Update History
- 8.313: 10 January 2025
- 8.312: 23 May 2024
- 8.311: 08 March 2024
- 8.310: 25 July 2023
- 8.309: 16 February 2023
- 8.308: 16 November 2022
- 8.307: 25 February 2022
- 8.306: 28 June 2021
- 8.305: 03 May 2021
- 8.304: 09 April 2021
- 8.303: 01 September 2020
- 8.302: 24 April 2020
- 8.301: 30 October 2019
These update notes describe major updates relative to the
PYTHIA 8.243 version, which was the starting point for PYTHIA
8.3. The step from 8.2 to 8.3 gave an occasion to break backwards
compatibility. The main change is that C++11 is now assumed.
The impact on existing used code should be mild, however.
8.313: 10 January 2025
- Leif Gellersen leaves as an active author.
- Marius Utheim leaves as an active author.
- Rob Verheyen leaves as an active author.
- A new merging setup for DIS processes has been implemented, see
[Hel24]. The flag
now be used to set the merging scale dynamically according to a
function that interpolates between the regions of large virtuality and
large transverse momentum. The new merging scheme is available only
for VINCIA and showcased in the main164dis.cmnd
file for the main164.cc
- A new parameter
introduced to describe the effective pomeron-pomeron total cross
section, used to normalize the multiparton interactions machinery
in central diffraction. Previously
was used also for this purpose,
but now it is only used for single and double diffraction.
- Central diffraction initialization of multiparton interactions
is now not performed when the central diffractive cross section
is vanishing, specifically for the default values
SigmaDiffractive:mode = 1
in combination with
SigmaTotal:zeroAXB = on
- Several minor changes made to Angantyr.
- A modified beam remnant treatment has been introduced.
- Accessors for Glauber statistics has been fixed for bugs giving
faulty output for pA configurations, thanks to Antonio Ortiz Velasquez.
- Accessors for Glauber level cross sections were renamed and
expanded and an accessor for the elastic amplitude was added.
- HepMC2 and 3 output were updated accordingly.
- Also the output of
has been modified
with a clearer description of the cross sections listed.
- Unit conversions in Angantyr changed from Angantyr specific ones,
to use the same as the rest of Pythia.
- A new option
was introduced
to change the Angantyr impact parameter sampler to give unit weights
- Finally, for stability reasons when going to very small energies,
the default
has been changed
from 1
to 2
- Cleanup of several main programs related to heavy ions and cosmic
rays, notably to take into account new features in Angantyr.
- The
was added to illustrate how to use Glauber
statistics and gather cross sections.
- The new
shows how to change the Angantyr
impact parameter sampler to unit weights.
- The new
compares a hadronic cascade
simulated either with PythiaCascade
or with Angantyr,
in a mixed atmosphere of nitrogen, oxygen and argon.
- Updated handling of fragmentation parameters in the
Hidden Valley.
Three levels of user control are introduced by the new
switch, accessing default
values updated to be based on the Monash tune, with explicit
prescriptions for scaling rules from the corresponding QCD parameters
to the Hidden Valley ones. Some parameter names and behaviours are
changed, fixing previous inconsistencies. New main511.cc
example illustrates scaling from QCD to HV. Also note, in case you
missed it, that the Hidden Valley parton shower parameters were partly
changed in version 8.309, see notably HiddenValley:alphaOrder
and HiddenValley:setLambda
. Thanks to Matt Strassler
and Suchita Kulkarni for valuable input.
- The logic for modifying string fragmentation with
has changed. canChangeFragPar()
will now only enable doChangeFragPar()
, while the new
function canChangeVetoFragmentation()
enables the
functions and the new
function. See
User Hooks for details.
- An experimental feature has been introduced where the
fragmentation sequence of Pythia can be modified by the user through
methods. Details are
given in in the implement new
fragmentation section on how to create a custom fragmentation
model via the FragmentationModel
base class. Some further
modifications have also been made to enable more control of including
- Vectors of external pointers in Pythia where the method
is allowed can also now be set with an
method, where i
is the vector
insertion index.
- The
statement can also be used
when loading plugins with the Init:plugins
- The weighting of the fragmentation can now be determined for
arbitrary flavor parameter variations after an event has been
generated by setting
VariationFrag:flav = on
, see
Hadronization Variations,
and then using the FlavorVariations
class provided in
. See
for an example. This is an experimental
- The tune settings have been migrated to command files under
. Under the hood, the tunes
are now loaded using these settings, but there should be no difference
to users. In addition to the previous Tune:ee
settings, it is now possible (and preferred) to set
tunes with the command include = tune/settings.cmnd
is the tune settings file. The following
additional changes have also been made to enable this new tune setup.
- The reading of command files has been migrated from the
class to the Settings
class for
technical reasons. This should not directly impact users.
- The syntax
Setting = DEFAULT
is now available to
reset a setting to its default value.
- The default for
has been updated to
so that the internally available PDF is used by
default. An additional option, 3
, has been added to also
allow for the use of LHAPDF 6 files via PYTHIA's internal LHAGrid
interpolation, which does not require the LHAPDF 6 library.
- The default for
has been changed from
to -1
. Users must now explicitly switch on
the VINCIA tune, either with Vincia:tune = 0
include = tune/VinciaDefault.cmnd
- The format and procedure for reusing initialization data has been
changed. The options
, 2
, and
for MultipartonInteractions:reuseInit
corresponding modes in Angantyr works as before, but now internally
use settings in the form Init:reuseXXX
to store the
initialisation data, and the file format changed so that the files can
be read in as normal settings. In the future the
settings will be removed and the
initialisation will always use data in Init:reuseXXX
present and consistent, and will always store the initialisation there
for the user to write to a file and use in another run if needed.
- The number of pT bins used in the (differential) MPI
cross section initialization has been reduced from 100 to 50, and
is now hardcoded in
. The
now represents the total
number of phase space samplings, rather than that per bin.
- Removal of the pearl fragmentation procedure due to both infrequency
of usage and in order to simplify the fragmentation code. Should this
pearl fragmentation need revisiting, the version of the code
remains in 8.312.
- Closepacking parameters have been reparameterised and
- The
has been expanded
to show a few more properties of the current dipole ends.
- When
is set to 3 (report mode),
errors and warnings are printed every time they occur instead of just
the first time.
- Documentation updated to reflect previous changes in settings
scheme, where a parameter set outside limits without using the
, will make PYTHIA fail to initialize.
Thanks to Giancarlo Panizzo, who pointed out that the documentation
was lacking.
- Updated the HTML manual description of histograms to match the
default options for
- A few minor upgrades of four-vector handling, the main update being
an improved calculation of a very small opening angle between two
- Method added for peeking at next random number in
. Intended for debugging.
- A convenience class for parsing command line input
in examples was added.
- A lightweight interface to the
YODA histogramming library has
been introduced in
Example user code available in the new example
- Several improvements to the HepMC2/3 interfaces from Andrii
Vertbytskyi have been included.
- Example programs optionally using RIVET are now working correctly,
as a missing flag in the
in the
folder has been added.
- New possibility to smear the mass of a hadron provided in
Les Houches input, see
on the Les Houches Event Files page.
The reason could be that a rho meson, say, has been
generated with a fixed input mass, which then distinguishes
such a rho meson from ones generated inside PYTHIA.
Thanks to Andy Buckley for the suggestion.
- The full Python interface, generated with
in the plugins/python
directory, now
includes classes from include/Pythia8Plugins
with no
dependencies. Now, main295.py
should work when the full
Python interface is used. Thanks to Matt LeBlanc for pointing this
- The full Python interface is now packaged with the Pythia release
by default, to switch back to the simplified interface, it can be
generated with
./generate --part
in the
- An issue with
output was fixed when using
the CKKW-L scheme. Thanks to Giancarlo Panizzo for reporting
- A number of bugs have been fixed in VINCIA's merging framework
that previously prevented the use of VINCIA's evolution variable as
the merging-scale definition. Also, the way cross-section estimates
are calculated in VINCIA's merging has been changed, so that "dry
runs" without shower agree better with actual merging runs.
- The
method has been
factorized to remove z selection. This also fixed a small bug
where a zero momentum was returned for hard baryon fragmentation in
beam remnants.
- Minor correction in the joining of the fragmentation from the two
string ends towards the middle: if a popcorn diquark is produced in
the final steps, it should not contribute with two separate diquark
masses in the calculation of necessary remaining energy for the final
two hadrons.
- Fixed tiny typo in
found by Pi Duan. Only affects of the order of 1% of events, and then
only mildly, but enough to break the random-number sequence.
- A bug causing the popcorn destructive interference mechanism to
not work has been fixed.
- Fixed flavour sampling of enhanced gamma → f fbar
splittings in the QED final-state shower. Thanks to Alexander Puck
- A few bugs related to the
have been fixed. In addition, the correct recoiler in strategy
and 3
is now assigned also in the case
when the decay of the coloured resonance produces more than two
- Bug fix in the QCD Colour-Reconnection model
ColourReconnection:mode = 1
) to prevent infinite
recursions when handling junction-junction connections. Thanks to
Laurent Dufour for alerting us to this bug.
8.312: 23 May 2024
- The Sample Main Programs in
subdirectory have been completely
reorganized. Over the years, an expansion of examples has been driven
by the addition of new capabilities as well as by a strong user
demand. As the old two-digit mainNN.cc
structure filled
up, empty slots were used more-or-less at random, before eventually
also three-digit codes were introduced. Now all examples have been
regrouped by topic as three-digit codes mainNNN.cc
, with
empty space within each group for future expansion. No program keeps
its old code. Some new examples have been introduced and some
existing ones have been modified. The matching and merging examples
have seen a significant restructuring, where
omnibus versions for several approaches.
- Some related updates and cleanup in
- The
PYTHIA 8.3 Worksheet has been updated and expanded.
- The new more QCD based color reconnection model,
ColourReconnection:mode = 1
has been sped up by over a
factor of two, thanks to Michal Kreps.
- Variable energy beams have been added to Angantyr. See
for details.
- Weighting of the fragmentation with parameter variations is now
available. See Hadronization
Variations for more details and
for an
example. This is an experimental feature.
- New parameters
allows heavier quarks (s, c, b) to take more beam-remnant
momentum than the lighter u and d ones.
The same parameters also makes it more likely for a heavier quark
not to be kicked backwards in low-mass systems. Thanks to
Manuel Masip and Ivan Rosario Bonastre for pointing out the
- Example of using Pythia as a custom shared library through
Python has been added in
- The option
is now available for
which will return the Pythia version,
thanks to Christopher Dilks for the suggestion.
- A bug which caused popcorn destructive interference mechanism to
not work has now been fixed.
- Added a new flag for neutrino PDFs to have them as unresolved
particles by default as no other options currently exists. Minor
related documentation update.
- Some bug fixes in less commonly used methods of the
and ParticleData
- Tiny correction in
that fixes issue with
on some platforms, thanks to Gabriele
Inghirami for reporting.
- Protect against potential division by zero in the Thrust method.
- Fixed an issue where cross-sections could be reported incorrectly
when running a second hard process when the first hard process comes
from an LHE file.
- Protection was added to Vincia FSR for the case where the charm
quark mass is set to zero.
8.311: 08 March 2024
- Javira Altmann joins the author team.
- Stefan Prestel leaves as an active author.
- Reweighting for a subset of hadronization parameters, both
kinematic and flavor related, is now available. See
for an example and
Hadronization Variations
for details.
- A number of changes have been made to the junction fragmentation
- Updated iterative procedure to find average junction rest frame
that is more stable as it does not rely on convergence.
- Include special treatment of soft-leg cases (i.e. when the 120
degree junction rest frame does not exist), called
- Allow for fragmentation of pearl-on-a-string cases using a
gluon-approximation, controlled by
- Improvements in the hadronization of low-mass junction string
systems, contributed by Harsh Shah. Low-mass junction systems now are
handled by the ministring fragmentation code. This results in fewer
discarded events when using the QCD-based colour reconnection model in
scenarios where many junction systems are formed.
- A number of changes to the QCD-based colour reconnection model:
- Include a new string-length measure that better takes into
consideration heavy quarks.
- Include additional seperate parameter
, which formally had a combined
definition with parameter ColourReconnection:m0
- New option to limit the impact-parameter distance between
dipoles that are allowed to reconnect in the QCD-based colour
reconnection model, contributed by Harsh Shah. See
Colour Reconnection for
- The inverse formation times for a three-dipole junction system
were not correctly being initialized, while their colours were. This
bug has now been fixed, although its impact should be
minimal. Thanks to Michal Kreps for the fix.
- A number of updates and extensions to the string "closepacking"
- Include close-packing mechanism for Gaussian string breaks
controlled by
and other
parameters. See further on
- Include strangeness enhancement for string breaks next to a
junction, controlled by
- Include popcorn destructive interference via simple diquark
suppression controlled by
- A new sub collision model
) has been added, wherein the
projectile and target can fluctuate with different parameters, as one
would expect in generic hadron-ion collisions.
- Usage of
is changed. For the case
, the order of the parameters has
changed as well. This means that saved parameters from previous releases
cannot be used, and a refitting of parameters is recommended.
- The example
has had minor changes and
- A fifteen percent uncertainty has been included for the
slope parameter of the HeavyIon:SigFitErr
parameter vector used in fitting the cross sections for heavy ion
collisions. This helps stabilize the fit at low collision
- When parameters or modes are configured by the user via
or readFile
with out-of-range
values, Pythia will now abort upon initialization, similar to when
invalid user settings or particle data are provided, rather than the
previous behaviour where the value would be set to the
limit. Out-of-range parameters can still be used by directly calling
the force
methods in the Settings
- Parton shower enhancements in the simple shower are now available
for the individual splittings g → c + cbar and g
→ b + bbar.
- Added capability to over sample emissions in combination with
enhancing emissions so as to reduce large weight fluctuations.
- The documentation for
POWHEG Matching
has been updated with new recommendations and defaults.
- An option for suppressed power showers is now implemented also for
the Vincia shower model, via the
parameter. The main202
example updated to illustrate this
for ttbar.
- Entries in the event record may now be skipped when requesting
matrix element corrections in the parton shower for a given
- Added new capability to disable matrix element corrections in the
Timelike Shower for the first emission (only) of the hard process
and/or resonance decays. The choice(s) of resonance(s) is
- Added example UserHook to modify the decay products in LHE files
containing resonance decays.
- Updated RIVET examples to handle support for RIVET 4, while
maintaining backwards compatibility.
- A new option for parallelism,
, makes
it possible for the user to run custom code before each event is
generated, such as changing the energy on an event-by-event basis. For
more information, see Parallelism or
- New Vincia example programs for EW showers,
- main207.cc
illustrates electroweak showers in Z decays to
neutrinos (at very high Z mass). main206
illustrates EW
showers for dijets at LHC and was previously named
. main207.cc
illustrates read-in of
LHEF files for EW showering with Vincia.
- New
example program illustrates Vincia QED
showering in photon-initiated processes, specifically
photon-photon → mu+ mu- production at LHC.
- Minor bug fix in Vincia's setup for helicity showers, to ignore
beam particles when deciding whether helicity assignments need to be
generated for the hard system. Thanks to M. di Mauro for help to
identify this bug.
- Ensured that displaced-vertex information is propagated in the
VINCIA QED and QCD FSR showers. This should correct a problem with
displaced taus showing up with zero vertex information in HepMC events
produced with VINCIA. Thanks to D. Hirscbuehl and S. Tuncay.
- Fixed issue where onia were showered with
when OniaShower:octetSplit
was set to 0
not allow the octet states to radiate). Thanks to Jake Pfaller for
reporting this issue.
- Fixed issue where string systems were not updated when eliminating
small string regions.
- Added protection when calling the
, nAccepted
, sigmaGen
, and nameProc
methods in the
class to prevent exceptions when requesting an
invalid process ID.
- Fixed issue where if
is called before
the particle database was initialized caused a segmentation
- When using
TauDecays:mode = 2
or 3
parameter TauDecays:tauPolarization
was being read in as
an integer rather than a real number. This has now been fixed. Thanks
to Florian Harz for reporting this.
- When reading in external events without
information and with TauDecays:externalMode = 1
, the
production matrix element for a tau produced from W
or W' boson was being incorrectly set to that of of a
boson. This has now been fixed. Thanks to Florian Harz
for reporting this.
- The heavy ion information, provided by the
class and available through the hiInfo
member of the
class, is now available by default in the simplified
Python interface.
- Introduced direct access to the particles of an event by the new
method. Thanks to H. Dembinski for the
- Fixed issue where the Python interface does not compile under
32-bit. Thanks to Mattias Ellert for reporting the issue.
- Introduced an experimental random number sequence debugging tool
for advanced debugging usage.
- Some memory management issues were corrected in Vincia.
- Further minor updates in Vincia to streamline Pythia coding style
and improve naming of antenna functions.
- When using subruns, each with a different spectrum from an SLHA
file for each initialization, the mass for particles can be
incorrectly generated. A fix for this has now been introduced.
- Fixed bug in the
class, where the
functions sigSDE()
, sigSDEP()
, and
, gave the wrong values. This will only affect
the behaviour of Angantyr, in case the
class is used in the Glauber
calculation (Angantyr:CollisionModel=0
- A bug in the merging framework has been fixed that was introduced
by the changes for aMC@NLO-Delta in 8.309. Thanks to Marjorie Shapiro
for the report.
- The introduction of the new
class broke
parts of the photoproduction initialization, which has now been
- Fixed memory leak in
- Fixed possible access of unitialized variables in
8.310: 25 July 2023
- Naomi Cooke joins the author team.
- Production of quarkonia is now available via the simple timelike shower,
see Onia Showers for details.
- Added a new feature that allows producing user-defined resonances in
hadronic rescattering. Newly added particles can be produced as resonances
if they set
varWidth = on
. Examples of this are shown in
and main158
- A number of changes have been made to the heavy ion
- Variable energies can now be used in Angantyr. This is done by
Beams:allowVariableEnergy = on
and using the
methods. In addition Angantyr can
now handle all Beams:frameType
- MPI initialization reuse has now been enabled for heavy ions. The
parameters control
whether the MBIAS Pythia object will reuse MPIs. In addition, the
parameters do the same thing for
the SASD Pythia object.
- The parameters calculated from the evolutionary algorithm can also
be saved to file. This is controlled with the
- The
source has been split into
, HINucleusModel
, and
- Some code is offloaded to new classes
, simplifying HeavyIons.cc
- Simplified the output for the Angantyr procedure for fitting
nucleon cross sections.
- Included possibility to sample intermediate photon virtuality also
for externally provided events using built-in photon flux for
- Included possibility to generate DIS events with a (anti-)neutrino
- The
, formerly available separately,
has now been integrated into the SimpleTimeShower
. See
further the TimeShower:recoilStrategyRF
switch, which replaces and extends the old
flag. In top decays the
radiation pattern in the new option is reweighted to have top as
recoiler in case the relevant colour line connects to it.
Introduced a new use plugin system, see
Plugins for details. This system is currently
experimental and feedback is welcome. As part of this new system, a
few changes have been made to how user provided classes are passed to
a Pythia>
object for consistency.
- The arguments to the
method are now
shared pointers. Additionally, addSigmaPtr
has been
introduced with the previous behaviour of setSigmaPtr
and the new setSigmaPtr
overrides all previously added
- A similar change has been made for the
method with the addition of the
The new Logger
class now handles printing such as
initialization information and diagnostic messages. For more information
about this class, see the Logging page.
The new BeamSetup
class has been introduced to handle the
beam configuration, including initializing and changing beam identities,
kinematics and parton distributions. This is a structural change that
simplifies the code in the Pythia
class, but does not
introduce any functional changes.
Modified interface to LHAPDF6
to allow for
multi-threading. Thanks to Christopher Jones for the report.
Updated the Python interface to use pybind11
2.10.4 which is compatible with Python 3.11. Thanks to Mattias Ellert
and David Runge for reporting the incompatibility and maintaining the
Fedora and Arch Linux packages. Note, this version is not compatible
with Python versions 3.5 and below, and so version 2.9.2 of
is used automatically for these versions.
Fix for the Python interface working with gcc13
, thanks
to Dmitri Konstantinov.
Fixed a bug in the Python interface which prevented
from running correctly when passing a custom
function for initialization.
Updated the Lambda_b0 lifetime to c*tau = 0.44
mm. The value was rounded to two significant digits since PDG
and HFLAV do not quite agree to three digits. Thanks to A. Rossi for
pointing out the previous default value (0.369 mm) was
Included several small fixes in response to running an LLVM static
code analysis, thanks to Michal Kreps.
Fixed out-of-range access when calling Hist::getYMin
and Hist::getYMax
for a histogram that has not been
Fixed BeamRemnants:unresolvedHadron
option that was
broken and had no effect since 8.307
Removed use of simple-template-id
s in
to make compliant with
. Thanks to Jonas Hahnfeld.
Fixed dipole sorting behaviour in ColourReconnection
which resulted in an ordering that depended on the current memory
state of the program.
Changed the default for Parallelism:balanceLoad
and updated the documentation. This ensures each
thread will always generate the same number of events.
Added the +=
notation for settings vectors, as well
as the include = fileName
directive, which allows for
additional settings files to be directly read in.
Fixed a bug in the bookkeeping the number of hadrons in the string
8.309: 16 February 2023
- New functionality for aMC@NLO-Delta matching with a reduced number
of negative-weight events is introduced. This includes the possibility to
directly call shower Sudakov factors from a runtime interface to
Madgraph5_aMC@NLO. See documentation of new flag
Merging page for further info and
- The
now work with all three shower models
and automatically switch between the simple shower, Vincia, and Dire
based on the PartonShowers:model
In addition, the option to set POWHEG:nFinal = -1
been ported from 8.244 to allow the use of event files with a variable
number of real emissions.
- The Angantyr model for ion collisions has been updated with
several possible nuclear geometries, suitable for light nuclei.
It is now possible to select a harmonic oscillator shell model for
nuclei with A <= 16, and a Hulthen potential for deuterons. It is
also possible to read a nuclear configuration from an external file,
format given in the manual.
- The documentation for ion collisions at
Heavy Ions in the HTML manual has been
- Allow scattered lepton to appear in different positions of the event
record for remnant handling in externally generated DIS processes.
- Enable generation of externally generated hard processes for
direct photoproduction.
- The Hidden Valley scenarios have now been updated with options
that allow a second- or third-order running coupling in the shower,
see further
Hidden Valley Processes.
A new
class implements the running for an
arbitrary SU(N) gauge group, neglecting flavour
thresholds. Thanks to Joshua Lockyer and Suchita Kulkarni for code
- Equation (9.5) in the 2006 RPP [Yao06] has erroneously
been taken as a second-order alpha_strong expression,
while actually it is a third-order one. This has been corrected,
with separate second- and third-order options now available for
matrix elements and showers. In practice the difference between
second- and third-order running is minor, and furthermore first-order
is default throughout.
- Updated
to version v3.4.0 with minor
modifications to remove compiler warnings. This version is compiled
with limited thread safety, which is sufficient if "each thread is
independently processing an event" and should have "essentially no
speed overhead". For more details see the
documentation. Thanks to Matteo Cacciari, Gavin Salam and Gregory
- The
framework can now be used in the
Python interface, see main162
. This required some small
changes to PythiaParallel
, where callback functions now
pass a Pythia
instance by pointer rather than
- The Worksheet
has been updated and somewhat expanded.
- Minor fix in the new color reconnection to protect against
out-of-bounds memory access.
- Fixed a bug where changing beam energies with
Beams:frameType = 2
gives wrong energies.
- A fix for overestimate of photon flux from nuclei when applying
PDF:beam2gammaApprox = 2 to make sure that the two applied
approximations separated at PDF:gammaFluxApprox2xCut match.
- Fixed a bug related to boosts for initial-final dipoles when
performing parton showers.
- Fixed an issue with tau decays interacting with the weak
shower. Thanks to Mattia Di Mauro for reporting the issue.
- A templated method to shuffle contents of a vector, called
, has been added to the
Random numbers machinery.
- Small bug fix to avoid segmentation fault when parsing ALPGEN
- Tiny fix in
header to avoid compiler warnings
with GCC 12.2.
8.308: 16 November 2022
- The
class now has information about the impact
parameter angle between colliding nuclei in the phi()
function. In addition the impact parameter positions of the incoming
nuclei are now set properly in Particle::vProd()
- A new
wrapper class (in
) implements the functionality to
perform fixed-target hadron-nucleus collisions and decays, as useful
for the tracking of cascades is the atmosphere or in solid materials.
The code in this class now is set up to handle any target nucleus. The
new main184.cc
example shows how to use
to track an atmospheric cascade, equivalent
to the standalone main183.cc
. An even simpler new example
is found in main185.cc
- The option to completely forbid popcorn baryon production from the
beam remnant has been replaced by the possibility of a continuous
suppression, see
- A new option for Pomeron flux has been added to provide more
flexibility to modify the shape of the flux.
- Modified handling for resolved-lepton remnants so that also
lepton-lepton collisions with unequal masses are correctly dealt with.
- Explicit bookkeeping of Hidden Valley (HV) colours in SU(N)
scenarios has been introduced. These colours can be accessed in the
event record, but are not shown by default. This allows for a more
robust tracking of HV colours in showers. Notably a Higgs decay to a
pair of HV gluons can now be handled, which used to be impossible.
The functionality of the
switch is extended also to apply to the HV colours.
- Update to decay method of
class allows
for proper showering of leptons produced in Hidden Valley particle
- A simple example of Hidden Valley production mechanisms introduced
- Fixed a bug that could block the radiation of HV photons in a
broken U(1) scenario, i.e. where the HV photons acquire mass.
Affected was radiation in the decay of Fv states, i.e. states
with a charge both in the normal and in the HV sector.
- Two new ROOT-based example programs,
, illustrating how to visualize events and jets,
respectively, in (y, phi)-space. Thanks to D. Gillberg for
contributing these examples.
- Added handling of statistical uncertainties to the
class, with error propagation in the various
histogram operations and friend methods, for both unweighted and
weighted events. Updated Hist
compatibility for current
- Updated JetMatching to support improved treatment of non-enhanced
jets in FxFx merging, see Jet Merging
for more details. The updated treatment also fixes a bug that led to
an asymmetric treatment of heavy quarks and the corresponding
anti-quarks. Thanks to Rikkert Frederix.
- Vincia's tune initialisation has been changed to not override
initialization, event-generation, statistics, and main-program
- Included particle ID code in error message when a workable decay
channel cannot be found in
. Thanks to K. Pedro for
suggesting this.
- Added additional protection for Pythia initialization.
- Fixed an issue in the tau decays which caused
segmentation faults when a tau nu final state is present in
the event record without a mother W. Thanks to S. Jeon for
reporting the problem.
- Corrected several typos in
properties for particle ID codes for
diffractive states (e.g., 9904230) in ParticleData.xml
thanks to A. Verbytskyi, G. Panizzo, and D. Konstantinov.
- Updated default top quark mass to 173 GeV (up from 171 GeV) in
line with current PDG average (rounded to nearest GeV). Added particle
data for a few more nuclei.
- Corrected a bug that affected the read-in of RPV couplings via
SLHA files. In the erroneous version, a coupling for the third
generation in the first index (i.e. 3,i,j) could not be set.
- Fixed bug preventing the generation of Python bindings in
MacOS. Also fixed external library issue with Makefiles for
- Updated
to provide RIVET
compatible names.
- Updating HTML manual and program banner with new manual
- Updating affiliation for Christian Bierlich.
8.307: 25 February 2022
- New option with interpolation between the low-energy hadronic
cross sections, used for rescattering, and the more traditional
SaS/DL cross sections, used at high energies. The latter framework
has also been extended to include many more colliding hadron
pairs. The
methods give the user direct
access to these cross sections. These extend and replace the
methods. See further on
Total Cross Sections.
- New "SU21" PDFs for some 20 mesons and baryons, to be used e.g.
in the MPI scenarios in hadron-hadron collisions, e.g. in a cascade
in the atmosphere. The pi+ default PDF has been upgraded
from GRV92 LO to GRS99 LO. The GJR07 LO set has been included as an
option for the proton. The default value of
has been updated to allow also
charm and bottom hadrons as incoming beam particles.
- The framework for changing the beam kinematics between subsequent
calls when using variable collision energies
has been expanded. The Pythia::setKinematics
mirror the frame type options for the beams. See further on
Program Flow and
Beam Parameters.
- As a further extension of the above, a new option exists wherein
the first beam particle is initialized so it can be switched
event-by-event between essentially any incoming hadron, while the
second beam is restricted to be a proton or neutron. Again only
and LowEnergyQCD
processes are
possible. To handle this feature, the code has been extended so that
some 20 different PDFs are initialized, each with a corresponding MPI
initialization and storage of required coefficients. See further
Beam Parameters.
- Extended and improved handling of the Hidden Valley (HV) scenario.
- Improved tracing of hidden-valley colours through a hidden-valley shower
evolution history, thereby avoiding problems for some topologies.
- Introduced the possibility to bookkeep individual HV hadron types,
in particular HV-mesons, and thereby manage masses and decay
properties. The default remains the simpler scheme, where only a smaller set
of HV-hadron properties need to be defined. The detailed scenario also
involves a mass-dependent handling of the joining of hadronization chains,
or the collapse into a single hadron.
- The list of Zv decays has been expanded to include further HV-quarks.
Some default masses have been modified.
- It is possible to set different production rates for HV-quarks during
hadronization, and for HV-diquarks leading to HV-baryon production.
- Introduced an option to suppress production of one flavour-diagonal
pseudoscalar state, representing the eta_1 flavour singlet.
- The
default value has been changed
from 1 to 0, to make it transparent that HV-quarks have spin 1/2 by
- Expanded the list of invisible particles accordingly.
- A few minor bug fixes.
- A significantly expanded description in
Hidden Valley Processes.
Thanks to Matt Strassler and Suchita Kulkarni for useful input.
- Added a new class
for easily making runs
in parallel. See main161, main162 and main163 for usage examples. NOTE: this
is an experimental feature. Feedback and bug reports should be sent to
- New option introduced, where MPI initialization data can be stored
on file and reused in a later run, to save time. See further on
. Also option to
symmetrize the MPI rate between e.g. pi^+ p and pi^- p,
see MultipartonInteractions:setAntiSame
- New options allow a harder fragmentation function for a
beam-remnant diquark, by a separate choice of the a and b
parameters, and also forbid the popcorn mechanism for it. See further
Beam Remnants.
- New diffractive states introduced, to cover all five-flavour
mesonic states, and all baryonic ones with at most one c or
b quarks. Furthermore, nitrogen and oxygen have been added to
the set of nuclei
- New processes
allow to set single
diffraction to occur only by A B → X B or only by
A B → A X.
- Reorganised and consolidated the interface to external matrix element
generators. Renamed
to ExternalMEs
to ExternalMEsMadgraph
Introduced new HelicitySampler
class to sample helicities
using external matrix elements.
- New options to get and set the state of the random number generator,
and Rndm::setState
, as a
direct-transfer option to the file-based dumpState/readState
- New methods
to read back in a table
of histogram data, specifically as written by the Hist::table
- Some minor rearrangements in
to better
structure the interleaving of hadronic rescattering and particle
decays. New method Pythia::moreDecays(int i)
to perform
the decay of a single specified particle.
- Switched tunes to by default prefer LHAPDF 6 PDFs over LHAPDF 5
ones, via the setting
- New
parameters allow the user to
choose to use symmetric PDFs for s, c, and
b quarks when using LHAPDF for a performance boost. By
default, c and b are taken as symmetric (this
matches the previous behaviour).
can now also be used for showers during
resonance decays, and when using the shower()
method. The
latter so far only for the Simple and Vincia shower models.
- Corrected a bug that mainly affects beam-remnant fragmentation in
the QCD CR model. Previously, diquark-antidiquark systems with
invariant masses below the threshold for baryon-antibaryon production
would be combined into tetraquark-like states that do not exist in
PYTHIA, resulting in errors with unknown particle codes and charge
non-conservation. Now,
reconnects such topologies into two mesons, noting that this is
consistent with the colour structure. Further motivation comes from
studies of low-mass junction-antijunction systems in [Sjo03].
- Introduced fix to prevent the central description of Les Houches
events showered with global recoil from shifting when shower
variations are enabled.
- Fixed a few issues in Vincia's sector merging. Specifically,
while the merging itself still only handles QCD corrections,
Vincia's QED showers can now be left on during merging.
Also corrected a bug leading to incomplete histories replacing complete
ones with smaller probability, and fixed an inconsistent treatment
of trial showers in systems with coloured resonances.
- When running Angantyr at very low energies, initialization would
abort due to an incorrect initialization of the high-mass diffraction
MPI machinery. Logic has been introduced to prevent this
- Fixed memory leaks in the
- Fixed some recent compiler warnings and errors; thanks to Mattias
- Removed the deprecated
from the heavy ion machinery.
- Added an abort in Pythia initialization to prevent using a low
energy process with a hard process. Thanks to Jenna Bacon.
- Broke a circular shared pointer reference in
and ParticleDataEntry
caused a small memory leak. Thanks to Gabriele Inghirami.
- Minor fix to avoid unnecessary (attempted) MPI initialization.
- Fixed issue with Dire getting stuck when showering soft QCD
events. Note, Dire has not been validated for these types of
events. Thanks to Giancarlo Panizzo and Marvin Flores for reporting
the issue.
8.306: 28 June 2021
- Introduced ability to write intermediate output with RIVET, as
demonstrated in the updated
- Fixed the incorrect scale being set when applying the POWHEG veto,
. Note that the number of emissions is
correct in 8.303, but is incorrect in 8.304 and 8.305. Thanks to
Mikhail Kirsanov.
- Fixed repeated initialization causing an ever expanding physics
pointer list in the main
- Fixed issue for HepMC output from Vincia, which would previously
issue warnings about inconsistent mother/daughter relationships,
caused by Vincia's antenna-style bookkeeping by which emitted partons
have two mothers instead of one. For status codes 43, 51, and 53, the
HepMC interface now ignores the second parent, always using just the
first one to define the vertex structure. Minor modifications to
Vincia's QCD shower to ensure that the first mother is the one that
changed colour and hence would be identified with the "radiator" in a
collinear context. Analogous modifications in the QED module so the
most collinear parent is the first mother.
- Removed
statements from Angantyr.
- Shortened Pythia constructor header.
8.305: 03 May 2021
- Fixed issue that otherwise caused the weights of the Dire
parton shower to be erroneously discarded. The fix will impact
the results produced with the Dire parton shower model. The
results of the previous version should be considered
- Fixed potential for segfault in
weightsShowerPtr == nullptr
- A number of fixes related to Vincia have been included.
- Bug fixes in Vincia's merging, addressing the issue that
occasionally incomplete histories were accepted while a complete one
was available.
- Fixed some small bugs in Vincia's QED shower that could cause
issues when running at very high energies.
- Minor namespace fixes. Moved
using namespace
from headers to source files and moved
enum antFunType
inside the Pythia8 namespace.
- Added default initialisers for data members in several Vincia
classes, to avoid potentially undefined behaviour. Thanks to
V. Zecca.
- Fixed unintentional initial-state radiation from unresolved hadron
beams when set with option
which would break up the beam. Minor fix also for cases where two
unresolved hadrons.
- Added threshold check on low energy cross sections. This fixes a
small bug reported by Vittorio Zecca.
- Corrected bug in normalization of histograms in
. Thanks to M. Baker and A. Thamm.
8.304: 09 April 2021
- Christian Preuss and Rob Verheyen join the author team.
- Christine O. Rasmussen leaves as an active author.
- New "sector" antenna showers implemented and made default
for the Vincia antenna shower model.
- Minor changes to a few of the default Vincia hadronization
parameters, reflecting the move to sector showers as default.
- New dedicated LO merging scheme for the Vincia sector antenna
showers. The scheme is similar to CKKWL in spirit but exploits the
bijective nature of the sector shower to vastly reduce the number of
histories that need to be taken into account.
- New full-fledged electroweak shower option implemented for the
Vincia shower model. The splitting kernels are based on collinear
limits of corresponding helicity matrix elements so this EW shower
model requires Born partons with assigned helicities. Currently these
must either be input via LHEF or (for experts) runtime via Vincia's
interface to MG5 matrix elements.
- Introduced tools to automatically generate MadGraph plugin
- New options for interleaved resonance decays implemented for both
Pythia's default (simple) shower model, and for Vincia's
antenna-shower model. Made default for the Vincia shower model,
while Pythia's shower keeps its previous (non-interleaved) default
- Revised internal handling of shower variations and splitting
enhancements, both for regular and trial emissions. Enhancements of
rare shower splittings are now steered by settings instead of
UserHooks, and the necessary weights are automatically included in the
shower and merging weights.
- A number of updates have been made to sophisticated tau
- External SPINUP is now always interpreted as a helicity state in
the lab frame to ensure consistent treatment between tau
decays and helicity showers.
- The default external mode for tau decays has been changed to
handle helicity showers.
- gamma gamma → tau^+ tau^- processes are now
- Helicity states for initial beams can be specified and used in
tau decays.
- Added HDF5 support.
- Added support for lepton-photon initiated hard processes generated
internally or externally. Thanks to Liu Yao-Bei.
- Minor code changes to allow hadronic rescattering in nuclear
collisions (remove limit on number of rescatterings, increase maximum
transverse vertex location).
- Double quarkonia production, if enabled, is now also included in
both MPI and second hard processes.
- Added some new functionality to the
- Moved the event information in Info class to an appropriate
diffractive system for hard diffraction. This way also the
hard-process scale is properly propagated for primordial kT
- The
is made to increase faster for
charm and bottom end quarks, to allow an increased few-body fraction
further above threshold. Thanks to Andy Buckley.
- Added
and example
to demonstrate how to select specific final states
from resonance decays.
- Fixed vertex smearing in heavy ion events.
- Fixed remnant handling for e+e- collisions for photon-initiated
processes, thanks to Murat Köksal.
- Several (mostly minor) optimisations in Vincia, thanks to
D. Konstantinov.
- Minor fixes in xml/html QCD process links and text.
- Several small bug fixes based on error reports by Vittorio Zecca.
- Fixed a bug where some elastic cross sections for pi K at low
energies were set equal to the total ones.
- Protect against too high constituent masses inside a hadron in
, already at an earlier stage of the
- Protect against exp(-infinity) in
- Two fixes for first step in the trial emissions in
, used primarily in the thermal
model option.
- Properly set the photon-in-lepton PDF to vanish at very large
x, rather than give unphysical values there.
- Better protection against weird results for the
and eta
methods in Basics.h
, and
in Event.cc
- Fixed pointer logic in Dire
- Migrated from
log(1 + x)
to log1p(x)
numerical stability.
- Several small fixes in response to a static code analysis,
provided by Dmitri Konstantinov.
- Fix inconsistency in the usage of the third argument of the
method in the classes derived from
- Flawed and unused
method removed.
- Fix inconsistent type for
- Introduce minor changes, e.g. to protect against out-of-bounds
addressing or insert missing initializer, even though there is no
evidence that it is needed.
- Small speedup of the
using switch()
instead of if
to find element
to be returned.
- Bug fixed in the new possibility to let particles with narrow
widths (such as onia states) obtain a simple Breit-Wigner
distribution, specifically for MPIs, introduced in 8.240. This bug led
to excessive rejection of low-invariant-mass interactions. Thanks to
Albert De Roeck.
- Default event record checks switched off for
, to avoid issues with junction mother-daughter
relations not being fully set. Also change so that showers are not
called twice. Now all available cases are looped over, but easy to
change back to study only one.
8.303: 01 September 2020
- Marius Utheim and Leif Gellersen join the author team.
- A new framework for
Hadronic Rescattering
has been developed. To enable rescattering, use
HadronLevel:Rescatter = on
, or see
example programs
through main156.cc
for use
examples. Note that while the framework is ready to use, it is still
being actively developed, and changes are likely in the near
future. The older and much simpler rescattering models have been
removed, including the related pp tunes 33 and 34, and there
has been some file reorganization in code and documentation.
- A new class HadronWidths has been
added to handle hadrons with mass-dependent widths. This has been done
primarily because of its importance in resonance formation in
rescattering, but the class is also used for decays of hadrons
produced in other processes.
- A new class
has been added to
calculate cross sections of hadron-hadron interactions at low
energies. These are used in rescattering and when performing primary
collisions at low energies. Cross sections can be accessed using
- Several changes in the
frameworks, in particular with
several new approaches to produce nondiffractive inelastic events as
close as possible to the kinematical threshold. New method
attempts to form the
lightest hadron for a given flavour content. Also new possibility to
disable popcorn baryon production, for use in small systems.
- The "decay"/mixing time of K^0/K^0bar → K^0_S/K^0_L
has been changed from 1e-15 to 1e-6 mm, such that it only happens
after hadronic rescattering, but still well before
K^0_S/K^0_L decays.
- The Parton Vertex
impact-parameter-plane assignment machinery has been completely
rewritten and expanded with new options and capabilities. The default
proton radius has been change from 0.7 to 0.85 fm.
- Limit the amount by which transverse smearing of the space-time
quark-antiquark string breakup vertices can give large shifts, see
further the new
parameter. The new
gives the possibility to reject
hadrons of suspected misreconstructed systems and try again. The
introduction of MPI impact parameters is compensated by a reduced
transverse hadronization smearing. Also some other related
- The internal generation of photon-induced processes in hadronic
collisions has been extended. This can be enabled with the new options
and PDF:beamB2gamma
, which
supersede the previous PDF:leptonA2gamma
option. Some
minor updates also for other related options, see
PDF Selection for details.
- New photon fluxes from hadrons implemented, see
PDF Selection for details.
- New example main program
to generate
elastic, single- and double-dissociative photon-induced processes in
proton-proton collisions, using options PDF:beamA2gamma
and PDF:beamB2gamma
. Also the sample programs
and main70.cc
have been updated to
use the new options.
- For asymmetric beams (e.g. electron-proton collisions) in Les
Houches event files, a boost to the event CM frame is now defined and
applied for outgoing particles, as required for succesful event
- The problem of "dangling" gluons causing changing color flows in
for top decays is now fixed. The fix is
not fully validated for RPV.
- For LHE processes, the width of the primordial kT distribution is
now set solely by the
parameter, ignorning BeamRemnants:primordialKTsoft
. This
change is so that LHE events with low-pT extra jets (e.g., in the
context of POWHEG-style merging) are given the same primordial kT as
their Born-level counterparts.
- Improved HepMC3 multiweight output.
- Added automated renormalization scale variations in CKKW-L type
merging schemes.
- Added UNLOPS merging scheme variations.
- Added warning messages in UNLOPS merging.
- Added flexible runtime plugin loading for Dire and Vincia matrix
element corrections from Madgraph. These corrections can be enabled
with the
flag during configuration and
with the Dire:MEplugin
and Vincia:MEplugin
- Introduced common runtime plugin loading and unloading
- Removed PDF set tracking for LHAPDF6 which breaks thread
safety. In some cases this might cause a small penalty in memory.
- Removed
as it duplicates the
functionality provided by SLHA:minMassSM
- Some new methods in the
classes. Hist::plotFunc
creates a
histogram from the function provided as first argument, by evaluating
its value in the middle of each histogram
bin. Hist::normalize
can rescale a histogram to an
intended sum of bin contents. Methods to get x limits and
lowest and highest y value.
for consistency.
can add a file of data points, with or
without errors, on to an existing histogram, for comparison purposes.
A new variant of HistPlot::plot
can set the frame
- New
class in
- New
methods toSameVframe
and fromSameVframe
sets up transformation to/from a frame
where two particles move towards each other with equal-size velocities
along the +-z direction.
- Some new functionality accessible via
- It is now possible to use range-based for loops to iterate over
particles in an event, e.g.
for (Particle& p :
. Similarly, the particle data table can be
iterated over, with each entry being a pair<int,
- New possibility to redirect particle data listing output.
- A configure option
to add
additional compiler flags to object (.o
) compilation
(i.e. no effect on linking).
- Compilation flag
floating point exceptions on a gcc compiler.
- New
method in the Py8Particle
class of the Fastjet3 interface ensures that the location of the
particle in the PYTHIA event record is returned correctly. Thanks to
Gavin Salam and Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay.
- A minor fix for kinematics of zero-virtuality photons to retain
physical kinematics.
- Protect against diffractive masses exceeding phase space bounds
for hard diffraction.
- A bug for propagation of space-like partons in string shoving.
Thanks to Dong Jo Kim.
- Several indexing bugs for the "guess" option used in CKKW-L
merging have been fixed. However, this does not yet mean that "guess"
is guaranteed to be stable for any BSM process.
- Several fixes for problems discovered in a static code analysis,
including one bug fix in LowEnergyProcess.cc. Thanks to Dmitri
- Mixup of
labels resolved. Thanks to Anton
- Number of weights in
reset to 1 for each new
- Fixed issue where the dark matter mass was reset even after
explicitly being set by the user, e.g.
57:m0 =
. This affects particle IDs 57 (DM+), 58
(DM2), and 59 (DM++).
- An indexing bug for the scattering lepton in DIS events with
photon radiation allowed has been fixed.
- The redefinition of
for plugin loading has now
been removed as this is no longer required by modern compilers. Thanks
to Chris Burr.
- Several small bug fixes based on error reports by Vittorio Zecca.
- In
the error calculation for Les
Houches strategy +-3 should not be renewed for each file when the
event sample is split across several files.
- In
a call to
phaseSpacePtr->rescaleMomenta( sHatNew);
should not be
done since the momenta have not been set yet.
- In the CT14qed PDF grid (and others?) the first two x
grid values coincide, so one must not divide by their difference.
- Default initialization of
is necessary.
- Protected against explicit evaluation of alphaS(LambdaQCD) in
. Also added explicit member-variable
initialisations for the QEDemitElemental
class in
- Protected against floating point exceptions caused by dividing by
zero in
for zero-width resonances.
- Corrected a floating point exception in
- Protected against out of range renormalization scale access for
diffractive systems.
- Some further replacements of
- Fix missing-pointer bug when colour reconnection is switched off
for diffraction. Thanks to Valentina Zaccolo.
8.302: 24 April 2020
- A HepMC 3 interface is now included in
. All HepMC examples have been
migrated from using the HepMC 2 interface to HepMC 3, excluding
and main93.cc
which are kept for
legacy purposes.
- Bug fix to correct units for automated shower uncertainty weights
lhaStrategy = ±4
. In addition, the
combination of weight variations, within the context of uncertainty
bands, was not previously well documented and was therefore prone to
misunderstandings. Now, all methods related to cross sections and
weights are documented together on a single page,
Cross Sections and Weights, the
documentation on shower Variations has
been improved, and the behaviour of
has been made more transparent.
The main121.cc
example has been modified
accordingly. Note that the bug fix for lhaStrategy =
parallels an analogous one made in Pythia 8.244 which
had not been previously carried over to Pythia 8.3.
- Fix for subscripting issue for photon beams, courtesy of Vittorio
- New particle property directive
allows for a
particle's proper lifetime to be set independently of its width. This
is useful for studying the effect of lifetime for a particle when the
particle width is otherwise negligible.
- Significant speedup of parton distribution handling, and
thereby of the whole PYTHIA execution, since PDF is such a major
part of the total execution time. This has been achieved by
careful work by Dmitri Konstantinov and Grigory Latyshev.
In detail, the main changes are:
- In the LHAPDF6 interface the evaluation of the x and
Q^2 limits is extremely slow, such that a caching of these
numbers increases execution speed by about a factor of 2 when LHAPDF
is used.
- A caching of info on the amount of x already used up
helps speed up MPI, ISR and FSR execution times, giving gains of
order 20%. Main changes are in the
- Optimization of array handling in
a speedup by about 5%. This is the internal PYTHIA implementation
of interpolation in LHAPDF6 grids which, still after the LHAPDF6
improvements reported above, runs more than 50% faster than using
the same PDF evaluated by LHAPDF6. This streamlining is made at
the cost of not offering facilities like PDF error bands.
- Also the special internal routines for the NNPDF 2.3 series
could be speeded up, but would still be slower than an equivalent
implementation. The NNPDF 2.3 sets therefore
have been moved to the latter framework.
- New base class
introduced, as a
top-level handler of parton-shower models, interfaced via a shared
pointer in Pythia.cc
Changes to Pythia's default showers
and to the Vincia and Dire shower models to inherit from
. New public method
intended to provide a way
to access public ShowerModel methods for diagnostics purposes.
- Extra protection against unexpected input in e+e- Les
Houches events, specifically where x >= 1 by roundoff errors.
Thanks to Alexander Belyaev, Alexander Pukhov and Marco Zaro.
- Bug fix in
, to ensure uniform
error handling when one or more spectrum self-consistency checks fails.
- Replaced use of
by abs()
in several places. Although default C++ abs()
only takes
integer arguments, PythiaStdLib.h
contains the
declaration using std::abs
(via the cmath
header), which is suitably overloaded and obviates the need for
separate methods.
- Improvements to Vincia's handling of error messages;
now issued via
- Removed
with Vincia reverting to the same (in-code) way of setting tune
presets as Dire and Pythia.
8.301: 30 October 2019
- Compilation is done with a new
- The Vincia and Dire parton-shower programs, which previously have
been available as free-standing add-ons to Pythia, are now fully
integrated into Pythia, and will henceforth be distributed as part of
this package. This has significant implications for code and
documentation. The new master switch
allows a simple choice of which to use, with 1 being the simple old
internal one, 2 being Vincia and 3 being Dire. Note that Dire always
comes with weighted events, while the other two by default have unit
weight events, so analysis strategies must be adjusted accordingly.
- MadGraph-generated plugins for matrix element corrections to the
Vincia and Dire parton-shower programs are now available. A new
plugins directory has been created, where MadGraph5 matrix elements
can be stored. Note that this implementation still is preliminary,
with further improvements to come. To build the available plugins,
should be specified.
- Four new main programs have been introduced in the context of
illustrating the Vincia and Dire shower models. Two of them also serve
as examples of multithreading if Pythia is configured to link to
provides a simple test of final-state
shower components, in a LEP-like setup. main201.cc
compares two different shower models on dijet events. The two runs
are executed in parallel if Pythia has been configured to link to
OpenMP. main202.cc
measures the running time for ttbar
events and outputs a few test distributions. main300.cc
can be linked against both HepMC2 and OpenMP, if Pythia has been
configured correspondingly. It is capable of command-line
- A new plugin header,
is available and
used in the example program main300.cc
. Events can now be
visualized via output that can be passed through GraphViz to produce a
postscript file.
- Introduced a compromise for the treatment of lifetime and width,
so that these can be set separately in some situations. If an
file is used to set particle properties, then
SLHA:allowUserOverride = true
allows the lifetime to be
set using a command file/string. Otherwise, lifetime is calculated
from particle width. The ability to have the width and lifetime as
independent properties is convenient for studies of new physics.
- The HTML and XML versions of the manual have been significantly
reordered, with contents grouped in an increased set of main headings,
each with an expandable index of subheadings. There are several new
sections, notably for the Vincia and Dire showers. Among other changes,
the example main programs have been classified by keywords, and are
listed and searchable by these, see
- The PHP version of the manual has been discontinued, since it
would be difficult to maintain in conjuction with the ongoing expansion
of the html manual. The
directory has been removed.
- The Python interface has been completely redesigned to handle
by migrating from a SWIG
interface to a PyBind11
one. It is now possible for
users to generate their own interface. Full details are given on the
Python Interface page.
- The field
of type Info
been made a constant reference, so that it cannot be externally
manipulated outside of the internal classes. This constant reference
points back to Pythia::infoPrivate
instance, which is
for internal use only. This instance now also contains pointers to
several other commonly used classes.
- A new base class
has been created, from
which several of the "physics" classes derive. This class standardizes
the setup of pointers to commonly used classes, via the
class. It has new methods that are called at the
beginning and end of the generation of each event, and at the printout
of final statistics. A new enum Status
is provided in the
method at the end of each event, to provide information on the reason
for error exits. The access of the most commonly used
methods is streamlined.
- Most of the pointers in the
class are now
shared pointers, such that there is no need for Pythia
keep track of new
and delete
obligations. New header SharedPointers.h
- The
and CoupSUSY
classes are now separated, rather than the latter being derived from
the former. This avoids the problem of the old Couplings
pointer potentially changing address, and some pointer casting.
- Mathematical functions and methods have been extracted from the
files and put in new
files. Thereby PythiaStdlib
is more clearly reserved for declarations related to the Stdlib
library, to some simple inline expressions (now constexpr
where feasible) and to an expanded list of conversion constants.
- A new method
has been added, and can be
used to sample two-body phase space.
- The heavy ion machinery has been fixed so that particle vertex
information in the event record is stored in units of mm
rather than fm, while internal calculations still are in
fm. Thanks to Christopher Plumberg.
- The data files related to parton distributions have been moved to
a new
directory, and code has been
changed accordingly.
- Iterators are made available to simplify the study of the particles
in the event record.
- A bug in the XML-to-HTML conversion has led to the indiscriminate
removal of "more" from the HTML manual, notably in
- New class
for the hadronization of
low-energy collisions between two hadrons. By default there is a smooh
transition between this simple nonperturbative model and the full
MPI-based framework at higher energies. To be used e.g. within the
modelling of hadronic rescattering in the final state of high-energy
collisions. This framework is still under development.
- New
base class to provide common
administrative framework for string shoving, rope hadronization,
swing, (some) colour reconnection models, and more.
- The headers in
have been
updated to no longer contain using namespace Pythia8
Thanks to Axel Naumann for pointing out inconsistent usage of scope.
- The build system has been updated to handle external package
configuration scripts.
- The
example and configuration option has been
- Optional package configurations for
have been added.
- Support for
has been dropped and only
with versions greater than 6.2
- The flag
has been added. Currently, OpenMP
is used in some of the examples mentioned above, and in
- Bug fix so the option
is correctly used in SimpleSpaceShower.cc
- Bug fix stopping growth of number weights when multiple
calls are made in Info
- Bug fix for
incorrectly calling
, resulting in a width of zero.
- Bug fix to prevent overwriting of dark matter masses from unused
model selections.
- Bug fix where instead of counting all PDG ids less than 100 as
the Standard Model, masses of BSM Higges and dark matter are allowed
to be set without changing minMassSM.
- All 2 to 2 SUSY processes now inherit from Sigma2SUSY.
- Bug fix for Les Houches Event File input without specified beams,
such that multiparton decays of a resonance can be combined with
showers, although with proper care needed so as not to doublecount
- Clarify that Q2 scale has to be set by hand for DIS processes, if
so desired.