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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Marius Utheim
// Keywords:
// Rescattering
// Low energy
// Cross sections
// Resonances
// Calculate and plot resonance cross sections for the specified process.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
#include "Pythia8Plugins/InputParser.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Set up command line options.
InputParser ip("Calculate resonance cross section for specified process.",
{"./main465 -a 2212 -b 2212"});
ip.add("a", "0", "ID for beam A.", {"-ida"});
ip.add("b", "0", "ID for beam B.", {"-idb"});
ip.add("n", "300", "Number of bins.", {"-nbins"});
// Initialize the parser and exit if necessary.
InputParser::Status status = ip.init(argc, argv);
if (status != InputParser::Valid) return status;
// Initialize Pythia.
Pythia pythia;
if (!pythia.init()) {
cout << " Pythia failed to initialize." << endl;
return 1;
int idA = ip.get<int>("a");
int idB = ip.get<int>("b");
if (idA == 0) idA = pythia.mode("Main:spareMode1");
if (idB == 0) idB = pythia.mode("Main:spareMode2");
double eMin = pythia.parm("Main:spareParm1");
double eMax = pythia.parm("Main:spareParm2");
if (eMin < pythia.particleData.m0(idA) + pythia.particleData.m0(idB)) {
eMin = pythia.particleData.m0(idA) + pythia.particleData.m0(idB);
cout << "Warning, setting eMin to nominal mass sum of " << eMin << ".\n";
int nBin = ip.get<int>("n");
// Get possible resonances.
set<int> resonances = pythia.hadronWidths.getResonances(idA, idB);
if (resonances.size() == 0) {
cout << "No resonances for input particles " << idA << " " << idB << endl;
return -1;
// Define plot.
HistPlot plt("plot465");
plt.frame("fig465", "", "$\\sqrt{s}$ [GeV]", "$\\sigma$ [mb]");
// Plot all resonances.
for (int res : resonances) {
Hist sigRes = Hist::plotFunc( [&](double eCM) {
return pythia.getSigmaPartial(idA, idB, eCM, res);
},, nBin, eMin, eMax);
plt.add(sigRes, "-");
// Add total and miscellaneous cross sections at the end.
Hist sigTot = Hist::plotFunc(
[&](double eCM) {
// type == 0 is equivalent to getSigmaTotal.
return pythia.getSigmaPartial(idA, idB, eCM, 0); },
"Total", nBin, eMin, eMax);
Hist sigTotRes = Hist::plotFunc(
[&](double eCM) { return pythia.getSigmaPartial(idA, idB, eCM, 9); },
"Sum of resonances", nBin, eMin, eMax);
Hist sigOther = sigTot - sigTotRes;
plt.add(sigTotRes, "-");
plt.add(sigOther, "-", "Other");
plt.add(sigTot, "k-");
// Plot.
// Done.
return 0;