PYTHIA  8.313
Public Member Functions | List of all members
SetupContainers Class Reference

#include <ProcessContainer.h>

Public Member Functions

 SetupContainers ()
bool init (vector< ProcessContainer * > &containerPtrs, Info *infoPtr)
 Initialization assuming all necessary data already read. More...
bool init2 (vector< ProcessContainer * > &container2Ptrs, Info *infoPtr)
 Initialization of a second hard process. More...

Detailed Description

The SetupContainers class turns the list of user-requested processes into a vector of ProcessContainer objects, each with a process.

Member Function Documentation

bool init ( vector< ProcessContainer * > &  containerPtrs,
Info infoPtr 

Initialization assuming all necessary data already read.

Main routine to initialize list of processes.

SetupContainer class. Turns list of user-desired processes into a vector of containers.

Reset process list, if filled in previous subrun.

Reference to settings and pointer to particle data.

Set up requested objects for soft QCD processes.

Set up requested objects for hard QCD processes.

Set up requested objects for c cbar and b bbar, also hard QCD.

Set up requested objects for hard QCD 2 -> 3 processes.

Set up requested objects for prompt photon processes.

Set up requested objects for weak gauge boson t-channel exchange.

Set up requested objects for weak gauge boson processes.

Set up requested object for s-channel gamma exchange. Subset of gamma

Set up requested object for s-channel gamma*/Z0 or W+- exchange.

Set up requested objects for weak gauge boson pair processes.

Set up requested objects for weak gauge boson + parton processes.

Read in settings related to photon beams.

Initialize process for photon on side A only when explicitly direct photons requested for side A or when a ''normal'' hadron on side A and a resolved photon on side B as important to use the proper flux/PDF. Otherwise initialize only one process (with the photon on side B).

Initialize gm+gm processes only when explicitly needed with photon beams or when normal hadronic collisions.

Set up requested objects for photon collision processes.

Set up requested objects for photon-parton processes. In case of unresolved photons insert process with correct initiator.

Set up requested objects for onia production.

Set up requested objects for top production.

Set up requested objects for fourth-generation b' production

Set up requested objects for fourth-generation t' production

Set up requested objects for two different fourth-generation fermions.

Flag for global choice between SM and BSM Higgses.

Set up requested objects for Standard-Model Higgs production.

Further Standard-Model Higgs processes, not included in "all".

Common switch for the group of Higgs production BSM.

Set up requested objects for BSM H1 production.

Further BSM H1 processes, not included in "all".

Set up requested objects for BSM H2 production.

Further BSM H2 processes, not included in "all".

Set up requested objects for BSM A3 production.

Further BSM A3 processes, not included in "all".

Set up requested objects for Charged Higgs production

Set up requested objects for Higgs pair-production

Set up requested objects for SUSY pair processes.

Preselected SUSY codes.

MSSM: 4 neutralinos


Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

Skip if outgoing codes not asked for


Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

Squark-antisquark (gg initiated)

Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

Squark-antisquark (qqbar initiated)

Update process number counter (for ~q~q, +2 if not self-conj) if (iproc == 1302) iproc=1310;

Skip if outgoing codes not asked for


Skip if outgoing codes not asked for.

Neutralino + squark

Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

Chargino + squark

Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

Neutralino pairs

Skip if outgoing codes not asked for


Skip if outgoing codes not asked for


Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

RPV squark production

Skip if outgoing code not asked for


Skip if outgoing codes not asked for


Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

Slepton-antislepton (qqbar initiated); Currently no RH sneutrinos

Update process number counter

Exclude RH neutrinos from allowed final states

Skip if outgoing codes not asked for

End of SUSY processes.

Set up requested objects for New-Gauge-Boson processes.

Set up requested objects for Left-Right-Symmetry processes.

Set up requested objects for leptoquark LQ processes.

Set up requested objects for excited-fermion processes.

Set up requested objects for contact interaction processes.

Set spin of particles in the Hidden Valley scenario.

Set up requested objects for HiddenValley processes.

Set up requested objects for RS extra-dimensional G* processes.

Set up requested objects for RS extra-dimensional KKgluon processes.

NOAM: Set up requested objects for TEV extra-dimensional processes.

Set up requested objects for large extra-dimensional G processes.

Set up requested objects for unparticle processes.

Set up requested objects for Dark Matter processes.


bool init2 ( vector< ProcessContainer * > &  container2Ptrs,
Info infoPtr 

Initialization of a second hard process.

Routine to initialize list of second hard processes.

Reset process list, if filled in previous subrun.

Two hard QCD jets.

A prompt photon and a hard jet.

Two prompt photons.



A single gamma*/Z0.

A single W+-.

A gamma*/Z0 and a hard jet.

A W+- and a hard jet.

Top pair production.

Single top production.

Two b jets - already part of TwoJets sample above.


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