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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Keywords:
// Thermal model
// Authors:
// Torbjörn Sjostrand
// Compare pT spectra and particle composition in thermal vs ordinary
// hadronization models, and also ina "straw man" alternative ("mT2").
// Note that the models are out-of-the-box, without any parameter tuning.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Number of events. Histograms in line printer mode or as pdf file.
int nEvent = 2000;
bool histAsPDF = true;
// Histogram multiplicities and pT spectra.
Hist nCh[3], pTpi[3], pTK[3], pTp[3];
for (int iModel = 0; iModel < 3; ++iModel) {
nCh[iModel].book("charged multiplicity", 100, 1., 401.);
pTpi[iModel].book("pT for pi+-", 100, 0., 5.);
pTK[iModel].book("pT for K+-", 100, 0., 5.);
pTp[iModel].book("pT for p/pbar", 100, 0., 5.);
// Tabulate particle composition.
string nameHad[18] = { "pi+-", "pi0", "K+-", "K0S,L", "eta,eta'", "rho+-",
"rho0,omega", "K*+-0", "phi0", "p(bar)", "n(bar)", "Lambda(bar)",
"Sigma(bar)", "Xi(bar)", "Delta(bar)", "Sigma*(bar)", "Xi*(bar)",
int rates[3][18] = {{0}};
// Loop over normal and thermal generation.
for (int iModel = 0; iModel < 3; ++iModel) {
// Generator. Common process selection. Reduce printout. pi0 stable.
Pythia pythia;
pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 8000.");
pythia.readString("SoftQCD:nonDiffractive = on");
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowInfo = 0");
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowProcess = 0");
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowEvent = 0");
pythia.readString("111:mayDecay = off");
// Model-specific setup. Initialization.
if (iModel == 1) pythia.readString("StringPT:thermalModel = on");
if (iModel == 2) pythia.readString("StringPT:mT2suppression = on");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Event shorthand.
Event& event = pythia.event;
// Begin event loop. Generate event. Skip if error.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
if (! continue;
// Find charged multiplicity and fill histograms.
int nCharged = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].isCharged()) ++nCharged;
nCh[iModel].fill( nCharged );
// Find pT spectra of some hadron species.
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i) if (event[i].isFinal()) {
int idAbs = event[i].idAbs();
double pT = event[i].pT();
if (idAbs == 211) pTpi[iModel].fill( pT);
if (idAbs == 321) pTK[iModel].fill( pT);
if (idAbs == 2212) pTp[iModel].fill( pT);
// Tabulate hadron composition, including unstable intermediaries,
// but excluding charm and bottom.
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i) {
int idAbs = event[i].idAbs();
if (idAbs == 211) ++rates[iModel][0];
else if (idAbs == 111) ++rates[iModel][1];
else if (idAbs == 321) ++rates[iModel][2];
else if (idAbs == 130 || idAbs == 310) ++rates[iModel][3];
else if (idAbs == 221 || idAbs == 331) ++rates[iModel][4];
else if (idAbs == 213) ++rates[iModel][5];
else if (idAbs == 113 || idAbs == 223) ++rates[iModel][6];
else if (idAbs == 313 || idAbs == 323) ++rates[iModel][7];
else if (idAbs == 333) ++rates[iModel][8];
else if (idAbs == 2212) ++rates[iModel][9];
else if (idAbs == 2112) ++rates[iModel][10];
else if (idAbs == 3122) ++rates[iModel][11];
else if (idAbs == 3112 || idAbs == 3212 || idAbs == 3222)
else if (idAbs == 3312 || idAbs == 3322) ++rates[iModel][13];
else if (idAbs == 1114 || idAbs == 2114 || idAbs == 2214
|| idAbs == 2224) ++rates[iModel][14];
else if (idAbs == 3114 || idAbs == 3214 || idAbs == 3224)
else if (idAbs == 3314 || idAbs == 3324) ++rates[iModel][16];
else if (idAbs == 3334) ++rates[iModel][17];
// End of event loop. Statistics. Normalize histograms.
nCh[iModel] *= 0.5 / double(nEvent);
pTpi[iModel] *= 20. / double(nEvent);
pTK[iModel] *= 20. / double(nEvent);
pTp[iModel] *= 20. / double(nEvent);
// End of model loop.
// Print historams.
if (!histAsPDF) {
for (int iModel = 0; iModel < 3; ++iModel) cout << nCh[iModel];
for (int iModel = 0; iModel < 3; ++iModel) cout << pTpi[iModel];
for (int iModel = 0; iModel < 3; ++iModel) cout << pTK[iModel];
for (int iModel = 0; iModel < 3; ++iModel) cout << pTp[iModel];
// Alternatively plot histograms.
} else {
HistPlot hpl("plot443");
hpl.frame("fig443", "charged multiplicity",
"$n_{\\mathrm{charged}}$", "Probability", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( nCh[0], "-,black", "default");
hpl.add( nCh[1], "-,red", "thermal");
hpl.add( nCh[2], "-,blue", "$m_{\\perp}^2$-suppressed");
hpl.frame("", "$\\pi^{\\pm}$ transverse momentum spectrum",
"$p_{\\perp}$", "$\\mathrm{d}n/\\mathrm{d}p_{\\perp}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( pTpi[0], "-,black", "default");
hpl.add( pTpi[1], "-,red", "thermal");
hpl.add( pTpi[2], "-,blue", "$m_{\\perp}^2$-suppressed");
hpl.frame("", "K$^{\\pm}$ transverse momentum spectrum",
"$p_{\\perp}$", "$\\mathrm{d}n/\\mathrm{d}p_{\\perp}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( pTK[0], "-,black", "default");
hpl.add( pTK[1], "-,red", "thermal");
hpl.add( pTK[2], "-,blue", "$m_{\\perp}^2$-suppressed");
hpl.frame("", "p,$\\overline{\\mathrm{p}}$ transverse momentum spectrum",
"$p_{\\perp}$", "$\\mathrm{d}n/\\mathrm{d}p_{\\perp}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( pTp[0], "-,black", "default");
hpl.add( pTp[1], "-,red", "thermal");
hpl.add( pTp[2], "-,blue", "$m_{\\perp}^2$-suppressed");
// Print table.
double norm = 1. / double(nEvent);
cout << "\n\n Particle composition per event, including unstable"
<< "\n Particle default thermal mT2-suppressed" << endl
<< fixed << setprecision(3);
for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) cout << setw(12) << nameHad[i]
<< setw(12) << norm * rates[0][i] << setw(12) << norm * rates[1][i]
<< setw(12) << norm * rates[2][i] << endl;
// Done.
return 0;