PYTHIA  8.313
History Member List

This is the complete list of members for History, including all inherited members.

findStateTransfer(map< int, int > &transfer)History
getClusteredEvent(const double RN, int nSteps, Event &outState)History
getFirstClusteredEventAboveTMS(const double RN, int nDesired, Event &process, int &nPerformed, bool updateProcess=true)History
getPDFratio(int side, bool forSudakov, bool useHardPDF, int flavNum, double xNum, double muNum, int flavDen, double xDen, double muDen)History
getSingleWeakProb(vector< int > &mode, vector< Vec4 > &mom, vector< int > fermionLines)History
getStartingConditions(const double RN, Event &outState)History
getWeakProb(vector< int > &mode, vector< Vec4 > &mom, vector< int > fermionLines)History
History(int depthIn, double scalein, Event statein, Clustering c, MergingHooksPtr mergingHooksPtrIn, BeamParticle beamAIn, BeamParticle beamBIn, ParticleData *particleDataPtrIn, Info *infoPtrIn, PartonLevel *showersIn, CoupSM *coupSMPtrIn, bool isOrdered, bool isStronglyOrdered, bool isAllowed, bool isNextInInput, double probin, History *mothin)History
lowestMultProc(const double RN)Historyinline
Merging classHistoryfriend
printHistory(const double RN)History
Pythia classHistoryfriend
weightCKKWL(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN)History
weightNL3First(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN, Rndm *rndmPtr)History
weightNL3Loop(PartonLevel *trial, double RN)History
weightNL3Tree(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN)History
weightUMEPSSubt(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN)History
weightUMEPSTree(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN)History
weightUNLOPSFirst(int order, PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN, Rndm *rndmPtr)History
weightUNLOPSLoop(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN, int depthIn=-1)History
weightUNLOPSSubt(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN, int depthIn=-1)History
weightUNLOPSSubtNLO(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN, int depthIn=-1)History
weightUNLOPSTree(PartonLevel *trial, AlphaStrong *asFSR, AlphaStrong *asISR, AlphaEM *aemFSR, AlphaEM *aemISR, double RN, int depthIn=-1)History