Base class for trial generators. More...
#include <VinciaTrialGenerators.h>
Public Member Functions | |
TrialGenerator (bool isSectorIn, TrialGenType trialGenTypeIn, BranchType branchTypeIn, ZetaGeneratorSet *zetaGenSet) | |
Main constructor. | |
virtual | ~TrialGenerator ()=default |
Destructor. | |
void | setupZetaGens (ZetaGeneratorSet *zetaGenSet) |
Set pointers to zetaGenerators. More... | |
virtual void | reset (double Q2min, double s, const vector< double > &masses, enum AntFunType antFunType, double xA=1., double xB=1.) |
Re-calculate the current zeta limits and integrals. More... | |
virtual double | genQ2 (double Q2MaxNow, Rndm *rndmPtr, const EvolutionWindow *evWindowPtrIn, double colFac, double wtIn, Logger *loggerPtr, int verboseIn) |
Generate the next trial scale. More... | |
virtual bool | genInvariants (double sAnt, const vector< double > &masses, vector< double > &invariants, Rndm *rndmPtr, Logger *loggerPtr, int verboseIn) |
Get the invariants. More... | |
virtual double | aTrial (vector< double > &invariants, const vector< double > &masses, int verboseIn) |
Calculate the trial based on invariants and saved quantities. More... | |
virtual double | aTrialStrip (vector< double > &invariants, const vector< double > &masses, int verboseIn) |
Calculate the colour and coupling stripped antenna function. More... | |
virtual void | resetTrial () |
Delete the current trial. More... | |
virtual void | needsNewTrial () |
Mark trial as used. | |
int | getSector () |
Return the sector. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | calcKallenFac (double, const vector< double > &) |
Calculate the Kallen factor. | |
virtual void | calcRpdf (const vector< double > &) |
Calculate the PDF ratio. | |
void | addGenerator (ZetaGeneratorSet *zetaGenSet, Sector sector=Sector::Default) |
TrialGenerator base class functions. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | isInit {false} |
True when init succeeds. | |
const bool | isSector |
Information set at construction. | |
const TrialGenType | trialGenTypeSav |
const BranchType | branchType |
double | kallenFacSav {1.} |
Common prefactors to the trial integral. | |
double | Rpdf {1.} |
double | sAntSav {} |
Information about the antenna. | |
vector< double > | massesSav |
bool | hasTrial {false} |
Information about the trial. | |
double | q2Sav {} |
double | colFacSav {} |
const EvolutionWindow * | evWindowSav {} |
Sector | sectorSav |
map< Sector, ZetaGeneratorPtr > | zetaGenPtrs |
map< Sector, pair< double, double > > | zetaLimits |
Map from sector to the corresponding zeta phase-space limits. | |
map< Sector, double > | IzSav |
Save the zeta integrals. | |
map< Sector, bool > | isActiveSector |
Save which sectors are currently active. | |
Base class for trial generators.
protected |
TrialGenerator base class functions.
Add a zeta generator for a given sector.
virtual |
Calculate the trial based on invariants and saved quantities.
Fetch colour and coupling stripped antenna function.
Multiply by colour factor.
Multiply by alphaS.
virtual |
Calculate the colour and coupling stripped antenna function.
Loop over sectors.
Skip inactive sectors.
Add contribution from this sector.
virtual |
Get the invariants.
Retrieve limits of zeta integral.
Generate a value of zeta.
Check that it is inside the physical limits. TODO fix xA and xB;
Check if we generated a physical zeta, now that we know Q2.
Calculate invariants from q2 and zeta.
virtual |
Generate the next trial scale.
Save common variables.
Get multiplicative prefactors to trial integral.
Possible enhancement weights.
Fetch minimum q2 for this window.
Loop over sectors (generators).
Skip inactive sectors.
Re-calculate hull of current phase space limits for this window.
Save hull of limits.
Evaluate zeta integral. Note: do not multiply by anything, since used for veto below.
Get additional factors for zeta integral.
Check if phase space is closed.
Convert to global trial.
Now generate q2.
Optimise by checking narrower (physical) zeta hull after trial.
Get log of random number.
Fixed alphaS.
Use max possible value for alphaS.
Inverse of Q2 integral for fixed alphaS.
Calculate factors for running alphas.
Inverse of Q2 integral for running alphas.
If we dropped below window edge, just accept and continue.
Else check if we are inside the narrower zeta range defined by this q2.
Accept this range with probability IzPhys/Iz:
Update saved limits.
Safety check.
Winner so far.
Save which sector.
virtual |
Re-calculate the current zeta limits and integrals.
Re-calculate the current zeta limits using absolute minimum q2. N.B. Base class doesn't use x fractions.
Throw away any stored trials.
Calculate common factors.
Loop over sectors (generators).
Check if this sector is active and save.
Calculate hull of current phase space limits.
Save hull of zeta limits.
virtual |
Delete the current trial.
Clear all saved trial variables.
void setupZetaGens | ( | ZetaGeneratorSet * | zetaGenSet | ) |
Set pointers to zetaGenerators.
Initialise the zeta generators.
Check for incompatible type.
Sector shower: add one generator per sector (if it exists).
For global FF and RF only one generator needed.
For global IF need two generators (initial-state leg sectorised).
For global II need three generators (initial-state legs sectorised).
protected |
Map from sector to the correct zeta generator. (note these live inside a ZetaGeneratorSet)