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// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2025 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Keywords:
// Basic usage
// LHE file
// Matplotlib
// This is a simple test program.
// It illustrates how Les Houches Event File version 3.0 input can be used
// to mix events according to several different event weights.
// Warning: the (tiny) default wbj_lhef3.lhe input file stores nine weights,
// but with only three different values each occuring thrice.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Plot distributions in same pdf or save results as files.
bool doPlot = true;
// Generator
Pythia pythia;
// Initialize Les Houches Event File run.
pythia.readString("Beams:frameType = 4");
pythia.readString("Beams:LHEF = wbj_lhef3.lhe");
// If Pythia fails to initialize, exit with error.
if (!pythia.init()) return 1;
// Get number of event weights.
int ninitrwgt = ?>size() : 0;
// Initialise as many histograms as there are event weights.
vector<Hist> pTw;
for (int iHist = 0; iHist < ninitrwgt; ++iHist)
pTw.push_back( Hist("pT W",50,0.,200.) );
// Begin event loop; generate until none left in input file.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < 10; ++iEvent) {
// Generate events, and check whether generation failed.
if (! {
// If failure because reached end of file then exit event loop.
if ( break;
else continue;
// Find the final copy of the W and its pT.
int iW = 0;
for (int i = pythia.event.size() - 1; i > 0; --i)
if (pythia.event[i].idAbs() == 24) { iW = i; break;}
double pT = pythia.event[iW].pT();
// Loop over the event weights in the detailed format and histogram.
int iwgt = 0;
const map<string,double>* weights =;
if (weights) {
for ( map<string,double>::const_iterator it = weights->begin();
it != weights->end(); ++it ) {
pTw[iwgt].fill( max(pT,0.5), it->second );
// End of event loop.
// Give statistics.
// Plot histogram with different weight curves.
if (doPlot) {
HistPlot hpl("plot126");
hpl.frame("fig126", "W $p_{\\perp}$ spectrum",
"$p_{\\perp}$", "$\\mathrm{d}P/\\mathrm{d}p_{\\perp}$");
for (int iHist = 0; iHist < ninitrwgt; ++iHist)
hpl.add(pTw[iHist], "h", "weight " + to_string(iHist));
// Alternatively print histograms.
} else {
ofstream write;
stringstream suffix;
for (int iHist = 0; iHist < ninitrwgt; ++iHist) {
suffix << iHist << ".dat";
// Write histograms to file. (char*)("PTW_" + suffix.str()).c_str());
// Done.
return 0;