Python Interface

  1. Simplified Interface
  2. Limitations
  3. Installation
  4. Examples
  5. Interface Generation
Python is a powerful, high-level interpreted language that is widely used within the particle physics community. It is particularly useful as an interactive language that provides fast proto-typing of code. A Python interface to PYTHIA is available. This interface is automatically generated with Binder using the PyBind11 template library. Please note that this interface has not been extensively tested and consequently issues may arise. If bugs are found or additional features are required, as usual, please report them to the PYTHIA authors. This interface is a significant departure from the previous interface generated with SWIG, which does not support C++11.

A simplified interface ships with PYTHIA, which is intended to meet the needs of most users while remaining lightweight. Note, not all PYTHIA classes are available through this interface. It is also possible for users to automatically generate their own interface. This is particularly useful if users modify the PYTHIA source code and need to update the interface. When generating the interface there are three options: the simplified interface, a full interface, and a user defined interface. The process of generating these interfaces is described in more detail below.

Simplified Interface

An attempt has been made to provide the everyday functionality of PYTHIA through the simplified interface. However, if classes or methods appear to be missing, please contact the PYTHIA authors; additional functionality can be included upon request. The following list highlights the available classes and methods in this interface, roughly categorized by function. Note that help(pythia8) will return all the available classes and methods in the interface. There are some idiosyncrasies when working with standard template library classes. One of the notable examples are maps with keys as strings. In many cases, it is useful to be able to access the settings maps from the Settings class of a Pythia instance. Rather than calling something like getFlagMap(), getFlagMap("") must be called so the interface knows how to map the keys. A full working example is given below.
import pythia8 
pythia = pythia8.Pythia("", False) 
settings = pythia.settings 
flags = settings.getFlagMap("") 
for key, val in settings.getFlagMap("").items(): print(key) 
The following points highlight some of the features of the interface.


In general, most code using PYTHIA implemented through C++ is also possible in the Python interface. There are a number of issues, such as passing streams, which cannot be handled in the Python interface. Additionally, protected members of classes are exposed as fully public members in the Python interface.


To install the Python interface, the Python system header Python.h must be available. By default when configuring using --with-python the system python-config script will be used to determine the location of Python.h. In some cases, users might wish to use a different version of Python, and so --with-python-config can be used to set the Python configuration script used to pick up paths. Alternatively, the directory containing Python.h can be set manually with the option --with-python-include. Some example configurations could be as follows,
    ./configure --with-python 
    ./configure --with-python-config=python3-config 
    ./configure --with-python-include=/usr/include/python2.7 
where the Python configuration script and path must be changed accordingly for the local system.

After configuring the Python interface for PYTHIA to be built and running make as usual, the following files should be generated in the directory lib.

To ensure that the module is available to Python, the system variable PYTHONPATH should be set similar to

where PREFIX_LIB is the directory lib which contains Generally, the library paths should be set correctly, but it also may be necessary to set
where DYLD should be substituted for LD in OS X. Alternatively, it is also possible to define the Python path from within Python, as is done within the provided examples. Note that the Python module is always compiled as, even in OS X. This is because older versions of Python in OS X do not correctly recognize modules ending with the dylib suffix.


To use the Python interface for PYTHIA, start Python and import pythia8. The provided examples can be run by python where NNN is the number of the example.

Interface Generation

A script for automatically generating the Python interface, generate, is available in plugins/python/ and should be run from this directory. This script requires that the user has Docker installed. A small Docker image of roughly 80 MB will be pulled to run the necessary generation code. There are a number of command line arguments which can be passed. Whenever PYTHIA headers are modified, the Python interface is invalidated, and so this automatic generation is particularly useful in such a situation. An example of generating the full Python interface is as follows.
    cd plugins/python 
    ./generate --full