The Pythia examples directory contains about 100 examples, each showcasing one or several features of the framework. The examples are ordered by keyword below, and cross referenced, allowing for exploration of the various features. A new user may want to start with examples presenting the Basic Usage before going on to explore more advanced topics. Below, the search box can be used to search for keywords which will be displayed the box. This is followed by an expandable list of keywords with links. Finally, a full list of keywords and the relevant examples for each keyword is provided. The code for the example can be accessed by clicking on the name of the example.
● aMC@NLO ● Analysis ● Angantyr ● anti‑kT ● arXiv:2108.03481 [hep‑ph] ● Astroparticle ● B decays ● Basic usage ● Beam gas ● Beam momentum ● Biasing ● BSM ● Centrality ● Charged multiplicity ● Charm ● CKKW‑L ● Colour reconnection ● Command file ● Command line option ● Cosmic ray cascade ● Cross sections ● Cross sections. ● Dark matter ● Diffraction ● Dire ● DIS ● Displaced vertex ● DPS ● E+e‑ events ● Electron‑positron ● Event display ● Event filter ● Event record ● Event shapes ● Event weights ● EvtGen ● Exclusive ● External decays ● External derived class ● External resonance ● Extra dimensions ● Fastjet ● Fixed target ● Forward physics ● FxFx ● Glauber ● Gnuplot ● Hadron production ● Hadron widths ● Hadron‑ion collisions ● Hadronic rescattering ● Hadronization ● Hard diffraction ● HDF5 file ● Heavy ions ● Helaconia ● Hepmc ● Hidden Valley ● Higgs ● Histograms ● Impact parameter ● Jet finding ● Jets ● kT ● Leading order ● LHAPDF ● LHE file ● LHEH5 ● Low energy ● Madgraph ● MadGraph5_aMC@NLO ● Matching ● Matplotlib ● MC@NLO ● Merging ● MESS ● Minimum bias ● MLM ● MPI ● Multi‑instance ● Multiplicities ● Ncoll ● NL3 ● NLO ● Npart ● Onia ● OpenMP ● Optimization ● P pbar ● p‑Ne ● Parallelism ● Partial cross sections ● Particle data ● Parton distribution ● PDFs ● Performance ● Photon beam ● Photon‑photon ● Photoproduction ● Pileup ● Plotting ● Powheg ● Process cross sections ● Process selection ● Process veto ● Proton‑ion ● pT bias ● pT spectra ● Pythia 6 ● Python ● R‑hadron ● R‑hadrons ● Random number generator ● Rescattering ● Resonance decay ● Resonances ● reuse MPI initialization ● Reweighting ● Rivet ● Root ● Rope hadronization ● Second interaction ● Shower ● Slowjet ● Space‑time picture ● String shoving ● Subruns ● Supersymmetry ● Switch beam ● Switch collision energy ● Tevatron ● Thermal model ● Top ● Top mass ● Total cross section ● Total cross sections ● Tuning ● Two‑body decay ● UMEPS ● Uncertainty bands ● UNLOPS ● UPC ● User hook ● Userhooks ● Utility ● Vertex spread ● Vincia ● Weak showers ● Yoda ● Z production
wrapper/interface of Madgraph5_aMC@NLO and the Pythia jet matching facilities..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
, with interface to Madgraph../main144 -h
to see a full list. See
, but using the Angantyr model for Heavy Ion collisions. Also shows how Rivet analyses can be set up easily using a special interface.UserHooks
can be used interact directly with the event-generation
. Demonstrates usage of a PYTHIA plugin within the Python interface.EvtGenDecays
class provided by include/Pythia8Plugins/EvtGen.h
to perform decays with the EvtGen
package. The main364.dec
header contains special instructions how to configure PYTHIA for use with EvtGen
, but with settings delegated to the auxiliary main111.cmnd
"cards file". Also shows how to plot histograms using the Pyplot approach.YODA
, here generated by PYTHIA 6.4. This file currently only contains 100 events so as not to make the distributed PYTHIA package too big, and so serves mainly as a demonstration of the principles
, where two Les Houches Event Files (ttbar.lhe
and ttbar2.lhe
) successively are used as input. Also illustrating some other aspects, like the capability to mix in internally generated
, where two Les Houches Event Files (ttbar.lhe
and ttbar2.lhe
) successively are used as input in main123.cmnd
, where additionally it is shown how to extract many different kinds of LHEF version 3.0 information.main101
, except that the event record is output in the HepMC event record format. Requires that HepMC3 is properly linked. Note that the main131.hepmc
output file can become quite big; so no example is included in this distribution.main132.cmnd
) and output HepMC event file (e.g. main132.hepmc
) are to be provided as command-line arguments. Requires that HepMC3 is properly linked. Note that the HepMC output file can become quite big; so no example is included in this distribution.SlowJet
inclusive anti-SlowJet
and FastJet
jet finding, showing that they find the same jets if run under identical conditions, in this case for QCD
, i.e. a minimal example.main321.cmnd
to pick processes. For photoproduction one can use the alternative main321photons.cmnd
file. Secondly, by a continuous reweighting with a slha2-example.spc
and settings in main501.cmnd
. For illustration, an alternative example spectrum is also available, sps1aWithDecays.spc
, which contains a decay table in SLHA format.main502.lhe
, contains a sample events that illustrate how to arrange color tags in the presence of the color-space epsilon tensors that accompany baryon number violating event topologies.main508.cmnd
, notably with long-lived particle signatures.MIXMAX
random number generator is this way compared with the default PYTHIA one. Explicit implementations are included for the generation of external beam momentum spread and vertex location, and for a simple scaling external parton distribution set.main322.cmnd
file. Secondly, by a continuous reweighting with a slha2-example.spc
and settings in main501.cmnd
. For illustration, an alternative example spectrum is also available, sps1aWithDecays.spc
, which contains a decay table in SLHA format.main507.cmnd
) for Dark Matter production via an FastJet
, notably with long-lived particle
, but is much more heavily commented to give more in-depth explanations of how the code
, i.e. a minimal
. Provides an example of how to derive PYTHIA classes in
exemplifies various multi-jet merging schemes in Pythia, depending on the .cmnd
input file: main162ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L, main162umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS, main162nl3.cmnd
for NL3, main162unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS, main162mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS)..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.include/Pythia8Plugins/ColourReconnectionHooks.h
, with several models not found in the standard PYTHIA library.main103.cmnd
, but with settings delegated to the auxiliary main111.cmnd
"cards file". Also shows how to plot histograms using the Pyplot
, where two Les Houches Event Files (ttbar.lhe
and ttbar2.lhe
) successively are used as input in main123.cmnd
) and output HepMC event file (e.g. main132.hepmc
) are to be provided as command-line arguments. Requires that HepMC3 is properly linked. Note that the HepMC output file can become quite big; so no example is included in this
, where subruns are used to process several consecutive LHEF, as in
, with information stored e.g in main133.cmnd
. Other comments as for
../main144 -h
to see a full list. See ./main224 --help
. The input file main224.cmnd
further illustrates the use of DIRE.main321.cmnd
to pick processes. For photoproduction one can use the alternative main321photons.cmnd
and settings in main501.cmnd
. For illustration, an alternative example spectrum is also available, sps1aWithDecays.spc
, which contains a decay table in SLHA format.main132.cmnd
) and output HepMC event file (e.g. main132.hepmc
) are to be provided as command-line arguments. Requires that HepMC3 is properly linked. Note that the HepMC output file can become quite big; so no example is included in this distribution../main144 -h
to see a full list. See ./main224 --help
. The input file main224.cmnd
further illustrates the use of
, but using the PythiaCascade
class to perform the separate collisions or decays, while the bookkeeping of the cascade evolution remains in the main program.PythiaCascade
or with Angantyr. Here the atmosphere is a realistic mix of nitrogen, oxygen and argon.main321.cmnd
to pick processes. For photoproduction one can use the alternative main321photons.cmnd
) for Dark Matter production via an FastJet
to pick processes. For photoproduction one can use the alternative main321photons.cmnd
input../main224 --help
. The input file main224.cmnd
further illustrates the use of
for how to do this with the Parallelism framework.main201
using the Parallelism framework.main103.cmnd
, but with settings delegated to the auxiliary main111.cmnd
class provided by include/Pythia8Plugins/EvtGen.h
to perform decays with the EvtGen
package. The main364.dec
header contains special instructions how to configure PYTHIA for use with EvtGen
to regularize onium cross section for EvtGenDecays
class provided by include/Pythia8Plugins/EvtGen.h
to perform decays with the EvtGen
package. The main364.dec
header contains special instructions how to configure PYTHIA for use with EvtGen
random number generator is this way compared with the default PYTHIA one. Explicit implementations are included for the generation of external beam momentum spread and vertex location, and for a simple scaling external parton distribution set.main246.cmnd
jet finding package can be linked to allow an analysis of the final state, in this case for a study of SlowJet
and FastJet
jet finding, showing that they find the same jets if run under identical conditions, in this case for QCD jets.FastJet
package. In this case the modified Mass Drop Tagger is used to improve the mass reconstruction of a boosted hadronically decaying main507.cmnd
) for Dark Matter production via an FastJet
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.UserHooks
to veto events after hadronization, but before any subsequent processes such as rescattering or
but only for flavor hadronization parameters and demonstrates post-hoc reweighting rathern than in-situ.include/Pythia8Plugins/ColourReconnectionHooks.h
, with several models not found in the standard PYTHIA library.main502.lhe
, contains a sample events that illustrate how to arrange color tags in the presence of the color-space epsilon tensors that accompany baryon number violating event topologies..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
, but using the Angantyr model for Heavy Ion collisions. Also shows how Rivet analyses can be set up easily using a special interface.HelacOnia
package interfaced to Pythia, and compare results with the internal implementation.main101
, except that the event record is output in the HepMC event record format. Requires that HepMC3 is properly linked. Note that the main131.hepmc
output file can become quite big; so no example is included in this distribution.main132.cmnd
) and output HepMC event file (e.g. main132.hepmc
) are to be provided as command-line arguments. Requires that HepMC3 is properly linked. Note that the HepMC output file can become quite big; so no example is included in this
, where subruns are used to process several consecutive LHEF, as in
, with information stored e.g in main133.cmnd
. Other comments as for
and a legacy HepMC2 example, alternatively HepMC3, where subruns are used to process several consecutive LHEF, with information stored e.g in main134.cmnd
../main144 -h
to see a full list. See .cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging../main224 --help
. The input file main224.cmnd
further illustrates the use of DIRE.main161.cmnd
inclusive anti-FastJet
jet finding package can be linked to allow an analysis of the final state, in this case for a study of SlowJet
and FastJet
jet finding, showing that they find the same jets if run under identical conditions, in this case for QCD jets.FastJet
package. In this case the modified Mass Drop Tagger is used to improve the mass reconstruction of a boosted hadronically decaying UserHooks
can be used interact directly with the event-generation
. Demonstrates usage of a PYTHIA plugin within the Python interface.main507.cmnd
) for Dark Matter production via an FastJet
to veto events after hadronization, but before any subsequent processes such as rescattering or Bose-Einstein.main161.cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.main204.cmnd
and photoninproton.lhe
. Requires that you link to a LHAPDF set that includes the photon PDF.ttbar.lhe
, here generated by PYTHIA 6.4. This file currently only contains 100 events so as not to make the distributed PYTHIA package too big, and so serves mainly as a demonstration of the principles
, where two Les Houches Event Files (ttbar.lhe
and ttbar2.lhe
) successively are used as input. Also illustrating some other aspects, like the capability to mix in internally generated
, where two Les Houches Event Files (ttbar.lhe
and ttbar2.lhe
) successively are used as input in main123.cmnd
, where additionally it is shown how to extract many different kinds of LHEF version 3.0 information.main132.cmnd
) and output HepMC event file (e.g. main132.hepmc
) are to be provided as command-line arguments. Requires that HepMC3 is properly linked. Note that the HepMC output file can become quite big; so no example is included in this
, where subruns are used to process several consecutive LHEF, as in
, with information stored e.g in main133.cmnd
. Other comments as for
and a legacy HepMC2 example, alternatively HepMC3, where subruns are used to process several consecutive LHEF, with information stored e.g in main134.cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.main246.cmnd
, contains a sample events that illustrate how to arrange color tags in the presence of the color-space epsilon tensors that accompany baryon number violating event topologies..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.LHAupMadgraph
wrapper/interface of Madgraph5_aMC@NLO and the Pythia jet matching facilities..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
, with interface to Madgraph.configure --with-mg5mes
VINCIA setup for electroweak shower off high-pT dijets at the LHC. The VINCIA EW shower requires hard-process partons with assigned helicities. This is done via Pythia's MG5 matrix-element interface, which must be compiled and linked (using configure --with-mg5mes
allows to switch between several different matching options. It also allows to select input process, in this case either for the POWHEG-hvq program applied to top pair production Cor10 or for QCD 2+3-jet events. The small samples of input events are stored in the powheg-hvq.lhe
and powheg-dijets.lhe
files, respectively.LHAupMadgraph
wrapper/interface of Madgraph5_aMC@NLO and the Pythia jet matching facilities.include/Pythia8Plugins/LHAPowheg.h
contains the LHAup class wrapper used to build the POWHEG plugin libraries, and include/Pythia8Plugins/PowhegProcs.h
the simple class that facilitates loading the POWHEG plugins. In addition main154.cmnd
contains the commands needed for POWHEGBOX to run the example.main163.cmnd
. See main163.unw
and the parameters to go with it in main163_unw.par
. Madgraph events are taken from the w+_production_lhc_2.lhe
file in this case..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
, with interface to
"cards file". Also shows how to plot histograms using the Pyplot
, where two Les Houches Event Files (ttbar.lhe
and ttbar2.lhe
) successively are used as input. Also illustrating some other aspects, like the capability to mix in internally generated events.main151.cmnd
allows to switch between several different matching options. It also allows to select input process, in this case either for the POWHEG-hvq program applied to top pair production Cor10 or for QCD 2+3-jet events. The small samples of input events are stored in the powheg-hvq.lhe
and powheg-dijets.lhe
files, respectively.include/Pythia8Plugins/LHAPowheg.h
contains the LHAup class wrapper used to build the POWHEG plugin libraries, and include/Pythia8Plugins/PowhegProcs.h
the simple class that facilitates loading the POWHEG plugins. In addition main154.cmnd
contains the commands needed for POWHEGBOX to run the example.main161.cmnd
exemplifies various multi-jet merging schemes in Pythia, depending on the .cmnd
input file: main162ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L, main162umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS, main162nl3.cmnd
for NL3, main162unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS, main162mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS).main163.cmnd
. See main163.unw
and the parameters to go with it in main163_unw.par
. Madgraph events are taken from the w+_production_lhc_2.lhe
file in this case..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
exemplifies various multi-jet merging schemes in Pythia, depending on the .cmnd
input file: main162ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L, main162umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS, main162nl3.cmnd
for NL3, main162unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS, main162mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS).main321.cmnd
to pick processes. For photoproduction one can use the alternative main321photons.cmnd
. See main163.unw
and the parameters to go with it in main163_unw.par
. Madgraph events are taken from the w+_production_lhc_2.lhe
file in this case..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
exemplifies various multi-jet merging schemes in Pythia, depending on the .cmnd
input file: main162ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L, main162umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS, main162nl3.cmnd
for NL3, main162unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS, main162mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS)..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
exemplifies various multi-jet merging schemes in Pythia, depending on the .cmnd
input file: main162ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L, main162umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS, main162nl3.cmnd
for NL3, main162unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS, main162mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS)..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.UserHooks
to regularize onium cross section for HelacOnia
package interfaced to Pythia, and compare results with the internal implementation../main224 --help
. The input file main224.cmnd
further illustrates the use of
for how to do this with the Parallelism framework.PythiaParallelism
usage. This program is equivalent to
, but does event generation in
, but is much more heavily commented to give more in-depth explanations of how the code works.Parallelism:processAsync
. Provides an example of how to derive PYTHIA classes in Python.main201
using the Parallelism
. This wrapper module must be compiled with make
class. These methods are intended for fast switching, and only provide the SaS/DL ansats at high energies.main204.cmnd
and photoninproton.lhe
. Requires that you link to a LHAPDF set that includes the photon PDF.MIXMAX
random number generator is this way compared with the default PYTHIA one. Explicit implementations are included for the generation of external beam momentum spread and vertex location, and for a simple scaling external parton distribution set.lhagrid1.dat file
, without linking LHAPDF6. Also illustrates the topical issue of associated event properties for an intermediate spinless resonance in UserHooks
to veto events after hadronization, but before any subsequent processes such as rescattering or Bose-Einstein.main204.cmnd
and photoninproton.lhe
. Requires that you link to a LHAPDF set that includes the photon PDF.lhagrid1.dat file
, without linking LHAPDF6. Also illustrates the topical issue of associated event properties for an intermediate spinless resonance in YODA
allows to switch between several different matching options. It also allows to select input process, in this case either for the POWHEG-hvq program applied to top pair production Cor10 or for QCD 2+3-jet events. The small samples of input events are stored in the powheg-hvq.lhe
and powheg-dijets.lhe
files, respectively.include/Pythia8Plugins/LHAPowheg.h
contains the LHAup class wrapper used to build the POWHEG plugin libraries, and include/Pythia8Plugins/PowhegProcs.h
the simple class that facilitates loading the POWHEG plugins. In addition main154.cmnd
contains the commands needed for POWHEGBOX to run the example..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.main113.cmnd
"cards file". Also shows how to plot histograms using the Pyplot approach.UserHooks
can be used interact directly with the event-generation
. Demonstrates usage of a PYTHIA plugin within the Python interface.main322.cmnd
file. Secondly, by a continuous reweighting with a
, i.e. a minimal
. Provides an example of how to derive PYTHIA classes in
. Demonstrates usage of a PYTHIA plugin within the Python
, with interface to
. This wrapper module must be compiled with make
random number generator is this way compared with the default PYTHIA one. Explicit implementations are included for the generation of external beam momentum spread and vertex location, and for a simple scaling external parton distribution set.main246.cmnd
but only for flavor hadronization parameters and demonstrates post-hoc reweighting rathern than in-situ../main144 -h
to see a full list. See .cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
, but using the Angantyr model for Heavy Ion collisions. Also shows how Rivet analyses can be set up easily using a special interface../main144 -h
to see a full list. See SlowJet
inclusive anti-SlowJet
and FastJet
jet finding, showing that they find the same jets if run under identical conditions, in this case for QCD
, where two Les Houches Event Files (ttbar.lhe
and ttbar2.lhe
) successively are used as input in main123.cmnd
and settings in main501.cmnd
. For illustration, an alternative example spectrum is also available, sps1aWithDecays.spc
, which contains a decay table in SLHA format.main508.cmnd
, notably with long-lived particle
, but using the PythiaCascade
class to perform the separate collisions or decays, while the bookkeeping of the cascade evolution remains in the main program.PythiaCascade
or with Angantyr. Here the atmosphere is a realistic mix of nitrogen, oxygen and
, but using the PythiaCascade
class to perform the separate collisions or decays, while the bookkeeping of the cascade evolution remains in the main program.PythiaCascade
or with Angantyr. Here the atmosphere is a realistic mix of nitrogen, oxygen and
, with several models not found in the standard PYTHIA
. This wrapper module must be compiled with make
class. These methods are intended for fast switching, and only provide the SaS/DL ansats at high energies../main144 -h
to see a full list. See
but only for flavor hadronization parameters and demonstrates post-hoc reweighting rathern than
exemplifies various multi-jet merging schemes in Pythia, depending on the .cmnd
input file: main162ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L, main162umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS, main162nl3.cmnd
for NL3, main162unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS, main162mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS)..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx
exemplifies various multi-jet merging schemes in Pythia, depending on the .cmnd
input file: main162ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L, main162umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS, main162nl3.cmnd
for NL3, main162unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS, main162mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS)..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging..cmnd
input file: main164mcatnlo.cmnd
for MC@NLO matching with Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, main164powheg.cmnd
for POWHEG matching with POWHEG-BOX, main164ckkwl.cmnd
for CKKW-L merging, main164mess.cmnd
for Vincia's CKKW-L sector merging (MESS), main164umeps.cmnd
for UMEPS merging, main164unlops.cmnd
for UNLOPS merging, main164mlm.cmnd
for MLM jet matching, main164fxfx.cmnd
for FxFx merging.UserHooks
can be used interact directly with the event-generation process.UserHooks
to regularize onium cross section for main246.cmnd
to veto events after hadronization, but before any subsequent processes such as rescattering or
. Demonstrates usage of a PYTHIA plugin within the Python interface.MIXMAX
random number generator is this way compared with the default PYTHIA one. Explicit implementations are included for the generation of external beam momentum spread and vertex location, and for a simple scaling external parton distribution set../main224 --help
. The input file main224.cmnd
further illustrates the use of
for how to do this with the Parallelism framework.main201
using the Parallelism framework.configure --with-mg5mes
VINCIA setup for electroweak shower off high-pT dijets at the LHC. The VINCIA EW shower requires hard-process partons with assigned helicities. This is done via Pythia's MG5 matrix-element interface, which must be compiled and linked (using configure --with-mg5mes
).configure --with-mg5mes
VINCIA setup for electroweak shower off high-pT dijets at the LHC. The VINCIA EW shower requires hard-process partons with assigned helicities. This is done via Pythia's MG5 matrix-element interface, which must be compiled and linked (using configure --with-mg5mes