- Welcome to PYTHIA - The Lund Monte Carlo!
- Documentation
- Authors
- Former authors
- Further contributions
- Contact
- Licence
Welcome to PYTHIA - The Lund Monte Carlo!
PYTHIA is a general-purpose event generator for high-energy particle
collisions. PYTHIA 8 is the successor to PYTHIA 6, rewritten from
scratch in C++. It includes many new features, but rests on the same
historical physics base, including concepts such as soft and hard
processes, parton showers, multiparton interactions and string
fragmentation. With the current PYTHIA 8.3 version the step has been
taken from C++98
to C++11
, but the
transition from 8.2 should largely be transparent to users. Also
several new physics features are made available.
On these webpages you will find the HTML manual for PYTHIA 8.3. The physics
descriptions may in places need to be updated, but the
documentation of available settings and other practical details should
be fully up-to-date. Use the left-hand index to navigate this
documentation of program elements, especially of all possible program
settings. All parameters are provided with sensible default values,
however, so you need only change those of relevance to your particular
study, such as choice of beams, processes and phase space cuts. The
pages also contain a fairly extensive survey of all methods available
to the user, e.g. to study the produced events.
What these pages are not very well suited to give you, is a comprehensive
explanation of choices made and the physics behind them. For that, we
refer the reader to:
A comprehensive guide to the physics and usage of PYTHIA 8.3
C. Bierlich et al, SciPost Phys. Codebases 8-r8.3 (2022)
[arXiv:2203.11601 [hep-ph]].
We ask that you cite this publication, when using PYTHIA 8.3. Older
documentation still exists, and could be useful in particular from
users transitioning from older versions of PYTHIA. An overview of
PYTHIA 8.2 can be found in the attached PDF file
An Introduction to
T. Sjöstrand et al, Comput. Phys.Commun. 191 (2015) 159
[arXiv:1410.3012 [hep-ph]].
The even older
PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual
T. Sjöstrand, S. Mrenna and P. Skands, JHEP05 (2006) 026,
describes the physics of PYTHIA 6 in great detail, but is now
superseeded by the PYTHIA 8.3 manual.
Furthermore, a separate
PYTHIA 8.3 Worksheet,
also an attached PDF file, offers a practical introduction to
using the generator. It has been developed for and used at a few
summer schools, with minor variations, but is also suited for
Javira Altmann
School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, PO Box 27, 3800 Melbourne,
Christian Bierlich
Department of Physics, Lund University,
Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Naomi Cooke
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow,
Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, United Kingdom
Nishita Desai
Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India
Ilkka Helenius
Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35,
FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Philip Ilten
Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA
Leif Lönnblad
Department of Physics, Lund University,
Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Stephen Mrenna
Computing Division, Simulations Group,
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
MS 234, Batavia, IL 60510, USA
Christian Preuss
Department of Physics, University of Wuppertal,
Gaussstrasse 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany
Torbjörn Sjöstrand
Department of Physics, Lund University,
Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Peter Skands
School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, PO Box 27, 3800 Melbourne,
Former authors
Stefan Ask
Jesper Roy Christiansen
Richard Corke
Nadine Fischer
Leif Gellersen
Stefan Prestel
Christine O. Rasmussen
Marius Utheim
Rob Verheyen
Further contributions
HepMC interface by Mikhail Kirsanov.
Conversion of XML files to PHP ones by Ben Lloyd.
Simple Makefile for Win32/NMAKE by Bertrand Bellenot.
Extended Higgs sector partly implemented by Marc Montull.
Parts of charm and bottom decay tables courtesy DELPHI and
LHCb collaborations.
Tunes and comparisons with data, based on Rivet and Professor,
by Hendrik Hoeth.
Text and code on the use of ROOT in conjunction with PYTHIA
by Rene Brun, Andreas Morsch and Axel Naumann.
Code and data for MRST/MSTW PDFs by Robert Thorne and
Graeme Watt.
Code and data for the CTEQ/CT PDFs by Joey Huston
and colleagues.
Help with implementing new proton PDFs by Tomas Kasemets.
Code and data for Pomeron PDFs by H1 collaboration and
especially Paul Newman.
Help with implementing new Pomeron fluxes and PDFs by
Sparsh Navin.
The new Hidden Valley code developed together with Lisa Carloni.
Code for a Kaluza-Klein electroweak gauge boson provided by
Noam Hod and Mark Sutton.
Code for equivalent photon flux around an unresolved proton by
Oystein Alvestad.
The MBR diffractive model and central diffraction by
Robert Ciesielski.
2012 branching ratios for most light hadrons, and the tau lepton,
by Anil Pratap Singh.
The pythia8-config script has been contributed by
Andy Buckley, along with many other helpful suggestions.
Code and data for several of the NNPDF2.3 QCD+QED sets, and further
later ones, provided by Juan Rojo and Stefano Carrazza.
The fjcore code from FastJet provided by Matteo Cacciari,
Gavin Salam and Gregory Soyez.
The initial-final dipole approach has been developed and
implemented by Baptiste Cabouat.
The MixMax random number generator has been contributed by
Konstantin Savvidy and George Savvidy.
Space-time hadronic production points in string fragmentation have
been studied and implemented by Silvia Ferreres-Solé.
The code for deuteron production was tested by Sophie Baker.
C++ interface to MG5 matrix elements by V. Hirschi with
additional work by O. Mattelaer.
Mass corrections and initial-state showers in Vincia by
M. Ritzmann.
Final-state sector showers in Vincia by J. Lopez-Villarejo.
Helicity-dependence in Vincia by A. Larkoski.
Interleaved resonance showers and work on
MESS merging and QED+EW showers in Vincia by H. Brooks.
Plugin and hadronization reweighting framework by the MLhad team.
Mini-junction string improvements and additions to the QCD-based colour
reconnection model by Harsh Shah.
Note: in several cases modifications have been made to
the original code, in order to integrate it with PYTHIA. In these cases
the blame for any mistakes has to rest with the regular authors.
New version alerts
If you want to be alerted whenever a new public version is released,
you can subscribe on
pythia8-announce. Expect a
handful of such messages per year. There is no fixed schedule; new
versions can appear either because a sufficient amount of changes have
been accumulated over time, or because some crucial new feature or bug
fix prompts action.
Bug reports and physics questions
No code is perfect, and we rely on PYTHIA users to report suspect
behaviour to us. We are starting to collect common questions and
problems with our issue tracker. Please check this resource first for
answered questions. New questions and issues can be either opened with
a freely available account or emailing us at where no
account is required. To help us in the subsequent debugging efforts,
however, it is helpful if you can present your case in as clear terms
as possible. A convenient path is the following.
- Users often combine PYTHIA with a set of other libraries in their
studies, and then problems originally attributed to PYTHIA usually
turn out to be located somewhere else. Therefore, check that the
problem remains if no other libraries are being used. If you want to
file a report that involves other libraries please have a very
convincing case that the problem is in PYTHIA to be taken
- Make sure you use a clean copy of PYTHIA, not one that has
been subject to "local modifications" by parties unknown. Also
make sure it is a recent one - you may have encountered a true bug,
but one already solved in the current version. If uncertain,
pick up a new copy directly from the PYTHIA webpage, and create a
new cleanly compiled PYTHIA library code.
- Write a simple standalone main program
with NN
between 00 and 99, that demonstrates the
claimed bug. Feel free to use some of the existing sample main programs
as templates.
- Put the
program in the
subdirectory and run it from there
(make mymainNN
followed by ./mymainNN
- Now, systematically peel away all irrelevant code in the main
program, so that only code really needed to reproduce and document
the bug remains. Where explanations in the code would be helpful,
do add comments in English.
- Send the main program, with a description what is the problem
and whatever guesses you may have about a probable cause.
Note, the email should always
be used when contacting the authors as it allows us to coordinate
replies. You may also include the individual addresses of authors that
are relevant for a specific issue. Never contact several persons
independently on the same topic, thereby potentially leading to
doublework. Abuse will have consequences.
When responding to emails from us at, reply
directly to the email, which has a unique return address of the form
, and not Please
consider allowing your correspondence to be made publicly available to
other users via our issue tracker, by replying at any point with your
express permission, e.g. "this correspondence can be made public".
Do note that the major collaborations, such as ATLAS and CMS, have
their own Monte Carlo support groups, with a lot of experience in
solving typical issues, many of which are related to the setups and
interfaces created inside the collaborations. If you are a member of a
major collaboration you please turn to these groups in the first
place, and only turn to us when it has been confirmed as a true
problem going beyond the local installation.
PYTHIA 8 is licensed under the
GNU General Public Licence
version 2 or later.
Please respect the
MCnet Guidelines
for Event Generator Authors and Users.
The program and the documentation is
Copyright © 2025 Torbjörn Sjöstrand