Matching and Merging
This page first describes the matching and merging capabilitities of
PYTHIA, and then, below, the use of a somewhat generic example main
program to produce matched or merged results.
Precision and a wide kinematical coverage are important ingredients
to the applicability of Event Generators. Both can be aided by including
higher-order corrections into the Generator. Depending on needs, the
inclusion of higher orders (on top of a Born-level leading-order (LO)
process) can be prioritized in different ways:
- A formal order-by-order perturbative calculation, in each order
higher including graphs both with one particle more in the final
state and with one loop more in the intermediate state. This is
accurate to the order of the calculation, and limited to a first-
or second-order corrections.
- Multiple hard real emission corrections, but neglecting the
virtual corrections that should accompany the corrections.
Thereby it is possible to allow for topologies with a larger and
varying number of partons, at the prize of not being accurate to any
particular order.
- The parton shower provides an approximation to higher orders,
both real and virtual contributions for the emission of arbitrarily
many particles.
Each of these approaches have drawbacks in complementary phasespace
regions (the first two not being suitable in soft/collinear emissions
regions, and thus unsuitable to combine with hadronization, while the third
fails in hard, well-separated regions), such that many schemes to combine
the strengths of the different approaches exist.
The common traits of all combination methods are that matrix elements
are used to describe the production of hard and well separated
particles, and parton showers for the production of soft or collinear
particles. What differs between the various approaches that have been
proposed are which matrix elements are being used, how doublecounting
is avoided, and how the transition from the hard to the soft regime is
handled. These combination methods are typically referred to as
"matching" or "merging" algorithms. There is some confusion about the
distinction between the two terms. We will use "matching" to describe
the combination of one (NLO) calculation with the parton shower, and
"merging" when several calculations are combined with each other (and
the shower). PYTHIA offers implementations of several different
matching and merging algorithms, which hopefully suit most needs.
- For many/most resonance decays the first branching in the shower
is merged with first-order matrix elements []
Nor01. This means that the emission rate is accurate to NLO,
similarly to the POWHEG strategy (see below), but built into the
timelike showers. The angular
orientation of the event after the first emission is only handled by
the parton shower kinematics, however. Needless to say, this formalism
is precisely what is tested by Z^0 decays at LEP1, and it is
known to do a pretty good job there.
- Also the spacelike showers
contain a correction to first-order matrix elements, but only for the
one-body-final-state processes q qbar →
gamma^*/Z^0/W^+-/h^0/H^0/A0/Z'0/W'+-/R0 [Miu99] and
g g → h^0/H^0/A0, and only to leading order. That is, it
is equivalent to the POWHEG formalism for the real emission, but the
prefactor "cross section normalization" is LO rather than
NLO. Therefore this framework is less relevant, and has been
superseded the following ones.
- The POWHEG strategy [Nas04] provides a cross section
accurate to NLO. The hardest emission is constructed with unit
probability, based on the ratio of the real-emission matrix element to
the Born-level cross section, and with a Sudakov factor derived from
this ratio, i.e. the philosophy introduced in [Ben87].
While POWHEG is a generic strategy, the POWHEG BOX
[Ali10] is an explicit framework, within which several
processes are available. The code required for merging the PYTHIA
showers with POWHEG input can be found in
, and is further
described on a separate page. A
user example is found in examples/
- The other traditional approach for NLO calculations is the MC@NLO
one [Fri02]. In it the shower emission probability, without
its Sudakov factor, is subtracted from the real-emission matrix
element to regularize divergences. It therefore requires a analytic
knowledge of the way the shower populates phase space. The aMC@NLO
package [Fre11] offers an implementation for PYTHIA 8,
developed by Paolo Torrielli and Stefano Frixione. The global-recoil
option of the PYTHIA final-state shower has been constructed to be
used for the above-mentioned subtraction.
- Multi-jet merging in the CKKW-L approach [Lon01] is
directly available. Its implementation, relevant parameters and test
programs are documented on a
separate page.
- Multi-jet matching in the MLM approach [Man02, Man07] is
also available, either based on the ALPGEN or on the Madgraph variant,
and with input events either from ALPGEN or from Madgraph. For details
see separate page.
- Unitarised matrix element + parton shower merging (UMEPS) is
directly available. Its implementation, relevant parameters and test
programs are documented on a
separate page.
- Next-to-leading order multi-jet merging (in the NL3 and UNLOPS
approaches) is directly available. Its implementation, relevant
parameters and test programs are documented on a
separate page.
- Next-to-leading order jet matching in the FxFx approach is also
available. For details see
the jet matching page.
For quick-and-dirty studies, note that the field is
open-ended, however: any external program can feed in
Les Houches events that
PYTHIA subsequently processes. In this case, the maximum pT of the
shower evolution is set by the Les Houches scale
, on the one
hand, and by the values of the SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch
and other parton-shower settings,
on the other. It is typically not possible to achieve perfect
matching this simplistic way, given that the PYTHIA pT evolution
variables are not likely to agree with the variables used for cuts
in the external program. Often one can get close enough with simple
means but, for an improved matching,
User Hooks may be inserted to control
the steps taken on the way, e.g. to veto those parton shower
branchings that would doublecount emissions included in the matrix
elements. A generic interface for matching and merging
A common Pythia main program for MC@NLO NLO+PS matching, MLM jet merging,
FxFx (NLO) jet merging, CKKW-L merging, UMEPS merging and UNLOPS (NLO)
merging is available through
, together with the input
files main164mcatnlo.cmnd
, main164powheg.cmnd
, main164fxfx.cmnd
, main164ckkwl.cmnd
and main164unlops.cmnd
These rely on input from external matrix-element generators such as
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO or POWHEG-BOX.
can produce HepMC events [Dob01] or
interfaced directly to RIVET [Buc10].
If the user is not familiar with HepMC or RIVET, it is possible to instead use
Pythia's histogramming routines. For this, histogram events as illustrated
for the histogram pTWsum in
All settings can be transferred to
through an input
file. The input file is part of the command line input of
, i.e. you can execute main164
with the
./main164 myInputFile.cmnd
to read the input myInputFile.cmnd
is currently a "front-end" for different types
of matching/merging, we will briefly discuss the inputs for this
sample program in the following.
In its current form,
uses LHA input to transfer
(weighted) phase space points to Pythia. This can either be via traditional
LHE files by setting
Beams:frameType = 4
Beams:LHEF = file.lhe
or with HDF5 event files by setting
Beams:frameType = 5
Beams:LHEF = file.hdf5
It is possible to include all parton multiplicities in one sample.
If e.g. UMEPS merging for W-boson + up to two additional partons is to be
performed, either one LHE file containing W+zero, W+one and W+two parton
events or three separate LHE files can be generated.
All input settings are handed to
in the form of an
input file. We have included the input settings files
, which
illustrates the MLM jet matching interface,
, which
illustrates the FxFx NLO jet matching interface,
, which
illustrates the CKKW-L multi-jet merging interface,
, which
illustrates the VINCIA MESS multi-jet merging interface,
, which
illustrates the UMEPS multi-jet merging interface, and
, which
illustrates the UNLOPS multi-jet NLO merging interface.
Other settings (e.g. using
as simple LO+PS or
as MC@NLO interface) are of course possible. In the following, we will
briefly explain how input for the five choices above are generated and
MC@NLO matching with
For MC@NLO matching,
currently relies on LHEF input
from MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, which relies on the simple shower with a specific
global recoil scheme for final-state branchings. As such, it can only be used
with PartonShowers:model = 1
and specific settings within this
shower model. Example MC@NLO settings can be found in
. Be aware that the lines below
must not be changed in order to ensure correct
NLO matching. Please consult
aMC@NLO matching for more details.
POWHEG matching with
For POWHEG matching,
currently relies on LHEF input
from POWHEG-BOX. It is not tied to a specific parton shower and can be used
with either of the PartonShowers:model
Example POWHEG settings can be found in main164powheg.cmnd
Please consult POWHEG matching for more
MLM jet matching with
For MLM jet matching,
currently relies on LHEF input
from MadGraph. Due to the particular unweighting strategy performed in the
generation of these inputs, the sample program starts by estimating the
cross section. After this estimate, MLM jet matching within the Madgraph
approach is performed in a second Pythia run. Example MLM settings can be
found in main164mlm.cmnd
. Please consult
Jet Matching for more details.
FxFx (NLO) jet matching with
For FxFx jet matching,
relies on MC@NLO input LHE
files generated with aMC@NLO. To produce FxFx outputs in aMC@NLO, the settings
PYTHIA8 = parton_shower
, 3 = ickkw
x = ptj
are necessary in your aMC@NLO run card. Here,
is the value of the matching scale in FxFx, i.e. has be
identical to JetMatching:qCutME
in the Pythia inputs.
Example FxFx settings for Pythia can be found in
. Please consult
Jet Matching and
aMC@NLO matching for more details.
CKKW-L merging with
For CKKW-L merging,
currently relies on LHEF inputs
generated with the leading-order mode of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.
No run to estimate the cross section estimate is needed. Example CKKW-L
settings can be found in main164ckkwl.cmnd
. Please consult
CKKW-L merging for more details.
Sector merging (MESS) in VINCIA with
For MESS merging,
currently relies on LHEF inputs
generated with the leading-order mode of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.
No run to estimate the cross section estimate is needed. Example MESS
settings can be found in main164mess.cmnd
. Please consult
MESS merging for more details.
UMEPS merging with
For UMEPS merging,
currently relies on LHEF inputs
generated with the leading-order mode of aMC@NLO as well (see above).
automatically assigns if an event will be used as
"standard" event or as "subtractive" contribution. Example UMEPS
settings can be found in main164umeps.cmnd
. Please
consult UMEPS merging and
CKKW-L merging for more details.
UNLOPS (NLO) merging with
For UNLOPS merging,
currently relies on LHEF inputs
generated with the aMC@NLO. The UNLOPS interface in
requires a) leading-order inputs generated with the leading-order mode of
aMC@NLO, using the UNLOPS prescription, and b) next-to-leading-order inputs
generated with the NLO mode of aMC@NLO, using the UNLOPS prescription.
To produce UNLOPS outputs in aMC@NLO, the settings
PYTHIA8 = parton_shower
, 4 = ickkw
x = ptj
are necessary in your aMC@NLO run card. Here,
is the value of the merging scale in UNLOPS, i.e.
has be identical to Merging:TMS
in the Pythia inputs.
will then process NLO inputs and LO inputs
consecutively, and will automatically assign if an event will be used as
"standard" event or as "subtractive" contribution. Example UNLOPS
settings can be found in main164umeps.cmnd
. Please
consult NLO Merging,
UMEPS merging, and
CKKW-L merging for more details.