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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors:
// Leif Lonnblad
// Keywords:
// Heavy ions
// Rivet
// Angantyr
// This is a simple test program, equivalent to, but using the
// Angantyr model for Heavy Ion collisions. It is still proton collisions,
// but uses the Angantyr impact parameter description to select collisions.
// It studies the charged multiplicity distribution at the LHC.
// Optionally (by compiling with the flag -DRIVET and linking with rivet
// - see output of the command "rivet-config --cppflags --libs" -
// it will send the event to Rivet for an ATLAS jet-analysis.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
#ifdef RIVET
#include "Pythia8/HeavyIons.h"
#include "Pythia8Plugins/Pythia8Rivet.h"
#include "Pythia8Plugins/ProgressLog.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Generator. Process selection. LHC initialization. Histogram.
Pythia pythia;
// This forces the HeavyIons model to be used even for pp collisons.
pythia.readString("HeavyIon:mode = 2");
pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 7000.");
pythia.readString("HardQCD:all = on");
pythia.readString("PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 20.");
// Only do a couple generations in the fitting to cross sections.
pythia.readString("HeavyIon:SigFitNGen = 4");
int nEvents = 1000;
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
#ifdef RIVET
// Initialize the communication with the Rivet program.
Pythia8Rivet rivet(pythia, "main421.yoda");
// For the following analysis we need more statistics.
nEvents = 10000;
// Book a histogram of the multiplicity distribution
Hist mult("charged multiplicity", 100, -0.5, 799.5);
// Initialise the printout of run progress information.
ProgressLog logger(nEvents);
// Begin event loop. Generate event. Skip if error. List first one.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvents; ++iEvent) {
if (! continue;
#ifdef RIVET
// Send the event to Rivet.
// Find number of all final charged particles and fill histogram.
int nCharged = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pythia.event.size(); ++i)
if (pythia.event[i].isFinal() && pythia.event[i].isCharged())
mult.fill( nCharged );
// Intermittently report run progress.
// End of event loop. Statistics. Histogram. Done.
cout << mult;
#ifdef RIVET
return 0;