PYTHIA  8.313
HistPlot Member List

This is the complete list of members for HistPlot, including all inherited members.

add(const Hist &histIn, string styleIn="h", string legendIn="void")HistPlotinline
addFile(string fileIn, string styleIn="o", string legendIn="void", string xyerrIn="")HistPlotinline
frame(string frameIn, string titleIn="", string xLabIn="", string yLabIn="", double xSizeIn=8., double ySizeIn=6.)HistPlotinline
HistPlot(string pythonName, bool useLegacyIn=false)HistPlotinline
plot(bool logY=false, bool logX=false, bool userBorders=false)HistPlot
plot(double xMinUserIn, double xMaxUserIn, double yMinUserIn, double yMaxUserIn, bool logY=false, bool logX=false) (defined in HistPlot)HistPlotinline
plotFrame(string frameIn, const Hist &histIn, string titleIn="", string xLabIn="", string yLabIn="", string styleIn="h", string legendIn="void", bool logY=false)HistPlotinline