //==========================================================================
451 // The Event class holds all info on the generated event.
453 class Event {
455 public:
457  // Constructors.
458  Event(int capacity = 100) : startColTag(100), maxColTag(100),
459  savedSize(0), savedJunctionSize(0), savedHVcolsSize(0),
460  savedPartonLevelSize(0), scaleSave(0.), scaleSecondSave(0.),
461  headerList("----------------------------------------"),
462  particleDataPtr(0) { entry.reserve(capacity); }
463  Event& operator=(const Event& oldEvent);
464  Event(const Event& oldEvent) {*this = oldEvent;}
466  // Initialize header for event listing, particle data table, and colour.
467  void init( string headerIn = "", ParticleData* particleDataPtrIn = 0,
468  int startColTagIn = 100) {
469  headerList.replace(0, headerIn.length() + 2, headerIn + " ");
470  particleDataPtr = particleDataPtrIn; startColTag = startColTagIn;}
472  // Clear event record.
473  void clear() {entry.resize(0); maxColTag = startColTag;
474  savedPartonLevelSize = 0; scaleSave = 0.; scaleSecondSave = 0.;
475  clearJunctions(); clearHV(); clearStringBreaks();}
476  void free() {vector<Particle>().swap(entry); maxColTag = startColTag;
477  savedPartonLevelSize = 0; scaleSave = 0.; scaleSecondSave = 0.;
478  clearJunctions(); clearHV(); clearStringBreaks();}
480  // Clear event record, and set first particle empty.
481  void reset() {clear(); append(90, -11, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);}
483  // Overload index operator to access element of event record.
484  Particle& operator[](int i) {return;}
485  const Particle& operator[](int i) const {return;}
487  // Implement standard references to elements in the particle array.
488  Particle& front() {return entry.front();}
489  Particle& at(int i) {return;}
490  Particle& back() {return entry.back();}
491  const Particle& front() const {return entry.front();}
492  const Particle& at(int i) const {return;}
493  const Particle& back() const {return entry.back();}
495  // Implement iterators for the particle array.
496  vector<Pythia8::Particle>::iterator begin() { return entry.begin(); }
497  vector<Pythia8::Particle>::iterator end() { return entry.end(); }
498  vector<Pythia8::Particle>::const_iterator begin() const
499  { return entry.begin(); }
500  vector<Pythia8::Particle>::const_iterator end() const
501  { return entry.end(); }
503  // Event record size.
504  int size() const {return entry.size();}
506  // Put a new particle at the end of the event record; return index.
507  int append(Particle entryIn) {
508  entry.push_back(entryIn); setEvtPtr();
509  if (entryIn.col() > maxColTag) maxColTag = entryIn.col();
510  if (entryIn.acol() > maxColTag) maxColTag = entryIn.acol();
511  return entry.size() - 1;
512  }
513  int append(int id, int status, int mother1, int mother2, int daughter1,
514  int daughter2, int col, int acol, double px, double py, double pz,
515  double e, double m = 0., double scaleIn = 0., double polIn = 9.) {
516  entry.push_back( Particle(id, status, mother1, mother2, daughter1,
517  daughter2, col, acol, px, py, pz, e, m, scaleIn, polIn) ); setEvtPtr();
518  if (col > maxColTag) maxColTag = col;
519  if (acol > maxColTag) maxColTag = acol;
520  return entry.size() - 1;
521  }
522  int append(int id, int status, int mother1, int mother2, int daughter1,
523  int daughter2, int col, int acol, Vec4 p, double m = 0.,
524  double scaleIn = 0., double polIn = 9.) {
525  entry.push_back( Particle(id, status, mother1, mother2, daughter1,
526  daughter2, col, acol, p, m, scaleIn, polIn) ); setEvtPtr();
527  if (col > maxColTag) maxColTag = col;
528  if (acol > maxColTag) maxColTag = acol;
529  return entry.size() - 1;
530  }
532  // Brief versions of append: no mothers and no daughters.
533  int append(int id, int status, int col, int acol, double px, double py,
534  double pz, double e, double m = 0., double scaleIn = 0.,
535  double polIn = 9.) { entry.push_back( Particle(id, status, 0, 0, 0, 0,
536  col, acol, px, py, pz, e, m, scaleIn, polIn) ); setEvtPtr();
537  if (col > maxColTag) maxColTag = col;
538  if (acol > maxColTag) maxColTag = acol;
539  return entry.size() - 1;
540  }
541  int append(int id, int status, int col, int acol, Vec4 p, double m = 0.,
542  double scaleIn = 0., double polIn = 9.) {entry.push_back( Particle(id,
543  status, 0, 0, 0, 0, col, acol, p, m, scaleIn, polIn) ); setEvtPtr();
544  if (col > maxColTag) maxColTag = col;
545  if (acol > maxColTag) maxColTag = acol;
546  return entry.size() - 1;
547  }
549  // Set pointer to the event for a particle, by default latest one.
550  void setEvtPtr(int iSet = -1) {if (iSet < 0) iSet = entry.size() - 1;
551  entry[iSet].setEvtPtr( this);}
553  // Add a copy of an existing particle at the end of the event record.
554  int copy(int iCopy, int newStatus = 0);
556  // List the particles in an event.
557  void list(bool showScaleAndVertex = false,
558  bool showMothersAndDaughters = false, int precision = 3) const;
560  // Remove last n entries.
561  void popBack(int nRemove = 1) { if (nRemove ==1) entry.pop_back();
562  else {int newSize = max( 0, size() - nRemove);
563  entry.resize(newSize);} }
565  // Remove entries from iFirst to iLast, including endpoints, and fix history.
566  // (To the extent possible; history pointers in removed range are zeroed.)
567  void remove(int iFirst, int iLast, bool shiftHistory = true);
569  // Restore all ParticleDataEntryPtr pointers in the Particle vector.
570  // Useful when a persistent copy of the event record is read back in.
571  void restorePtrs() { for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) setEvtPtr(i); }
573  // Save or restore the size of the event record (throwing at the end).
574  void saveSize() {savedSize = entry.size();}
575  void restoreSize() {entry.resize(savedSize);}
576  int savedSizeValue() {return savedSize;}
578  // Initialize and access colour tag information.
579  void initColTag(int colTag = 0) {maxColTag = max( colTag,startColTag);}
580  int lastColTag() const {return maxColTag;}
581  int nextColTag() {return ++maxColTag;}
583  // Access scale for which event as a whole is defined.
584  void scale( double scaleIn) {scaleSave = scaleIn;}
585  double scale() const {return scaleSave;}
587  // Need a second scale if two hard interactions in event.
588  void scaleSecond( double scaleSecondIn) {scaleSecondSave = scaleSecondIn;}
589  double scaleSecond() const {return scaleSecondSave;}
591  // Find complete list of daughters.
592  // Note: temporarily retained for CMS compatibility. Do not use!
593  vector<int> daughterList(int i) const {return entry[i].daughterList();}
595  // Return number of final-state particles, optionally charged only.
596  int nFinal(bool chargedOnly = false) const {
597  int nFin = 0;
598  for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
599  if (entry[i].isFinal() && (!chargedOnly || entry[i].isCharged()))
600  ++nFin;
601  return nFin; }
603  // Find separation in y, eta, phi or R between two particles.
604  double dyAbs(int i1, int i2) const {
605  return abs( entry[i1].y() - entry[i2].y() ); }
606  double detaAbs(int i1, int i2) const {
607  return abs( entry[i1].eta() - entry[i2].eta() ); }
608  double dphiAbs(int i1, int i2) const {
609  double dPhiTmp = abs( entry[i1].phi() - entry[i2].phi() );
610  if (dPhiTmp > M_PI) dPhiTmp = 2. * M_PI - dPhiTmp;
611  return dPhiTmp; }
612  double RRapPhi(int i1, int i2) const {
613  return sqrt( pow2(dyAbs(i1, i2)) + pow2(dphiAbs(i1, i2)) ); }
614  double REtaPhi(int i1, int i2) const {
615  return sqrt( pow2(detaAbs(i1, i2)) + pow2(dphiAbs(i1, i2)) ); }
617  // Member functions for rotations and boosts of an event.
618  void rot(double theta, double phi)
619  {for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) entry[i].rot(theta, phi);}
620  void bst(double betaX, double betaY, double betaZ)
621  {for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) entry[i].bst(betaX, betaY, betaZ);}
622  void bst(double betaX, double betaY, double betaZ, double gamma)
623  {for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) entry[i].bst(betaX, betaY, betaZ,
624  gamma);}
625  void bst(const Vec4& vec)
626  {for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) entry[i].bst(vec);}
627  void rotbst(const RotBstMatrix& M, bool boostVertices = true)
628  {for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) entry[i].rotbst(M, boostVertices);}
630  // Clear the list of junctions.
631  void clearJunctions() {junction.resize(0);}
633  // Add a junction to the list, study it or extra input.
634  int appendJunction( int kind, int col0, int col1, int col2)
635  { junction.push_back( Junction( kind, col0, col1, col2) );
636  return junction.size() - 1;}
637  int appendJunction(Junction junctionIn) {junction.push_back(junctionIn);
638  return junction.size() - 1;}
639  int sizeJunction() const {return junction.size();}
640  bool remainsJunction(int i) const {return junction[i].remains();}
641  void remainsJunction(int i, bool remainsIn) {junction[i].remains(remainsIn);}
642  int kindJunction(int i) const {return junction[i].kind();}
643  int colJunction( int i, int j) const {return junction[i].col(j);}
644  void colJunction( int i, int j, int colIn) {junction[i].col(j, colIn);}
645  int endColJunction( int i, int j) const {return junction[i].endCol(j);}
646  void endColJunction( int i, int j, int endColIn)
647  {junction[i].endCol(j, endColIn);}
648  int statusJunction( int i, int j) const {return junction[i].status(j);}
649  void statusJunction( int i, int j, int statusIn)
650  {junction[i].status(j, statusIn);}
651  Junction& getJunction(int i) {return junction[i];}
652  const Junction& getJunction(int i) const {return junction[i];}
653  void eraseJunction(int i);
655  // Save or restore the size of the junction list (throwing at the end).
656  void saveJunctionSize() {savedJunctionSize = junction.size();}
657  void restoreJunctionSize() {junction.resize(savedJunctionSize);}
659  // List any junctions in the event; for debug mainly.
660  void listJunctions() const;
662  // Tell whether event has Hidden Valley colours stored.
663  bool hasHVcols() const {return (hvCols.size() > 0);}
665  // List any Hidden Valley colours. Find largest HV colour.
666  void listHVcols() const;
667  int maxHVcols() const;
669  // Save or restore the size of the HV-coloured list (throwing at the end).
670  void saveHVcolsSize() {savedHVcolsSize = hvCols.size();}
671  void restoreHVcolsSize() {hvCols.resize(savedHVcolsSize);}
673  // Save event record size at Parton Level, i.e. before hadronization.
674  void savePartonLevelSize() {savedPartonLevelSize = entry.size();}
676  // Add information about string breaks for a single string.
677  void addStringBreaks(StringBreaks& sbIn) {stringBreaks.push_back(sbIn);}
679  // Clear string breaks information.
680  void clearStringBreaks() {stringBreaks.clear();}
682  // Get information about all string breaks in the event.
683  const vector<StringBreaks> &getStringBreaks() const {return stringBreaks;}
685  // Operator overloading allows to append one event to an existing one.
686  // Warning: particles should be OK, but some other information unreliable.
687  Event& operator+=(const Event& addEvent);
689  // Direct access to the particles via constant pointer.
690  const vector<Particle>* particles() const {return &entry;}
692 private:
694  // The Particle class needs to access particle data.
695  friend class Particle;
697  // Constants: could only be changed in the code itself.
698  static const int IPERLINE;
700  // Initialization data, normally only set once.
701  int startColTag;
703  // The event: a vector containing all particles (entries).
704  // The explicit use of Pythia8:: qualifier patches a limitation in ROOT.
705  vector<Pythia8::Particle> entry;
707  // The list of junctions.
708  // The explicit use of Pythia8:: qualifier patches a limitation in ROOT.
709  vector<Pythia8::Junction> junction;
711  // The list of Hidden-Valley-coloured partons.
712  // The explicit use of Pythia8:: qualifier patches a limitation in ROOT.
713  vector<Pythia8::HVcols> hvCols;
715  // The list of string break information for each string in the event.
716  vector<Pythia8::StringBreaks> stringBreaks;
718  // Find index in Hidden Valley list for a particle in the event record.
719  bool findIndexHV(int iIn) { if (iIn > 0 && iIn == iEventHV) return true;
720  for (int i = 0; i < int(hvCols.size()); ++i) if (hvCols[i].iHV == iIn)
721  {iEventHV = iIn; iIndexHV = i; return true; }
722  return false; }
723  int iEventHV, iIndexHV;
725  // Clear the list of Hidden Valley colours. Reset indices.
726  void clearHV() {hvCols.resize(0); iEventHV = -1; iIndexHV = -1;}
728  // The maximum colour tag of the event so far.
729  int maxColTag;
731  // Saved entry and junction list sizes, for simple restoration.
732  int savedSize, savedJunctionSize, savedHVcolsSize, savedPartonLevelSize;
734  // The scale of the event; linear quantity in GeV.
735  double scaleSave, scaleSecondSave;
737  // Header specification in event listing (at most 40 characters wide).
738  string headerList;
740  // Pointer to the particle data table.
741  // The //! below is ROOT notation that this member should not be saved.
742  ParticleData* particleDataPtr; //!
744 };
746 //==========================================================================
748 } // end namespace Pythia8
750 #endif // Pythia8_Event_H
virtual ~Particle()
Definition: Event.h:81
ParticleDataEntryPtr pdePtr
Definition: Event.h:317
constexpr double pow2(const double &x)
Powers of small integers - for balance speed/code clarity.
Definition: PythiaStdlib.h:182
const map< int, int > & nId()
Definition: Event.h:426
const vector< Particle > * particles() const
Direct access to the particles via constant pointer.
Definition: Event.h:690
void clear()
Clear the breaks.
Definition: Event.h:419
int append(int id, int status, int col, int acol, double px, double py, double pz, double e, double m=0., double scaleIn=0., double polIn=9.)
Brief versions of append: no mothers and no daughters.
Definition: Event.h:533
This class holds info on a single particle species.
Definition: ParticleData.h:125
void clearJunctions()
Clear the list of junctions.
Definition: Event.h:631
bool isAncestor(int iAncestor) const
void bstback(const Vec4 &pIn)
Boost given by a Vec4 p; boost in opposite direction.
void rescale3(double fac)
Member functions that perform operations.
Definition: Basics.h:95
The HVcols class stores Hidden Valley colours for HV-coloured particles.
Definition: Event.h:390
void setEnds(int iPosIn, int iNegIn)
Set and get string end indices.
Definition: Event.h:414
The Event class holds all info on the generated event.
Definition: Event.h:453
bool isFinalPartonLevel() const
Check if particle belonged to the final state at the Parton Level.
double m2() const
Member functions for output; derived double quantities.
Definition: Event.h:161
void addStringBreaks(StringBreaks &sbIn)
Add information about string breaks for a single string.
Definition: Event.h:677
double RRapPhi(const Vec4 &v1, const Vec4 &v2)
R is distance in cylindrical (y/eta, phi) coordinates.
int iBotCopyId(bool simplify=false) const
void setEvtPtr(int iSet=-1)
Set pointer to the event for a particle, by default latest one.
Definition: Event.h:550
Definition: Event.h:338
Default constructor and constructor with standard input.
Definition: Event.h:395
vector< int > sisterList(bool traceTopBot=false) const
void id(int idIn)
Member functions for input.
Definition: Event.h:88
void clear()
Clear event record.
Definition: Event.h:473
void rot(double theta, double phi)
Member functions for rotations and boosts of an event.
Definition: Event.h:618
Definition: Event.h:343
void rotbst(const RotBstMatrix &M)
Arbitrary combination of rotations and boosts defined by 4 * 4 matrix.
int colHV() const
Get and set Hidden Valley colours, referring back to the event.
void scale(double scaleIn)
Access scale for which event as a whole is defined.
Definition: Event.h:584
void remains(bool remainsIn)
Set values.
Definition: Event.h:364
static const double TINY
Constants: could only be changed in the code itself.
Definition: Event.h:302
void saveSize()
Save or restore the size of the event record (throwing at the end).
Definition: Event.h:574
vector< int > daughterListRecursive() const
const vector< StringBreaks > & getStringBreaks() const
Get information about all string breaks in the event.
Definition: Event.h:683
void reset()
Clear event record, and set first particle empty.
Definition: Event.h:481
void rot(double thetaIn, double phiIn)
Rotation (simple).
int append(Particle entryIn)
Put a new particle at the end of the event record; return index.
Definition: Event.h:507
int statusHepMC() const
Convert internal Pythia status codes to the HepMC status conventions.
void saveHVcolsSize()
Save or restore the size of the HV-coloured list (throwing at the end).
Definition: Event.h:670
vector< int > daughterList() const
Find complete list of daughters.
void initColTag(int colTag=0)
Initialize and access colour tag information.
Definition: Event.h:579
void clearStringBreaks()
Clear string breaks information.
Definition: Event.h:680
double REtaPhi(const Vec4 &v1, const Vec4 &v2)
Distance in cylindrical (eta, phi) coordinates.
Particle & operator[](int i)
Overload index operator to access element of event record.
Definition: Event.h:484
bool undoDecay()
int iHV
Index of HV-particle and its HV-colour and HV-anticolour.
Definition: Event.h:400
double y() const
Functions for rapidity and pseudorapidity.
int id() const
Member functions for output.
Definition: Event.h:127
Definition: Event.h:37
double dyAbs(int i1, int i2) const
Find separation in y, eta, phi or R between two particles.
Definition: Event.h:604
int idSave
Properties of the current particle.
Definition: Event.h:305
int iTopCopy() const
Trace the first and last copy of one and the same particle.
int appendJunction(int kind, int col0, int col1, int col2)
Add a junction to the list, study it or extra input.
Definition: Event.h:634
void bst(double betaX, double betaY, double betaZ)
Boost (simple).
void popBack(int nRemove=1)
Remove last n entries.
Definition: Event.h:561
int size() const
Event record size.
Definition: Event.h:504
Definition: Event.h:32
bool hasHVcols() const
Tell whether event has Hidden Valley colours stored.
Definition: Event.h:663
vector< int > motherList() const
Find complete list of mothers.
Event(int capacity=100)
Definition: Event.h:458
int idAbs() const
Member functions for output; derived int and bool quantities.
Definition: Event.h:152
Particle & front()
Implement standard references to elements in the particle array.
Definition: Event.h:488
Definition: Basics.h:252
vector< Pythia8::Particle >::iterator begin()
Implement iterators for the particle array.
Definition: Event.h:496
void setPDEPtr(ParticleDataEntryPtr pdePtrIn=nullptr)
Set pointer to the particle data species of the particle.
double phi(const Vec4 &v1, const Vec4 &v2)
phi is azimuthal angle between v1 and v2 around z axis.
void scaleSecond(double scaleSecondIn)
Need a second scale if two hard interactions in event.
Definition: Event.h:588
void rescale3(double fac)
Member functions that perform operations.
Definition: Event.h:274
int nFinal(bool chargedOnly=false) const
Return number of final-state particles, optionally charged only.
Definition: Event.h:596
string name() const
Further output, based on a pointer to a ParticleDataEntry object.
Definition: Event.h:218
void setEvtPtr(Event *evtPtrIn)
Member functions to set the Event and ParticleDataEntry pointers.
Definition: Event.h:84
void add(int id)
Add a string break by particle ID.
Definition: Event.h:422
Header for classes to set beam momentum and interaction vertex spread.
Definition: Analysis.h:20
double m(const Vec4 &v1)
Invariant mass and its square.
vector< int > daughterList(int i) const
Definition: Event.h:593
void saveJunctionSize()
Save or restore the size of the junction list (throwing at the end).
Definition: Event.h:656
void init(string headerIn="", ParticleData *particleDataPtrIn=0, int startColTagIn=100)
Initialize header for event listing, particle data table, and colour.
Definition: Event.h:467
void savePartonLevelSize()
Save event record size at Parton Level, i.e. before hadronization.
Definition: Event.h:674
void restorePtrs()
Definition: Event.h:571
Definition: Event.h:409
int intPol() const
Find out if polarization is (close to) an integer.
void offsetHistory(int minMother, int addMother, int minDaughter, int addDaughter)
Add offsets to mother and daughter pointers (must be non-negative).
bool remains() const
Read out value.
Definition: Event.h:372
void offsetCol(int addCol)
Add offsets to colour and anticolour (must be positive).
int iTopCopyId(bool simplify=false) const
This class holds a map of all ParticleDataEntries.
Definition: ParticleData.h:422
Definition: Basics.h:32
string nameWithStatus(int maxLen=20) const
Particle name, with status but imposed maximum length -> may truncate.
Event * evtPtr
Definition: Event.h:321
virtual int index() const
Methods that can refer back to the event the particle belongs to.