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BrancherEmitFF Class Reference

Class BrancherEmitFF, branch elemental for 2->3 gluon emissions. More...

#include <VinciaFSR.h>

Inheritance diagram for BrancherEmitFF:

Public Member Functions

 BrancherEmitFF (int iSysIn, Event &event, bool sectorShowerIn, vector< int > iIn, ZetaGeneratorSet *zetaGenSet)
 Create branch elemental for antenna(e) with parents in iIn. More...
 BrancherEmitFF (int iSysIn, Event &event, bool sectorShowerIn, int iIn0, int iIn1, ZetaGeneratorSet *zetaGenSet)
 Wrapper to provide simple 2-parton systems as parents. More...
void initBrancher (ZetaGeneratorSet *zetaGenSet)
 Method to initialise members specific to BrancherEmitFF. More...
double genQ2 (int evTypeIn, double q2MaxNow, Rndm *rndmPtr, Logger *loggerPtr, const EvolutionWindow *evWindowPtrIn, double colFac, vector< double > headroomIn, vector< double > enhanceFacIn, int verboseIn)
 Generate a new Q2 value, soft-eikonal 2/yij/yjk implementation. More...
virtual bool genInvariants (vector< double > &invariants, Rndm *rndmPtr, int verboseIn, Logger *loggerPtr)
 Generate invariants. More...
virtual double pAccept (const double antPhys, Logger *loggerPtr, int verboseIn)
 Compute antPhys / antTrial for gluon emissions, given antPhys. More...
double getQ2Max (int evType)
 Return the maximum Q2.
virtual void setMaps (int sizeOld)
 Method to make mothers2daughters and daughters2mothers pairs. More...
virtual int idNew () const
 Flavour and mass of emitted particle.
virtual double mNew () const
virtual bool getNewParticles (Event &event, vector< Vec4 > momIn, vector< int > hIn, vector< Particle > &pNew, Rndm *rndmPtr, VinciaColour *colourPtr)
 Generic getter method. Assumes setter methods called earlier. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Brancher
 Brancher (int iSysIn, Event &event, bool sectorShowerIn, vector< int > iIn)
 Main base class constructor.
 Brancher (int iSysIn, Event &event, bool sectorShowerIn, int iIn0, int iIn1, int iIn2=0)
 Wrapper for 2- and 3-parton parents.
virtual ~Brancher ()
 Base class must have a virtual destructor.
void reset (int iSysIn, Event &event, vector< int > iIn)
 Reset (common functionality implemented in base class). More...
void reset (int iSysIn, Event &event, int i0In, int i1In, int i2In=0)
 Wrapper for simple 2- (or 3-) parton antennae.
int i0 () const
 Methods to get (explicit for up to 3 parents, otherwise just use iVec).
int i1 () const
int i2 () const
int iVec (unsigned int i) const
vector< int > iVec ()
int id0 () const
int id1 () const
int id2 () const
vector< int > idVec () const
int colType0 () const
int colType1 () const
int colType2 () const
vector< int > colTypeVec () const
int col0 () const
int col1 () const
int col2 () const
vector< int > colVec () const
int acol0 () const
int acol1 () const
int acol2 () const
vector< int > acolVec () const
int h0 () const
int h1 () const
int h2 () const
vector< int > hVec () const
double m0 () const
double m1 () const
double m2 () const
vector< double > mVec () const
vector< double > getmPostVec ()
int colTag ()
int system () const
 Methods to return saved/derived quantities.
double mAnt () const
double m2Ant () const
double sAnt () const
double kallenFac () const
double enhanceFac () const
double q2Trial () const
enum AntFunType antFunTypePhys () const
virtual double getpTscale ()
 Compute pT scale of trial branching.
virtual double getXj ()
 Return Xj.
virtual void list (string header="none", bool withLegend=true) const
 Simple print utility, showing the contents of the Brancher. More...
virtual void setidPost ()
 Set post-branching IDs and masses. Base class is for gluon emission.
virtual vector< double > setmPostVec ()
virtual void setStatPost ()
virtual int iNew ()
 Return index of new particle (slightly arbitrary choice for splittings).
virtual int posR () const
virtual int posF () const
virtual int getSector ()
 Return sector label.
enum BranchType getBranchType ()
 Return branch type.
bool isSwapped ()
 Check if swapped.
vector< double > getInvariants ()
 Return the saved invariants.
void resetEnhanceFac (const double enhanceIn)
 This method allows to reset enhanceFac if we do an accept/reject.
bool hasTrial () const
void needsNewTrial ()
 Method to mark new trial needed without erasing current one.
void eraseTrial ()
 Method to mark new trial needed and erase current one.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Brancher
shared_ptr< TrialGeneratortrialGenPtr = {}
 Object to perform trial generation.
map< int, pair< int, int > > mothers2daughters
 Publicly accessible members for storing mother/daughter connections.
map< int, pair< int, int > > daughters2mothers
- Protected Attributes inherited from Brancher
int systemSav {}
 Data members for storing information about parent partons.
vector< int > iSav
vector< int > idSav
vector< int > colTypeSav
vector< int > hSav
vector< int > colSav
vector< int > acolSav
vector< int > idPostSav
vector< int > statPostSav
vector< double > mSav
vector< double > mPostSav
int colTagSav {}
int evTypeSav {}
const EvolutionWindowevWindowSav {}
 All alphaS information.
double mAntSav {}
 Saved antenna mass parameters.
double m2AntSav {}
double kallenFacSav {}
double sAntSav {}
bool hasTrialSav {false}
 Data members for storing information about generated trial branching.
double headroomSav {1.}
double enhanceSav {1.}
double q2BegSav {}
double q2NewSav {}
vector< double > invariantsSav
bool swapped {false}
 If true, flip identities of A and B.
bool sectorShower {}
 Parameters for the sector shower.
int iSectorWinner {}

Detailed Description

Class BrancherEmitFF, branch elemental for 2->3 gluon emissions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BrancherEmitFF ( int  iSysIn,
Event event,
bool  sectorShowerIn,
vector< int >  iIn,
ZetaGeneratorSet zetaGenSet 

Create branch elemental for antenna(e) with parents in iIn.

Initialise derived-class members and set up trial generator.

BrancherEmitFF ( int  iSysIn,
Event event,
bool  sectorShowerIn,
int  iIn0,
int  iIn1,
ZetaGeneratorSet zetaGenSet 

Wrapper to provide simple 2-parton systems as parents.

Initialise derived-class members and set up trial generator.

Member Function Documentation

bool genInvariants ( vector< double > &  invariants,
Rndm rndmPtr,
int  verboseIn,
Logger loggerPtr 

Generate invariants.

Generate invariants. Method to generate complementary invariant(s) for saved trial scale for gluon emission. Return false if no physical kinematics possible.

Clear output vector, check if we have a sensible q2New scale.

pT evolution.

TODO: better overestimate for constant trial alphaS?

Veto if the point outside the available phase space.

Reimplemented from Brancher.

double genQ2 ( int  evTypeIn,
double  q2MaxNow,
Rndm rndmPtr,
Logger loggerPtr,
const EvolutionWindow evWindowPtrIn,
double  colFac,
vector< double >  headroomIn,
vector< double >  enhanceFacIn,
int  verboseIn 

Generate a new Q2 value, soft-eikonal 2/yij/yjk implementation.

Set current phase space limits and active sectors.

Initialise output value and save input parameters.

Generate Q2 and save winning sector.

Sanity checks.

Set flag that this call produces a saved trial.

Implements Brancher.

bool getNewParticles ( Event event,
vector< Vec4 momIn,
vector< int >  hIn,
vector< Particle > &  pNew,
Rndm rndmPtr,
VinciaColour colourPtr 

Generic getter method. Assumes setter methods called earlier.


Check everything set.

Who inherits the colour?

Generate a new colour tag.

0 keeps colour.

2 keeps colour.

Now populate particle vector.

Implements Brancher.

void initBrancher ( ZetaGeneratorSet zetaGenSet)

Method to initialise members specific to BrancherEmitFF.

Class BrancherEmitFF, branch elemental for 2->3 gluon emissions.

Method to initialise members specific to BrancherEmitFF.

double pAccept ( const double  antPhys,
Logger loggerPtr,
int  verboseIn 

Compute antPhys / antTrial for gluon emissions, given antPhys.

Compute antPhys/antTrial for gluon emissions, given antPhys. Note, antPhys should be normalised to include charge and coupling factors.

pT evolution.

Reimplemented from Brancher.

void setMaps ( int  sizeOld)

Method to make mothers2daughters and daughters2mothers pairs.

For updating the children of existing parents.

For adding mothers of new children.

Reimplemented from Brancher.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: