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# is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
# Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
# PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
# Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.

# Authors:
#            Philip Ilten
#            Marius Utheim

# Keywords:
#            Parallelism
#            Charged multiplicity
#            Python

# This is a simple test program to illustrate the usage of PythiaParallel 
# in Python. The physics case is equivalent to main291, but in parallel. 
# It is also equivalent to the C++ codes and
# This program contains detailed comments about how the code works. 

# To set the path to the Pythia 8 Python interface do either 
# (in a shell prompt):
# or the following which sets the path from within Python.
import sys
cfg = open("")
lib = "../lib"
for line in cfg:
    if line.startswith("PREFIX_LIB="): lib = line[11:-1]; break
sys.path.insert(0, lib)


# Use the PythiaParallel class instead of Pythia for parallel generation.
# It will create multiple underlying Pythia instances to do the actual
# generation; one instance per thread.
import pythia8
pythia = pythia8.PythiaParallel()

# PythiaParallel reads settings the same way as the normal Pythia does.
# The settings will be copied for each Pythia instance.
pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 8000.")
pythia.readString("HardQCD:all = on")
pythia.readString("PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 20.")
pythia.readString("Main:numberOfEvents = 10000")

# The maximum degree of parallelism. If set to 0 (default), the program
# will use the maximum number of threads supported by the hardware.
pythia.readString("Parallelism:numThreads = 4")

# This tells PythiaParallel to not process events asynchronously
# (default behaviour). In Python, this should never be switched on
# because of the Python global interpreter lock (as is done in
# for C++ code).
pythia.readString("Parallelism:processAsync = off")

# This defines the number of events generated by PythiaParallel::run.
pythia.readString("Main:numberOfEvents = 10000")

# Define the histogram to fill.
mult = pythia8.Hist("charged multiplicity", 100, -0.5, 799.5)

# This will create and initialize each underlying Pythia instance.
def init(pythiaNow):
    print("Initializing Pythia with index %i."
          % pythiaNow.settings.mode("Parallelism:index"))
    return pythiaNow.init()

# Generate events. Note, any type of function can be passed to this method,
# as long as the function takes an 'Pythia' object as the argument.
def analyze(pythiaNow):

# PythiaParallel::stat combines statistics for each Pythia instance.

# Output histogram.