| DoubleStrikmanSubCollisionModel (int modeIn=0) |
| The default constructor simply lists the nucleon-nucleon cross sections.
virtual | ~DoubleStrikmanSubCollisionModel () override |
| Virtual destructor.
vector< double > | minParm () const override |
| Get the minimum and maximum allowed parameter values for this model.
vector< double > | defParm () const override |
| Get the default parameter values for this model.
vector< double > | maxParm () const override |
| Get the maximum allowed parameter values for this model.
| FluctuatingSubCollisionModel (int nParmIn, int modein) |
| The default constructor simply lists the nucleon-nucleon cross sections.
virtual | ~FluctuatingSubCollisionModel () override |
| Virtual destructor.
virtual SubCollisionSet | getCollisions (Nucleus &proj, Nucleus &targ) override |
| Main function returning the possible sub-collisions. More...
virtual SigEst | getSig () const override |
| Calculate the cross sections for the given set of parameters. More...
| SubCollisionModel (int nParm) |
virtual | ~SubCollisionModel () |
| Virtual destructor.
virtual bool | init (int idAIn, int idBIn, double eCMIn) |
| Virtual init method. More...
void | initPtr (NucleusModel &projIn, NucleusModel &targIn, SigmaTotal &sigTotIn, Settings &settingsIn, Info &infoIn, Rndm &rndmIn) |
| Initialize the pointers.
double | sigTot () const |
| The target total nucleon-nucleon cross section. More...
double | sigEl () const |
| The target elastic cross section.
double | sigCDE () const |
| The target central diffractive excitation cross section.
double | sigSDE () const |
| The target single diffractive excitation cross section (both sides).
double | sigSDEP () const |
| The target single diffractive excitation cross section (projectile).
double | sigSDET () const |
| The target single diffractive excitation cross section (target).
double | sigDDE () const |
| The target double diffractive excitation cross section.
double | sigND () const |
| The target non-diffractive (absorptive) cross section.
double | bSlope () const |
| The target elastic b-slope parameter.
double | avNDB () const |
| Return the average non-diffractive impact parameter.
void | updateSig () |
| Update internally stored cross sections. More...
double | Chi2 (const SigEst &sigs, int npar) const |
| Calculate the Chi2 for the given cross section estimates. More...
void | setKinematics (double eCMIn) |
| Set beam kinematics. More...
void | setIDA (int idA) |
| Set projectile particle.
bool | evolve (int nGenerations, double eCM, int idANow) |
| Use a genetic algorithm to fit the parameters. More...
int | nParms () const |
| Get the number of free parameters for the model.
void | setParm (const vector< double > &parmIn) |
| Set the parameters of this model.
vector< double > | getParm () const |
| Get the current parameters of this model.
A sub-collision model where each nucleon has a fluctuating "radius" according to a Strikman-inspired distribution.