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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Lisa Carloni
// Torbjorn Sjostrand
// Keywords:
// Hidden Valley
// Hidden Valley: omnibus version for various scenarios in 1 TeV e+e-.
// See L. Carloni, J. Rathsman and T. Sjostrand, JHEP 04 (2011) 091
// for details.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
// Avoid division by zero when calculating cosTheta.
const double PABSMIN = 1e-10;
int main() {
// Number of events and CM energy.
int nEvent = 10000;
double eCM = 1000.;
// Superselection of scenarios: 0 = free, 1 = abelian, 2 = non-abelian.
int supersel = 0;
// Selection of scenarios. Based on classification in JHEP 04 (2011) 091.
// 1 = KMA; e+ e- -> Z' -> qv qvbar -> gammav.
// 2 = KMNA; e+ e- -> Z' -> qv qvbar -> piv, rhov.
// 3 = SMA; e+ e- -> gamma* -> Ev Evbar -> e+ e- qv qvbar -> gammav.
// 4 = SMNA; e+ e- -> gamma* -> Ev Evbar -> e+ e- qv qvbar -> piv, rhov.
// 5 = KMA; e+ e- -> gamma* -> qv qvbar -> gammav.
// 6 = KMNA; e+ e- -> gamma* -> qv qvbar -> piv, rhov.
int scenario = 4;
// Key mass choices: Ev, qv, gammav = piv.
// Note: if NA then mqv = mgampiv/2 is forced, i.e. mqv ignored.
double mEv = 250.;
double mqv = 50.;
double mgampiv = 10.0;
// Number of qv replicas in NA models. Production rhov/(piv + rhov).
int nFlav = 4;
double probVec = 0.75;
// Coupling strength alpha in showers. (Here frozen; can be made running.)
int alphaHVorder = 0;
double alphaHV = 0.2;
// a and b (scaled) parameter in fragmentation function.
double aLund = 0.68; // default 0.68; larger means more particles
double bLund = 0.98; // default 0.98: larger means fewer particles
double sigmaLund = 0.335; // default 0.335; larger means broader pT
// Allow or not ISR of photons off incoming e+e-
bool allowISR = true;
// Max angle for beam pipe. Used to remove much ISR.
double theBeam = 0.050;
// Isolation cone for leptons: require no charged inside it,
// and at most given fraction neutral energy.
double theIsol = 0.10;
double fracIsol = 0.20;
// Superselection overwrites above values.
// Abelian (A) scenario.
if (supersel == 1) {
scenario = 1;
mqv = 20.;
mgampiv = 10.;
alphaHV = 0.3;
// Non-Abelian (NA) scenario.
if (supersel == 2) {
scenario = 2;
mqv = 5.;
mgampiv = 10.;
alphaHV = 0.15;
nFlav = 4;
// Example of (unrealistic?) changed fragmentation parameters.
aLund = 0.12;
bLund = 2.0;
sigmaLund = 0.35;
// Rescale b and sigma, based on ratio m(rho_HV) / m(rho_QCD).
double rescale = mgampiv / 0.775;
bLund /= pow2(rescale);
sigmaLund *= rescale;
// Generator. Shorthand for event.
Pythia pythia;
Event& event = pythia.event;
// Set up specifics of each scenario.
// KMA scenario.
if (scenario == 1) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:Ngauge = 1");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinqv = 0");
// f fbar -> Zv -> qv qvbar.
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:ffbar2Zv = on");
pythia.readString("4900023:onMode = off");
pythia.readString("4900023:onIfAny = 4900101");
// KMNA scenario.
} else if (scenario == 2) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:Ngauge = 3");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinFv = 2");
// f fbar -> Zv -> qv qvbar.
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:ffbar2Zv = on");
pythia.readString("4900023:onMode = off");
pythia.readString("4900023:onIfAny = 4900101");
// SMA scenario.
} else if (scenario == 3) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:Ngauge = 1");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinFv = 1");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinqv = 0");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:kappa = 1.");
// f fbar -> Fv Fvbar -> f qv fbar qvbar
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:ffbar2EvEvbar = on");
// SMNA scenario.
} else if (scenario == 4) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:Ngauge = 3");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinFv = 1");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinqv = 0");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:kappa = 1.");
// f fbar -> Fv Fvbar -> f qv fbar qvbar
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:ffbar2EvEvbar = on");
// KMA scenario, with Ev masking as qv.
} else if (scenario == 5) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:Ngauge = 1");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinFv = 1");
// f fbar -> gamma/Z -> qv qvbar.
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:doKinMix = on");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:ffbar2EvEvbar = on");
// KMNA scenario, with Ev masking as qv.
} else if (scenario == 6) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:Ngauge = 3");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:spinFv = 1");
// f fbar -> gamma/Z -> qv qvbar.
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:doKinMix = on");
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:ffbar2EvEvbar = on");
// For NA allow HV-fragmentation, with/without off-diagonal mesons.
if (scenario%2 == 0) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:fragment = on");
pythia.settings.mode("HiddenValley:nFlav", nFlav);
pythia.settings.parm("HiddenValley:probVector", probVec);
if (supersel == 2) {
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:setabsigma = 2");
pythia.settings.parm("HiddenValley:aLund", aLund);
pythia.settings.parm("HiddenValley:bLund", bLund);
pythia.settings.parm("HiddenValley:sigmaLund", sigmaLund);
// Set up common (or not used) parameters. Initialize generator.
// In non-Abelian scenarios force m_qv = m_piv/2 = m_rhov/2.
if (scenario%2 == 0) mqv = 0.5 * mgampiv;
// Set Ev, qv, gamma_v, piv, rhov masses.
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900011, mEv );
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900101, mqv );
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900022, mgampiv );
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900111, mgampiv );
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900113, mgampiv );
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900211, mgampiv );
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900213, mgampiv );
// In scenarios 5 and 6 Ev masks for qv.
if (scenario == 5 || scenario == 6) {
pythia.particleData.m0( 4900011, mqv );
pythia.particleData.mWidth( 4900011, 0. );
pythia.readString("4900011:mayDecay = false");
pythia.readString("4900011:chargeType = 0");
pythia.readString("4900011:isVisible = false");
// In scenario 3 and 4 set mEv min
if (scenario == 3 || scenario == 4) {
pythia.particleData.mMin( 4900011, 0.1*mEv );
// Set gamma_v/pi_v/rho_v decay on, except channels close to threshold.
pythia.readString("4900022:mayDecay = true");
pythia.readString("4900022:onMode = on");
pythia.readString("4900111:onMode = on");
pythia.readString("4900113:onMode = on");
if (mgampiv < 11.0) {
pythia.readString("4900022:offIfAny = 5");
pythia.readString("4900111:offIfAny = 5");
pythia.readString("4900113:offIfAny = 5");
if (mgampiv < 4.0) {
pythia.readString("4900022:offIfAny = 4");
pythia.readString("4900111:offIfAny = 4");
pythia.readString("4900113:offIfAny = 4");
if (mgampiv < 3.6) {
pythia.readString("4900022:offIfAny = 15");
pythia.readString("4900111:offIfAny = 15");
pythia.readString("4900113:offIfAny = 15");
// Valley shower parameters.
pythia.readString("HiddenValley:FSR = on");
pythia.settings.mode("HiddenValley:alphaOrder", alphaHVorder);
pythia.settings.parm("HiddenValley:alphaFSR", alphaHV);
pythia.settings.parm("HiddenValley:pTminFSR", max(0.5, 0.1 * mgampiv));
// Switch off the photons from ISR (from the PDF).
pythia.settings.flag("PDF:lepton", allowISR);
// Initialization for e+e- at selected CM energy.
pythia.readString("Beams:idA = -11");
pythia.readString("Beams:idB = 11");
pythia.settings.parm("Beams:eCM", eCM);
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Histograms. Initialize event analysis.
// Basic plots.
Hist nBackH("number of decays back into SM", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
Hist nNonDH("number of non-diagonal mesons", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
Hist eBackH("total energy radiated back", 100, 0., eCM);
Hist eSpBackH("energy spectrum of decays back", 100, 0., 0.5 * eCM);
Hist theBackH("theta angle between decays back", 100, 0., M_PI);
Hist theBackFH("theta angle between decays back, fast", 100, 0., M_PI);
Hist theBackSH("theta angle between decays back, slow", 100, 0., M_PI);
Hist pTmissH("missing pT", 100, 0., 0.5 * eCM);
Hist eISRH("total energy in ISR photons", 100, 0., eCM);
Hist mISRH("reduced mass after ISR photons", 100, 0., eCM);
Hist nChargedH("charged multiplicity in detector", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
// Lepton spectra.
Hist eLeptonH("lepton energy spectum", 100, 0., 0.5 * eCM);
Hist isolLeptonH("isolated lepton fraction (E)", 100, 0., 0.5 * eCM);
Hist neLeptonH("neutral energy fraction to lepton", 100, 0., 1.0);
Hist eelimLeptonH("eliminated lepton energy spectum", 100, 0., 0.5 * eCM);
Hist ekeptLeptonH("kept lepton energy spectum", 100, 0., 0.5 * eCM);
Hist mLeptonPairH("kept lepton pair mass spectrum", 100, 0., 2.5 * mgampiv);
// Hadron and lepton spectra.
Hist mHadH("invariant mass of non-leptons", 100, 0., 2.5 * mgampiv);
Hist mAllLowH("invariant mass of all, low range", 100, 0., 2.5 * mgampiv);
Hist mAllHighH("invariant mass of all, full range", 100, 0., eCM);
// Jets with Jade algorithm.
Hist nJetH("number of jets", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
Hist mJetH("mass distribution of jets", 100, 0., 5. * mgampiv);
Hist cosTheBeamAllH("cosTheta to beam, all jets", 100, 0., 1.);
Hist cosTheBeamMassH("cosTheta to beam, massive jets", 100, 0., 1.);
Hist thetaPairAllH("theta of jet pair, all jets", 100, 0., M_PI);
Hist thetaPairMassH("theta of jet pair, massive jets", 100, 0., M_PI);
Hist cosThePairAllH("cosTheta of jet pair, all jets", 100, -1., 1.);
Hist cosThePairMassH("cosTheta of jet pair, massive jets", 100, -1., 1.);
// Linearized sphericity and thrust.
Hist spheriAllH("sphericity almost all events", 100, 0., 1.);
Hist spheriMassH("sphericity massive events", 100, 0., 1.);
Hist thrustAllH("thrust almost all events", 100, 0.5, 1.);
Hist thrustMassH("thrust massive events", 100, 0.5, 1.);
// Shorthand for some HV codes.
int gammav = 4900022;
int piv = 4900111;
int rhov = 4900113;
int pivND = 4900211;
int rhovND = 4900213;
// Derived quantities for analysis.
double cosTheBeam = cos(theBeam);
double cosTheIsol = cos(theIsol);
// Set up linearized Sphericity and Thrust.
Sphericity sph(1.);
Thrust thr;
// Set up Jade jet finding and use m_{gamma_v/pi_v/rho_v} as scale.
// Note: easy to switch to Durham instead.
ClusterJet jade("Jade");
double mJade = mgampiv;
double mJetMin = 0.5 * mgampiv;
// Begin event generation loop.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
// Generate events.
if (! continue;
// First analysis of event, searching for gammav/piv/rhov.
int nBack = 0;
double eBack = 0.;
vector<int> iBack;
int nNonD = 0;
Vec4 pSumVis = 0.;
Vec4 pISR = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i) {
int id = event[i].id();
bool isgampirho = (id == gammav || id == piv || id == rhov);
bool noCopyBelow = (event[i].isFinal()
|| (event[i].daughter1() != event[i].daughter2()));
// Histogram gammav/piv/rhov. Sum energy in ISR photons.
if (isgampirho && noCopyBelow) {
double eNow = event[i].e();
eBack += eNow;
eSpBackH.fill( eNow);
if (abs(id) == pivND || abs(id) == rhovND) ++nNonD;
if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].isVisible())
pSumVis += event[i].p();
if (id == 22 && (event[i].status() == 43 || event[i].status() == 44
|| event[i].status() == 62 || event[i].status() == 63))
pISR += event[i].p();
// End of particle loop. Histogram properties.
nBackH.fill( nBack);
eBackH.fill( eBack);
nNonDH.fill( nNonD);
double eSep = 5. * mgampiv;
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < nBack; ++j1)
for (int j2 = j1 + 1; j2 < nBack; ++j2) {
Vec4 p1 = event[iBack[j1]].p();
Vec4 p2 = event[iBack[j2]].p();
double the12 = theta( p1, p2);
theBackH.fill( the12 );
if (p1.e() > eSep && p2.e() > eSep) theBackFH.fill( the12 );
if (p1.e() < eSep && p2.e() < eSep) theBackSH.fill( the12 );
pTmissH.fill( pSumVis.pT());
eISRH.fill( pISR.e());
mISRH.fill( (Vec4( 0., 0., 0., eCM) - pISR).mCalc() );
// Remove particles near beampipe.
double cosTheNow;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i) if (event[i].isFinal()) {
cosTheNow = abs(event[i].pz()) / max(PABSMIN, event[i].pAbs());
if (cosTheNow > cosTheBeam) event[i].statusNeg();
// Charged multiplicity in detector.
int nCharged = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].isCharged()) ++nCharged;
nChargedH.fill( nCharged);
// Find all final leptons (e+-, mu+-) in an event.
vector<int> iLepton;
vector<bool> isIsol;
vector<bool> isKept;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i) if ( event[i].isFinal()
&& (event[i].idAbs() == 11 || event[i].idAbs() == 13) ) {
// Number of charged and neutral particles in cone around each.
int nChIsol = 0;
vector<int> iNeutral;
double eLepton = event[i].e();
double eIsol = 0.;
for (int j = 0; j < event.size(); ++j)
if (j != i && event[j].isFinal() && event[i].pAbs2() != 0
&& event[j].pAbs2() != 0
&& costheta( event[i].p(), event[j].p() ) > cosTheIsol) {
if (event[j].isCharged()) ++nChIsol;
else {
eIsol += event[j].e();
// Lepton isolated or not; for isolated resum any photons.
bool isIsolNow = (nChIsol == 0 && eIsol < fracIsol * eLepton);
isIsol.push_back( isIsolNow);
if (isIsolNow)
for (int j = 0; j < int(iNeutral.size()); ++j) {
event[i].p() += event[iNeutral[j]].p();
// Histogram lepton properties.
eLeptonH.fill( eLepton);
if (isIsolNow) isolLeptonH.fill( eLepton);
neLeptonH.fill( eIsol / eLepton);
// For SM scenarios search out highest-energy e+ and e-.
if (scenario == 3 || scenario == 4) {
int iEpos = 0;
int iEneg = 0;
int jEpos = 0;
int jEneg = 0;
double eEpos = 0.;
double eEneg = 0.;
for (int j = 0; j < int(iLepton.size()); ++j) {
int i = iLepton[j];
if (event[i].id() == -11 && event[i].e() > eEpos) {
iEpos = i;
jEpos = j;
eEpos = event[i].e();
if (event[i].id() == 11 && event[i].e() > eEneg) {
iEneg = i;
jEneg = j;
eEneg = event[i].e();
// Eliminate them from the event record and mark in lepton list.
if (iEpos > 0) {
isKept[jEpos] = false;
eelimLeptonH.fill( eEpos);
if (iEneg > 0) {
isKept[jEneg] = false;
eelimLeptonH.fill( eEneg);
// Energy of remaining leptons and mass spectrum of pairs.
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < int(iLepton.size()); ++j1) if (isKept[j1]) {
int i1 = iLepton[j1];
ekeptLeptonH.fill( event[i1].e() );
for (int j2 = j1 + 1; j2 < int(iLepton.size()); ++j2) if (isKept[j2]) {
int i2 = iLepton[j2];
if (event[i1].id() + event[i2].id() == 0) {
double mPair = (event[i1].p() + event[i2].p()).mCalc();
mLeptonPairH.fill( mPair );
// Momentum sum of all visible and of non-leptons.
Vec4 pSumHad, pSumAll;
int nSumHad = 0;
int nSumAll = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].isVisible()) {
pSumAll += event[i].p();
if (event[i].idAbs() != 11 && event[i].idAbs() != 13) {
pSumHad += event[i].p();
double mSumAll = pSumAll.mCalc();
if (nSumHad > 0) mHadH.fill( pSumHad.mCalc() );
if (nSumAll > 0) mAllLowH.fill( mSumAll );
if (nSumAll > 0) mAllHighH.fill( mSumAll );
// Cluster jets and study angles to beam axis and between jets.
double mJ, mK, costheBeam, thetaPair, cosThePair;
if ( mSumAll > mJetMin && jade.analyze(event, 0., mJade, 1, 0) ) {
nJetH.fill( jade.size());
for (int j = 0; j < jade.size(); ++j) {
mJ = jade.p(j).mCalc();
mJetH.fill( mJ);
costheBeam = abs( jade.p(j).pz()) / max(PABSMIN, jade.p(j).pAbs());
cosTheBeamAllH.fill( costheBeam);
if (mJ > mJetMin) cosTheBeamMassH.fill( costheBeam);
for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
mK = jade.p(k).mCalc();
thetaPair = theta( jade.p(j), jade.p(k));
cosThePair = cos(thetaPair);
thetaPairAllH.fill( thetaPair);
if (mJ > mJetMin && mK > mJetMin) thetaPairMassH.fill( thetaPair);
cosThePairAllH.fill( cosThePair);
if (mJ > mJetMin && mK > mJetMin) cosThePairMassH.fill( cosThePair);
// Linearized Sphericity and Thrust analysis.
if ( mSumAll > mJetMin) {
// Bost to rest frame of system and check it worked.
event.bst( -pSumAll.px()/pSumAll.e(),,
-pSumAll.pz()/pSumAll.e() );
Vec4 pSumCheck;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].isVisible())
pSumCheck += event[i].p();
if (pSumCheck.pAbs() > 0.1) cout << " Error: failed boost to rest "
<< pSumCheck;
// Linearized sphericity.
if (sph.analyze( event)) {
spheriAllH.fill( sph.sphericity());
if (mSumAll > 2. * mgampiv) spheriMassH.fill( sph.sphericity());
// Thrust.
if (thr.analyze( event)) {
thrustAllH.fill( thr.thrust());
if (mSumAll > 2. * mgampiv) thrustMassH.fill( thr.thrust());
// End of event loop.
// Statistics. Histograms.
isolLeptonH /= eLeptonH;
cout << nNonDH << nBackH << eBackH << eSpBackH << theBackH << theBackFH
<< theBackSH << pTmissH << eISRH << mISRH << nChargedH
<< eLeptonH << isolLeptonH << neLeptonH << eelimLeptonH
<< ekeptLeptonH << mLeptonPairH << mHadH << mAllLowH
<< mAllHighH << nJetH << mJetH << cosTheBeamAllH
<< cosTheBeamMassH << thetaPairAllH << thetaPairMassH
<< cosThePairAllH << cosThePairMassH << spheriAllH
<< spheriMassH << thrustAllH << thrustMassH;
// Done.
return 0;