Public Member Functions | |
DireSplitting () | |
Constructor and destructor. | |
DireSplitting (string idIn, int softRS, Settings *settings, ParticleData *particleData, Rndm *rndm, BeamParticle *beamA, BeamParticle *beamB, CoupSM *coupSMPtrIn, Info *infoPtrIn, DireInfo *direInfo) | |
void | init () |
The Splitting class. | |
bool | is (ulong pattern) |
string | name () |
virtual bool | canRadiate (const Event &, pair< int, int >, unordered_map< string, bool >=unordered_map< string, bool >(), Settings *=NULL, PartonSystems *=NULL, BeamParticle *=NULL) |
virtual bool | aboveCutoff (double, const Particle &, const Particle &, int, PartonSystems *=NULL) |
Discard below the cut-off for the splitting. | |
virtual bool | useFastFunctions () |
virtual bool | canRadiate (const Event &, int, int, Settings *=NULL, PartonSystems *=NULL, BeamParticle *=NULL) |
virtual int | kinMap () |
virtual int | motherID (int) |
Return id of mother after splitting. | |
virtual int | sisterID (int) |
Return id of emission. | |
virtual vector< int > | radAndEmt (int, int) |
virtual vector< pair< int, int > > | radAndEmtCols (int, int, Event) |
virtual bool | canUseForBranching () |
virtual bool | isPartial () |
virtual int | nEmissions () |
virtual bool | swapRadEmt () |
virtual bool | isSymmetric (const Particle *=NULL, const Particle *=NULL) |
virtual vector< int > | recPositions (const Event &, int, int) |
virtual int | radBefID (int, int) |
Return id of recombined radiator (before splitting!) | |
virtual pair< int, int > | radBefCols (int, int, int, int) |
Return colours of recombined radiator (before splitting!) | |
virtual double | gaugeFactor (int, int) |
Return color factor for splitting. | |
virtual double | symmetryFactor (int, int) |
Return symmetry factor for splitting. | |
virtual int | couplingType (int, int) |
virtual double | coupling (double=0., double=0., double=0., double=-1., pair< int, bool >=pair< int, bool >(), pair< int, bool >=pair< int, bool >()) |
virtual double | couplingScale2 (double=0., double=0., double=0., pair< int, bool >=pair< int, bool >(), pair< int, bool >=pair< int, bool >()) |
virtual double | zSplit (double, double, double) |
Pick z for new splitting. | |
virtual double | overestimateInt (double, double, double, double, int=-1) |
New overestimates, z-integrated versions. | |
virtual double | overestimateDiff (double, double, int=-1) |
Return kernel for new splitting. | |
virtual double | getKernel (string="") |
Functions to store and retrieve all the variants of the kernel. | |
virtual unordered_map< string, double > | getKernelVals () |
virtual void | clearKernels () |
virtual bool | calc (const Event &=Event(), int=-1) |
Functions to calculate the kernel from SplitInfo information. | |
void | setTimesPtr (shared_ptr< DireTimes > fsrIn) |
void | setTimesDecPtr (shared_ptr< DireTimes > fsrIn) |
void | setSpacePtr (shared_ptr< DireSpace > isrIn) |
virtual double | getJacobian (const Event &=Event(), PartonSystems *=0) |
virtual unordered_map< string, double > | getPhasespaceVars (const Event &=Event(), PartonSystems *=0) |
Map filled identical to shower state variables map. | |
virtual bool | allow_z_endpoint_for_kinematics () |
Treatment of additional virtual corrections. | |
virtual bool | allow_pT2_endpoint_for_kinematics () |
virtual bool | allow_sai_endpoint_for_kinematics () |
virtual bool | allow_xa_endpoint_for_kinematics () |
virtual void | try_z_endpoint () |
Functions to set if kernel should contribute to a kinematical endpoint. | |
virtual void | try_pT2_endpoint () |
virtual void | try_sai_endpoint () |
virtual void | try_xa_endpoint () |
virtual bool | is_z_endpoint () |
Return endpoint information. | |
virtual bool | is_pT2_endpoint () |
virtual bool | is_sai_endpoint () |
virtual bool | is_xa_endpoint () |
virtual double | tdire_ff (double, double t, double) |
Functions to calculate Dire variables from the evolution variables. | |
virtual double | zdire_ff (double z, double, double) |
virtual double | tdire_fi (double, double t, double) |
virtual double | zdire_fi (double z, double, double) |
virtual double | tdire_if (double, double t, double) |
virtual double | zdire_if (double z, double, double) |
virtual double | tdire_ii (double, double t, double) |
virtual double | zdire_ii (double z, double, double) |
virtual bool | hasMECBef (const Event &, double) |
virtual bool | hasMECAft (const Event &, double) |
virtual void | storeOverhead (double pT2, double x, int radid, int nf, double val) |
virtual double | overhead (double pT2, int idd, int nf) |
Public Attributes | |
double | renormMultFac |
string | id |
int | correctionOrder |
Settings * | settingsPtr |
ParticleData * | particleDataPtr |
Rndm * | rndmPtr |
BeamParticle * | beamAPtr |
BeamParticle * | beamBPtr |
CoupSM * | coupSMPtr |
Info * | infoPtr |
DireInfo * | direInfoPtr |
bool | is_qcd |
Some short-cuts and string hashes to help avoid string comparisons. | |
bool | is_qed |
bool | is_ewk |
bool | is_fsr |
bool | is_isr |
bool | is_dire |
ulong | nameHash |
unordered_map< string, double > | kernelVals |
DireSplitInfo | splitInfo |
shared_ptr< DireSpace > | isr |
shared_ptr< DireTimes > | fsr |
shared_ptr< DireTimes > | fsrDec |
multimap< double, OverheadInfo > | overhead_map |
inlinevirtual |
Return the value of the coupling that should be used for this branching. Note that the last input allows easy access to the PS evolution variable. return values -1 –> Coupling value not defined. double > 0 –> Value to be used for this branching.
Reimplemented in Dire_fsr_ew_H2GG, Dire_fsr_ew_H2AA, DireSplittingQCD, DireSplittingU1new, DireSplittingEW, and DireSplittingQED.
inlinevirtual |
Return an identifier for the interaction that causes the branching. return values -1 –> Type not defined. 1 –> QCD splitting (i.e. proportional to alphaS) 2 –> QED splitting (i.e. proportional to alphaEM) 3 –> EW splitting (i.e. proportional to sinThetaW) 4 –> Yukawa splitting (i.e. proportional to y)
Reimplemented in Dire_fsr_ew_H2GG, Dire_fsr_ew_H2AA, DireSplittingQCD, DireSplittingU1new, DireSplittingEW, and DireSplittingQED.
inlinevirtual |
Functions that allow different ordering variables for emissions. Note: Only works after splitInfo has been properly filled.
Reimplemented in DireSplittingQCD.
inlinevirtual |
Function to return an identifier for the phase space mapping that is used for setting up this splitting. return values: 1 –> Default Dire mapping. 2 –> Dire 1->3 mapping.
Reimplemented in Dire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GG_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2QG_notPartial, Dire_isr_qcd_Q2QbarQQId, Dire_isr_qcd_Q2qQqbarDist, Dire_isr_qcd_Q2GQ, Dire_isr_qcd_G2QQ, Dire_isr_qcd_G2GG2, Dire_isr_qcd_G2GG1, Dire_isr_qcd_Q2QG, Dire_fsr_qed_L2LA_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2QbarQQId, Dire_fsr_qed_Q2QA_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2qQqbarDist, Dire_isr_qed_L2AL, Dire_isr_u1new_L2AL, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ2, Dire_isr_qed_A2LL, Dire_isr_u1new_A2LL, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ1, Dire_isr_u1new_L2LA, Dire_isr_qed_L2LA, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GG2, Dire_isr_u1new_Q2AQ, Dire_isr_qed_Q2AQ, Dire_isr_ew_Q2QZ, Dire_isr_u1new_A2QQ, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GG1, Dire_isr_qed_A2QQ, Dire_fsr_ew_W2WA, Dire_isr_u1new_Q2QA, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2GQ, Dire_isr_qed_Q2QA, Dire_fsr_ew_H2GG, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2QG, Dire_fsr_ew_H2AA, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2Gqqbar, Dire_fsr_ew_H2WW, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2Qqqbar, Dire_fsr_u1new_A2FF, Dire_fsr_ew_W2QQ2, Dire_fsr_qed_A2FF, Dire_fsr_ew_W2QQ1, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GGG, Dire_fsr_qed_L2AL, Dire_fsr_u1new_L2AL, Dire_fsr_ew_Z2QQ2, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2QGG, Dire_fsr_qed_L2LA, Dire_fsr_u1new_L2LA, Dire_fsr_ew_Z2QQ1, Dire_fsr_qed_Q2AQ, Dire_fsr_u1new_Q2AQ, Dire_fsr_ew_Q2ZQ, Dire_fsr_qed_Q2QA, Dire_fsr_u1new_Q2QA, and Dire_fsr_ew_Q2QZ.
inlinevirtual |
Return a pair of ids for the radiator and emission after the splitting.
Reimplemented in Dire_fsr_qcd_G2Gqqbar, Dire_fsr_u1new_A2FF, Dire_fsr_qed_A2FF, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2Qqqbar, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GGG, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2QGG, DireSplittingQCD, DireSplittingQED, DireSplittingU1new, and DireSplittingEW.
inlinevirtual |
Return a vector of all possible recoiler positions, given the positions of the radiator and emission after the splitting.
Reimplemented in Dire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GG_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2QG_notPartial, Dire_isr_qcd_Q2GQ, Dire_isr_qcd_G2QQ, Dire_isr_qcd_G2GG2, Dire_isr_qcd_G2GG1, Dire_isr_qcd_Q2QG, Dire_fsr_qed_L2LA_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qed_Q2QA_notPartial, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ2, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2QQ1, Dire_isr_qed_L2LA, Dire_isr_u1new_L2LA, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GG2, Dire_fsr_qcd_G2GG1, Dire_fsr_ew_W2WA, Dire_isr_u1new_Q2QA, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2GQ, Dire_isr_qed_Q2QA, Dire_fsr_ew_H2GG, Dire_fsr_qcd_Q2QG, Dire_fsr_ew_H2AA, Dire_fsr_u1new_A2FF, Dire_fsr_qed_A2FF, Dire_fsr_u1new_L2AL, Dire_fsr_qed_L2AL, Dire_fsr_qed_L2LA, Dire_fsr_u1new_L2LA, Dire_fsr_qed_Q2AQ, Dire_fsr_u1new_Q2AQ, Dire_fsr_qed_Q2QA, and Dire_fsr_u1new_Q2QA.