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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Keywords:
// Forward physics
// Hadron production
// Authors:
// Torbjörn Sjostrand
// Study forward p production with diffraction + nondiffractive.
// Compare default, ditto without popcorn for remnant diquark, and
// the QCDCR model.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Number of events, beam energy and more.
int nEvent = 5000;
double eBeam = 3500.;
double etaForw = 10.76;
// Include single diffraction on the elastic side of the event or not.
bool includeSDel = false;
// Histograms.
int nSides[4] = { 0 };
Hist yp[4], xFp[4], pTp[4], yn[4], xFn[4], pTn[4], xFpDel[4], xFnDel[4],
xFpEta[4], xFnEta[4], pTpEta[4], pTnEta[4], ypi[4], xFpi[4], ygam[4],
xFgam[4], xFdi[4], xFpn[4], xFpi2[4], xFdiq[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
yp[i].book("y_proton", 100, 0., 10.);
xFp[i].book("xF_proton", 95, 0.05, 1.);
pTp[i].book("pT_proton, xF > 0.4", 100, 0., 2.);
yn[i].book("y_neutron", 100, 0., 10.);
xFn[i].book("xF_neutron", 95, 0.05, 1.);
pTn[i].book("pT_neutron, xF > 0.4", 100, 0., 2.);
xFpDel[i].book("xF_proton Delta", 100, 0., 1.);
xFnDel[i].book("xF_neutron Delta", 100, 0., 1.);
xFpEta[i].book("xF_proton, eta > 10.76", 100, 0., 1.);
xFnEta[i].book("xF_neutron eta > 10.76", 100, 0., 1.);
pTpEta[i].book("pT_proton, eta > 10.76", 100, 0., 2.);
pTnEta[i].book("pT_neutron eta > 10.76", 100, 0., 2.);
ypi[i].book("y_pi+-", 100, 0., 10.);
xFpi[i].book("xF_pi+-", 95, 0.05, 1.);
ygam[i].book("y_gamma", 100, 0., 10.);
xFgam[i].book("xF_gamma", 95, 0.05, 1.);
xFdi[i].book("xF_diquark", 95, 0.05, 1.);
xFpn[i].book("xF_proton+neutron", 90, 0.1, 1.);
xFpi2[i].book("xF_pi+-", 90, 0.1, 1.);
xFdiq[i].book("xF_diquark", 100, 0., 1.);
// Loop over cases
for (int colType = 0; colType < 3; ++colType) {
// Generator. Process selection.
Pythia pythia;
pythia.settings.parm("Beams:eCM", 2. * eBeam);
pythia.readString("SoftQCD:inelastic = on");
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowProcess = 2");
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowEvent = 0");
pythia.readString(" Next:numberCount = 100000");
// Options with no remnant popcorn and QCDCR.
if (colType == 1) {
pythia.readString("BeamRemnants:dampPopcorn = 0.0");
} else if (colType == 2) {
pythia.readString("ColourReconnection:mode = 1");
pythia.readString("BeamRemnants:remnantMode = 1");
// Map of remnant constituents.
map<int, int> remnantTypes;
// Reuse MPI initialization.
pythia.readString("MultipartonInteractions:reuseInit = 3");
pythia.readString("MultipartonInteractions:initFile = main327.mpi");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Event shorthand.
Event& event = pythia.event;
// Begin event loop. Generate event. Skip if error.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
if (! continue;
// Classify whether both sides should be bookkept.
int procCode =;
bool doPos = includeSDel || (procCode != 104);
bool doNeg = includeSDel || (procCode != 103);
if (doPos) ++nSides[colType];
if (doNeg) ++nSides[colType];
// Loop over particles in the event. Get basic properties.
for (int i = 1; i < event.size(); ++i) {
bool isPos = (event[i].pz() > 0.);
bool isNeg = (event[i].pz() < 0.);
bool doFill = (doPos && isPos) || (doNeg && isNeg);
if (!doFill) continue;
double yAbs = abs(event[i].y());
double etaAbs = abs(event[i].eta());
double xFAbs = abs(event[i].pz()) / eBeam;
double pTAbs = event[i].pT();
// Proton spectra in y, xF, pT. Also with eta cut.
if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].id() == 2212) {
yp[colType].fill( yAbs );
xFp[colType].fill( xFAbs );
xFpn[colType].fill( xFAbs );
if (xFAbs > 0.4) pTp[colType].fill( pTAbs );
xFpDel[colType].fill( xFAbs );
if (etaAbs > etaForw) {
xFpEta[colType].fill( xFAbs );
pTpEta[colType].fill( pTAbs );
// Antiproton spectrum subtraction in xF.
} else if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].id() == -2212) {
xFpDel[colType].fill( xFAbs, -1.);
// Neutron spectra in y, xF, pT. Also with eta cut.
} else if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].id() == 2112) {
yn[colType].fill( yAbs );
xFn[colType].fill( xFAbs );
xFpn[colType].fill( xFAbs );
if (xFAbs > 0.4) pTn[colType].fill( pTAbs );
xFnDel[colType].fill( xFAbs );
if (etaAbs > etaForw) {
xFnEta[colType].fill( xFAbs );
pTnEta[colType].fill( pTAbs );
// Antineutron spectrum subtraction in xF.
} else if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].id() == -2112) {
xFnDel[colType].fill( xFAbs, -1.);
// Remnant diquark spectra in xF.
} else if (colType == 0 && event[i].isDiquark()
&& event[i].status() == -63) {
if (procCode == 101) xFdi[0].fill( xFAbs );
else xFdi[1].fill( xFAbs );
// pi+- spectrum in y and xF.
} else if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].idAbs() == 211) {
ypi[colType].fill( yAbs );
xFpi[colType].fill( xFAbs );
xFpi2[colType].fill( xFAbs );
// Photon spectrum in y and xF.
} else if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].id() == 22) {
ygam[colType].fill( event[i].y() );
xFgam[colType].fill( event[i].pz() / eBeam);
// End of loop over particles in event.
// Fill map with remnant composition and histogram with diquark xF.
for (int i = 1; i < event.size(); ++i) if (event[i].statusAbs() == 63) {
++remnantTypes[ event[i].id()];
if (event[i].id() > 1000)
xFdiq[colType].fill( abs(event[i].pz()) / eBeam );
// End of event loop. Statistics.
// Print remnant composition.
for (auto iter = remnantTypes.begin(); iter != remnantTypes.end(); ++iter)
cout << " id = " << setw(6) << iter->first << " count = " << setw(6)
<< iter->second << endl;
// End of collision type loop.
// Normalize histograms.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
yp[i] *= 10. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFp[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
pTp[i] *= 50. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
yn[i] *= 10. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFn[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
pTn[i] *= 50. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFdi[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFpDel[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFnDel[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFpEta[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFnEta[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
pTpEta[i] *= 50. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
pTnEta[i] *= 50. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
ypi[i] *= 10. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFpi[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
ygam[i] *= 10. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFgam[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFpn[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFpi2[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
xFdiq[i] *= 100. / max( 1, nSides[i]);
// Plot histograms.
HistPlot hpl("plot327");
hpl.frame("fig327", "Nucleon rapidity distribution",
"$y$", "d$n_{\\mathrm{p}}$/d$y$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( yp[0], "-,red", "p inelastic old default");
hpl.add( yn[0], "--,red", "n inelastic old default");
hpl.add( yp[1], "-,blue", "p inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( yn[1], "--,blue", "n inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( yp[2], "-,green", "p inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( yn[2], "--,green", "n inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.frame("", "Nucleon Feynman-$x$ distribution", "$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$",
"d$n_{\\mathrm{p}}$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( xFp[0], "-,red", "p inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFn[0], "--,red", "n inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFp[1], "-,blue", "p inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFn[1], "--,blue", "n inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFp[2], "-,green", "p inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( xFn[2], "--,green", "n inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.frame("", "Nucleon - antinucleon Feynman-$x$ distribution",
"$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", "d$n_{\\mathrm{p}}$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( xFpDel[0], "-,red", "p inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFnDel[0], "--,red", "n inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFpDel[1], "-,blue", "p inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFnDel[1], "--,blue", "n inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFpDel[2], "-,green", "p inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( xFnDel[2], "--,green", "n inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.frame("", "Nucleon transverse momentum distribution, $x_F > 0.4$",
"$p_{\\perp}$", "d$n_{\\mathrm{p}}$/d$p_{\\perp}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( pTp[0], "-,red", "p inelastic old default");
hpl.add( pTn[0], "--,red", "n inelastic old default");
hpl.add( pTp[1], "-,blue", "p inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( pTn[1], "--,blue", "n inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( pTp[2], "-,green", "p inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( pTn[2], "--,green", "n inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.frame("", "Nucleon Feynman-$x$ distribution, $\\eta > 10.76$",
"$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", "d$n_{\\mathrm{p}}$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( xFpEta[0], "-,red", "p inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFnEta[0], "--,red", "n inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFpEta[1], "-,blue", "p inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFnEta[1], "--,blue", "n inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFpEta[2], "-,green", "p inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( xFnEta[2], "--,green", "n inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.frame("", "Nucleon transverse momentum distribution, $\\eta > 10.76$",
"$p_{\\perp}$", "d$n_{\\mathrm{p}}$/d$p_{\\perp}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( pTpEta[0], "-,red", "p inelastic old default");
hpl.add( pTnEta[0], "--,red", "n inelastic old default");
hpl.add( pTpEta[1], "-,blue", "p inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( pTnEta[1], "--,blue", "n inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( pTpEta[2], "-,green", "p inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( pTnEta[2], "--,green", "n inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.frame("", "$\\pi^{\\pm}$ and $\\gamma$ rapidity distribution",
"$y$", "d$n$/d$y$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( ypi[0], "-,red", "pi, inelastic old default");
hpl.add( ypi[1], "-,blue", "pi, inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( ypi[2], "-,green", "pi, inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( ygam[0], "--,red", "gamma, inelastic old default");
hpl.add( ygam[1], "--,blue", "gamma, inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( ygam[2], "--,green", "gamma, inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.frame("", "$\\pi^{\\pm}$ and $\\gamma$ Feynman-$x$ distribution",
"$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", "d$n$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( xFpi[0], "-,red", "pi, inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFpi[1], "-,blue", "pi, inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFpi[2], "-,green", "pi, inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.add( xFgam[0], "--,red", "gamma, inelastic old default");
hpl.add( xFgam[1], "--,blue", "gamma, inelastic no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFgam[2], "--,green", "gamma, inelastic QCDCR");
hpl.plot(0.05, 1.0, 1e-5, 1e2, true);
hpl.frame("", "Diquark Feynman-$x$ distribution", "$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$",
"d$n_{\\mathrm{p}}$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( xFdi[0], "-,red", "nondiffractive");
hpl.add( xFdi[1], "-,blue", "diffractive");
hpl.frame("", "Nucleon Feynman-$x$ distribution",
"$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", "d$n$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 6.4, 4.8);
hpl.add( xFpn[0], "-,red", "default");
hpl.add( xFpn[1], "-,blue", "no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFpn[2], "-,green", "QCDCR");
hpl.plot(0.1, 1.0, 0., 3.0);
hpl.frame("", "$\\pi^{\\pm}$ Feynman-$x$ distribution",
"$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", "d$n$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 6.4, 4.8);
hpl.add( xFpi[0], "-,red", "default");
hpl.add( xFpi[1], "-,blue", "no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFpi[2], "-,green", "QCDCR");
hpl.plot(0.1, 1.0, 1e-3, 20., true);
hpl.frame("", "diquark Feynman-$x$ distribution",
"$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", "d$n$/d$x_{\\mathrm{F}}$", 8.0, 5.4);
hpl.add( xFdiq[0], "-,red", "default");
hpl.add( xFdiq[1], "-,blue", "no popcorn");
hpl.add( xFdiq[2], "-,green", "QCDCR");
// Done.
return 0;