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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Keywords:
// Parton distribution
// Minimum bias
// Tuning
// Studies of hadron-level and parton-level minimum-bias quantities,
// comparing the internal default PDF with an external one from LHAPDF.
// Major differences indicate the need for major retuning, e.g. pT0Ref.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
#include "Pythia8/Plugins.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Machine: 1 = Tevatron, 2 = LHC. Statistics.
int machine = 1;
int nEvent = 10000;
// Results as inline histograms or pyplot ones.
bool usepyplot = true;
// Select new PDF set; obsolete LHAPDF5 file name conventions.
//string pdfSet = "LHAPDF5:cteq5l.LHgrid";
//string pdfSet = "LHAPDF5:cteq61.LHpdf";
//string pdfSet = "LHAPDF5:cteq61.LHgrid";
//string pdfSet = "LHAPDF5:MRST2004nlo.LHgrid";
//string pdfSet = "LHAPDF5:MRST2001lo.LHgrid";
// Select new PDF set; LHAPDF6 file name conventions.
// (Bad/unoptimized choice, to illustrate that the PDF matters.)
string pdfSet = "LHAPDF6:PDF4LHC15_nlo_asvar";
// Histograms for hadron-level quantities.
double nMax = (machine == 1) ? 199.5 : 599.5;
Hist nChargedOld("n_charged old PDF", 100, -0.5, nMax);
Hist nChargedNew("n_charged new PDF", 100, -0.5, nMax);
Hist nChargedRat("n_charged new/old PDF", 100, -0.5, nMax);
Hist ySpecOld("y charged distribution old PDF", 100, -10., 10.);
Hist ySpecNew("y charged distribution new PDF", 100, -10., 10.);
Hist ySpecRat("y charged distribution new/old PDF", 100, -10., 10.);
Hist pTSpecOld("pT charged distribution old PDF", 100, 0., 20.);
Hist pTSpecNew("pT charged distribution new PDF", 100, 0., 20.);
Hist pTSpecRat("pT charged distribution new/old PDF", 100, 0., 20.);
Hist avgPTnChOld("<pT>(n_charged) old PDF", 100, -0.5, nMax);
Hist avgPTnChNew("<pT>(n_charged) new PDF", 100, -0.5, nMax);
Hist avgPTnChRat("<pT>(n_charged) new/old PDF", 100, -0.5, nMax);
// Histograms for parton-level quantities.
Hist xDistOld("MPI log(x) distribution old PDF", 80, -8., 0.);
Hist xDistNew("MPI log(x) distribution new PDF", 80, -8., 0.);
Hist xDistRat("MPI log(x) distribution new/old PDF", 80, -8., 0.);
Hist pTDistOld("MPI pT (=Q) distribution old PDF", 100, 0., 20.);
Hist pTDistNew("MPI pT (=Q) distribution new PDF", 100, 0., 20.);
Hist pTDistRat("MPI pT (=Q) distribution new/old PDF", 100, 0., 20.);
// PDF path.
string pdfPath;
// Loop over one default run and one with new PDF.
for (int iRun = 0; iRun < 2; ++iRun) {
// Get starting time in seconds.
clock_t tBegin = clock();
// Generator.
Pythia pythia;
Event& event = pythia.event;
pdfPath = pythia.settings.word("xmlPath") + "../pdfdata";
// Generate minimum-bias events, with or without double diffraction.
pythia.readString("SoftQCD:nonDiffractive = on");
//pythia.readString("SoftQCD:doubleDiffractive = on");
// Alternatively generate QCD jet events, above some threshold.
//pythia.readString("HardQCD:all = on");
//pythia.readString("PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 50.");
// Reduce output.
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowEvent = 0");
// In second run pick new PDF set.
if (iRun == 1) {
pythia.readString("PDF:pSet = " + pdfSet);
// Need to change at least pT0Ref depending on choice of PDF.
// One possibility: retune to same <n_charged>.
//pythia.readString("MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 2.17");
// Allow extrapolation of PDF's beyond x and Q2 boundaries, at own risk.
// Default behaviour is to freeze PDF's at boundaries.
pythia.readString("PDF:extrapolate = on");
// Tevatron/LHC initialization.
double eCM = (machine == 1) ? 1960. : 13000.;
pythia.settings.parm("Beams:eCM", eCM);
if (machine == 1) pythia.readString("Beams:idB = -2212");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Begin event loop.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
// Generate events. Skip if error.
if (! continue;
// Statistics on multiplicity and pT.
int nCh = 0;
double pTsum = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
if (event[i].isFinal() && event[i].isCharged()) {
pTsum += event[i].pT();
// Fill histograms for charged y and pT spectra.
if (iRun == 0) {
ySpecOld.fill( event[i].y() );
pTSpecOld.fill( event[i].pT() );
} else {
ySpecNew.fill( event[i].y() );
pTSpecNew.fill( event[i].pT() );
// Fill histograms for summed quantities.
if (iRun == 0) {
nChargedOld.fill( nCh );
avgPTnChOld.fill( nCh, pTsum / max(1, nCh) );
} else {
nChargedNew.fill( nCh );
avgPTnChNew.fill( nCh, pTsum / max(1, nCh) );
// Loop through event record and fill x of all incoming partons.
for (int i = 1; i < event.size(); ++i)
if (event[i].status() == -21 || event[i].status() == -31) {
double x = 2. * event[i].e() / eCM;
if (iRun == 0) xDistOld.fill( log10(x) );
else xDistNew.fill( log10(x) );
// Loop through multiparton interactions list and fill pT of all MPI's.
for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) {
double pT =;
if (iRun == 0) pTDistOld.fill( pT );
else pTDistNew.fill( pT );
// End of event loop.
// Statistics.
pythia.readString("Stat:showPartonLevel = on");
// Get finishing time in seconds. Print used time.
clock_t tEnd = clock();
double tUsed = double(tEnd - tBegin) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
cout << "\n This subrun took " << tUsed << " seconds \n" << endl;
// End of loop over two runs.
// Form <pT>(n_charged) ratios.
avgPTnChOld /= nChargedOld;
avgPTnChNew /= nChargedNew;
// Inline histogram printout.
if (!usepyplot) {
// Take ratios of new to old distributions.
nChargedRat = nChargedNew / nChargedOld;
ySpecRat = ySpecNew / ySpecOld;
pTSpecRat = pTSpecNew / pTSpecOld;
avgPTnChRat = avgPTnChNew / avgPTnChOld;
xDistRat = xDistNew / xDistOld;
pTDistRat = pTDistNew / pTDistOld;
// Print histograms.
cout << nChargedOld << nChargedNew << nChargedRat
<< ySpecOld << ySpecNew << ySpecRat
<< pTSpecOld << pTSpecNew << pTSpecRat
<< avgPTnChOld << avgPTnChNew << avgPTnChRat
<< xDistOld << xDistNew << xDistRat
<< pTDistOld << pTDistNew << pTDistRat;
// Write Python code that can generate a PDF file with the distributions.
} else {
HistPlot hpl("plot202");
hpl.frame( "fig202", "Charged multiplicity", "$n_{\\mathrm{charged}}$",
hpl.add( nChargedOld, "-,blue", "default");
hpl.add( nChargedNew, "--,red", "PDF4LHC15_nlo");
hpl.frame( "", "Charged rapidity", "$y$", "Rate");
hpl.add( ySpecOld, "-,blue", "default");
hpl.add( ySpecNew, "--,red", "PDF4LHC15_nlo");
hpl.frame( "", "Charged transverse momentum", "$p_{\\perp}$", "Rate");
hpl.add( pTSpecOld, "-,blue", "default");
hpl.add( pTSpecNew, "--,red", "PDF4LHC15_nlo");
hpl.plot( 0., 20., 0.1, 1e6, true, false);
hpl.frame( "", "Average charged transverse momentum",
"$n_{\\mathrm{charged}}$", "$\\langle p_{\\perp} \\rangle$");
hpl.add( avgPTnChOld, "-,blue", "default");
hpl.add( avgPTnChNew, "--,red", "PDF4LHC15_nlo");
// Done.
return 0;