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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Torbjorn Sjostrand
// Keywords:
// Switch beam
// Switch collision energy
// reuse MPI initialization
// arXiv:2108.03481 [hep‑ph]
// Test that events behave as intended when incoming beam is switched
// within one Pythia instance, and also that intermediate storage of
// MPI data works. Check execution time slowdown from switching.
// Specifically, compare three scenarios:
// Fixed: each of the ten beams are handled separately, with no variation.
// Switch: initialize "all" beams, switch beam for each new event.
// Reuse: reuse initialization above, switch beam and energy for each event.
// Warning: the runtime is rather long (~15 minutes), since it involves
// the initialization of and looping over multiple incoming beam types.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
#include <time.h>
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Number of test events per beam configuration (iType).
int nEvent = 10000;
// List of alternating incoming hadrons.
vector<int> idAtype = { 2212, 213, 323, 2224, 331, 421, -421, 3212,
3334, 4214};
// Histograms.
Hist typefixed[10], typeswitch[10], typereuse[10],
nMPIfixed[10], nMPIswitch[10], nMPIreuse[10],
nchgfixed[10], nchgswitch[10], nchgreuse[10];
for (int iType = 0; iType < 10;++iType) {
typefixed[iType].book( "event type, fixed ", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
typeswitch[iType].book("event type, switch ", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
typereuse[iType].book( "event type, reuse ", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
nMPIfixed[iType].book( "number of MPIs, fixed ", 40, -0.5, 39.5);
nMPIswitch[iType].book("number of MPIs, switch ", 40, -0.5, 39.5);
nMPIreuse[iType].book( "number of MPIs, reuse ", 40, -0.5, 39.5);
nchgfixed[iType].book( "charged multiplicity, fixed ", 100, -0.5, 399.5);
nchgswitch[iType].book("charged multiplicity, switch ", 100, -0.5, 399.5);
nchgreuse[iType].book( "charged multiplicity, reuse ", 100, -0.5, 399.5);
// Timing info.
clock_t tstart, tstop, tFixedInit, tFixedRun, tSwitchInit, tSwitchRun,
tReuseInit, tReuseRun;
tFixedInit = tFixedRun = 0;
tstart = clock();
// First case: fixed. ------------------------------------------------
// Do each incoming beam particle separately, without any switching.
for (int iType = 0; iType < 10; ++iType) {
// Object with fixed beam hadron. (New for each idA value.)
Pythia pythiaFixed;
// Fixed incoming beam type (and energy).
pythiaFixed.settings.mode("Beams:idA", idAtype[iType]);
pythiaFixed.readString("Beams:eCM = 8000.");
// SoftQCD processes to compare with above.
pythiaFixed.readString("SoftQCD:all = on");
// Reduce output.
pythiaFixed.readString("Print:quiet = on");
// Initialize.
if (!pythiaFixed.init()) {
cout << "pythiaFixed failed to initialize." << endl;
return -2;
// Timing.
tstop = clock();
tFixedInit += tstop - tstart;
tstart = tstop;
// Generate test events.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {;
// Fill histograms.
typefixed[iType].fill( - 100);
nMPIfixed[iType].fill( );
nchgfixed[iType].fill( pythiaFixed.event.nFinal(true) );
// Timing. End of beam particle loop.
tstop = clock();
tFixedRun += tstop - tstart;
tstart = tstop;
// Second case: switch. ------------------------------------------------
// Object which allows switching ids, creating a new MPI init file.
Pythia pythiaSwitch;
// Variable incoming beam type (and energy).
pythiaSwitch.readString("Beams:allowVariableEnergy = on");
pythiaSwitch.readString("Beams:allowIDAswitch = on");
pythiaSwitch.readString("Beams:eCM = 8000.");
// Must use SoftQCD processes. Save MPI initialization results.
pythiaSwitch.readString("SoftQCD:all = on");
pythiaSwitch.readString("MultipartonInteractions:reuseInit = 1");
pythiaSwitch.readString("MultipartonInteractions:initFile = main482.mpi");
// Reduce output and reset statistics after each subrun.
pythiaSwitch.readString("Print:quiet = on");
// Initialize.
if (!pythiaSwitch.init()) {
cout << "pythiaSwitch failed to initialize." << endl;
return -1;
// Timing.
tstop = clock();
tSwitchInit = tstop - tstart;
tstart = tstop;
// Generate events, switching incoming particle, but same energy.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < 10 * nEvent; ++iEvent) {
int iType = iEvent%10;
// Fill histograms.
typeswitch[iType].fill( - 100);
nMPIswitch[iType].fill( );
nchgswitch[iType].fill( pythiaSwitch.event.nFinal(true) );
// Timing.
tstop = clock();
tSwitchRun = tstop - tstart;
tstart = tstop;
// Third case: reuse. ------------------------------------------------
// Object which allows switching ids, reading an existing MPI init file.
Pythia pythiaReuse;
// Variable incoming beam type (and energy).
pythiaReuse.readString("Beams:allowVariableEnergy = on");
pythiaReuse.readString("Beams:allowIDAswitch = on");
pythiaReuse.readString("Beams:eCM = 8000.");
// Must use SoftQCD processes. Read MPI initialization results from above.
pythiaReuse.readString("SoftQCD:all = on");
pythiaReuse.readString("MultipartonInteractions:reuseInit = 2");
pythiaReuse.readString("MultipartonInteractions:initFile = main482.mpi");
// Reduce output and reset statistics after each subrun.
pythiaReuse.readString("Print:quiet = on");
// Initialize.
if (!pythiaReuse.init()) {
cout << "pythiaReuse failed to initialize." << endl;
return -1;
// Timing.
tstop = clock();
tReuseInit = tstop - tstart;
tstart = tstop;
// Generate events, switching incoming particle and energy.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < 10 * nEvent; ++iEvent) {
int iType = iEvent%10;
double eCMnow = 7990 + 10. * pythiaReuse.rndm.flat();
// Fill histograms.
typereuse[iType].fill( - 100);
nMPIreuse[iType].fill( );
nchgreuse[iType].fill( pythiaReuse.event.nFinal(true) );
// Timing.
tstop = clock();
tReuseRun = tstop - tstart;
// Output processing. ------------------------------------------------
// Print timing info (in seconds).
double conv = 1. / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(3)
<< " initialization time, fixed " << setw(8)
<< conv * tFixedInit << " s" << endl
<< " initialization time, switch " << setw(8)
<< conv * tSwitchInit << " s" << endl
<< " initialization time, reuse " << setw(8)
<< conv * tReuseInit << " s" << endl
<< " generation time, fixed " << setw(8)
<< conv * tFixedRun << " s" << endl
<< " generation time, switch " << setw(8)
<< conv * tSwitchRun << " s" << endl
<< " generation time, reuse " << setw(8)
<< conv * tReuseRun << " s" << endl;
// Plotting object. Names of incoming beam hadrons.
HistPlot hpl("plot482");
vector<string> idAname = { "p", "$\\rho^+$", "K$^{*+}$", "$\\Delta^{++}$",
"$\\eta^{\\mathrm{prime}}$", "D$^0$", "$\\overline{\\mathrm{D}}^0$",
"$\\Sigma^0$", "$\\Omega^-$", "$\\Lambda_{\\mathrm{c}}^+$" };
// Normalize histograms, one beam hadron at a time.
for (int iType = 0; iType < 10; ++iType) {
typefixed[iType] /= nEvent;
typeswitch[iType] /= nEvent;
typereuse[iType] /= nEvent;
nMPIfixed[iType] /= nEvent;
nMPIswitch[iType] /= nEvent;
nMPIreuse[iType] /= nEvent;
nchgfixed[iType] /= 4 * nEvent;
nchgswitch[iType] /= 4 * nEvent;
nchgreuse[iType] /= 4 * nEvent;
// Plot histograms.
string label0 = idAname[iType] + "p event type (ND/EL/SD(XB)/SD(AX)/DD)";
string label1 = idAname[iType] + "p number of MPIs";
string label2 = idAname[iType] + "p charged multiplicity";
hpl.frame( "fig482", label0, "type - 100", "Probability");
hpl.add( typefixed[iType], "h,black", "fixed beam");
hpl.add( typeswitch[iType], "h,red", "switch beam");
hpl.add( typereuse[iType], "h,blue", "reuse beam");
hpl.frame( "fig482", label1, "$n_{\\mathrm{MPI}}$", "Probability");
hpl.add( nMPIfixed[iType], "h,black", "fixed beam");
hpl.add( nMPIswitch[iType], "h,red", "switch beam");
hpl.add( nMPIreuse[iType], "h,blue", "reuse beam");
hpl.frame( "fig482", label2, "$n_{\\mathrm{ch}}$", "Probability");
hpl.add( nchgfixed[iType], "h,black", "fixed beam");
hpl.add( nchgswitch[iType], "h,red", "switch beam");
hpl.add( nchgreuse[iType], "h,blue", "reuse beam");
return 0;