SigmaProcess is the base class for cross section calculations. More...
#include <SigmaProcess.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual | ~SigmaProcess () |
Destructor. | |
void | init (BeamParticle *beamAPtrIn, BeamParticle *beamBPtrIn, SLHAinterface *slhaInterfacePtrIn=0) |
Perform simple initialization and store pointers. More... | |
void | setLHAPtr (LHAupPtr lhaUpPtrIn) |
Store or replace Les Houches pointer. | |
void | updateBeamIDs () |
Switch to new beam particle identities; for similar hadrons only. | |
virtual void | initProc () |
Initialize process. Only used for some processes. | |
virtual bool | initFlux () |
Set up allowed flux of incoming partons. Default is no flux. More... | |
virtual void | set1Kin (double, double, double) |
virtual void | set2Kin (double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) |
virtual void | set2KinMPI (double, double, double, double, double, double, double, bool, double, double) |
virtual void | set3Kin (double, double, double, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, double, double, double, double, double, double) |
virtual void | sigmaKin () |
Calculate flavour-independent parts of cross section. | |
virtual double | sigmaHat () |
virtual double | sigmaHatWrap (int id1in=0, int id2in=0) |
virtual double | sigmaPDF (bool initPS=false, bool samexGamma=false, bool useNewXvalues=false, double x1New=0., double x2New=0.) |
void | pickInState (int id1in=0, int id2in=0) |
Select incoming parton channel and extract parton densities (resolved). More... | |
virtual void | setIdColAcol () |
Select flavour, colour and anticolour. | |
virtual bool | final2KinMPI (int=0, int=0, Vec4=0., Vec4=0., double=0., double=0.) |
Perform kinematics for a Multiparton Interaction, in its rest frame. | |
virtual double | weightDecay (Event &, int, int) |
virtual void | setScale () |
Set scale, when that is missing for an external LHA process. | |
virtual string | name () const |
Process name and code, and the number of final-state particles. | |
virtual int | code () const |
virtual int | nFinal () const |
virtual string | inFlux () const |
Need to know which incoming partons to set up interaction for. | |
virtual bool | convert2mb () const |
Need to know whether to convert cross section answer from GeV^-2 to mb. | |
virtual bool | convertM2 () const |
For 2 -> 2 process optional conversion from |M|^2 to d(sigmaHat)/d(tHat). | |
virtual bool | isLHA () const |
Special treatment needed for Les Houches processes. | |
virtual bool | isNonDiff () const |
Special treatment needed for elastic and diffractive processes. | |
virtual bool | isResolved () const |
virtual bool | isDiffA () const |
virtual bool | isDiffB () const |
virtual bool | isDiffC () const |
virtual bool | isSUSY () const |
Special treatment needed for SUSY processes. | |
virtual bool | allowNegativeSigma () const |
Special treatment needed if negative cross sections allowed. | |
virtual int | id3Mass () const |
virtual int | id4Mass () const |
virtual int | id5Mass () const |
virtual int | resonanceA () const |
Special treatment needed if process contains an s-channel resonance. | |
virtual int | resonanceB () const |
virtual bool | isSChannel () const |
2 -> 2 and 2 -> 3 processes only through s-channel exchange. | |
virtual int | idSChannel () const |
NOAM: Insert an intermediate resonance in 2 -> 1 -> 2 (or 3) listings. | |
virtual bool | isQCD3body () const |
QCD 2 -> 3 processes need special phase space selection machinery. | |
virtual int | idTchan1 () const |
Special treatment in 2 -> 3 with two massive propagators. | |
virtual int | idTchan2 () const |
virtual double | tChanFracPow1 () const |
virtual double | tChanFracPow2 () const |
virtual bool | useMirrorWeight () const |
virtual int | gmZmode () const |
Special process-specific gamma*/Z0 choice if >=0 (e.g. f fbar -> H0 Z0). | |
bool | swappedTU () const |
Tell whether tHat and uHat are swapped (= same as swap 3 and 4). | |
int | id (int i) const |
Give back particle properties: flavours, colours, masses, or all. | |
int | col (int i) const |
int | acol (int i) const |
double | m (int i) const |
Particle | getParton (int i) const |
double | Q2Ren () const |
double | alphaEMRen () const |
double | alphaSRen () const |
double | Q2Fac () const |
double | pdf1 () const |
double | pdf2 () const |
double | thetaMPI () const |
Give back angles; relevant only for multipe-interactions processes. | |
double | phiMPI () const |
double | sHBetaMPI () const |
double | pT2MPI () const |
double | pTMPIFin () const |
void | saveKin () |
Save and load kinematics for trial interactions. | |
void | loadKin () |
void | swapKin () |
virtual void | setIdInDiff (int, int) |
Set the incoming ids for diffraction. | |
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void | initInfoPtr (Info &infoPtrIn) |
This function is called from above for physics objects used in a run. More... | |
virtual | ~PhysicsBase () |
Empty virtual destructor. | |
bool | flag (string key) const |
Shorthand to read settings values. | |
int | mode (string key) const |
double | parm (string key) const |
string | word (string key) const |
vector< bool > | fvec (string key) const |
vector< int > | mvec (string key) const |
vector< double > | pvec (string key) const |
vector< string > | wvec (string key) const |
Public Attributes | |
Z0 gamma *Z0 * | Usage: weightDecayFlav( process). */ virtual double weightDecayFlav( Event&) {return 1. |
Protected Member Functions | |
SigmaProcess () | |
Constructor. | |
void | addBeamA (int idIn) |
void | addBeamB (int idIn) |
int | sizeBeamA () const |
int | sizeBeamB () const |
void | addPair (int idAIn, int idBIn) |
int | sizePair () const |
virtual bool | setupForME () |
bool | setupForMEin () |
Calculate incoming modified masses and four-vectors for matrix elements. More... | |
void | setId (int id1in=0, int id2in=0, int id3in=0, int id4in=0, int id5in=0) |
Set flavour, colour and anticolour. | |
void | setColAcol (int col1=0, int acol1=0, int col2=0, int acol2=0, int col3=0, int acol3=0, int col4=0, int acol4=0, int col5=0, int acol5=0) |
void | swapColAcol () |
void | swapCol1234 () |
void | swapCol12 () |
void | swapCol34 () |
double | weightTopDecay (Event &process, int iResBeg, int iResEnd) |
Common code for top and Higgs secondary decay angular weights. More... | |
double | weightHiggsDecay (Event &process, int iResBeg, int iResEnd) |
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PhysicsBase () | |
Default constructor. | |
virtual void | onInitInfoPtr () |
virtual void | onBeginEvent () |
This function is called in the very beginning of each Pythia::next call. | |
virtual void | onEndEvent (Status) |
virtual void | onStat () |
This function is called from the Pythia::stat() call. | |
void | registerSubObject (PhysicsBase &pb) |
Register a sub object that should have its information in sync with this. | |
Protected Attributes | |
SusyLesHouches * | slhaPtr |
Pointer to an SLHA object. | |
LHAupPtr | lhaUpPtr |
Pointer to LHAup for generating external events. | |
bool | doVarE |
Initialization data, normally only set once. | |
int | nQuarkIn |
int | renormScale1 |
int | renormScale2 |
int | renormScale3 |
int | renormScale3VV |
int | factorScale1 |
int | factorScale2 |
int | factorScale3 |
int | factorScale3VV |
double | Kfactor |
double | mcME |
double | mbME |
double | mmuME |
double | mtauME |
double | renormMultFac |
double | renormFixScale |
double | factorMultFac |
double | factorFixScale |
int | higgsH1parity |
CP violation parameters for Higgs sector, normally only set once. | |
int | higgsH2parity |
int | higgsA3parity |
double | higgsH1eta |
double | higgsH2eta |
double | higgsA3eta |
double | higgsH1phi |
double | higgsH2phi |
double | higgsA3phi |
int | idA |
Information on incoming beams. | |
int | idB |
double | mA |
double | mB |
bool | isLeptonA |
bool | isLeptonB |
bool | hasLeptonBeams |
bool | beamA2gamma |
bool | beamB2gamma |
bool | hasGamma |
vector< InBeam > | inBeamA |
Partons in beams, with PDF's. | |
vector< InBeam > | inBeamB |
vector< InPair > | inPair |
Allowed colliding parton pairs, with pdf's. | |
double | mH |
Store common subprocess kinematics quantities. | |
double | sH |
double | sH2 |
double | Q2RenSave |
Store Q2 renormalization and factorization scales, and related values. | |
double | alpEM |
double | alpS |
double | Q2FacSave |
double | x1Save |
double | x2Save |
double | pdf1Save |
double | pdf2Save |
double | sigmaSumSave |
int | id1 |
Store flavour, colour, anticolour, mass, angles and the whole particle. | |
int | id2 |
int | id3 |
int | id4 |
int | id5 |
int | idSave [12] |
int | colSave [12] |
int | acolSave [12] |
double | mSave [12] |
double | cosTheta |
double | sinTheta |
double | phi |
double | sHMass |
double | sHBeta |
double | pT2Mass |
double | pTFin |
Particle | parton [12] |
Particle | partonT [12] |
double | mSaveT [12] |
double | pTFinT |
double | cosThetaT |
double | sinThetaT |
double | phiT |
double | mME [12] |
Vec4 | pME [12] |
bool | swapTU |
Store whether tHat and uHat are swapped (= same as swap 3 and 4). | |
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Info * | infoPtr = {} |
Settings * | settingsPtr = {} |
Pointer to the settings database. | |
ParticleData * | particleDataPtr = {} |
Pointer to the particle data table. | |
Logger * | loggerPtr = {} |
Pointer to logger. | |
HadronWidths * | hadronWidthsPtr = {} |
Pointer to the hadron widths data table. | |
Rndm * | rndmPtr = {} |
Pointer to the random number generator. | |
CoupSM * | coupSMPtr = {} |
Pointers to SM and SUSY couplings. | |
CoupSUSY * | coupSUSYPtr = {} |
BeamSetup * | beamSetupPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamBPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamPomAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamPomBPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamGamAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamGamBPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamVMDAPtr = {} |
BeamParticle * | beamVMDBPtr = {} |
PartonSystems * | partonSystemsPtr = {} |
Pointer to information on subcollision parton locations. | |
SigmaTotal * | sigmaTotPtr = {} |
Pointers to the total/elastic/diffractive cross sections. | |
SigmaCombined * | sigmaCmbPtr = {} |
set< PhysicsBase * > | subObjects |
UserHooksPtr | userHooksPtr |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static const double | CONVERT2MB = 0.389380 |
Constants: could only be changed in the code itself. More... | |
static const double | MASSMARGIN = 0.1 |
The sum of outgoing masses must not be too close to the cm energy. | |
static const double | COMPRELERR = 1e-10 |
static const int | NCOMPSTEP = 10 |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Enumerate the different status codes the event generation can have. | |
SigmaProcess is the base class for cross section calculations.
inlinevirtual |
Flavours in 2 -> 2/3 processes where masses needed from beginning. (For a light quark masses will be used in the final kinematics, but not at the matrix-element level. For a gluon no masses at all.)
Reimplemented in Sigma2ggm2qqbar, Sigma2gmgm2ffbar, Sigma2fgm2Wf, Sigma2ffbar2Wgm, Sigma2qg2Wq, Sigma2qqbar2Wg, Sigma2fgm2gmZf, Sigma2ffbar2gmZgm, Sigma2qg2gmZq, Sigma2qqbar2gmZg, Sigma2qqbar2sleptonantislepton, Sigma2ffbar2HposHneg, Sigma2ffbar2WW, Sigma2ffbar2HchgH12, Sigma2ffbar2ZW, Sigma2ffbar2A3H12, Sigma2qqbar2chi0gluino, Sigma2ffbar2gmZgmZ, Sigma2qg2Hchgq, Sigma2qqbar2gluinogluino, Sigma2qqbar2Hglt, Sigma2ffbar2FfbarsW, Sigma2gg2gluinogluino, Sigma2ffbar2LEDUnparticlegamma, Sigma2qg2Hqlt, Sigma2ffbar2FFbarsgmZ, Sigma2qg2squarkgluino, Sigma2ffbar2LEDUnparticleZ, Sigma2gg2Hglt, Sigma2gg2squarkantisquark, Sigma2qqbar2LEDUnparticleg, Sigma2qg2Hq, Sigma2qqbar2QQbar3S11QQbar3S11, Sigma2qqbar2QQbar, Sigma2qg2LEDUnparticleq, Sigma2gg2QQbar3S11QQbar3S11, Sigma2gg2QQbar, Sigma3qqbar2HQQbar, Sigma2qqbar2squarkantisquark, Sigma2gg2LEDUnparticleg, Sigma3gg2HQQbar, Sigma2qq2squarksquark, Sigma2ffbar2TEVffbar, Sigma2gg2QQbarX8g, Sigma3ff2HfftWW, Sigma2qqbar2DY, Sigma2qq2QqtW, Sigma2qqbar2GravitonStarg, Sigma3ff2HfftZZ, Sigma2ffbar2HchgchgHchgchg, Sigma2qg2GravitonStarq, Sigma2gg2Sg2XXj, Sigma2qg2chi0squark, Sigma2ffbar2HW, Sigma2qqbar2lStarlStarBar, Sigma3ff2HchgchgfftWW, Sigma2gg2QQbar3PJ1g, Sigma2gg2GravitonStarg, Sigma2qqbar2lStarlbar, Sigma2ffbar2HZ, Sigma2qqbar2LQLQbar, Sigma2gg2QQbar3S11gm, Sigma2ffbar2ZpH, Sigma2qq2qStarq, Sigma2ffbar2fGfGbar, Sigma2gg2LQLQbar, Sigma2gg2QQbar3S11g, Sigma2qqbar2qGqGbar, Sigma2qqbar2chi0chi0, Sigma2qqbar2Zpg2XXj, Sigma2qg2LeptoQuarkl, and Sigma2gg2qGqGbar.
void init | ( | BeamParticle * | beamAPtrIn, |
BeamParticle * | beamBPtrIn, | ||
SLHAinterface * | slhaInterfacePtrIn = 0 |
) |
Perform simple initialization and store pointers.
Beam pointers can differ from the main beam pointers in PhysicsBase.
Pointer to SLHA object allows semi-internal processes to access SLHA blocks via getEntry() methods, see arXiv:1109.5852
Read out some properties of beams to allow shorthand.
Photon sub-beams from leptons or hadrons.
K factor, multiplying resolved processes. (But not here for MPI.)
Allow variable energy, and optionally also variable beam kinds.
Maximum incoming quark flavour.
Medium heavy fermion masses set massless or not in ME expressions.
Renormalization scale choice.
Factorization scale choice.
CP violation parameters for the BSM Higgs sector.
If BSM not switched on then H1 should have SM properties.
virtual |
Set up allowed flux of incoming partons. Default is no flux.
Set up allowed flux of incoming partons. addBeam: set up PDF's that need to be evaluated for the two beams. addPair: set up pairs of incoming partons from the two beams.
Reset arrays (in case of several init's in same run).
Read in process-specific channel information.
Case with g g incoming state.
Case with q g incoming state.
Case with q q', q qbar' or qbar qbar' incoming state.
Case with q qbar' incoming state.
Case with q qbar incoming state.
Case with f f', f fbar', fbar fbar' incoming state.
If beams are leptons then they are also the colliding partons unless lepton includes a photon beam.
First beam is lepton and second is hadron.
First beam is hadron and second is lepton.
Hadron beams gives quarks.
Case with f fbar' generic incoming state.
If beams are leptons then also colliding partons unless lepton includes a photon beam.
Hadron beams gives quarks.
Case with f fbar incoming state.
If beams are antiparticle pair and leptons then also colliding partons unless lepton includes a photon beam.
Else assume both to be hadrons, for better or worse.
Case with f fbar' charged(+-1) incoming state.
If beams are leptons then also colliding partons unless lepton includes a photon beam.
Hadron beams gives quarks.
Case with f gamma incoming state.
Fermion from incoming side A if no photon beam inside.
Fermion from incoming side B if no photon beam inside.
Photons in the beams.
Case with quark gamma incoming state.
Initialize initiators both ways if not photoproductions.
Photons in the beams.
Case with gamma quark incoming state. Need this when both resolved and unresolved photon beams.
Photon in the beam.
Case with gluon gamma incoming state.
If not photoproduction, initialize both ways. Otherwise keep track of initiator ordering to generate correct combinations (direct, resolved).
Case with gamma gluon incoming state. Need this when both resolved and unresolved photon beams.
Case with gamma gamma incoming state.
Unrecognized fluxType is bad sign. Else done.
Reimplemented in SigmaLHAProcess, and Sigma0Process.
void pickInState | ( | int | id1in = 0 , |
int | id2in = 0 |
) |
Select incoming parton channel and extract parton densities (resolved).
Multiparton interactions: partons already selected.
Pick channel. Extract channel flavours and pdf's.
inline |
Give back couplings and parton densities. Not all known for nondiffractive.
inlinevirtual |
Input and complement kinematics for resolved 2 -> 1 process. Usage: set1Kin( x1in, x2in, sHin).
Reimplemented in Sigma1Process.
inlinevirtual |
Input and complement kinematics for resolved 2 -> 2 process. Usage: set2Kin( x1in, x2in, sHin, tHin, m3in, m4in, runBW3in, runBW4in).
Reimplemented in Sigma2Process.
inlinevirtual |
Ditto, but for Multiparton Interactions applications, so different input. Usage: set2KinMPI( x1in, x2in, sHin, tHin, uHin, alpSin, alpEMin, needMasses, m3in, m4in)
Reimplemented in Sigma2Process.
inlinevirtual |
Input and complement kinematics for resolved 2 -> 3 process. Usage: set3Kin( x1in, x2in, sHin, p3prel, p4prel, p5prel, m3in, m4in, m5in, runBW3in, runBW4in, runBW5in);
Reimplemented in Sigma3Process.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Calculate and store all modified masses and four-vectors intended for matrix elements. Return false if failed.
Reimplemented in Sigma3Process, Sigma2Process, and Sigma1Process.
protected |
Calculate incoming modified masses and four-vectors for matrix elements.
Initially assume it will work out to set up modified kinematics.
Correct incoming c, b, mu and tau to be massive or not.
If kinematically impossible return to massless case, but set error.
Do incoming two-body kinematics for massless or massive cases.
inlinevirtual |
Evaluate sigma for unresolved, sigmaHat(sHat) for 2 -> 1 processes, d(sigmaHat)/d(tHat) for (resolved) 2 -> 2 processes, and |M|^2 for 2 -> 3 processes. Answer in "native" units, either mb or GeV^-2.
Reimplemented in Sigma2qgm2qgm, Sigma2qgm2qg, Sigma2ggm2qqbar, Sigma2gmgm2ffbar, Sigma2fgm2Wf, Sigma2ffbar2Wgm, Sigma2qg2Wq, Sigma2qqbar2Wg, Sigma2qqbar2LEDqqbarNew, Sigma2qqbar2LEDgg, Sigma2fgm2gmZf, Sigma2ffbar2gmZgm, Sigma2qq2LEDqq, Sigma2qg2gmZq, Sigma2qg2LEDqg, Sigma3qg2qqqbarSame, Sigma2qqbar2gmZg, Sigma3qqbar2qqbargSame, Sigma2gg2LEDqqbar, Sigma2qqbar2sleptonantislepton, Sigma2ffbar2HposHneg, Sigma2gg2LEDgg, Sigma3qq2qqgSame, Sigma2qqbar2chargluino, Sigma2ffbar2WW, Sigma2ffbar2HchgH12, Sigma2gg2LEDllbar, Sigma3qg2qqqbarDiff, Sigma2ffbar2ZW, Sigma2ffbar2A3H12, Sigma2qqbar2chi0gluino, Sigma2ffbar2LEDllbar, Sigma3qqbar2qqbargDiff, Sigma2ffbar2gmZgmZ, Sigma2qg2Hchgq, Sigma2gg2LEDgammagamma, Sigma1qq2antisquark, Sigma3qq2qqgDiff, Sigma1ffbar2Hchg, Sigma2qqbar2gluinogluino, Sigma2ffbar2LEDgammagamma, Sigma2qqbar2Hglt, Sigma2ffbar2FfbarsW, Sigma3qg2qgg, Sigma2gg2gluinogluino, Sigma2ffbar2LEDUnparticlegamma, Sigma3Process, Sigma2qg2Hqlt, Sigma2ffbar2FFbarsgmZ, Sigma2qg2squarkgluino, Sigma3qqbar2ggg, Sigma2ffbar2LEDUnparticleZ, Sigma2gg2Hglt, Sigma2Process, Sigma3gg2ggg, Sigma2ffbar2ffbarsW, Sigma2gg2squarkantisquark, Sigma2qqbar2LEDUnparticleg, Sigma2qqbar2QQbar3S11QQbar3S11, Sigma2qg2Hq, Sigma2qqbar2QQbar, Sigma1Process, Sigma2ffbar2ffbarsgmZ, Sigma2qg2LEDUnparticleq, Sigma2gg2QQbar3S11QQbar3S11, Sigma0Process, Sigma2gg2QQbar, Sigma3qqbar2HQQbar, Sigma2qqbar2squarkantisquark, Sigma2ffbar2ffbarsgm, Sigma2gg2LEDUnparticleg, Sigma2qqbar2qqbarNew, Sigma1ffbar2W, Sigma3gg2HQQbar, Sigma2QCffbar2llbar, Sigma2qq2squarksquark, Sigma2qqbar2gg, Sigma2ffbar2TEVffbar, Sigma1ffbar2gmZ, Sigma2gg2QQbarX8g, Sigma3ff2HfftWW, Sigma2qq2qq, Sigma2QCqqbar2qqbar, Sigma2qg2charsquark, Sigma2qqbar2DY, Sigma2qq2QqtW, Sigma2qg2qg, Sigma2qqbar2GravitonStarg, Sigma3ff2HfftZZ, Sigma2QCqq2qq, Sigma2ffbar2HchgchgHchgchg, Sigma2ff2fftW, Sigma2gg2qqbar, Sigma2qg2GravitonStarq, Sigma2qg2chi0squark, Sigma2gg2Sg2XXj, Sigma2ffbar2HW, Sigma2qqbar2lStarlStarBar, Sigma3ff2HchgchgfftWW, Sigma2ff2fftgmZ, Sigma2gg2gg, Sigma2gg2QQbar3PJ1g, Sigma2gg2GravitonStarg, Sigma1gg2S2XX, Sigma2qqbar2charchar, Sigma2qqbar2lStarlbar, Sigma2gg2gammagamma, Sigma1ffbar2Zv, Sigma2ffbar2HZ, Sigma1ffbar2Rhorizontal, Sigma0AB2AXB, Sigma2lgm2Hchgchgl, Sigma2qqbar2LQLQbar, Sigma2gg2QQbar3S11gm, Sigma2ffbar2ZpH, Sigma2qqbar2charchi0, Sigma0AB2XX, Sigma1qqbar2KKgluonStar, Sigma2ffbar2gammagamma, Sigma2qq2qStarq, Sigma2ffbar2fGfGbar, Sigma1ffbar2Wprime, Sigma1gmgm2H, Sigma1ll2Hchgchg, Sigma2gg2LQLQbar, Sigma2gg2QQbar3S11g, Sigma0AB2AX, Sigma2gg2ggamma, Sigma1ffbar2GravitonStar, Sigma1lgm2lStar, Sigma2qqbar2qGqGbar, Sigma0AB2XB, Sigma1gg2H, Sigma1ffbar2WRight, Sigma2qqbar2Zpg2XXj, Sigma2qg2LeptoQuarkl, Sigma2qqbar2chi0chi0, Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime, Sigma2qqbar2ggamma, Sigma0AB2AB, Sigma2gg2qGqGbar, Sigma1ffbar2Zp2XX, Sigma1gg2GravitonStar, Sigma1ffbar2H, Sigma1qg2qStar, Sigma1ql2LeptoQuark, Sigma1ffbar2ZRight, Sigma2qg2qgamma, and Sigma0nonDiffractive.
inlinevirtual |
Wrapper to sigmaHat, to (a) store current incoming flavours and (b) convert from GeV^-2 to mb where required. For 2 -> 1/2 also (c) convert from from |M|^2 to d(sigmaHat)/d(tHat).
Reimplemented in Sigma2Process, and Sigma1Process.
virtual |
Convolute above with parton flux and K factor. Sum over open channels. Possibly different PDF in initialization phase or no sampling for x_gamma (photons in leptons).
Convolute matrix-element expression(s) with parton flux and K factor. Possibly different PDFs for the phase-space initialization. Can also take new values for x's to correct for oversampling, as needed with external photon flux.
Evaluate and store the required parton densities.
Save the x_gamma values after PDFs are called if new value is sampled if using internal photon flux from leptons.
Loop over allowed incoming channels.
Evaluate hard-scattering cross section. Include K factor.
Multiply by respective parton densities.
Sum for all channels.
Reimplemented in SigmaLHAProcess, and Sigma0Process.
inlinevirtual |
Evaluate weight for decay angular configuration. Usage: weightDecay( process, iResBeg, iResEnd), where iResBeg <= i < iResEnd is range of sister partons to test decays of.
Reimplemented in Sigma2ffbarWggm, Sigma2ffbar2HposHneg, Sigma2ffbargmZggm, Sigma2ffbar2WW, Sigma2ffbar2HchgH12, Sigma2ffbar2ZW, Sigma2ffbar2A3H12, Sigma2ffbar2gmZgmZ, Sigma2qg2Hchgq, Sigma1ffbar2Hchg, SigmaLHAProcess, Sigma2qqbar2Hglt, Sigma2ffbar2FfbarsW, Sigma2qg2Hqlt, Sigma2ffbar2FFbarsgmZ, Sigma2gg2Hglt, Sigma2qg2Hq, Sigma2qqbar2QQbar, Sigma2gg2QQbar, Sigma3qqbar2HQQbar, Sigma1ffbar2W, Sigma3gg2HQQbar, Sigma2ffbar2TEVffbar, Sigma1ffbar2gmZ, Sigma3ff2HfftWW, Sigma2qq2QqtW, Sigma2qqbar2GravitonStarg, Sigma3ff2HfftZZ, Sigma2ffbar2HchgchgHchgchg, Sigma2qg2GravitonStarq, Sigma2ffbar2HW, Sigma2qqbar2lStarlStarBar, Sigma3ff2HchgchgfftWW, Sigma2gg2GravitonStarg, Sigma2qqbar2lStarlbar, Sigma1ffbar2Zv, Sigma2ffbar2HZ, Sigma2lgm2Hchgchgl, Sigma1qqbar2KKgluonStar, Sigma2qq2qStarq, Sigma1ffbar2Wprime, Sigma1gmgm2H, Sigma1ll2Hchgchg, Sigma1ffbar2GravitonStar, Sigma1lgm2lStar, Sigma1gg2H, Sigma1ffbar2WRight, Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime, Sigma1gg2GravitonStar, Sigma1ffbar2H, Sigma1qg2qStar, Sigma1ffbar2ZRight, and Sigma2SUSY.
protected |
Evaluate weight for Z0/W+- decay distributions in H -> Z0/W+ Z0/W- -> 4f and H -> gamma Z0 -> gamma f fbar.
If not pair Z0 Z0, W+ W- or gamma Z0 then return unit weight.
If mother is not Higgs then return unit weight.
H -> gamma Z0 -> gamma f fbar is 1 + cos^2(theta) in Z rest frame.
Parameters depend on Higgs type: H0(H_1), H^0(H_2) or A^0(H_3).
Option with isotropic decays (also for pseudoscalar fermion couplings).
Maximum and initial weight.
Find sign-matched order of Z0/W+- decay products.
Evaluate four-vector products and find masses..
For mixed CP states need epsilon product and gauge boson masses.
Z0 Z0 decay: vector and axial couplings of two fermion pairs.
Normal CP-even decay.
CP-odd decay (normal for A0(H_3)).
Mixed CP states.
W+ W- decay.
Normal CP-even decay.
CP-odd decay (normal for A0(H_3)).
Mixed CP states.
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Common code for top and Higgs secondary decay angular weights.
Evaluate weight for W decay distribution in t -> W b -> f fbar b.
If not pair W d/s/b and mother t then return unit weight.
Find sign-matched order of W decay products.
Weight and maximum weight.
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Parameters of momentum rescaling procedure: maximally allowed relative energy error and number of iterations.
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Constants: could only be changed in the code itself.
Conversion of GeV^{-2} to mb for cross section.
The SigmaProcess class. Base class for cross sections. Constants: could be changed here if desired, but normally should not. These are of technical nature, as described for each.
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Minimal set of saved kinematics for trial interactions when using the x-dependent matter profile of multiparton interactions.