PYTHIA  8.313
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
DireSplitInfo Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 DireSplitInfo (const Event &state, int iRadBefIn, int iRecBefIn, int iRadAftIn, int iRecAftIn, int iEmtAftIn, double m2DipIn=-1., double pT2In=-1., double zIn=-1., double phiIn=-9., double saiIn=0., double xaIn=-1., double phi2In=-9., double m2RadBefIn=-1., double m2RecIn=-1., double m2RadAftIn=-1., double m2EmtAftIn=-1., double m2EmtAft2In=-1., double xBefIn=-1., double xAftIn=-1., int sideIn=0, int typeIn=0, int systemIn=0, int systemRecIn=0, string splittingSelNameIn="", bool useForBranchingIn=false, DireSingleColChain iSiblingsIn=DireSingleColChain())
 DireSplitInfo (const Event &state, int iRadBefIn, int iRecBefIn, string splittingSelNameIn)
 DireSplitInfo (const Event &state, int iRadAftIn, int iRecAftIn, int iEmtAftIn, string splittingSelNameIn)
 DireSplitInfo (const DireSplitInfo &s)
void init (const Event &state=Event())
 Definition of DireSplitInfo members.
void store (const DireSplitInfo &s)
void save ()
void restore ()
const DireSplitParticleradBef () const
const DireSplitParticlerecBef () const
const DireSplitParticleradAft () const
const DireSplitParticlerecAft () const
const DireSplitParticleemtAft () const
const DireSplitParticleemtAft2 () const
const DireSplitKinematicskinematics () const
void set2to3kin (double m2DipIn, double pT2In, double zIn, double phiIn, double m2RadBefIn, double m2RecIn, double m2RadAftIn, double m2EmtAftIn)
void set2to4kin (double m2DipIn, double pT2In, double zIn, double phiIn, double saiIn, double xaIn, double phi2In, double m2RadBefIn, double m2RecIn, double m2RadAftIn, double m2EmtAftIn, double m2EmtAft2In)
void set_m2Dip (double in)
void set_pT2 (double in)
void set_pT2Old (double in)
void set_z (double in)
void set_phi (double in)
void set_sai (double in)
void set_xa (double in)
void set_phi2 (double in)
void set_m2RadBef (double in)
void set_m2Rec (double in)
void set_m2RadAft (double in)
void set_m2EmtAft (double in)
void set_m2EmtAft2 (double in)
void set_xBef (double in)
void set_xAft (double in)
void storeRadBef (const Particle &in)
void storeRecBef (const Particle &in)
void storeRadAft (const Particle &in)
void storeRecAft (const Particle &in)
void storeEmtAft (const Particle &in)
void storeEmtAft2 (const Particle &in)
void setRadBef (int idIn=0, int colIn=-1, int acolIn=-1, int chargeIn=0, int spinIn=-9, double m2In=-1.0, bool isFinalIn=false)
void setRecBef (int idIn=0, int colIn=-1, int acolIn=-1, int chargeIn=0, int spinIn=-9, double m2In=-1.0, bool isFinalIn=false)
void setRadAft (int idIn=0, int colIn=-1, int acolIn=-1, int chargeIn=0, int spinIn=-9, double m2In=-1.0, bool isFinalIn=false)
void setRecAft (int idIn=0, int colIn=-1, int acolIn=-1, int chargeIn=0, int spinIn=-9, double m2In=-1.0, bool isFinalIn=false)
void setEmtAft (int idIn=0, int colIn=-1, int acolIn=-1, int chargeIn=0, int spinIn=-9, double m2In=-1.0, bool isFinalIn=false)
void setEmtAft2 (int idIn=0, int colIn=-1, int acolIn=-1, int chargeIn=0, int spinIn=-9, double m2In=-1.0, bool isFinalIn=false)
void clearRadBef ()
void clearRecBef ()
void clearRadAft ()
void clearRecAft ()
void clearEmtAft ()
void clearEmtAft2 ()
void setParticle (int iPos, int idIn=0, int colIn=-1, int acolIn=-1, int chargeIn=0, int spinIn=-9, double m2In=-1.0, bool isFinalIn=false)
void storeName (string name)
void storeType (int in)
void storeSystem (int in)
void storeSystemRec (int in)
void storeSide (int in)
void storeExtras (unordered_map< string, double > in)
void storeRadRecBefPos (int rad, int rec)
void canUseForBranching (bool in)
void addExtra (string key, double value)
void storeInfo (string name, int typeIn, int systemIn, int systemRecIn, int sideIn, int iPosRadBef, int iPosRecBef, const Event &state, int idEmtAft, int idRadAft, int nEmissions, double m2Dip, double pT2, double pT2Old, double z, double phi, double m2Bef, double m2s, double m2r, double m2i, double sa1, double xa, double phia1, double m2j, double xBef, double xAft)
unordered_map< string, double > getKinInfo ()
void storePosAfter (int iRadAftIn, int iRecAftIn, int iEmtAftIn, int iEmtAft2In)
void clear ()
void list ()
void setSiblings (DireSingleColChain s)
void clearSiblings ()

Public Attributes

int iRadBef
 Information to enable branching.
int iRecBef
int iRadAft
 Information to enable clustering.
int iRecAft
int iEmtAft
int iEmtAft2
vector< DireSplitParticleparticleSave
DireSplitKinematics kinSave
int side
 Auxiliary information.
int type
int system
int systemRec
string splittingSelName
unordered_map< string, double > extras
bool useForBranching
bool terminateEvolution
int iRadBefStore
 Information to enable branching.
int iRecBefStore
int iRadAftStore
int iRecAftStore
int iEmtAftStore
int iEmtAft2Store
int sideStore
int typeStore
int systemStore
int systemRecStore
vector< DireSplitParticleparticleSaveStore
DireSplitKinematics kinSaveStore
string splittingSelNameStore
unordered_map< string, double > extrasStore
bool useForBranchingStore
bool terminateEvolutionStore
DireSingleColChain iSiblings
DireSingleColChain iSiblingsStore

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