This is the complete list of members for Merging, including all inherited members.
beamAPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamBPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamGamAPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamGamBPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamPomAPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamPomBPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamSetupPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamVMDAPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
beamVMDBPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
CHECK_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
clearInfos() | Merging | inlineprotected |
clusterAndStore(Event &process) | Merging | protected |
COMPLETE enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
CONSTRUCTOR_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
coupSMPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
coupSUSYPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
cutOnProcess(Event &process) | Merging | protected |
emtSave (defined in Merging) | Merging | protected |
flag(string key) const | PhysicsBase | inline |
fvec(string key) const (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | inline |
generateSingleSudakov(double pTbegAll, double pTendAll, double m2dip, int idA, int type, double s=-1., double x=-1.) | Merging | virtual |
getDeadzones(bool dzone[100][100]) | Merging | virtual |
getDipoles(int iRad, int colTag, int colSign, const Event &event, vector< pair< int, int > > &dipEnds) | Merging | protected |
getStoppingInfo(double scales[100][100], double masses[100][100]) | Merging | virtual |
HADRONLEVEL_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
HADRONLEVEL_USERVETO enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
hadronWidthsPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
HEAVYION_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
INCOMPLETE enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
infoPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
init() | Merging | virtual |
INIT_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
initInfoPtr(Info &infoPtrIn) | PhysicsBase | |
initPtrs(MergingHooksPtr mergingHooksPtrIn, PartonLevel *trialPartonLevelPtrIn) | Merging | inline |
isInDeadzone (defined in Merging) | Merging | protected |
lhaPtr (defined in Merging) | Merging | |
LHEF_END enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
loggerPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
LOWENERGY_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
mDipSave (defined in Merging) | Merging | protected |
mergeProcess(Event &process) | Merging | virtual |
mergeProcessCKKWL(Event &process) | Merging | protected |
mergeProcessNL3(Event &process) | Merging | protected |
mergeProcessUMEPS(Event &process) | Merging | protected |
mergeProcessUNLOPS(Event &process) | Merging | protected |
Merging() | Merging | inline |
MERGING_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
mergingHooksPtr | Merging | protected |
MINWGT | Merging | protectedstatic |
mode(string key) const (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | inline |
mvec(string key) const (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | inline |
onBeginEvent() | PhysicsBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
onEndEvent(Status) | PhysicsBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
onInitInfoPtr() | PhysicsBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
onStat() | PhysicsBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OTHER_UNPHYSICAL enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
parm(string key) const (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | inline |
particleDataPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
PARTONLEVEL_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
PARTONLEVEL_USERVETO enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
partonSystemsPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
PhysicsBase() | PhysicsBase | inlineprotected |
PROCESSLEVEL_FAILED enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
PROCESSLEVEL_USERVETO enum value (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | |
pvec(string key) const (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | inline |
Pythia class | Merging | friend |
radSave (defined in Merging) | Merging | protected |
recSave (defined in Merging) | Merging | protected |
registerSubObject(PhysicsBase &pb) | PhysicsBase | protected |
rndmPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
setLHAPtr(LHEF3FromPythia8Ptr lhaUpIn) (defined in Merging) | Merging | inline |
settingsPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
sigmaCmbPtr (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | protected |
sigmaTotPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
statistics() | Merging | virtual |
Status enum name | PhysicsBase | |
stoppingScalesSave | Merging | protected |
subObjects | PhysicsBase | protected |
TMSMISMATCH | Merging | protectedstatic |
tmsNowMin | Merging | protected |
trialPartonLevelPtr | Merging | protected |
userHooksPtr | PhysicsBase | protected |
word(string key) const (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | inline |
wvec(string key) const (defined in PhysicsBase) | PhysicsBase | inline |
~Merging() | Merging | inlinevirtual |
~PhysicsBase() | PhysicsBase | inlinevirtual |