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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Torbjorn Sjostrand
// Keywords:
// Utility
// This program illustrates how all settings and especially particle data
// can be written, and read back in after editing, either as plaintext or xml.
// For settings the xml version gives complete information, including min
// and max values, while min/max info is missing in the plaintext version.
// Since permanent editing of settings has to be done in xmldoc/*.xml files,
// the plaintext version may be more convenient for temporary changes.
// The particle data options, both the xml and plaintext ones, can also be
// used for temporary changes, and are then essentially equivalent.
// But here an edited xml file can be directly pasted into relevant parts
// of the share/Pythia8/xmldoc/ParticleData.xml file for a permanent update.
// More options are available; see the "Settings Scheme" and
// "Particle Data Scheme" in the html manual for further details.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Write out or read in. XML or plaintext (= free format).
bool doSettings = true; // Can be combined freely with doParticles.
bool doParticles = true; // Can be combined freely with doSettings.
bool doWrite = true; // If false then read instead.
bool doXML = true; // If false then plaintext instead.
bool checkRead = true; // Optional.
// File names for settings and particle data.
string settingsFile = "settings";
string particlesFile = "particles";
// Create the Pythia instance, and read current settings and particle data.
Pythia pythia;
// Different ways to write settings.
if (doWrite) {
if (doSettings && doXML) {
ofstream settingsStream( (settingsFile + ".xml").c_str() );
pythia.settings.writeFileXML( settingsStream);
} else if (doSettings)
pythia.settings.writeFile( settingsFile + ".dat", true);
// Different ways to write particle data.
if (doParticles && doXML)
pythia.particleData.listXML(particlesFile + ".xml");
else if (doParticles)
pythia.particleData.listFF(particlesFile + ".dat");
// Different ways to read settings.
} else {
if (doSettings && doXML)
pythia.settings.reInit( settingsFile + ".xml");
else if (doSettings)
pythia.readFile( settingsFile + ".dat");
// Different ways to read particle data.
if (doParticles && doXML)
pythia.particleData.readXML(particlesFile + ".xml");
else if (doParticles)
pythia.particleData.readFF(particlesFile + ".dat");
// Use normal listing formats to check if the read back in has worked.
// These lists are formatted for human readability, and cannot be
// read back in by any methods in Pythia.
if (checkRead) {
if (doSettings) pythia.settings.listAll();
if (doParticles) pythia.particleData.listAll();
// Done.
return 0;