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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Stefan Prestel
// Christian T Preuss
// Keywords:
// Matching
// Merging
// Leading order
// NLO
// Powheg
// Madgraph
// aMC@NLO
// NL3
// FxFx
// MLM
// Userhooks
// LHE file
// HDF5 file
// LHEH5
// Hepmc
// Rivet
// This program illustrates how to do run PYTHIA with LHEF input, allowing a
// sample-by-sample generation of
// a) Non-matched/non-merged events
// b) NLO matched events (with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO or POWHEG-BOX)
// c) MLM jet-matched events (kT-MLM, shower-kT, FxFx)
// d) CKKW-L and UMEPS LO merged events
// e) UNLOPS NLO merged events
// see the respective sections in the online manual for details.
// An example command is
// ./main164 -c main164ckkwl.cmnd
// where main164ckkwl.cmnd supplies the commands.
// This example requires HepMC2 or HepMC3 and optionally RIVET.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
#include "Pythia8Plugins/InputParser.h"
#if defined(HEPMC3)
#include "Pythia8Plugins/HepMC3.h"
#elif defined(HEPMC2)
#include "Pythia8Plugins/HepMC2.h"
#ifdef RIVET
#include "Pythia8Plugins/Pythia8Rivet.h"
#ifdef HDF5
#include "Pythia8Plugins/LHAHDF5v2.h"
// Include UserHooks for POWHEG vetos.
#include "Pythia8Plugins/PowhegHooks.h"
// Include UserHooks for Jet Matching.
#include "Pythia8Plugins/CombineMatchingInput.h"
// Include UserHooks for randomly choosing between integrated and
// non-integrated treatment for unitarised merging.
#include "Pythia8Plugins/aMCatNLOHooks.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
// General example program for matching and merging in PYTHIA.
int main(int argc, char** argv){
// Set up command line options.
InputParser ip("Illustrates how to do matching and merging.",
{"./main164 -c main164ckkwl.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164amcatnlo.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164fxfx.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164mlm.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164umeps.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164mess.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164unlops.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164dis.cmnd",
"./main164 -c main164powheg.cmnd",});
ip.require("c", "Use this user-written command file.", {"-cmnd"});
// Initialize the parser and exit if necessary.
InputParser::Status status = ip.init(argc, argv);
if (status != InputParser::Valid) return status;
// Input file.
string cmndFile = ip.get<string>("c");
// Generator.
Pythia pythia;
// New settings for HepMC interface.
pythia.settings.addFlag("Main:HepMC", false);
pythia.settings.addWord("HepMC:output", "events.hepmc");
// New settings for Rivet interface.
// Inactive if Rivet not used.
pythia.settings.addFlag("Main:Rivet", true);
pythia.settings.addWord("Rivet:output", "analysis.yoda");
pythia.settings.addWVec("Rivet:analyses", vector<string>());
// Input parameters:
pythia.readFile(cmndFile, 0);
// Optionally HepMC interface.
#if defined(HEPMC2) || defined(HEPMC3)
const bool doHepMC = pythia.flag("Main:HepMC");
Pythia8ToHepMC* toHepMCPtr = nullptr;
if (doHepMC) {
toHepMCPtr = new Pythia8ToHepMC(pythia.word("HepMC:output"));
// Switch off warnings for parton-level events.
// Do not store the following information.
// Optionally Rivet interface if Pythia is linked to Rivet.
#ifdef RIVET
const bool doRivet = pythia.flag("Main:Rivet");
Pythia8Rivet rivet(pythia, pythia.word("Rivet:output"));
vector<string> analyses = pythia.settings.wvec("Rivet:analyses");
for (const string& analysis : analyses) rivet.addAnalysis(analysis);
// Save which shower we are using.
int showerModel = pythia.mode("PartonShowers:model");
// Check if PowhegHooks should be used for NLO matching.
int pwhgVetoMode = pythia.mode("POWHEG:veto");
int pwhgVetoModeMPI = pythia.mode("POWHEG:MPIveto");
bool doPowhegMatching = (pwhgVetoMode>0 || pwhgVetoModeMPI>0);
// Check if jet matching should be applied.
bool doJetMatching = pythia.flag("JetMatching:merge");
// Check if internal merging should be applied.
bool doMerging = !(pythia.word("Merging:Process").compare("void")==0);
// Currently, only one scheme at a time is allowed.
if (doPowhegMatching + doJetMatching + doMerging > 1) {
cerr << " Error in " << argv[0]
<< ": matching and merging schemes cannot be combined" << endl;
// Set UserHooks for POWHEG vetos.
shared_ptr<PowhegHooks> powhegHooks;
int nVetoISR = 0, nVetoFSR = 0;
if (doPowhegMatching) {
// Set showers to start at the kinematical limit.
if (pwhgVetoMode > 0) {
if (showerModel == 1 || showerModel == 3) {
pythia.readString("SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch = 2");
pythia.readString("TimeShower:pTmaxMatch = 2");
} else if (showerModel == 2) {
pythia.readString("Vincia:tune = 0");
pythia.readString("Vincia:pTmaxMatch = 2");
// Set MPI to start at the kinematical limit.
if (pwhgVetoModeMPI > 0)
pythia.readString("MultipartonInteractions:pTmaxMatch = 2");
// Load POWHEG hooks.
powhegHooks = make_shared<PowhegHooks>();
// Set UserHooks for jet matching.
CombineMatchingInput jetMatchingHook;
if (doJetMatching) jetMatchingHook.setHook(pythia);
// Set UserHooks for unitarised merging schemes.
shared_ptr<amcnlo_unitarised_interface> mergingHooks;
if (doMerging) {
// Store merging scheme.
int scheme = ( pythia.flag("Merging:doUMEPSTree")
|| pythia.flag("Merging:doUMEPSSubt")) ?
1 :
( ( pythia.flag("Merging:doUNLOPSTree")
|| pythia.flag("Merging:doUNLOPSSubt")
|| pythia.flag("Merging:doUNLOPSLoop")
|| pythia.flag("Merging:doUNLOPSSubtNLO")) ?
2 :
0 );
// Load merging hooks.
mergingHooks = make_shared<amcnlo_unitarised_interface>(scheme);
// Get number of subruns and information about external events.
int nMerge = pythia.mode("Main:numberOfSubruns");
if (nMerge == 0) nMerge = 1;
bool useLHA = (pythia.mode("Beams:frameType") >= 4);
#ifdef HDF5
bool useHDF5 = (pythia.mode("Beams:frameType") == 5);
// Allow abort of run if many errors.
int nAbort = pythia.mode("Main:timesAllowErrors");
int iAbort = 0;
bool doAbort = false;
// Loop over subruns with varying number of jets.
for (int iMerge = 0; iMerge<nMerge; ++iMerge) {
// Read in name of LHE file for current subrun and initialize.
pythia.readFile(cmndFile, iMerge);
// Set number of events.
long nEvent = pythia.mode("Main:numberOfEvents");
// Set up LHAupPtr for this run when using HDF5 event files.
#ifdef HDF5
if (useHDF5) {
HighFive::File file(pythia.word("Beams:LHEF"), HighFive::File::ReadOnly);
size_t readSize = size_t(nEvent);
size_t eventOffset = 0;
shared_ptr<LHAupH5v2> lhaUpPtr =
make_shared<LHAupH5v2>(&file, eventOffset, readSize, true);
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Get the inclusive cross section by
// summing over all process cross sections.
double xs = 0.;
if (useLHA) {
for (int i=0; i<; ++i)
xs +=;
// Start generation loop.
while ( < nEvent) {
// Generate next event.
if (! {
if ( break;
else if (++iAbort > nAbort) {doAbort = true; break;}
else continue;
// For internal events, get current cross section.
if (!useLHA) xs =;
// For POWHEG matching, count vetos.
if (doPowhegMatching) {
nVetoISR += powhegHooks->getNISRveto();
nVetoFSR += powhegHooks->getNFSRveto();
// Get event weight.
// Includes additional weight in unitarised merging due to random
// choice of reclustered/non-reclustered treatment and additional
// sign for subtractive samples.
double weight =;
// Do not print zero-weight events.
if (weight == 0.) continue;
// Do not print broken/empty events.
if (pythia.event.size() < 3) continue;
// Work with unweighted events.
double norm = xs/double(nEvent);
// Work with weighted (LHA strategy=-4) events.
if (abs( == 4)
norm = 1./double(nEvent);
if (useLHA) norm /= MB2PB;
// Accumulate cross section, including norm.>accumulateXsec(norm);
#if defined(HEPMC2) || defined(HEPMC3)
// Optionally write HepMC events.
if (doHepMC) {
// Copy the weight names to HepMC.
// Fill HepMC event.
#ifdef RIVET
// Optionally pass event to Rivet.
if (doRivet) rivet();
// Break out of loop over iMerge if aborting.
if (doAbort) break;
// Print cross section and errors.
// Get cross section statistics for sample.
double sigmaSample =>getSampleXsec()[0];
double errorSample =>getSampleXsecErr()[0];
cout << endl << " Cross section of sample " << iMerge << ": "
<< scientific << setprecision(8)
<< sigmaSample << " +- " << errorSample << endl << endl;
// For Powheg matching, print veto information.
if (doPowhegMatching) {
cout << " PowhegHooks: ISR vetos: " << nVetoISR << endl
<< " PowhegHooks: FSR vetos: " << nVetoFSR << endl << endl;
// Get cross section statistics for total run.
double sigmaTotal =>getTotalXsec()[0];
double errorTotal =>getSampleXsecErr()[0];
if (doAbort)
cout << " Run was not completed owing to too many aborted events" << endl;
cout << " Inclusive cross section: " << scientific << setprecision(8)
<< sigmaTotal << " +- " << errorTotal << " mb" << endl << endl;
// Optionally finalise Rivet analysis.
#ifdef RIVET
if (doRivet) rivet.done();
// Optionally delete HepMC converter pointer.
#if defined(HEPMC2) || defined(HEPMC3)
if (doHepMC) delete toHepMCPtr;
// Done.
return 0;