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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Keywords:
// Charm
// Fixed target
// Authors:
// Torbjörn Sjostrand
// This program shows how to calculate charm hadron asymmetries in
// fixed-target pi- p collisions, and compare results with data.
// The data are at different energies, but model is only for one.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Switch on the QCDCR model of Jesper&Peter.
bool qcdCR = false;
// Number of events. Number of cases. Ecm from fixed-target beam energy.
int nEvent = 100000;
int nc = 2;
double eBeam = 500.;
double eCM = sqrt(2.* eBeam * 0.938);
// Histograms.
double sigmaT[4];
Hist DnegxF[4], DposxF[4], DasymxF[4], cbarxF[4], cqrkxF[4], casymxF[4],
for (int ic = 0; ic < 3; ++ic) {
DnegxF[ic].book( "xF(D-) " , 64, -0.8, 0.8);
DposxF[ic].book( "xF(D+) " , 64, -0.8, 0.8);
DasymxF[ic].book("(D- - D+)/(D- + D+)(xF) ", 64, -0.8, 0.8);
cbarxF[ic].book( "xF(cbar)" , 64, -0.8, 0.8);
cqrkxF[ic].book( "xF(c)" , 64, -0.8, 0.8);
casymxF[ic].book("(cbar - c) / (cbar + c)" , 64, -0.8, 0.8);
corigxF[ic].book("cbar + c" , 64, -0.8, 0.8);
Hist zeroxF( "", 64, -0.8, 0.8);
// Loop over cases.
for (int ic = 0; ic < nc; ++ic) {
// Generator. Process selection.
Pythia pythia;
pythia.readString("Beams:idA = -211");
// Fixed target energy 500 GeV converted.
pythia.settings.parm("Beams:eCM", eCM);
if (ic == 0) pythia.readString("HardQCD:qqbar2ccbar = on");
else if (ic == 1) pythia.readString("HardQCD:gg2ccbar = on");
else pythia.readString("HardQCD:hardccbar = on");
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowProcess = 1");
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowEvent = 1");
pythia.readString("Next:numberCount = 100000");
// Alternative setup with Jesper&Peter's colour reconnection.
if (qcdCR) {
pythia.readString("ColourReconnection:mode = 1");
pythia.readString("BeamRemnants:remnantMode = 1");
// Simplify event generation.
pythia.readString("PartonLevel:MPI = off");
pythia.readString("PartonLevel:ISR = off");
pythia.readString("PartonLevel:FSR = off");
pythia.readString("111:mayDecay = off");
pythia.readString("BeamRemnants:primordialKTsoft = 0.5");
pythia.readString("BeamRemnants:primordialKThard = 0.5");
// PDF selection.
//pythia.readString("PDF:pSet = 1");
//pythia.readString("PDF:piSet = 1");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Event shorthand.
Event& event = pythia.event;
// Begin event loop. Generate event. Skip if error.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
if (! continue;
// Loop over particles in the event. Get basic properties.
for (int i = 1; i < event.size(); ++i) {
int idNow = event[i].id();
double xFnow = 2. * event[i].pz() / eCM;
// Original c quarks before selection.
if (abs(idNow) == 4 && event[event[i].daughter1()].statusAbs() > 80)
corigxF[ic].fill( xFnow);
// Analyze D+- hadrons. Trace back to mother c quark.
if (abs(idNow) == 411) {
int cType = (idNow == 411) ? 4 : -4;
if (cType == -4) DnegxF[ic].fill( xFnow);
else DposxF[ic].fill( xFnow);
int iMot1 = event[i].mother1();
int iMot2 = max(iMot1, event[i].mother2());
if (event[iMot1].statusAbs() > 80) {
int iUp = iMot1;
iMot1 = event[iUp].mother1();
iMot2 = max(iMot1, event[iUp].mother2());
int nWork = 0;
for (int iM = iMot1; iM <= iMot2; ++iM)
if (event[iM].id() == cType
|| (event[iM].id()/1000 == cType && (event[iM].id()/10)%10 == 0)) {
double xFmot = 2. * event[iM].pz() / eCM;
if (cType == -4) cbarxF[ic].fill( xFmot);
else cqrkxF[ic].fill( xFmot);
if (nWork != 1) {
cout << " Missed: i = " << i << " with iMot1 = " << iMot1
<< " and iMot2 = " << iMot2 << endl;
// End of loop over particles in event.
// End of event loop. Statistics. Histogram handling.
sigmaT[ic] =;
DnegxF[ic] *= 10. / nEvent;
DposxF[ic] *= 10. / nEvent;
DasymxF[ic] = (DnegxF[ic] - DposxF[ic]) / (DnegxF[ic] + DposxF[ic]);
cbarxF[ic] *= 10. / nEvent;
cqrkxF[ic] *= 10. / nEvent;
casymxF[ic] = (cbarxF[ic] - cqrkxF[ic]) / (cbarxF[ic] + cqrkxF[ic]);
corigxF[ic] *= 10. / nEvent;
cout << DnegxF[ic] << DposxF[ic] << DasymxF[ic]
<< cbarxF[ic] << cqrkxF[ic] << casymxF[ic] << corigxF[ic];
// End of collision type loop. Combined statistics.
sigmaT[2] = sigmaT[0] + sigmaT[1];
DnegxF[2] = ( sigmaT[0] * DnegxF[0] + sigmaT[1] * DnegxF[1] ) / sigmaT[2];
DposxF[2] = ( sigmaT[0] * DposxF[0] + sigmaT[1] * DposxF[1] ) / sigmaT[2];
DasymxF[2] = (DnegxF[2] - DposxF[2]) / (DnegxF[2] + DposxF[2]);
cbarxF[2] = ( sigmaT[0] * cbarxF[0] + sigmaT[1] * cbarxF[1] ) / sigmaT[2];
cqrkxF[2] = ( sigmaT[0] * cqrkxF[0] + sigmaT[1] * cqrkxF[1] ) / sigmaT[2];
casymxF[2] = (cbarxF[2] - cqrkxF[2]) / (cbarxF[2] + cqrkxF[2]);
corigxF[2] = ( sigmaT[0] * corigxF[0] + sigmaT[1] * corigxF[1] ) / sigmaT[2];
// Plot histograms.
HistPlot hpl("plot366");
hpl.frame("fig366", "$c + \\overline{c}$ production as function of $x_F$",
"$x_F$", "(1/$N$) d$N(c + \\overline{c})$/d$x_F$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( corigxF[0], "-,red", "$q\\overline{q} \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( corigxF[1], "-,blue", "$gg \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( corigxF[2], "-,black", "combined");
hpl.frame("", "$D^-$ production as function of $x_F$",
"$x_F$", "(1/$N$) d$N(D+)$/d$x_F$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( DnegxF[0], "-,red", "$q\\overline{q} \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( DnegxF[1], "-,blue", "$gg \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( DnegxF[2], "-,black", "combined");
hpl.add( cbarxF[0], "--,orange",
"$\\overline{c}$ in $q\\overline{q} \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( cbarxF[1], "--,cyan",
"$\\overline{c}$ in $gg \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( cbarxF[2], "--,grey", "combined");
hpl.frame("", "$D^+$ production as function of $x_F$",
"$x_F$", "(1/$N$) d$N(D^+)$/d$x_F$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( DposxF[0], "-,red", "$q\\overline{q} \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( DposxF[1], "-,blue", "$gg \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( DposxF[2], "-,black", "combined");
hpl.add( cqrkxF[0], "-,orange",
"$c$ in $q\\overline{q} \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( cqrkxF[1], "--,cyan",
"$c$ in $gg \\to c\\overline{c}$");
hpl.add( cqrkxF[2], "--,grey", "combined");
hpl.frame("", "Asymmetry $A(x_F) = (D^- - D^+)/(D^- + D^+)$",
"$x_F$", "A($x_F$)", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( DasymxF[0], "-,red",
"$q\\overline{q} \\to c\\overline{c}$ @ 500 GeV");
hpl.add( DasymxF[1], "-,blue", "$gg \\to c\\overline{c}$ @ 500 GeV");
hpl.add( DasymxF[2], "-,orange", "combined");
hpl.addFile( "", "x,black", "WA82 @ 340 GeV", "y");
hpl.addFile( "", "*,black", "E769 @ 250 GeV", "y");
hpl.addFile( "", "o,black", "E791 @ 500 GeV", "y");
hpl.add( zeroxF, "-,black");
hpl.plot( -0.8, 0.8, -1., 1.);
// Done.
return 0;