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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Philip Ilten
// Naomi Cooke
// Leif Lonnblad
// Steve Mrenna
// Keywords:
// Onia
// This calculates the inclusive branching fractions for the Standard Model
// Higgs into quarkonia using the LETO parton shower.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
// Single-particle gun. The particle must be a colour singlet.
void fillParticle(int id, Event& event, ParticleData& pdt, Rndm& rndm) {
// Reset event record to allow for new event.
// Select particle mass; where relevant according to Breit-Wigner.
double mm = pdt.mSel(id);
double ee = mm;
double pp = 0.;
// Angles as input or uniform in solid angle.
double cThe = 2. * rndm.flat() - 1.;
double sThe = sqrtpos(1. - cThe * cThe);
double phi = 2. * M_PI * rndm.flat();
// Store the particle in the event record.
event.append( id, 1, 0, 0, pp * sThe * cos(phi),
pp * sThe * sin(phi), pp * cThe, ee, mm);
// Print a table.
void printTable(ParticleData &pdt, string title, vector<int> states,
vector< pair<string, string> > labels,
map<string, map<int, int> > &counters, double scale = 1.,
double enhance = 1.) {
cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
<< title + "\n"
<< "----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << setw(7) << " " << setw(14) << left << " state" << right;
for (auto label : labels) cout << setw(10) << label.second;
cout << "\n";
for (int state : states) {
cout << setw(7) << state << setw(14) << left
<< " (" + + ")" << right;
for (auto label : labels) {
double scaleNow = label.first == "nFDH" ? scale : enhance*scale;
if (scale*enhance == 1) cout << fixed << setprecision(0);
else cout << scientific << setprecision(2);
cout << setw(10) << counters[label.first][state]/scaleNow;
cout << "\n";
int main() {
// Generator; shorthand for event and particleData.
Pythia pythia;
Event& event = pythia.event;
ParticleData& pdt = pythia.particleData;
// Configure Pythia and initialize.
pythia.readString("ProcessLevel:all = off");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Map of counters for onium production.
map<string, map<int, int> > counters = {
{"nShower", {}}, {"nOctet", {}}, {"nSinglet", {}}, {"nGluon", {}},
{"nQuark", {}}, {"nFDO", {}}, {"nFDH", {}}, {"nGG", {}}, {"nCC", {}},
{"nBB", {}}, {"nVV", {}}};
// Begin of event loop.
int nEvent = pythia.settings.mode("Main:numberOfEvents");
int nAcc = 0;
bool hasPrintedOnium = false;
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
// Set up single particle, with random direction in solid angle.
fillParticle(25, event, pdt, pythia.rndm);
// Generate events. Continue if failure.
if (! continue;
else nAcc++;
// Loop over the particles.
int nOnia = 0;
for (int iPrt = 0; iPrt < event.size(); ++iPrt) {
// Find the onium (only color singlet states).
Particle *oPrt = &event[iPrt];
ParticleDataEntry *oPDE = &oPrt->particleDataEntry();
if (!oPDE->isOnium() || oPDE->isOctetHadron()) continue;
// Find the mother and ignore onia from hadronization.
int oTop = oPrt->iTopCopyId();
if (event[oTop].mother2() != 0) continue;
Particle *mPrt = &event[event[oTop].mother1()];
ParticleDataEntry *mPDE = &mPrt->particleDataEntry();
// Consider first hadron as mother.
while (mPrt->mother1() > 0 && event[mPrt->mother1()].isHadron()) {
mPrt = &event[mPrt->mother1()];
mPDE = &mPrt->particleDataEntry();
// Fill the counters.
int oID(oPrt->idAbs());
if (!mPDE->isHadron()) nOnia++;
// Fill if octet or singlet.
if (mPDE->isOctetHadron()) counters["nOctet"][oID]++;
else if (!mPDE->isHadron()) counters["nSinglet"][oID]++;
// Fill the production mechanism.
if (mPDE->isGluon()) counters["nGluon"][oID]++;
else if (mPDE->isQuark()) counters["nQuark"][oID]++;
else if (mPDE->isOnium()) counters["nFDO"][oID]++;
else if (mPDE->isHadron()) counters["nFDH"][oID]++;
// Fill the Higgs branching; only consider shower production.
if (!mPDE->isHadron()) {
int pID(event[2].idAbs());
if (pID == 21) counters["nGG"][oID]++;
else if (pID == 4) counters["nCC"][oID]++;
else if (pID == 5) counters["nBB"][oID]++;
else if (pID == 23 || pID == 24) counters["nVV"][oID]++;
// Make a printout of first event that contains a shower onium.
if (!hasPrintedOnium) {
cout << "\nFirst event with an onium from shower (i = "
<< iPrt << ", id = " << oPrt->id() << "):"
<< " iEvent = " << iEvent << endl;
hasPrintedOnium = true;
if (nOnia > 1) cout << "WARNING: more than one onia found\n";
// End of event loop.
// Define counters and order of states to print.
vector<int> states = {
441, 443, 10441, 20443, 445, 551, 553, 100553, 200553, 10551, 20553, 555};
vector< pair<string, string> > labels = {
{"nFDO", "FD-onium"}, {"nFDH", "FD-hadron"}, {"nShower", "shower"},
{"nOctet", "octet"}, {"nSinglet", "singlet"}, {"nGluon", "g->X1"},
{"nQuark", "Q->X1"}, {"nGG", "H->gg"}, {"nCC", "H->gg"}, {"nBB", "H->bb"},
{"nVV", "H->VV"}};
// Print the tables.
printTable(pdt, "raw event counts", states, labels, counters);
printTable(pdt, "branching fractions", states, labels, counters, nAcc,
return 0;