Program Methods

This is an alphabetical index of all methods that are documented elsewhere on these pages, beginning with the few methods that do not belong to a class. Many of them are only intended for experts, while undocumented ones are only for code authors.

Return type Method name Documentation page
AlpgenHooks(...) Alpgen Event Interface
double alphaS(...) Parton Distributions
virtual bool canChangeFragPar() User Hooks
virtual bool canCutOnRecState() Implement New Matching
virtual bool canSetImpactParameter() User Hooks
canVetoAfterHadronization() User Hooks
virtual bool canVetoTrialEmission() Implement New Matching
friend double cosphi(...) Four-Vectors
friend double cosphi(...) Four-Vectors
friend double costheta(...) Four-Vectors
friend double cross3(...) Four-Vectors
friend double cross4(...) Four-Vectors
virtual double dampenIfFailCuts(...) Implement New Matching
virtual bool doChainDecay(...) External Decays
virtual bool doChangeFragPar(...) User Hooks
virtual bool doCutOnRecState(...) Implement New Matching
virtual bool doSetImpactParameter() User Hooks
friend double dot3(...) Four-Vectors
virtual bool doVetoAfterHadronization(...) User Hooks
virtual bool doVetoFragmentation(...) User Hooks
virtual bool doVetoFragmentation(...) User Hooks
virtual bool doVetoTrialEmission(...) Implement New Matching
RotBstMatrix fromCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix fromCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix fromCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
virtual MergingPtr getMerging() Implement New Showers
virtual MergingHooksPtr getMergingHooks() Implement New Showers
virtual int getNumberOfClusteringSteps(...) Implement New Matching
PDF* getPDFPtr(...) Program Flow
virtual SpaceShowerPtr getSpaceShower() Implement New Showers
virtual TimeShowerPtr getTimeDecShower() Implement New Showers
friend pair<Vec4,Vec4> getTwoPerpendicular(...) Four-Vectors
double getXMean(...) Histograms
double getXMeanErr(...) Histograms
double getXMedian(...) Histograms
double getXMedianErr(...) Histograms
double getXRMN(...) Histograms
double getXRMNErr(...) Histograms
double getXRMS(...) Histograms
double getXRMSErr(...) Histograms
double getYMean() Histograms
virtual double hardProcessME(...) Implement New Matching
void Hist:pyplotTable(...) Histograms
virtual void init() Parton Vertex Information
bool init(...) Settings Scheme
bool initAfterBeams() Alpgen Event Interface
virtual bool insideBounds(...) Parton Distributions
friend double isinf(...) Four-Vectors
friend bool isnan(...) Four-Vectors
friend bool isnan(...) Four-Vectors
friend double m(...) Four-Vectors
double m(...) Particle Properties
friend double m2(...) Four-Vectors
double m2(...) Particle Properties
shared_ptr<BaseClass> make_plugin<BaseClass>(...) Plugins
shared_ptr<BaseClass> make_plugin<BaseClass>(...) Plugins
shared_ptr<BaseClass> make_plugin<BaseClass>(...) Plugins
shared_ptr<BaseClass> make_plugin<BaseClass>(...) Plugins
shared_ptr<BaseClass> make_plugin<BaseClass>(...) Plugins
double mQuarkPDF(...) Parton Distributions
friend ostream& operator<<(...) Four-Vectors
friend ostream& operator<<(...) Four-Vectors
friend ostream& operator<<(...) Histograms
friend Vec4 operator*(...) Four-Vectors
friend Vec4 operator*(...) Four-Vectors
friend double operator*(...) Four-Vectors
friend Hist operator*(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator*(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator*(...) Histograms
friend Vec4 operator+(...) Four-Vectors
friend Hist operator+(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator+(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator+(...) Histograms
friend Vec4 operator-(...) Four-Vectors
friend Hist operator-(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator-(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator-(...) Histograms
friend Vec4 operator/(...) Four-Vectors
friend Hist operator/(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator/(...) Histograms
friend Hist operator/(...) Histograms
ParticleData& operator=(...) Particle Data Scheme
ParticleDataEntry& operator=(...) Particle Data Scheme
DecayChannel& operator=(...) Particle Data Scheme
double& operator[](...) Four-Vectors
ParticleDataEntry& particleDataEntry() Particle Properties
const vector<Particle>* particles() Event Record
friend double phi(...) Four-Vectors
friend double phi(...) Four-Vectors
friend bool pShift(...) Four-Vectors
friend double REtaPhi(...) Four-Vectors
friend double RRapPhi(...) Four-Vectors
virtual void setExtrapolate(...) Parton Distributions
void setResonancePtr(...) Particle Data Scheme
double sigmaCalc(...) Hadronic Rescattering
friend void table(...) Histograms
friend void table(...) Histograms
friend double theta(...) Four-Vectors
virtual double tmsDefinition(...) Implement New Matching
RotBstMatrix toCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix toCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix toCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
virtual bool useShowerPlugin() Implement New Matching
virtual void vertexBeam(...) Parton Vertex Information
virtual Vec4 vertexFSR(...) Parton Vertex Information
virtual void vertexHadrons(...) Parton Vertex Information
virtual Vec4 vertexISR(...) Parton Vertex Information
virtual void vertexMPI(...) Parton Vertex Information
virtual ~MyHardProcess() Implement New Matching
virtual ~MyMerging() Implement New Matching
virtual ~MyMergingHooks() Implement New Matching
string Info::getGeneratorAttribute(unsigned int n, L H E F
int Info::nVariationGroups() Cross Sections And Weights
string Info::getGroupName(...) Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::getGroupWeight(...) Cross Sections And Weights
void PythiaParallel::foreach(...)> action) Parallelism
void PythiaParallel::foreachAsync(...)> action) Parallelism
AlpgenPar::AlpgenPar(...) Alpgen Event Interface
double AlpgenPar::getParam(...) Alpgen Event Interface
int AlpgenPar::getParamAsInt(...) Alpgen Event Interface
bool AlpgenPar::haveParam(...) Alpgen Event Interface
bool AlpgenPar::parse(...) Alpgen Event Interface
double AlphaSUN::alpha(...) Standard Model Parameters
double AlphaSUN::alpha1Ord(...) Standard Model Parameters
double AlphaSUN::alpha2OrdCorr(...) Standard Model Parameters
AlphaSUN::AlphaSUN() Standard Model Parameters
void AlphaSUN::initAlpha(...) Standard Model Parameters
void AlphaSUN::initLambda(...) Standard Model Parameters
double AlphaSUN::Lambda() Standard Model Parameters
BeamShape::BeamShape() Beam Shape
Vec4 BeamShape::deltaPA() Beam Shape
Vec4 BeamShape::deltaPB() Beam Shape
virtual void BeamShape::init(...) Beam Shape
virtual void BeamShape::pick() Beam Shape
Vec4 BeamShape::vertex() Beam Shape
virtual BeamShape::~BeamShape() Beam Shape
map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator begin() Particle Data Scheme
vector<long> PythiaParallel::run(...)> callback) Parallelism
vector<long> PythiaParallel::run(...)> callback) Parallelism
bool CellJet::analyze(...) Event Analysis
CellJet::CellJet(...) Event Analysis
double CellJet::eT(...) Event Analysis
double CellJet::etaCenter(...) Event Analysis
double CellJet::etaWeighted(...) Event Analysis
void CellJet::list() Event Analysis
double CellJet::m(...) Event Analysis
int CellJet::multiplicity(...) Event Analysis
int CellJet::nError() Event Analysis
double CellJet::phiCenter(...) Event Analysis
double CellJet::phiWeighted(...) Event Analysis
Vec4 CellJet::pMassive(...) Event Analysis
Vec4 CellJet::pMassless(...) Event Analysis
int CellJet::size() Event Analysis
ClusterJet::analyze(...) Event Analysis
ClusterJet::ClusterJet(...) Event Analysis
double ClusterJet::distance(...) Event Analysis
int ClusterJet::distanceSize() Event Analysis
int ClusterJet::jetAssignment(...) Event Analysis
void ClusterJet::list() Event Analysis
int ClusterJet::mult(...) Event Analysis
int ClusterJet::nError() Event Analysis
Vec4 ClusterJet::p(...) Event Analysis
int ClusterJet::size() Event Analysis
double PythiaParallel::weightSum() const Parallelism
double PythiaParallel::sigmaGen() const Parallelism
vector <string> Info::weightNameVector() const Cross Sections And Weights
vector <double> Info::weightValueVector() const Cross Sections And Weights
double CoupSM::af(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::af2(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::alphaEM(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::alphaS(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::alphaS1Ord(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::alphaS2OrdCorr(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::cos2thetaW() Standard Model Parameters
CoupSM::CoupSM() Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::ef(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::ef2(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::efvf(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::GF() Standard Model Parameters
void CoupSM::init(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::Lambda3() Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::Lambda4() Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::Lambda5() Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::lf(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::rf(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::sin2thetaW() Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::sin2thetaWbar() Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::t3f(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::V2CKMgen(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::V2CKMid(...) Standard Model Parameters
int CoupSM::V2CKMpick(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::V2CKMsum(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::VCKMgen(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::VCKMid(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::vf(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::vf2(...) Standard Model Parameters
double CoupSM::vf2af2(...) Standard Model Parameters
bool PythiaParallel::init(...)> customInit) Parallelism
double DecayChannel::bRatio() Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::bRatio(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool DecayChannel::contains(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool DecayChannel::contains(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool DecayChannel::contains(...) Particle Data Scheme
double DecayChannel::currentBR() Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::currentBR(...) Particle Data Scheme
DecayChannel::DecayChannel(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool DecayChannel::hasChanged() Particle Data Scheme
int DecayChannel::meMode() Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::meMode(...) Particle Data Scheme
int DecayChannel::multiplicity() Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::multiplicity(...) Particle Data Scheme
int DecayChannel::onMode() Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::onMode(...) Particle Data Scheme
double DecayChannel::onShellWidth() Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::onShellWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::onShellWidthFactor(...) Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::openSec(...) Particle Data Scheme
double DecayChannel::openSec(...) Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::product(...) Particle Data Scheme
int DecayChannel::product(...) Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::rescaleBR(...) Particle Data Scheme
void DecayChannel::setHasChanged(...) Particle Data Scheme
virtual bool DecayHandler::chainDecay(...) External Decays
virtual bool DecayHandler::decay(...) External Decays
map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator end() Particle Data Scheme
int Event::append(...) Event Record
int Event::append(...) Event Record
int Event::append(...) Event Record
int Event::append(...) Event Record
int Event::append(...) Event Record
Particle& Event::at(...) Event Record
Particle& Event::back() Event Record
void Event::bst(...) Event Record
void Event::bst(...) Event Record
void Event::bst(...) Event Record
void Event::clear() Event Record
int Event::copy(...) Event Record
double Event::detaAbs(...) Event Record
double Event::dphiAbs(...) Event Record
double Event::dyAbs(...) Event Record
Event::Event(...) Event Record
void Event::free() Event Record
Particle& Event::front() Event Record
bool Event::hasHVcols() Event Record
void Event::init(...) Event Record
void Event::initColTag(...) Event Record
int Event::lastColTag() Event Record
void Event::list(...) Event Record
void Event::listHVcols() Event Record
int Event::maxHVcols() Event Record
int Event::nextColTag() Event Record
int Event::nFinal(...) Event Record
Event& Event::operator+=(...) Event Record
Event& Event::operator=(...) Event Record
Particle& Event::operator[](...) Event Record
const Particle& Event::operator[](...) Event Record
void Event::popBack(...) Event Record
void Event::remove(...) Event Record
void Event::reset() Event Record
void Event::restoreHVcolsSize() Event Record
void Event::restorePtrs() Event Record
double Event::REtaPhi(...) Event Record
void Event::rot(...) Event Record
void Event::rotbst(...) Event Record
double Event::RRapPhi(...) Event Record
void Event::saveVcolsSize() Event Record
double Event::scale() Event Record
void Event::scale(...) Event Record
double Event::scaleSecond() Event Record
void Event::scaleSecond(...) Event Record
int Event::setEvtPtr(...) Event Record
int Event::size() Event Record
static Hist Hist::plotFunc(...)> f, string title, int nBin, double xMin, double xMax, bool logX = false) Histograms
void Hist::takeFunc(...)> func) Histograms
double HadronWidths::br(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::canDecay(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::check() Hadron Widths
set<int> HadronWidths::getResonances() Hadron Widths
set<int> HadronWidths::getResonances(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::hasData(...) Hadron Widths
set<int> HadronWidths::hasResonances(...) Hadron Widths
double HadronWidths::mDistr(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::parameterize(...) Hadron Widths
void HadronWidths::parameterizeAll(...) Hadron Widths
double HadronWidths::partialWidth(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::pickDecay(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::pickMasses(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::save(...) Hadron Widths
bool HadronWidths::save(...) Hadron Widths
double HadronWidths::width(...) Hadron Widths
double HadronWidths::widthCalc(...) Hadron Widths
double HadronWidths::widthCalc(...) Hadron Widths
double HIInfo::b() Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::b() Event Information
int HIInfo::nAbsProj() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nAbsProj() Event Information
int HIInfo::nAbsTarg() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nAbsTarg() Event Information
int HIInfo::nAccepted() Heavy Ions
long HIInfo::nAccepted() Event Information
int HIInfo::nAttempts() Heavy Ions
long HIInfo::nAttempts() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollCD() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollCD() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollDD() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollDD() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollEL Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollEL() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollND() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollND() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollNDTot() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollNDTot() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollSDP() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollSDP() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollSDT() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollSDT() Event Information
int HIInfo::nCollTot() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nCollTot() Event Information
int HIInfo::nDiffProj() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nDiffProj() Event Information
int HIInfo::nDiffTarg() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nDiffTarg() Event Information
int HIInfo::nElProj() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nELProj() Event Information
int HIInfo::nElTarg() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nELTarg() Event Information
int HIInfo::nFail() Event Information
int HIInfo::nPartProj() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nPartProj() Event Information
int HIInfo::nPartTarg() Heavy Ions
int HIInfo::nPartTarg() Event Information
double HIInfo::phi() Event Information
double HIInfo::sigmaND() Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::sigmaND() Event Information
double HIInfo::sigmaNDErr() Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::sigmaNDErr() Event Information
double HIInfo::sigmaTot() Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::sigmaTot() Event Information
double HIInfo::sigmaTotErr() Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::sigmaTotErr() Event Information
multiset<SubCollision>* HIInfo::subCollisionsPtr() Heavy Ions
void HIInfo::subCollisionsPtr(...) Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::weight() Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::weight() Event Information
double HIInfo::weightSum() Heavy Ions
double HIInfo::weightSum() Event Information
void Hist::book(...) Histograms
void Hist::fill(...) Histograms
void Hist::fillTable(...) Histograms
void Hist::fillTable(...) Histograms
double Hist::getBinContent(...) Histograms
vector<double> Hist::getBinContents() Histograms
double Hist::getBinEdge(...) Histograms
vector<double> Hist::getBinEdges() Histograms
int Hist::getBinNumber() Histograms
double Hist::getBinWidth(...) Histograms
int Hist::getEntries(...) Histograms
bool Hist::getLinX() Histograms
double Hist::getNEffective() Histograms
int Hist::getNonFinite() Histograms
string Hist::getTitle() Histograms
double Hist::getWeightSum(...) Histograms
bool Hist::getXMax() Histograms
bool Hist::getXMin() Histograms
double Hist::getYAbsMin() Histograms
bool Hist::getYMax() Histograms
bool Hist::getYMin() Histograms
Hist::Hist() Histograms
Hist::Hist(...) Histograms
Hist::Hist(...) Histograms
Hist::Hist(...) Histograms
void Hist::normalize(...) Histograms
void Hist::normalizeIntegral(...) Histograms
void Hist::normalizeSpectrum(...) Histograms
void Hist::null() Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator*=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator*=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator*=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator+=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator+=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator-=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator-=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator/=(...) Histograms
Hist& Hist::operator=(...) Histograms
void Hist::pyplotTable(...) Histograms
void Hist::rivetTable(...) Histograms
void Hist::rivetTable(...) Histograms
bool Hist::sameSize(...) Histograms
void Hist::table(...) Histograms
void Hist::table(...) Histograms
void Hist::takeLog(...) Histograms
void Hist::takeSqrt() Histograms
void Hist::title(...) Histograms
void HistPlot::add(...) Histograms
void HistPlot::addFile(...) Histograms
void HistPlot::frame(...) Histograms
HistPlot::HistPlot(...) Histograms
void HistPlot::plot(...) Histograms
void HistPlot::plot(...) Histograms
void HistPlot::plotFrame(...) Histograms
double Info::a0MPI() Event Information
void Info::addCounter(...) Event Information
double Info::alphaEM() Event Information
double Info::alphaS() Event Information
bool Info::atEndOfFile() Event Information
double Info::bMPI() Event Information
double Info::bMPIold() Event Information
int Info::code() Event Information
int Info::codeMPI(...) Event Information
vector<int> Info::codesHard() Cross Sections And Weights
int Info::codeSub() Event Information
double Info::eA() Event Information
double Info::eB() Event Information
double Info::eCM() Event Information
double Info::eCMsub() Event Information
double Info::eMPI(...) Event Information
double Info::enhanceMPI() Event Information
double Info::enhanceMPIavg() Event Information
double Info::enhanceMPIold() Event Information
double Info::enhanceMPIoldavg() Event Information
int Info::getCounter(...) Event Information
string Info::getEventAttribute(...) L H E F
int Info::getGeneratorSize() L H E F
string Info::getGeneratorValue(...) L H E F
int Info::getInitrwgtSize() L H E F
double Info::getScalesAttribute(...) L H E F
string Info::getScalesValue() L H E F
string Info::getWeightsCompressedAttribute(...) L H E F
unsigned int Info::getWeightsCompressedSize() L H E F
double Info::getWeightsCompressedValue(...) L H E F
string Info::getWeightsDetailedAttribute(...) L H E F
unsigned int Info::getWeightsDetailedSize() L H E F
double Info::getWeightsDetailedValue(...) L H E F
bool Info::hasHistory() Event Information
void Info::hasHistory(...) Event Information
bool Info::hasSub() Event Information
string Info::header(...) L H E F
vector <string> Info::headerKeys() L H E F
int Info::iAMPI(...) Event Information
int Info::iBMPI(...) Event Information
int Info::id1() Event Information
int Info::id1pdf() Event Information
int Info::id2() Event Information
int Info::id2pdf() Event Information
int Info::idA() Event Information
int Info::idB() Event Information
bool Info::isDiffractiveA() Event Information
bool Info::isDiffractiveB() Event Information
bool Info::isDiffractiveC() Event Information
bool Info::isHardDiffractiveA() Event Information
bool Info::isHardDiffractiveB() Event Information
bool Info::isLHA() Event Information
bool Info::isMinBias() Event Information
bool Info::isNonDiffractive() Event Information
bool Info::isResolved() Event Information
bool Info::isValence1() Event Information
bool Info::isValence2() Event Information
int Info::lhaStrategy() Cross Sections And Weights
int Info::LHEFversion() L H E F
void Info::list() Event Information
double Info::m3Hat() Event Information
double Info::m4Hat() Event Information
double Info::mA() Event Information
double Info::mB() Event Information
double Info::mergingWeight() Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::mergingWeightNLO() Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::mHat() Event Information
long Info::nAccepted(...) Cross Sections And Weights
string Info::name() Event Information
string Info::nameProc(...) Cross Sections And Weights
string Info::nameSub() Event Information
int Info::nFinal() Event Information
int Info::nFinalSub() Event Information
int Info::nFSRinProc() Event Information
int Info::nFSRinRes() Event Information
int Info::nISR() Event Information
int Info::nMPI() Event Information
int Info::nProcessesLHEF() L H E F
int Info::nProcessesLHEF() L H E F
long Info::nSelected(...) Cross Sections And Weights
long Info::nTried(...) Cross Sections And Weights
int Info::numberOfWeights() Cross Sections And Weights
int Info::nWeights() Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::pdf1() Event Information
double Info::pdf2() Event Information
double Info::phiHat() Event Information
int Info::photonMode() Event Information
double Info::pT2Hat() Event Information
double Info::pT2NowISR() Event Information
void Info::pT2NowISR(...) Event Information
double Info::pTHat() Event Information
double Info::pTmaxFSR() Event Information
double Info::pTmaxISR() Event Information
double Info::pTmaxMPI() Event Information
double Info::pTMPI(...) Event Information
double Info::pTnow() Event Information
double Info::pzA() Event Information
double Info::pzB() Event Information
double Info::Q2Fac() Event Information
double Info::Q2GammaA() Event Information
double Info::Q2GammaB() Event Information
double Info::Q2Ren() Event Information
double Info::QFac() Event Information
double Info::QRen() Event Information
double Info::s() Event Information
double Info::scalup() Event Information
void Info::setCounter(...) Event Information
void Info::setHeader(...) L H E F
double Info::sHat() Event Information
double Info::sigmaErr(...) Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::sigmaGen(...) Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::sigmaLHEF(...) L H E F
double Info::sigmaLHEF(...) L H E F
double Info::tau() Event Information
double Info::tHat() Event Information
double Info::thetaHat() Event Information
double Info::thetaScatLepA() Event Information
double Info::thetaScatLepB() Event Information
bool Info::tooLowPTmin() Event Information
double Info::tPomeronA() Event Information
double Info::tPomeronB() Event Information
double Info::uHat() Event Information
double Info::weight() Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::weight(...) Cross Sections And Weights
string Info::weightLabel(...) Cross Sections And Weights
string Info::weightNameByIndex(...) Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::weightSum() Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::weightValueByIndex(...) Cross Sections And Weights
double Info::x1() Event Information
double Info::x1pdf() Event Information
double Info::x2() Event Information
double Info::x2pdf() Event Information
double Info::xGammaA() Event Information
double Info::xGammaB() Event Information
double Info::xPomeronA() Event Information
double Info::xPomeronB() Event Information
double Info::y() Event Information
double Info::zNowISR() Event Information
void Info::zNowISR(...) Event Information
bool ParticleData::init(istream& is Particle Data Scheme
vector <double> JetMatchingMadgraph::getDJR() Jet Matching
bool JetMatchingMadgraph::getExclusive() Jet Matching
Event JetMatchingMadgraph::getProcessSubset() Jet Matching
double JetMatchingMadgraph::getPTfirst() Jet Matching
Event JetMatchingMadgraph::getWorkEventJet() Jet Matching
void LHAup::addParticle(...) L H A
void LHAup::addProcess(...) L H A
double LHAup::alphaQCD() L H A
double LHAup::alphaQED() L H A
void LHAup::closeFile(...) L H A
bool LHAup::closeLHEF(...) L H A
int LHAup::col1(...) L H A
int LHAup::col2(...) L H A
double LHAup::e(...) L H A
double LHAup::eBeamA() L H A
double LHAup::eBeamB() L H A
bool LHAup::eventLHEF(...) L H A
bool LHAup::fileFound() L H A
string LHAup::getFileName() L H A
int LHAup::id(...) L H A
int LHAup::id1() L H A
int LHAup::id1pdf() L H A
int LHAup::id2() L H A
int LHAup::id2pdf() L H A
int LHAup::idBeamA() L H A
int LHAup::idBeamB() L H A
int LHAup::idProcess() L H A
int LHAup::idProcess(...) L H A
bool LHAup::initLHEF() L H A
LHAup::LHAup(...) L H A
void LHAup::listEvent() L H A
void LHAup::listInit() L H A
double LHAup::m(...) L H A
int LHAup::mother1(...) L H A
int LHAup::mother2(...) L H A
bool LHAup::newEventFile(...) L H A
istream* LHAup::openFile(...) L H A
bool LHAup::openLHEF(...) L H A
double LHAup::pdf1() L H A
double LHAup::pdf2() L H A
int LHAup::pdfGroupBeamA() L H A
int LHAup::pdfGroupBeamB() L H A
bool LHAup::pdfIsSet() L H A
int LHAup::pdfSetBeamA() L H A
int LHAup::pdfSetBeamB() L H A
double LHAup::px(...) L H A
double LHAup::py(...) L H A
double LHAup::pz(...) L H A
double LHAup::scale() L H A
double LHAup::scale(...) L H A
double LHAup::scalePDF() L H A
void LHAup::setBeamA(...) L H A
void LHAup::setBeamB(...) L H A
virtual bool LHAup::setEvent(...) L H A
void LHAup::setIdX(...) L H A
void LHAup::setInfoHeader(...) L H A
void LHAup::setInfoHeader(...) L H A
virtual bool LHAup::setInit() L H A
bool LHAup::setInitLHEF(...) L H A
bool LHAup::setNewEventLHEF(...) L H A
bool LHAup::setOldEventLHEF() L H A
void LHAup::setPdf(...) L H A
void LHAup::setProcess(...) L H A
void LHAup::setPtr(...) L H A
void LHAup::setStrategy(...) L H A
void LHAup::setXErr(...) L H A
void LHAup::setXMax(...) L H A
void LHAup::setXSec(...) L H A
int LHAup::sizePart() L H A
int LHAup::sizeProc() L H A
virtual bool LHAup::skipEvent(...) L H A
double LHAup::spin(...) L H A
int LHAup::status(...) L H A
int LHAup::strategy() L H A
double LHAup::tau(...) L H A
bool LHAup::useExternal() L H A
double LHAup::weight() L H A
double LHAup::x1() L H A
double LHAup::x1pdf() L H A
double LHAup::x2() L H A
double LHAup::x2pdf() L H A
double LHAup::xErr(...) L H A
double LHAup::xErrSum() L H A
double LHAup::xMax(...) L H A
double LHAup::xSec(...) L H A
double LHAup::xSecSum() L H A
virtual LHAup::~LHAup() L H A
bool LHAupAlpgen::addResonances() Alpgen Event Interface
LHAupAlpgen::LHAupAlpgen(...) Alpgen Event Interface
bool LHAupAlpgen::rescaleMomenta() Alpgen Event Interface
LHAupHelaconia::LHAupHelaconia(...) Helac Onia Processes
bool LHAupHelaconia::readString(...) Helac Onia Processes
void LHAupHelaconia::setEvents(...) Helac Onia Processes
void LHAupHelaconia::setSeed(...) Helac Onia Processes
void LHAupLHEF::closeAllFiles() L H A
LHAupMadgraph::LHAupMadgraph(...) Mad Graph5 Processes
bool LHAupMadgraph::readString(...) Mad Graph5 Processes
void LHAupMadgraph::setEvents(...) Mad Graph5 Processes
void LHAupMadgraph::setJets(...) Mad Graph5 Processes
void LHAupMadgraph::setSeed(...) Mad Graph5 Processes
virtual bool MergingHooks::canCutOnRecState() C K K W L Merging
virtual double MergingHooks::dampenIfFailCuts(...) C K K W L Merging
virtual bool MergingHooks::doCutOnRecState(...) C K K W L Merging
virtual double MergingHooks::hardProcessME(...) C K K W L Merging
MergingHooks::MergingHooks() C K K W L Merging
int MergingHooks::nHardInLeptons() C K K W L Merging
int MergingHooks::nHardInPartons() C K K W L Merging
int MergingHooks::nHardOutLeptons() C K K W L Merging
int MergingHooks::nHardOutPartons() C K K W L Merging
int MergingHooks::nMaxJets() C K K W L Merging
int MergingHooks::nResInCurrent() C K K W L Merging
MergingHooks::setHardProcessPtr(...) Implement New Matching
double MergingHooks::tms() C K K W L Merging
virtual double MergingHooks::tmsDefinition(...) C K K W L Merging
virtual MergingHooks::~MergingHooks() C K K W L Merging
MixMaxRndm::MixMaxRndm(...) Random Numbers
virtual bool MyHardProcess::allowCandidates(...) Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyHardProcess::exchangeCandidates(...) Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyHardProcess::findOtherCandidates(...) Implement New Matching
virtual void MyHardProcess::initOnProcess(...) Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyHardProcess::matchesAnyOutgoing(...) Implement New Matching
virtual void MyHardProcess::storeCandidates(...) Implement New Matching
virtual void MyHardProcess::translateProcessString(...) Implement New Matching
virtual void MyMerging::init() Implement New Matching
virtual int MyMerging::mergeProcess(...) Implement New Matching
virtual void MyMerging::statistics() Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyMergingHooks::canVetoEmission() Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyMergingHooks::canVetoStep() Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyMergingHooks::doVetoStep(...) Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyMergingHooks::doVetoStep(...) Implement New Matching
virtual void MyMergingHooks::init() Implement New Matching
virtual bool MyMergingHooks::setShowerStartingScales(...) Implement New Matching
const Vec4& Nucleon::bPos() Heavy Ions
void Nucleon::bShift(...) Heavy Ions
int Nucleon::id() Heavy Ions
const Vec4& Nucleon::nPos() Heavy Ions
Status Nucleon::status() Heavy Ions
bool NucleonExcitations::check() Hadronic Rescattering
vector<pair<int, int>> NucleonExcitations::getChannels() Hadronic Rescattering
vector<int> NucleonExcitations::getExcitationMasks() Hadronic Rescattering
bool NucleonExcitations::parameterizeAll(...) Hadronic Rescattering
bool NucleonExcitations::pickExcitation(...) Hadronic Rescattering
bool NucleonExcitations::save(...) Hadronic Rescattering
bool NucleonExcitations::save(...) Hadronic Rescattering
double NucleonExcitations::sigmaCalc(...) Hadronic Rescattering
double NucleonExcitations::sigmaExPartial(...) Hadronic Rescattering
double NucleonExcitations::sigmaExTotal(...) Hadronic Rescattering
int Particle::acol() Particle Properties
int Particle::acolHV() Particle Properties
int Particle::acolHV(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::bst(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::bst(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::bst(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::bst(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::bstback(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::bstback(...) Particle Properties
bool Particle::canDecay() Particle Properties
double Particle::charge() Particle Properties
int Particle::chargeType() Particle Properties
int Particle::col() Particle Properties
int Particle::colHV() Particle Properties
int Particle::colHV(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::cols(...) Particle Properties
int Particle::colsHV(...) Particle Properties
int Particle::colType() Particle Properties
double Particle::constituentMass() Particle Properties
int Particle::daughter1() Particle Properties
int Particle::daughter2() Particle Properties
vector<int> Particle::daughterList() Particle Properties
vector<int> Particle::daughterListRecursive() Particle Properties
void Particle::daughters(...) Particle Properties
bool Particle::doExternalDecay() Particle Properties
double Particle::e() Particle Properties
double Particle::eCalc() Particle Properties
double Particle::eT() Particle Properties
double Particle::eT2() Particle Properties
double Particle::eta() Particle Properties
bool Particle::hasVertex() Particle Properties
int Particle::iBotCopy() Particle Properties
int Particle::iBotCopyId(...) Particle Properties
int Particle::id() Particle Properties
int Particle::idAbs() Particle Properties
void Particle::index() Particle Properties
int Particle::intPol() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isAncestor(...) Particle Properties
bool Particle::isCharged() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isDiquark() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isFinal() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isFinalPartonLevel() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isGluon() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isHadron() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isLepton() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isNeutral() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isParton() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isQuark() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isRescatteredIncoming() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isResonance() Particle Properties
bool Particle::isVisible() Particle Properties
int Particle::iTopCopy() Particle Properties
int Particle::iTopCopyId(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::m() Particle Properties
double Particle::m0() Particle Properties
double Particle::m2() Particle Properties
double Particle::m2Calc() Particle Properties
bool Particle::mayDecay() Particle Properties
double Particle::mCalc() Particle Properties
double Particle::mMax() Particle Properties
double Particle::mMin() Particle Properties
int Particle::mother1() Particle Properties
int Particle::mother2() Particle Properties
vector<int> Particle::motherList() Particle Properties
void Particle::mothers(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::mSel() Particle Properties
double Particle::mT() Particle Properties
double Particle::mT2() Particle Properties
double Particle::mWidth() Particle Properties
string Particle::name() Particle Properties
string Particle::nameWithStatus() Particle Properties
void Particle::offsetCol(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::offsetHistory(...)) Particle Properties
Particle& Particle::operator=(...) Particle Properties
Vec4 Particle::p() Particle Properties
void Particle::p(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::pAbs() Particle Properties
double Particle::pAbs2() Particle Properties
Particle::Particle() Particle Properties
Particle::Particle(...) Particle Properties
Particle::Particle(...) Particle Properties
Particle::Particle(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::phi() Particle Properties
double Particle::pNeg() Particle Properties
double Particle::pol() Particle Properties
double Particle::pPos() Particle Properties
double Particle::pT() Particle Properties
double Particle::pT2() Particle Properties
double Particle::px() Particle Properties
double Particle::py() Particle Properties
double Particle::pz() Particle Properties
void Particle::rescale3(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::rescale4(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::rescale5(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::rot(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::rotbst(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::scale() Particle Properties
void Particle::setEvtPtr(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::setPDEPtr(...) Particle Properties
vector<int> Particle::sisterList(...) Particle Properties
int Particle::spinType() Particle Properties
int Particle::status() Particle Properties
int Particle::statusAbs() Particle Properties
void Particle::statusCode(...) Particle Properties
int Particle::statusHepMC() Particle Properties
void Particle::statusNeg() Particle Properties
void Particle::statusPos() Particle Properties
double Particle::tau() Particle Properties
double Particle::tau0() Particle Properties
double Particle::tDec() Particle Properties
double Particle::theta() Particle Properties
double Particle::thetaXZ() Particle Properties
double Particle::tProd() Particle Properties
bool Particle::undoDecay() Particle Properties
Vec4 Particle::vDec() Particle Properties
Vec4 Particle::vProd() Particle Properties
void Particle::vProd(...) Particle Properties
void Particle::vProdAdd(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::xDec() Particle Properties
double Particle::xProd() Particle Properties
double Particle::y() Particle Properties
double Particle::y(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::y(...) Particle Properties
double Particle::yDec() Particle Properties
double Particle::yProd() Particle Properties
double Particle::zDec() Particle Properties
double Particle::zProd() Particle Properties
void ParticleData::addParticle(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::addParticle(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleData::antiId(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::antiName(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleData::baryonNumberType(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::canDecay(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::charge(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::chargeType(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleData::chargeType(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::checkTable(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::colType(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleData::colType(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::constituentMass(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::doExternalDecay(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::doExternalDecays(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::doForceWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::doForceWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
ParticleDataEntry* ParticleData::findParticle(...) Particle Data Scheme
const ParticleDataEntry* ParticleData::findParticle(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::getIsInit() Particle Data Scheme
vector<string> ParticleData::getReadHistory() Particle Data Scheme
vector<string> ParticleData::getReadHistory(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::hasAnti(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::hasChanged(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::hasChanged(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleData::heaviestQuark(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::init(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::initPtr(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::initWidths(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isBaryon(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isDiquark(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isExotic(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isGluon(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isHadron(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isLepton(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isMeson(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isOctetHadron(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isOnium(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isParticle(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isParton() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isQuark(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::isResonance(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isResonance(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::isVisible(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::isVisible(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::list(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::list(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::list(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::list(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::listAll() Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::listAll(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::listChanged(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::listFF(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::listXML(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::m0(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::m0(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::m0Max(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::m0Min(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::mayDecay(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::mayDecay(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::mMax(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::mMax(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::mMin(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::mMin(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::mRun(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::mSel(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::mWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::mWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::name(...) Particle Data Scheme
string ParticleData::name(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::names(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleData::nextId(...) Particle Data Scheme
ParticleData::ParticleData() Particle Data Scheme
ParticleDataEntry* ParticleData::particleDataEntryPtr(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::readFF(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::readString(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::readXML(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::reInit(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::rescaleBR(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::resInit(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::resOpenFrac(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::resWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::resWidthChan(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::resWidthOpen(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::resWidthRescaleFactor(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::resWidthStore(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::setAll(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::spinType(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleData::spinType(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::tau0(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleData::tau0(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleData::tauCalc(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::tauCalc(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::useBreitWigner(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::varWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::addChannel(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleDataEntry::baryonNumberType(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::canDecay(...) Particle Data Scheme
DecayChannel& ParticleDataEntry::channel(...) Particle Data Scheme
const DecayChannel& ParticleDataEntry::channel(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::charge(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleDataEntry::chargeType(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::clearChannels() Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleDataEntry::colType(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::constituentMass() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::doExternalDecay() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::doForceWidth() Particle Data Scheme
ResonanceWidthsPtr ParticleDataEntry::getResonancePtr() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::hasAnti() Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::hasChanged(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleDataEntry::heaviestQuark(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleDataEntry::id() Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::initBWmass() Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::initPtr(...) Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isBaryon() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isDiquark() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isExotic() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isGluon() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isHadron() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isLepton() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isMeson() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isOctetHadron() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isOnium() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isParton() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isQuark() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isResonance() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::isVisible() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::m0() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::m0Max() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::m0Min() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::mayDecay() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::mMax() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::mMin() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::mRun(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::mSel() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::mWidth() Particle Data Scheme
string ParticleDataEntry::name(...) Particle Data Scheme
ParticleDataEntry::ParticleDataEntry(...) Particle Data Scheme
ParticleDataEntry::ParticleDataEntry(...) Particle Data Scheme
DecayChannel& ParticleDataEntry::pickChannel() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::preparePick(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::rescaleBR(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::resInit(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::resOpenFrac(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::resWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthChan(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthOpen(...) Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthRescaleFactor() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthStore(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setAll(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setAntiName(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setChargeType(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setColType(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setDefaults() Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setDoExternalDecays(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setDoForceWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setHasChanged(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setIsResonance(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setIsVisible(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setM0(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setMayDecay(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setMMax(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setMMin(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setMWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setName(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setNames(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setResonancePtr(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setSpinType(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setTau0(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setTauCalc(...) Particle Data Scheme
void ParticleDataEntry::setVarWidth(...) Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleDataEntry::sizeChannels() Particle Data Scheme
int ParticleDataEntry::spinType() Particle Data Scheme
double ParticleDataEntry::tau0() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::tauCalc() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::useBreitWigner() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleDataEntry::varWidth() Particle Data Scheme
bool ParticleData::init(const ParticleData& particleDataIn Particle Data Scheme
double PDF::xf(...) Parton Distributions
double PDF::xfSea(...) Parton Distributions
virtual void PDF::xfUpdate(...) Parton Distributions
double PDF::xfVal(...) Parton Distributions
void AlpgenPar::void printParams() Alpgen Event Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::convert_gluon_to_0() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::crash_on_problem() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::fill_next_event(...) HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::fill_next_event(...) HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::free_parton_warnings() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::print_inconsistency() HepMC Interface
Pythia8ToHepMC3::Pythia8ToHepMC() HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC3::set_convert_gluon_to_0(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC3::set_crash_on_problem(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC3::set_free_parton_warnings(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC3::set_print_inconsistency(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC3::set_store_pdf(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC3::set_store_proc(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC3::set_store_xsec(...) HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::store_pdf() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC3::store_xsec() HepMC Interface
virtual Pythia8ToHepMC3::~Pythia8ToHepMC3() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::convert_gluon_to_0() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::fill_next_event(...) HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::fill_next_event(...) HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::free_parton_exception() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::print_inconsistency() HepMC Interface
Pythia8ToHepMC::Pythia8ToHepMC() HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC::set_convert_gluon_to_0(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC::set_free_parton_exception(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC::set_print_inconsistency(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC::set_store_pdf(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC::set_store_proc(...) HepMC Interface
void Pythia8ToHepMC::set_store_xsec(...) HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::store_pdf() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::store_proc() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::store_proc() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia8ToHepMC::store_xsec() HepMC Interface
virtual Pythia8ToHepMC::~Pythia8ToHepMC() HepMC Interface
bool Pythia::addResonancePtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::addSigmaPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::addUserHooksPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::checkVersion() Program Flow
CoupSM Pythia::coupSM Program Flow
bool Pythia::doLowEnergyProcess(...) Program Flow
Event Pythia::event Program Flow
bool Pythia::flag(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::forceHadronLevel(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::forceRHadronDecays() Program Flow
int Pythia::forceTimeShower(...) Program Flow
HeavyIons* Pythia::getHeavyIonsPtr() Program Flow
ShowerModelPtr Pythia::getShowerModelPtr() Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaPartial(...) Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaPartial(...) Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaPartial(...) Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaPartial(...) Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaTotal() Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaTotal(...) Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaTotal(...) Program Flow
double Pythia::getSigmaTotal(...) Program Flow
Info Pythia::info Program Flow
bool Pythia::init() Program Flow
void Pythia::initPtrs() Program Flow
void Pythia::LHAeventList() Program Flow
bool Pythia::LHAeventSkip(...) Program Flow
int Pythia::mode(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::moreDecays() Program Flow
bool Pythia::moreDecays(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::next() Program Flow
bool Pythia::next(...) Program Flow
double Pythia::parm(...) Program Flow
ParticleData Pythia::particleData Program Flow
PartonSystems Pythia::partonSystems Program Flow
Event Pythia::process Program Flow
Pythia::Pythia(...) Program Flow
Pythia::Pythia(...) Program Flow
Pythia::Pythia(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::readFile(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::readFile(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::readFile(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::readFile(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::readString(...) Program Flow
Rndm Pythia::rndm Program Flow
bool Pythia::setBeamIDs(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setBeamShapePtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setDecayPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setHeavyIonsPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setKinematics(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setKinematics(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setKinematics(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setKinematics(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setLHAupPtr(...) Program Flow
Pythia::setMergingHooksPtr(...) Implement New Matching
Pythia::setMergingPtr(...) Implement New Matching
bool Pythia::setPartonVertexPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setPDFPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setPhotonFluxPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setResonancePtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setRndmEnginePtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setShowerModelPtr(...) Program Flow
bool Pythia::setSigmaPtr(...) Program Flow
Settings Pythia::settings Program Flow
bool Pythia::setUserHooksPtr(...) Program Flow
SusyLesHouches Pythia::slha Program Flow
void Pythia::stat() Program Flow
string Pythia::word(...) Program Flow
Pythia::~Pythia Program Flow
bool PythiaParallel::init() Parallelism
bool ResonanceWidths::allowCalc() Semi Internal Resonances
void ResonanceWidths::calcPreFac(...) Semi Internal Resonances
void ResonanceWidths::calcWidth(...) Semi Internal Resonances
bool ResonanceWidths::initBSM() Semi Internal Resonances
void ResonanceWidths::initConstants() Semi Internal Resonances
double ResonanceWidths::widthChan(...) Semi Internal Resonances
int Rndm::debugCall Random Numbers
set<string> Rndm::debugContains Random Numbers
set<string> Rndm::debugContains Random Numbers
set<string> Rndm::debugEnds Random Numbers
bool Rndm::debugIndex Random Numbers
bool Rndm::debugLocation Random Numbers
bool Rndm::debugNow Random Numbers
int Rndm::debugPrecision Random Numbers
set<string> Rndm::debugStarts Random Numbers
bool Rndm::dumpState(...) Random Numbers
double Rndm::exp() Random Numbers
double Rndm::flat() Random Numbers
double Rndm::gauss() Random Numbers
pair<double, double> Rndm::gauss2() Random Numbers
RndmState Rndm::getState() Random Numbers
void Rndm::init(...) Random Numbers
pair<Vec4, Vec4> Rndm::phaseSpace2(...) Random Numbers
int Rndm::pick(...) Random Numbers
bool Rndm::readState(...) Random Numbers
Rndm::Rndm() Random Numbers
Rndm::Rndm(...) Random Numbers
bool Rndm::rndmEnginePtr(...) Random Numbers
void Rndm::setState(...) Random Numbers
void Rndm::shuffle(...) Random Numbers
double Rndm::xexp() Random Numbers
virtual double RndmEngine::flat() Random Numbers
void RotBstMatrix::bst(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::bst(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::bst(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::bstback(...) Four-Vectors
double RotBstMatrix::deviation() Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::fromCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::fromSameVframe(...) Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix RotBstMatrix::inverse() Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::invert() Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix& RotBstMatrix::operator*(...) Four-Vectors
Vec4 RotBstMatrix::operator*(...) Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix& RotBstMatrix::operator=(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::reset() Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::rot(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::rot(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::rotbst(...); Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix::RotBstMatrix() Four-Vectors
RotBstMatrix::RotBstMatrix(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::toCMframe(...) Four-Vectors
void RotBstMatrix::toSameVframe(...) Four-Vectors
double RotBstMatrix::value(...) Four-Vectors
void Settings::addFlag(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::addFVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::addMode(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::addMVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::addParm(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::addPVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::addWord(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::addWVec(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::flag(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::flag(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::flagDefault(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::forceMode(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::forceMVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::forceParm(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::forcePVec(...) Settings Scheme
vector<bool> Settings::fvec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::fvec(...) Settings Scheme
vector<bool> Settings::fvecDefault(...) Settings Scheme
map<string, Flag> Settings::getFlagMap(...) Settings Scheme
map<string, FVec> Settings::getFVecMap(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::getIsInit() Settings Scheme
map<string, Mode> Settings::getModeMap(...) Settings Scheme
map<string, MVec> Settings::getMVecMap(...) Settings Scheme
map<string, Parm> Settings::getParmMap(...) Settings Scheme
map<string, PVec> Settings::getPVecMap(...) Settings Scheme
vector<string> Settings::getReadHistory() Settings Scheme
vector<string> Settings::getReadHistory(...) Settings Scheme
map<string, Word> Settings::getWordMap(...) Settings Scheme
map<string, WVec> Settings::getWVecMap(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::hasHardProc() Settings Scheme
bool Settings::init(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::initPtr(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isFlag(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isFVec(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isMode(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isMVec(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isParm(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isPVec(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isWord(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::isWVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::list(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::listAll() Settings Scheme
void Settings::listChanged() Settings Scheme
int Settings::mode(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::mode(...) Settings Scheme
int Settings::modeDefault(...) Settings Scheme
vector<int> Settings::mvec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::mvec(...) Settings Scheme
vector<int> Settings::mvecDefault(...) Settings Scheme
string Settings::output(...) Settings Scheme
double Settings::parm(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::parm(...) Settings Scheme
double Settings::parmDefault(...) Settings Scheme
vector<double> Settings::pvec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::pvec(...) Settings Scheme
vector<double> Settings::pvecDefault(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::readingFailed() Settings Scheme
bool Settings::readString(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::registerPluginLibrary(...) Plugins
bool Settings::reInit(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetAll() Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetFlag(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetFVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetMode(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetMVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetParm(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetPVec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetWord(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::resetWVec(...) Settings Scheme
Settings::Settings() Settings Scheme
bool Settings::unfinishedInput() Settings Scheme
string Settings::word(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::word(...) Settings Scheme
string Settings::wordDefault(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::writeFile(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::writeFile(...) Settings Scheme
bool Settings::writeFileXML(...) Settings Scheme
vector<string> Settings::wvec(...) Settings Scheme
void Settings::wvec(...) Settings Scheme
vector<string> Settings::wvecDefault(...) Settings Scheme
virtual TimeShowerPtr ShowerModel::getTimeShower() Implement New Showers
virtual bool ShowerModel::init(...) Implement New Showers
bool ShowerModel::initAfterBeams() Implement New Showers
int SigmaProcess::code() Semi Internal Processes
bool SigmaProcess::convert2mb() Semi Internal Processes
bool SigmaProcess::convertM2() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::gmZmode() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::id3Mass() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::id4Mass() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::id5Mass() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::idSChannel() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::idTchan1() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::idTchan2() Semi Internal Processes
string SigmaProcess::inFlux() Semi Internal Processes
void SigmaProcess::initProc() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::isQCD3body() Semi Internal Processes
bool SigmaProcess::isSChannel() Semi Internal Processes
string SigmaProcess::name() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::resonanceA() Semi Internal Processes
int SigmaProcess::resonanceB() Semi Internal Processes
void SigmaProcess::setIdColAcol() Semi Internal Processes
bool SigmaProcess::setupForME() Semi Internal Processes
double SigmaProcess::sigmaHat() Semi Internal Processes
void SigmaProcess::sigmaKin() Semi Internal Processes
double SigmaProcess::tChanFracPow1() Semi Internal Processes
double SigmaProcess::tChanFracPow2() Semi Internal Processes
bool SigmaProcess::useMirrorWeight() Semi Internal Processes
double SigmaProcess::weightDecay(...) Semi Internal Processes
double SigmaProcess::weightDecayFlav(...) Semi Internal Processes
bool SlowJet::analyze(...) Event Analysis
vector<int> SlowJet::clusConstituents(...) Event Analysis
vector<int> SlowJet::constituents(...) Event Analysis
double SlowJet::dNext() Event Analysis
bool SlowJet::doNSteps(...) Event Analysis
bool SlowJet::doStep() Event Analysis
int SlowJet::iNext() Event Analysis
int SlowJet::jetAssignment(...) Event Analysis
int SlowJet::jNext() Event Analysis
void SlowJet::list() Event Analysis
void SlowJet::list(...) Event Analysis
double SlowJet::m(...) Event Analysis
int SlowJet::multiplicity(...) Event Analysis
Vec4 SlowJet::p(...) Event Analysis
double SlowJet::phi(...) Event Analysis
double SlowJet::pT(...) Event Analysis
void SlowJet::removeJet(...) Event Analysis
bool SlowJet::setup(...) Event Analysis
int SlowJet::sizeAll() Event Analysis
int SlowJet::sizeJet() Event Analysis
int SlowJet::sizeOrig() Event Analysis
SlowJet::SlowJet(...) Event Analysis
bool SlowJet::stopAtN(...) Event Analysis
double SlowJet::y(...) Event Analysis
virtual bool SlowJetHook::include(...) Event Analysis
SlowJetHook::SlowJetHook() Event Analysis
virtual SlowJetHook::~SlowJetHook() Event Analysis
virtual bool SpaceShower::allowedSplitting(...) Implement New Showers
virtual bool SpaceShower::branch(...) Implement New Showers
virtual Event SpaceShower::clustered(...) Implement New Showers
bool SpaceShower::doRestart() Implement New Showers
virtual double SpaceShower::enhancePTmax() Implement New Showers
bool SpaceShower::getHasWeaklyRadiated() Implement New Showers
virtual vector<int> SpaceShower::getRecoilers(...) Implement New Showers
virtual vector<string> SpaceShower::getSplittingName(...) Implement New Showers
virtual double SpaceShower::getSplittingProb(...) Implement New Showers
virtual map <string,double> SpaceShower::getStateVariables(...) Implement New Showers
virtual void SpaceShower::init(...) Implement New Showers
void SpaceShower::initPtr(...) Implement New Showers
virtual bool SpaceShower::isSpacelike(...) Implement New Showers
virtual bool SpaceShower::limitPTmax(...) Implement New Showers
virtual void SpaceShower::list() Implement New Showers
virtual void SpaceShower::prepare(...) Implement New Showers
virtual double SpaceShower::pTnext(...) Implement New Showers
SpaceShower::SpaceShower() Implement New Showers
int SpaceShower::system() Implement New Showers
virtual void SpaceShower::update(...) Implement New Showers
virtual SpaceShower::~SpaceShower() Implement New Showers
bool Sphericity::analyze(...) Event Analysis
double Sphericity::aplanarity() Event Analysis
double Sphericity::eigenValue(...) Event Analysis
Vec4 Sphericity::eventAxis(...) Event Analysis
void Sphericity::list() Event Analysis
int Sphericity::nError() Event Analysis
double Sphericity::sphericity() Event Analysis
Sphericity::Sphericity(...) Event Analysis
double SubCollision::b Heavy Ions
double SubCollision::bp Heavy Ions
Nucleon* SubCollision::proj Heavy Ions
Nucleon* SubCollision::targ Heavy Ions
CollisionType SubCollision::type() Heavy Ions
SuppressSmallPT::SuppressSmallPT(...) User Hooks
bool Thrust::analyze(...) Event Analysis
Vec4 Thrust::eventAxis(...) Event Analysis
void Thrust::list() Event Analysis
int Thrust::nError() Event Analysis
double Thrust::oblateness() Event Analysis
double Thrust::thrust() Event Analysis
Thrust::Thrust(...) Event Analysis
double Thrust::tMajor() Event Analysis
double Thrust::tMinor() Event Analysis
virtual bool TimeShower::allowedSplitting(...) Implement New Showers
virtual bool TimeShower::branch(...) Implement New Showers
virtual Event TimeShower::clustered(...) Implement New Showers
double TimeShower::enhancePTmax() Implement New Showers
bool TimeShower::getHasWeaklyRadiated() Implement New Showers
virtual vector<string> TimeShower::getSplittingName(...) Implement New Showers
virtual double TimeShower::getSplittingProb(...) Implement New Showers
virtual map <string,double> TimeShower::getStateVariables(...) Implement New Showers
virtual void TimeShower::init(...) Implement New Showers
void TimeShower::initPtr(...) Implement New Showers
virtual bool TimeShower::isTimelike(...) Implement New Showers
virtual bool TimeShower::limitPTmax(...) Implement New Showers
virtual void TimeShower::list() Implement New Showers
virtual void TimeShower::prepare(...) Implement New Showers
virtual void TimeShower::prepareGlobal(...) Implement New Showers
double TimeShower::pTLastInShower() Implement New Showers
virtual double TimeShower::pTnext(...) Implement New Showers
virtual bool TimeShower::rescatterPropogateRecoil(...) Implement New Showers
virtual void TimeShower::rescatterUpdate(...) Implement New Showers
virtual int TimeShower::shower(...) Implement New Showers
virtual int TimeShower::showerQED(...) Implement New Showers
virtual int TimeShower::showerQEDafterRemnants(...) Implement New Showers
int TimeShower::system() Implement New Showers
TimeShower::TimeShower() Implement New Showers
virtual void TimeShower::update(...) Implement New Showers
virtual TimeShower::~TimeShower() Implement New Showers
virtual double UserHooks::biasedSelectionWeight() Cross Sections And Weights
virtual double UserHooks::biasedSelectionWeight() User Hooks
virtual double UserHooks::biasSelectionBy(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canBiasSelection() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canModifySigma() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canReconnectResonanceSystems() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canSetResonanceScale() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoFSREmission() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoISREmission() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoMPIEmission() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoMPIStep() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoPartonLevel() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoPartonLevelEarly() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoProcessLevel() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoPT() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoResonanceDecays() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::canVetoStep() User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doReconnectResonanceSystems(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoFSREmission(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoISREmission(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoMPIEmission(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoMPIStep(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoPartonLevel(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoPartonLevelEarly(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoProcessLevel(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoPT(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoResonanceDecays(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::doVetoStep(...) User Hooks
virtual bool UserHooks::initAfterBeams() User Hooks
void UserHooks::initPtr(...) User Hooks
virtual double UserHooks::multiplySigmaBy(...) User Hooks
virtual int UserHooks::numberVetoMPIStep() User Hooks
virtual int UserHooks::numberVetoStep() User Hooks
void UserHooks::omitResonanceDecays(...) User Hooks
virtual double UserHooks::scaleResonance(...) User Hooks
virtual double UserHooks::scaleVetoPT() User Hooks
void UserHooks::subEvent(...) User Hooks
UserHooks::UserHooks() User Hooks
Event UserHooks::workEvent User Hooks
virtual UserHooks::~UserHooks() User Hooks
void Vec4::bst(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::bst(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::bst(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::bst(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::bstback(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::bstback(...) Four-Vectors
double Vec4::e() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::e(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::eInFrame(...) Four-Vectors
double Vec4::eT() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::eT2() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::eta() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::flip3() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::flip4() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::m2Calc() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::mCalc() Four-Vectors
Vec4& Vec4::operator*=(...) Four-Vectors
Vec4& Vec4::operator+=(...) Four-Vectors
Vec4 Vec4::operator-() Four-Vectors
Vec4& Vec4::operator-=(...) Four-Vectors
Vec4& Vec4::operator/=(...) Four-Vectors
Vec4& Vec4::operator=(...) Four-Vectors
Vec4& Vec4::operator=(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::p(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::p(...) Four-Vectors
double Vec4::pAbs() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::pAbs2() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::phi() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::pNeg() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::pPos() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::pT() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::pT2() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::px() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::px(...) Four-Vectors
double Vec4::py() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::py(...) Four-Vectors
double Vec4::pz() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::pz(...) Four-Vectors
double Vec4::rap() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::rescale3(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::rescale4(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::reset() Four-Vectors
void Vec4::rot(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::rotaxis(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::rotaxis(...) Four-Vectors
void Vec4::rotbst(...) Four-Vectors
double Vec4::theta() Four-Vectors
double Vec4::thetaXZ() Four-Vectors
Vec4::Vec4(...) Four-Vectors
Vec4::Vec4(...) Four-Vectors
virtual vector<int>TimeShower::getRecoilers(...) Implement New Showers