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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Christian Bierlich
// Keywords:
// Userhooks
// Performance
// Jets
// Hadronic rescattering
// This main program illustrates the use of UserHooks to veto events
// after hadronization, but before any subsequent processes such as
// rescattering or Bose-Einstein.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
// Write own derived UserHooks class.
class HadronUserHooks : public UserHooks {
bool canVetoAfterHadronization() override {return true;}
bool doVetoAfterHadronization(const Event& e) override {
// This illustrates the use by requiring the presence of
// a high pT track central in eta.
for (const Particle& p : e) {
// If a trigger particle is found, do not veto.
if (p.isFinal() && p.isCharged() && p.pT() > 7 && abs(p.eta()) < 1.0)
return false;
// This info message will be printed in the stat summary.
loggerPtr->INFO_MSG("event vetoed by HadronUserHooks");
// If no trigger particle is found, veto the event.
return true;
int main() {
// Generator.
Pythia pythia;
// Make a histogram of the leading track.
Hist leadingTrack("pTleading", 20, 0., 20.);
// Select the parton-level pTHatMin below the cut on track-level.
pythia.readString("HardQCD:all = on");
pythia.readString("PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 5.");
// Add a process after hadronization to motivate the veto.
pythia.readString("Fragmentation:setVertices = on");
pythia.readString("PartonVertex:setVertex = on");
pythia.readString("HadronLevel:Rescatter = on");
pythia.readString("MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 2.345");
// Create and set user hook.
auto hadronUserHooks = make_shared<HadronUserHooks>();
pythia.setUserHooksPtr( hadronUserHooks);
// Initialize.
pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 7000");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Collect sum of weights of accepted events.
double sumW = 0.;
// Begin event loop.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < 10000; ++iEvent) {
// Generate events.
if (! continue;;
// Find highest-pT track.
double pTmax = 0;
for (int i = 0, N = pythia.event.size(); i < N; ++i) {
Particle& p = pythia.event[i];
if (p.isFinal() && p.isCharged() && abs(p.eta()) < 0.8)
if (p.pT() > pTmax) pTmax = p.pT();
// End of event loop.
// Statistics.
// Plot leading track pT spectrum.
HistPlot hpl("plot247");
hpl.frame("fig247", "Leading track pT", "$p_{\\perp}$", "Prob");
hpl.add( leadingTrack, "h,black" , "leading track");
// Done.
return 0;