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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Torbjorn Sjostrand
// Keywords:
// Rescattering
// Low energy
// Multiplicities
// Compare charged multiplicity energy dependence in various treatments,
// specifically the simplified one used for low-energy collisions in
// rescattering with the full-fledged standard based on an MPI framework.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Number of events per energy point.
int nEvent = 10000;
// All subprocesses (0), nondiffractive (1) or single diffractive (2).
int pick = 1;
// Histograms.
Hist multCh0("n_charged(e_CM), simple", 32, 1., 10000., true);
Hist multCh1("n_charged(e_CM), interpolate", 32, 1., 10000., true);
Hist multCh2("n_charged(e_CM), full MPI", 32, 1., 10000., true);
// Loop over the three scenarios at fifteen energies.
for (int ic = 0; ic < 3; ++ic) {
// First scenario: low-energy handling as in rescattering.
// Second scenario: variable-energy interpolating description.
if (ic < 2) {
// Create Pythia instance and set it up.
Pythia pythia;
Event& event = pythia.event;
pythia.readString("Beams:allowVariableEnergy = on");
pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 10000.");
// A raised eMinPert recovers the simple framework below new value.
if (ic == 0) pythia.readString("Beams:eMinPert = 9900.");
// Switch on all processes, nondiffractive or single diffractive.
if (pick == 0) {
pythia.readString("LowEnergyQCD:all = on");
pythia.readString("SoftQCD:all = on");
} else if (pick == 1) {
pythia.readString("LowEnergyQCD:nonDiffractive = on");
pythia.readString("SoftQCD:nonDiffractive = on");
} else {
pythia.readString("LowEnergyQCD:singleDiffractiveXB = on");
pythia.readString("LowEnergyQCD:singleDiffractiveAX = on");
pythia.readString("SoftQCD:singleDiffractive = on");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Iterate over thirty energies.
for (int ie = 2; ie < 32; ++ie) {
double eCM = pow( 10., (ie + 0.5) / 8.);
// Generate events. Update charged multiplicity.
long nSuccess = 0;
long nCharged = 0;
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
if (! continue;
nCharged += event.nFinal(true);
if (nSuccess == 0);
else if (ic == 0) multCh0.fill(eCM, double(nCharged)/double(nSuccess));
else multCh1.fill(eCM, double(nCharged)/double(nSuccess));
// Third scenario: full generation energy by energy (only above 10 GeV).
} else {
for (int ie = 8; ie < 32; ++ie) {
double eCM = pow( 10., (ie + 0.5) / 8.);
// Create Pythia instance and set it up.
Pythia pythia;
Event& event = pythia.event;
if (pick == 0) pythia.readString("SoftQCD:all = on");
else if (pick == 1) pythia.readString("SoftQCD:nonDiffractive = on");
else pythia.readString("SoftQCD:singleDiffractive = on");
pythia.settings.parm("Beams:eCM", eCM);
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) {
cout << "Pythia failed to initialize at eCM [GeV] = " << eCM << endl;
return 1;
// Generate events. Update charged multiplicity.
long nSuccess = 0;
long nCharged = 0;
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
if (! continue;
nCharged += event.nFinal(true);
multCh2.fill( eCM, double(nCharged) / double(nSuccess) );
// Plot histograms.
cout << multCh0 << multCh1 << multCh2;
HistPlot hpl("plot461");
hpl.frame("fig461", "Rise of charged multiplicity with energy",
"eCM", "<n_charged>");
hpl.add( multCh0, "-", "low-energy model");
hpl.add( multCh1, "-", "interpolation");
hpl.add( multCh2, "-", "high-energy model");
// Done.
return 0;