PYTHIA  8.313
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OniaSetup Class Reference

#include <SigmaOnia.h>

Inheritance diagram for OniaSetup:
SigmaOniaSetup SplitOniaSetup

Protected Member Functions

 OniaSetup ()=default
 OniaSetup (Info *infoPtrIn, int flavourIn, string pre="")
 The constructor. More...
void initStates (string wave, const vector< int > &states, vector< int > &jnums, bool &valid, bool duplicate=true)
 Intialise and check settings. More...
void initSettings (string wave, unsigned int size, const vector< string > &names, vector< vector< double > > &pvecs, bool &valid)
 Initialise and check a group of PVec settings.
void initSettings (string wave, unsigned int size, const vector< string > &names, vector< vector< bool > > &fvecs, bool &valid)
 Initialise and check a group of FVec settings.

Protected Attributes

InfoinfoPtr = {}
 Stored pointers.
LoggerloggerPtr = {}
SettingssettingsPtr = {}
ParticleDataparticleDataPtr = {}
vector< int > states3S1
 Stored vectors of settings.
vector< int > states3PJ
vector< int > spins3S1
vector< int > spins3PJ
vector< string > meNames3S1
vector< string > meNames3PJ
vector< vector< double > > mes3S1
vector< vector< double > > mes3PJ
bool onia {}
 Stored validity and production flags.
bool onia3S1 {}
bool onia3PJ {}
bool oniaFlavour {}
bool valid3S1 {true}
bool valid3PJ {true}
int flavour {}
string cat
string key
double mSplit {}
 Stored parameters.

Detailed Description

A helper class used to check onia settings. Used for the parton shower and hard process.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OniaSetup ( Info infoPtrIn,
int  flavourIn,
string  pre = "" 

The constructor.

OniaSetup class. A helper class used to check onia settings. Used for the parton shower and hard process.

Set the category/key strings and mass splitting.

Set the common general switch settings.

Set the names of the common long-distance matrix-element settings.

Member Function Documentation

void initStates ( string  wave,
const vector< int > &  states,
vector< int > &  jnums,
bool &  valid,
bool  duplicate = true 

Intialise and check settings.

Initialise and check the flavour, j-number, and validity of states.

Check state is unique and remove if not.

Determine quark composition and quantum numbers.

Check state validity.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: