PYTHIA  8.313
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Split2g2QQbarX8 Class Reference

Splitting class for g -> QQbar[X(8)] (Q = c or b). More...

#include <SplittingsOnia.h>

Inheritance diagram for Split2g2QQbarX8:

Public Member Functions

 Split2g2QQbarX8 (int stateIn, double ldmeIn, int spinIn, double mSplitIn, Info *infoPtrIn, AlphaStrong *alphaSPtrIn, set< double > &thresholds)
double overestimate (const TimeDipoleEnd &dip, double pT2Min, bool enh) override
 Return the splitting overestimate. More...
double weight (const TimeDipoleEnd &dip) const override
 Return the splitting weight.
void updateDipole (TimeDipoleEnd &dip) override
 Update the internal branching variables.
string enhanceName () const override
 Return the enhancement names.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SplitOnia
 SplitOnia (int idAIn, int idBIn, int idCIn, double ldmeIn, Info *infoPtrIn, AlphaStrong *alphaSPtrIn)
 Constructor that needs to be called by the subclass.
virtual ~SplitOnia ()=default
 Virtual destructor.
virtual double generateZ (const TimeDipoleEnd &)
bool isActive (const TimeDipoleEnd &dip, int id, double m)
bool isOctet ()
 Check if the emission is a colour octet state.
bool isEnhanced ()
 Check if the emission is enhanced.
void setEnhance (const unordered_map< string, double > &enhanceFSRs)
 Set the enhancement factor.
double enhanceWeight ()
 Return the enhancement weight.
virtual vector< int > addEmitted (Event &, int, int, int, int, vector< TimeDipoleEnd > &)
 Possibility to add more than one emitted particle.
bool updateBranchVars (const TimeDipoleEnd *dip, Event &event, int &idRadIn, int &idEmtIn, int &colRadIn, int &acolRadIn, int &colEmtIn, int &acolEmtIn, int &appendEmtIn, double &pTorigIn, double &pTcorrIn, double &pzRadPlusEmtIn, double &pzRadIn, double &pzEmtIn, double &mRadIn, double &m2RadIn, double &mEmtIn)
 Update the passed branching variables with the internal values. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from SplitOnia
virtual void overestimate (const TimeDipoleEnd &, double)
 Set the z limits and return the difference.
virtual double integrateZ () const
void setOctetID (int state, double mSplit, Info *infoPtr)
 Set the colour octet ID and ensure in particle database. More...
double alphaScale (double m2, double pT2, double s) const
 Return alpha_s at the requested scale.
- Protected Attributes inherited from SplitOnia
int idA
int idB
int idC
double mA
double mB
double mC
double m2A
double m2B
double m2C
double enhance {1}
 Enhancement, max value of alpha_S, and long-distance matrix element.
double ldme {-1}
double cFac {0}
 The constant and variable overestimate prefactors.
double oFac {0}
double zMin {0}
 The z limits used in the overestimated z-integral and generated z value.
double zMax {1}
double zGen {0}
int idRad {0}
 IDs, colors, and number of emitters to append.
int idEmt {0}
int colRad {0}
int acolRad {0}
int colEmt {0}
int acolEmt {0}
int appendEmt {1}
double pTorig {0}
 Transverse and longitudinal momentum, and masses.
double pTcorr {0}
double pzRadPlusEmt {0}
double pzRad {0}
double pzEmt {0}
double mRad {0}
double m2Rad {0}
double mEmt {0}
int alphaMode {1}
 Mode to evaluate the final alpha_s scale.
LoggerloggerPtr {}
 Logger pointer.
AlphaStrongalphaSPtr {}
 The alphaS object in current use.
RndmrndmPtr {}
 The random number generator in current use.

Detailed Description

Splitting class for g -> QQbar[X(8)] (Q = c or b).

Member Function Documentation

double overestimate ( const TimeDipoleEnd dip,
double  pT2Min,
bool  enh 

Return the splitting overestimate.

Implementation of the Split2g2QQbarX8 class. Splitting class for g -> QQbar[X(8)] (Q = c or b).

Define the constant prefactor. From Bra94 this is pi/24, but the Sudakov generation gives us a factor of 2*pi. LDME units are given as GeV^3, so we additionally divide by mQ^3. There is also a 2J + 1 factor for 3PJ states, see equation 23.

Reimplemented from SplitOnia.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: